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Pastor Ernest Anderson


MEET FOR THE MASTER’S USE: As you are your best you place yourself in a situation where He will empower and direct you into profitable and pleasurable exercises. Paul was a ‘chosen vessel for the Lord’ and he made certain that he kept himself in a commendable spiritual condition so that he could be used by the LORD in beautiful ways. Landing bereft but his life and escaping death by the skin of his teeth, he turned out to be a god-send to the inhabitants of Malta! He was meet to be employed by the LORD in such a fashion, the leadership and inhabitants of the Island enjoyed what he did in the LORD’S Name – see Acts 28. The opportunity is before you to consecrate yourself wholly to Him and be fully alive and empowered to move into the impossible and work wonders. The Master’s has His eyes wide open and looks for those who are in a healthy and wholesome state so that He can minister through them. Remember the song: ‘There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do!’ But you must in a prime condition, fully primed!


THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM: If you desire to be wise then you need to start right and be on the correct path. Here we are informed on this: ‘The reverent and worshipful fear of the LORD is the beginning (the chief and choice part) of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the HOLY ONE is insight and understanding’ – Proverbs 9:10. The LORD is the One with all-the-know, and know-how and is able to guide to precision, perfection and preservation. Nothing gives Him more pleasure to share out of His infinite resources with mortals who truly require the best information and instruction. Make sure you are a pupil in His class and learn all that you should know from Him so that you can live a life to tremendous satisfaction and fulfilment. As He is Holy so you will be, too, and into this state will be poured incredible blessing! You will have the best quality knowledge one could ever acquire and be in situations where it can be used with telling effect.


‘People who are green with envy are ripe for trouble.’

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Pastor Ernest Anderson


AT YOUR BEST: As you commence your new work-a-day week may you feel that you are at your best in God and ready to face and deal with everyone and everything that may come your way? Be encouraged, God is always at His best (nothing inferior with Him at any time) and comes alongside of you to encourage you to express the full potential that He has place inside of you. You were made for a good and great life and work in and through Christ and all that you need to make it a reality is His presence, grace and gift. Never settle for something that is second-rate or below par. Excellence in and through Him is your daily objective. Set your stall out to aim high, go for worthy goals and it will be no surprise at the conclusion of the week that these things have been accomplished. One wishes you well in all your endeavours to attain all within your powers!


THE BLESSING OF CORRECTION: Wisdom is shown in knowing when and who to seek correction when required. The re-action can be one of two things as the proverb states it. ‘Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you’ – Proverbs 9:9. If you want to be wise and avoid making awful blunders and mistakes that can have dreadful consequences then a good mind set and attitude must be born and developed. Years gone by they had what they call apprentices that worked in trades. They were placed alongside those who had become skilled so that they could learn first-hand the way to handle things and people. At first, the beginner felt he knew so little, by hearing and observation and practise he became a professional in the trade able to school others. Of course, there had to be corrective measures to become qualified. There was no laughing or ridiculing the mentor only a keenness to note his directives! So choose which you will to be bracketed with! Love him and what he teaches for your good!


‘Always try to drive so that your license will expire before you do.’

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Pastor Ernest Anderson


GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS: The prophet, Jeremiah asserts God in this respect by affirming: ’Great is your faithfulness’- Lamentations 3:23,. He had witnessed the demise of His people in relation to Jehovah, their wickedness and waywardness, but in contrast He could hold up the integrity and fidelity of the LORD. Whatever they had been He had been completely the opposite, showing His kindness, love and providence in a continuous manner even amidst their unfaithfulness. To those who have embraced the Christian faith and now Christ’s servants, He reveals in Matthew 25 that He is going to assess and reward His servants. The one thing He will really look for is faithfulness. To the one who gives Him utmost respect, faith and labour He will use these choice words over them: ‘Well, done thou faithful servant, enter into the joy of your LORD’ – v23. This is what you must keep to the fore in your mind and labour. Working diligently knowing that both you and your industry for Him will be ultimately be assessed and compensated!


THE WISER GROW WISER: Why? There must be a real reason why this is so. The proverb seeks to give a simple answer. ‘Give instruction to a wise man and he will be wiser; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning’ – Proverbs 9:9. The intelligent person knows in his wisdom that he does not know it all and requires additional help. Rather than adopt a foolish procedure he humbly goes to the wise person for help. He does not want to make a fool of himself and so diligently inquires from a higher source of understanding. There is avoidance of bad judgment and fatal mistakes. Before procedure there is the discovery of what is trustworthy and reliable. Christ taught that the wise builder makes certain that the foundation to be laid is on reliable ground. Before you start any enterprise or link up with anybody of persons, think it through and ascertain from others their wise considerations. You will not finish up with egg on your face or become a laughing stock. Be smart, think well ahead. Be sure of where and what you are doing. You will save yourself a lot of heartache and avoid headache. Aim to be wiser than what you are by spending time in the presence of wise men, and especially the Good Book, the Bible!


‘Those who are willing to face the music may someday lead the band.’

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Pastor Ernest Anderson


THE SAFE PLACE IS THE SECRET PLACE: This is what the psalmist proclaims and is sure of. In Psalm 91:1 he says: ‘He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.’ There is no better situation to be than living under the wings of God. Just as an eagle is able without any problem to secure the well being of her offspring, so the LORD is quite capable of taking oversight and care over those that are His. Nothing can miss His omniscient eye, nothing escapes His omnipresence and nothing withstands His omnipotence. As you make it your priority to reside and abide under His covering there is naught that can interfere and harm in any way. Everything may fall and fail around you, everyone desert and leave you seemingly exposed, He will not. He is always on the scene keeping a watchful eye day by day for He has your eternal interests at heart. \so the safest place on earth is being under the care of the Almighty!


A SAFE HOUSE: ‘It states the ‘Wisdom has built her house’ and invites all toe come and live with her and discover – ‘eat of my bread and drink of the (spiritual) wine which I have mixed . . . and walk in the way of insight and understanding’ – Proverbs 9: 1-6. When you dwell and be brought under the influence of Divine Wisdom, you will be well protected, well fed, well directed in life. She knows how to look completely after those who make the solid decision to come under her covering. She really is a safe house and will not be subject to desolation or ruination and all who are her guests will be given the right food and nourishment that will enable them to adequately deal with all before them. They will be able to go in and out traverse and tread the road of life and not feel threatened knowing they are secure in her direction. So make certain today that you have decided to live under Wisdom and be fed and blessed by her in every


‘Give you life to God; He can do more with it than you can!’ – D.L. Moody

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Pastor Ernest Anderson


THE PACE OF THE RACE: Paul likens the Christian life to that of a race that must be run and rightly paced. He states in Hebrews 11:1 ‘Let us run with patience the race that has been set before us . . .’ When you become a Christian through Jesus Christ, accepting that He died for you and that He rose again from the dead in order to live in you, it is with this in mind. You have entered the race of life in God and it is imperative that you learn to run well and to reach the goal. This is done by keeping your eyes on the Pacemaker who is none other than Christ. He has successfully run it and so is alongside to encourage all who would also do the same. He is there to inspire by His example, His words of encouragement and to afford the Holy Spirit to supply the needed strategy and energy. So as you set out on your stint for today, get your focus right, listen to the voice of your divine Coach, Christ, and you will have a very blessed and accomplished day!


LISTENING AND LEARNING AT THE GATES: In ancient days people used to gather at the gates to listen to the aged to hear what vital lessons could be learned for the successful outworking of life. So today’s injunction is to go to the gates to discover the best and right way to live. ‘Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors . . . .’ – Proverbs 10:34-36. There has to be a commitment and consistency if there is to be any worthwhile result. Each day must find you looking heavenward to the LORD and to the Scriptures to see and know the information and instruction you require to proceed down the right route. Let no one and nothing prevent you from stopping there at the gates until you get the knowledge you must possess. Note v36 because many miss it and their lives and future becomes all messed up! It pays to give yourself in your own interests to build on true guidance!

‘God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters’ – John Henry Jowett


welcome to this Christian website


Pastor Ernest Anderson


LOVED: It is possibly the best and greatest word in any language and is to be the greatest feature of life. John describes God in these terms: ‘God is love’ – 1 John 4:8. The supreme message of the Bible focuses on this and it is a truth and fact for you to know. God said to His ancient people of old through the prophet: ‘I have loved you with and everlasting love’ – Jeremiah 3:3. But that is not limited to this nation. John in His Gospel makes the point: “For God so loved the WORLD (and that includes you), that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life’ – John 3:16. Christ gave Himself to suffering death on the Cross so that you would be freed from everlasting judgment, become a child of God and know the Father’s love now and eternally. It is time now for you to discover and know that love enjoy it eternally. You have been loved from eternity passed and will be loved eternally in the future by God!


THERE AT THE START: This wise old book, the Bible, teaches us the existence of wisdom. It was right there at the start and still on the scene today. Proverbs 8: 23 affirms – ‘(Wisdom) was inaugurated and ordained from everlasting, from the beginning, before even the earth existed . . .’ The inspiration and dynamic behind all creation is Divine Wisdom. He is (a person) responsible for the manifestation of everything. As such, He can be relied upon and He is still in sovereign control. He is in the blessed position of being able to give guidance and government to all, and that includes you. The following verses indicate His action – vv23-31. Rest assured, as you sincerely look to heaven, to God the source of all true and pure knowledge and understanding, He will share with you out of His infinite treasures the counsel that you require today and every day. Instead of living in ignorance and without answers, He will be alongside as your personal Tutor and supply all the teaching and training essential for successful living.

‘Heavenly joy in the heart is to be the delightful and inspiring expression of daily living that lights up life’ – EA

welcome to this Christian website


Pastor Ernest Anderson


FRUSTRATION: There are many major things that have to be confronted in life of a negative nature that require successful negotiations. In the list is the distasteful one, frustration. Everything at times can be moving forward when something happens that is disappointing. Such can be a real obstacle which in turn is regarded as a nuisance and starts a sense of irritation and aggravation. This seeming evil must be dealt with and overcome. One has to learn to take such on the chin and change it to advantage. Wisdom always believes there is a definite answer through meditation, patience and seeking the LORD. There can be birthed quietude and calmness into which light dawns to more than counter the frustration. Actually the frustration can be the stepping stone and starter into something infinitely superior. You overwhelm what seems an evil and fiend into a friend and make it serve to something more significant. Learn to turn your negatives into positives! It is a wise and good way to live!


THE WALK, WORTH AND WEALTH OF WISDOM: Choice words are used here to reveal the chosen path to take and what it yields to those who tread it. ‘I (Wisdom) walk in the way of righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation), in the midst of the paths of justice. That I may cause those who love Me to inherit (true) riches and that I may fill their treasuries’ – Proverbs 8: 20, 21. In courting with wise understanding it yields the greatest and choices benefits of life. As you make it your business to have the treasure of the knowledge of the LORD and His ways, He makes it His business that you will be justifiably and amply rewarded in so doing. Know this; there is no one who can recompense like Him! All belongs to him and He is capable of awarding those who decidedly opt to go with Him. The choice is yours! The issue is in your hands and heart! Make certain you go in for the best!

‘The older you grow the more grace you are to know and show. Age brings its great testings but God’s grace is sufficient to care and cope with this late stage of life as well’ – EA

welcome to this Christian website


Pastor Ernest Anderson


THE GRACE OF GOD: This primarily is the understanding and loving-kindness of the LORD that is ministered into our lives to make us gracious and beautiful and to be able to cope with those things that are most trying and difficult. In a choice and becoming manner and measure, the LORD has been expressly and abundantly gracious to us and He desires it shall indwell, overtake and overflow in and through us to others. It is not trying by self-effort to be good but allowing Him with His glorious presence and influence to take over our lives. Yes, in our thinking, feeling and doing grace exerts its power so that those around know the impact of His favour. When things go wrong and hard and difficult, you do not become hard and difficult but are most tender and sweet to deal with such in a heavenly fashion. As the song puts it: “He giveth more grace” when a thing become tough and rough, and assists in making you a choice individual. Like Paul you will be able to say: ‘By the grace of God I am what I am’, and grace will be manifest!


WISDOM LOVES: So says Proverbs 8: 17. ‘I love those who love Me, and those that seek Me early and diligently shall find Me.’ No, wisdom and understanding do not simply fall into a person’s lap without any effort. There has to be the diligent and incessant quest to know and possess that which is best, good and right. If you give yourself completely to pursue this very rewarding acquisition then you will be certainly compensated with a knowledge and way of life worth possessing. Wisdom will not let you down or fail to live up to its promises. As you promote her to first place, top-priority, you will also become top-priority in her bestowals and out-workings. Wisdom will fall in love with you as asserted and bless in such a manner that it will become apparent you are a wise person who knows how to handle life, people and all that makes successful. May she be your quest today and may you find all the answers you require in all matters.

‘Without Christ’s power we are powerless. With it, we are made all powerful to deal with every  challenging situation’ – EA

welcome to this Christian website


Pastor Ernest Anderson


BE LIKE THE ROSE: I heard someone this morning describe that people should be as a rose. What a lovely description and what a difference it would mean if people really manifest its potential: of openness to all, to life, to let its presence be known and valued. Realise that those around are quietly impacted by the kind of life you lead, your manners, attitudes, words, deeds etc. They know you are around if this is characteristic of you. Yes, as the rose blossoms there is a beauty and splendour that is unique. Gently, from its bud it unfolds its leaves and graces life for all to consider. Besides such, is the unique fragrance it pours out filling the atmosphere with an odour that sanctifies and sweetens? The strong scent it sends forth is able to able to overcome smells of a nauseating nature. Then there is the thought that as it dies the potential exists to reproduce and yield more in the future. The seed within it can be reproductive. So why not emulate this unique plant and be a rose in God’s Garden!


PRICELESS WISDOM: It is very important that you learn to know how invaluable wisdom, prudence and understanding are. The wise writer here places its true focus when he writes; ‘For skilful and godly Wisdom is better than rubies or pearls, and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it’ – Proverbs 8:1. Chasing after and pursuing carnal and natural things do not come in the same reckoning. To know what to do right and good is better than pursuit and possession of earthly gems no matter how costly and precious. It helps you keep a vibrant divine connection with the LORD who is the possessor of all and can bless with all other things when and where required. All have a choice to make in the pursuance of life. It is has to be understood that above all, having the sense and capability of always seeking and doing the best thing is the most positive course of action to adopt. So you what is to done! Seek God for godly wisdom and so enrich your life for permanent good and blessing.

Sheffield City Church Pulpit: ‘We don’t just believe in prayer, we believe in answered prayer’ – Dr. Jim Masters

welcome to this Christian website


Pastor Ernest Anderson


LEARNING TO WALK: One of the first things we have to learn after our entrance into this world is not only to talk but walk. Parents love to witness their offspring making the bold effort to take their first steps and seek to assist at the start. What pleasure when the child can walk independently, being sure of their footing and direction! God the Father not only wills to see you born into His Family and Kingdom but to observe you taking your first steps and moving forward into a very beautiful walk in the Christian Life. Your initial steps of faith and obedience are most essential and when taken, pursued will lead you into living and service that will be most delightful, fruitful and God pleasing. Walking under His guidance is sure to bring a procedure that will serve also an example to others. Keep to the path he has appointed for you and all will be well!


KEEP OUT OF EVIL’S WAYS: The following are wise, guiding sayings to ponder upon and to observe in faith and practise. ‘Can a man take fire into his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned’ – Proverbs 6: 27, 28. It is very obvious the answer to the questions are, NO. One must learn in life to keep out of the path of evil. Not only does this mean fornication, adultery and other immoral practices and relationships but all evil ways. The path of evil, whatever the allurement and temptation, must be deliberately shunned and turned from. You require moral and spiritual support to be able to do this. Christ has come into the world not only to die and free you from sin but to afford the inward ability to say ‘NO’ to all evil no matter how attractive and seductive. He can keep your eyes from wandering, your heart from evil lusts and your will from caving in to all immorality. You are a chosen vessel unto Him and He will afford the assistance you need!

‘In your seeming independence learn dependence on God and interdependence with and on others, so you will be safe guarded in every way and at all times.’

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