You are to know the Glory of his Presence


JUST FOR TODAY – 11.01.2024

Jacob dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
Genesis 28.

All this Biblical revelation and emphasis on the Glory of His Presence is with great meaning and purpose. It is that we might realize how imperative it is we become awake to the reality and consciousness of it In our lives and when we gather as His people together. The chief thing that we need to know in our daily lives and in our fellowshipping is the glory and majesty of Himself. He wills to come afresh to make Himself known: like He did to the two on the Emmaus road – Luke 24 and cause us to be Inspired, to believe and to rejoice.

By Ernest Anderson (posted by Antonius)

Gifts of Healing


JUST FOR TODAY – 11.12.2023

Pastor Ernest Anderson (age 86!) on 15 July 2018 preaches on the Gifts of Healing at City Life International Sheffield Church.

Christ instruction was for the believer to be endued with the power of the Holy Spirit.

“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”

Luke 24:49.

Some points of personal note from the video:

  • If you are powerless you have nothing to give! That’s why you should prioritise attending Prayer Meetings (personally I loved that one!).
  • The healing power of the Holy Sprit is for every believer not something only to be administered by the big evangelists, pastors, leaders etc.
  • Jesus Christ did not usher people into Solomon’s Temple for Healing (the modern day church of the time), rather no, he by divine power healed the sick person on the spot wherever he went. This lead to crowds following him because he had something to give unto them.
  • We are called to perform the Miracles of Christ and even greater things which means surely that the Gospel should be preached and demonstrated on the streets not just in churches or large crusades. After all that’s how Jesus Christ performed his earthly ministry.
  • Its imperative the believer has a soft and kind nature, especially to those in need as without that how is the believer to extend the love and power of God through there own life’s? It is not possible to make a radical difference without the love of God.

Finally, Ernest said “When I come to an end then I come to an end; but Jesus Christ never comes to an end!” (27m:14s). Ernest amongst many other gifts practically and spiritually had a prophetic anointing upon his life.

“Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.”

Matthew 24:35

Posted by: Antony Ellis

New Beginnings (Elohim)

In Loving Memory

Joan Anderson (1934 – 2020)

Ernest Anderson (1932 – 2021)

Spiritual Parents

My name is Antony Ellis and over 18-years ago I helped Ernest by establishing this website. Ernest was able to help and minister to countless people through this platform and made trips abroad including establishing schools in Uganda and providing them with Computers. It was such a Joy to him, a fulfilment of God’s promise and Prophecy to reach more people in his latter days than perhaps even in his youth.

Ernest and his wife Joan were spiritual parents to me and my own family and god parents to my daughters. Right from when I was born again in 1998 they were actively there for me throughout my journey, encouraging me to everything God had called me to be, purchased my first bible one I hold dear to my heart even this day. Ernest was a Father to me and Joan a mother, they called and treated me as there Son.

The Prodigal Son Returns Home

I lost my way in 2010 and and was every bit the prodigal son. For some 13 years was not walking with the Lord was ironically the same amount of time Joseph from the bible was in Prison before being restored and moved into the Palace this being one of many prophecies I received just recently.

Ernest and Joan Anderson kept in loving contact throughout never ceasing to pray for my restoration and for me to walk in his plans and purposes . Today I discovered the website was offline and brought in back online. I’ll share my testimony for another time but I discovered today something remarkable that we celebrated Ernest Anderson promotion to glory on Friday the 29th October 2021 and I recommitted my live to Jesus Christ on Sunday 29th October 2023 just two-years later when I was spiritually raised to life. I know that dates are important in the Kingdom of God and not coincidence. Right now Jesus Christ and the saints of God are praying and interceding for us down here on the Earth and nothing is impossible.

New Beginnings

On many occasions when Ernest would be preaching he would talk about his online ministry and how I was his partner in the ministry though until now I have never written a single post. I knew when he was promoted to glory that he would want me to continue with the website. He gave me countless library of his sermons and meditations throughout his life as an inheritance a couple of years earlier. I’ll share them in the days and years to come along with my own when the time is right. For now I am just enjoying restored fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is nothing more precious or greater than being at perfect peace and walking with God every day and by his grace here I am to share.

Posted By: Antony Ellis

Just for Today

In Loving Memory of Ernest & Joan Anderson


Sometimes we need a fresh start even in the middle of the year. Things have not gone as we would have liked, in fact they have gone pear-shaped. Instead of turning to positive good they have turned out opposite. We are worse off and in a quandary. Get a re-focus with your eyes on Jesus, he will re-kindle faith, passion and expectancy. All is not lost as long as He is present exercising His authority. Get a new impetus and drive from Him and the future will blaze with certainty. He is always going in the right direction and you cannot go wrong with Him.


Posted By: Antony Ellis

welcome to this Christian website

JUST FOR TODAY – 8.07.20

There are occasions in human experience when it seems you are knocked from pillar to post and all looks to be up in the air and unstable. Coming to terms with such disturbing scenes which may look endless is not easy to handle. Where do we go from here to calmer waters is. all important! We must cultivate a real personal relationship and walk with LORD and allow Him to have some say because He is best One that can make you stand firm again. Friends of a genuine nature are vital so they can give a fresh lift and nudge that imparts fresh vigour. If you feel a bit wobbly, hold steady and you will soon be standing tall again.

welcomde to this Christian website

JUST FOR TODAY – 7.07.20
Sorrow is one of those areas of life we are not too keen to converse about because it can create a load of doom and gloom. Sadness is a killer that must be dealt with. Outside our apartment I have a loving glowing photo of Joan and I. Passing it I occasionally pressed a kiss on her face remembering how much I still loved her. Today I felt the need to bring it into my study as a simple reminder that she is in my mind and heart. The sadness is overcome with the gladness that the LORD has given me a memory box loaded with precious memories that wisely dealt with add to the blessing of living. Thankfully, as Paul us we ‘do not sorrow without hope’. There will be tears but they are to be forever wiped away by God’ – Rev 7:17.

Zac N Jincy, Colin Hurt and 5 others

welcome to this Christian website


Tomorrow is an unknown quantity to all except the LORD. He foresees, foreknows all about everyone and everything and handles such with incredible composure. He knows what is fully on today in our lives and has fullest knowledge of what is to be. The desire on His part is that you commit both today and tomorrow to Him and rest in the fact that He will be ever there to serve your well-being and interests. In no way can things go wrong with Him over-seeing and administrating every detail. The vital thing is to keep our communion and connection up to date.

welcome to this Christian website

ernest (2)JUST FOR YOU TODAY – 5.07.20

It is important and imperative that you have a complete and utter renewal of life brought about by Jesus Christ. He pulls no punches and removes all deceit on the issue. Just becoming religious or church-goer is not enough. Saying prayers, singing hymns, lighting candles, giving generously, mixing with other professed Christians are inadequate and fail. Christ said to an inquirer although seeming a quality person. YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN; you have to receive the life and nature of Christ so you are completely different. To be in Christ’s kingdom you must inherit and possess the person of Christ. The Bible says, ‘if any man be in Christ he is a new creature (creation), old things have passed away and all things have become new’ – 2 Cor 5:17. Make sure you have got this right. Your eternal future depends upon it!

welcome to this Christian website

There are experiences you just cannot run away or escape from even if desired. They have to be faced and dealt with in fortitude and grace. Christ had to confront the Cross and all it involved with a spirit of love and humility. Although He was kindly disposed to the people baying for His blood He never lost it in the confrontation. We never know what suddenly can occur to upset our faith and demeanour. Losing Joan has and is painful and the good LORD is enabling me to confront the new state of loss with peace and thankfulness. He eventually, as He has His way, work it for good.

welcome to this Christian website

JUST FOR TODAY – 3.07.20
Donald Gee one of the foremost of Pentecostal leaders loved this Bible text – ‘He satisfies the longing soul’- Psalm 107:7. In a lifetime of loving service he found this to be true. The first Bible verse I heard arrested me and has been fulfilled since I was 13 years of age – ‘O taste and see that the LORD is good’ – Psalm 34:8. The initial taste has led to years of feasting with and on Him and been completely fulfilled. All that the world has to offer can never match the richness and fulness of joy and pleasure that He alone can and does give. Today you can find the mainspring of life, CHRIST! Find out for yourself!

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