Knowing the Truth


                                          Rev. A. Hocking



Recently we celebrated Valentine’s day.  The day when lovers of all ages send each other Valentine Cards to say, “I love you”.  Of course, generally the card is left unsigned, and the recipient has to try and guess who the sometimes unknown admirer is.   Strange to say, I got one once that wasn’t from my wife!   She was very good about it, but she did give me an odd look now and again.   We later discovered it was a joke from my daughter.


But since love is in the air, let me give you a poem about the greatest love ever known.


“The Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell. It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell. Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made, were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade, to write the Love of God above, would drain the ocean dry, nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky.”


My friend, God loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus to die on the cross the pay the penalty for your sin.  Have you ever thought just how much God loves you?  Have you ever thought of saying “Thank you” to Him?  


Why not do it today. Say, “Thank you Lord that Jesus came to this earth to pay the price for my sin. Please forgive me and come into my heart and life today and help me live for you from now on.”


I prayed that prayer 60 years ago.   I have never for one moment regretted it and life has been full of joy and peace ever since. 



Healing Testimony


                                     Suzette Hattinghe

South African evangelist Suzette Hattingh explains some key elements of the healing ministry of Christ





As Christians, we must remember that healing is a lifestyle. It should be as natural as breathing and worship. It is not just about a healing line in an evangelistic meeting or a word of knowledge, but rather the Spirit of God being upon us to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free.


I find that most people don’t mind if you pray for them when they are sick. But we don’t have to shake and prove that we are so spiritual; rather, we need to be natural and watch God bless us. Christ is in us and Christ is the one who heals. Healing is part of Christ’s character. Christ is the source of the miraculous, the author of the miraculous. In fact, he is the miraculous!


When it comes to healing, we can never box in and predict what is going to happen. Healing is not a denominational issue, but it’s the character of Jesus Christ, It’s not about how or what God is doing, it’s about who God is.


God uses many different ways to heal people. I have realised that I must totally trust the Holy Spirit and trust in God, Let God do what God wants to do. We can do a lot in our charismatic ways and bright personalities, but one thing we can’t do is bring supernatural healing.


Words of knowledge are spoken out, and of course I’ve made mistakes. I’ve offended and hurt people. I am not the healer. Only God can do what God is supposed to do. He needs the combination of us acting and him healing. God will work with us.


Then, it’s imperative to be real, and not judge those who aren’t healed. We don’t have to walk around saying pain is gone when it isn’t. You can admit pain is not gone and still say you believe Jesus will heal you. What’s wrong with that? Jesus said we only need faith like a mustard seed. You can’t even see that faith. Our faith doesn’t have to be big, because God can work with such little faith. God has put faith in every one of us.


Remember, healing is our inheritance. I am convinced that the lost get healed by grace but the people of God are healed by covenant, We belong in healing and it is our inheritance to be healed. It’s time for Christians to arise and take backseat belongs to us. The God of Pentecost lives inside us and works with us. We are covenant children. God is inside you! He’s there when you feel him and he’s there when you don’t. You can’t shake off the Holy Spirit; he’s inside you!


Healing is our inheritance – Jesus paid for it! When he declared ‘It is finished’ he meant it.

Why down put up with the spirit of infirmity when the God of creation has already sealed it?


Healing is not always physical. I’ve often realised that God wants not only to heal our physical conditions, but also our body, mind and spirit. The healing power of Jesus Christ is about wholeness.


He wants to heal your marriage, family, church and land. God never told us that we would be perfect, but the Bible does say that he makes us whole. Healing is what God had planned for us. Wherever there is damage in your life, whether emotional or sexual abuse, whether pain in your marriage or pain from your past, God is longing to come and restore and heal that situation.


Finally, healing isn’t always instant. Very often, healing can be a process. Sometimes Jesus heals instantly, like the woman with the issue of blood, but sometimes it’s a process – like the lepers who were on their way. I am a living testimony, as I was sexually abused as a child and grew up with these wounds. I became a child of God but still no one explained how to get away from this hurt.


I was a preacher and a missionary seeing signs and wonders, but nobody saw that my soul was wounded. When I came to Jesus, I did not understand that Jesus was the healer who wants us to be restored. My situation took time to heal, but now I area totally free, for whom the Son sets free is flee indeed!



Points to Ponder


                                     Rev. E. Anderson



The Lord is my real boss and I shall not want.

He gives me peace, when chaos is all around me.

He gently reminds me to pray before I speak and to do all things without murmuring

and complaining.

He reminds me that He is my Source and not my job.

He restores my sanity every day and guides my decisions that I might honour Him in

everything I do.


Even though I face absurd amounts of emails, system crashes, unrealistic deadlines,

budget cutbacks, gossiping co-workers, discriminating supervisors, and an aging body

that doesn’t cooperate every morning, I will not stop–for He is with me!


His presence, His peace, and His power will see me through.

He raises me up, even when they fail to promote me.

He claims me as His own, even when the company threatens to let me go.


His faithfulness and love are better than any bonus check.

His retirement plan beats every 401K there is.

When it’s all said and done, I’ll be working for Him a whole lot longer and for

that, I bless His Name.


today’s thought:


Do you brighten a room just by entering or just by leaving?



Wisdom’s Ways provide by the late Rev. A. Linford


Rev. A. Linford, before his decease, was recognized as a good, great and interesting Bible teacher in the Assemblies of God Fellowship for many years. He was a well-loved Bible College lecturer and writer that bequeathed a tremendous amount of Biblical material in his generation. What a legacy he has left to be researched and brought forth to refresh our day! We shall be using such on this site: His writings from the book of Proverbs and also his Editorials that he wrote for the Redemption Tidings when he was its editor. I trust you will enjoy and appreciate his inspired teaching.




“For whoso findeth me findeth life” – Proverbs 8: 32-36


Again we have gracious appeal from the teacher to the pupil. It is a tender approach: the attitude of a tutor is of great importance to his acceptance, there must be a rapport between the giver of instruction and the receiver. The teaching is not merely mind to mind; it is also heart to heart. It is a teaching approach, for it is not enough to have words, one’s words must be apt, sententious, wise and knowledgeable. It is a timely approach – “Now, therefore”. Lessons need to be repeated with emphasis, recounted with fervour and received with enthusiasm.


A blessing: The path of obedience to wisdom’s directions is a blessed one. God’s blessing is more than happiness, which term by definition depends on happenings. It is true that as our ”hap happens” – Ruth 2:3 our lives are enriched with “handfuls of purpose”, but blessedness is happiness on a higher plane than providential benefits, it is felicity plus serenity plus assurance of well-being.


A benefit: if we receive intelligently divine insertion and do not neglect to apply its implications to our lives we shall be wise. This means that we shall fit in with God’s life- style, conduct our affairs with discretion and enjoy safe ways.


A boon: To wait at the gate of wisdom is to possess avidity for her instructions, alertness to her indications, and adroitness in imbibing her spirit. When our hearts are all agog to learn of God our life takes on a fuller meaning, a satisfying aspect. We do not lily exist, We live abundantly;


A benediction: To discover wisdom is to discover life: without wisdom life is vacuous, venal and vain. Of an existent void of wisdom to words of Ecclesiastes are true; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” – Ecclesiastes 1:2. Daily grace favours those who walk with God; His smile is ever upon those who walk humbly with Him.


A bane: All sin is against God. As the man who turns his back to the full walks in his own shadow, too those who turn against God live in a darkness created by their own folly. A literal translation is, ”He that misseth Me”. Failing to do God’s will is to miss His presence.




Keep my steps in the way of wisdom, that l may live to Thee, O Lord.


Great Stories


                                        Rev. E. Anderson



In the Alpine Museum at Zermatt is a broken rope. It is stout: it looks strong: yet it failed at a critical moment. Here is the story.


Edward Whymper, a famous wood engraver and Alpine climber, had for many years been ambitious to scale the dizzy heights of the Matterhorn, but although many times reaching the great shoulder on the Italian side, never got to the top. On the day named he started again, the more eagerly because a party of Italians were to attempt it also on the same morning.


His party consisted of four climbers and three guides. The guides were two brothers named Tangwalder, and a famous guide, Michael Croz. All went well until the top was reached and for the first time they stood on the dizzy height enjoying a wonderful view, and, as Whymper described it, ‘one crowded hour of glorious life’.


Then they re-roped themselves to descend in the following order: Michael Croz, the guide, first; then three climbers; then the senior Tangwalder in front of Whymper and the younger Tangwalder in the rear. Carefully they were letting themselves down the fearful precipice, Michael Croz out of sight of the rear members helping the next man to find footing over the yawning abyss.


A startling cry rang out as a man fell on to Croz, hurling him off his slender foothold. The next two men were dragged after them, but the experienced climbers above tightened the rope between them and stood firm to bear the shock as one man. The rope ran its length and the blow came, but the cord snapped like a thread. The horrified climbers above saw their friends spreading arms and legs in a hopeless attempt to stop their slide over the precipice. They fell on the great glacier 4,000 feet below.


For nearly an hour the reaming three stood in terrified silence-petrified. At length the guides began to weep, saying they could never attempt the fearful descent. Mr. Whymper, however, nerved them to the effort, and hours later they arrived in Zermatt to tell their story.


The broken rope was examined. Why had it not held? Alas! It was not a genuine Alpine Club rope. Alpine ropes are distinguished by a red strand running through them, and this rope did not have one. How it was that a substitute rope was carried on such an occasion has ever since remained an inexplicable mystery.


It has often been said that the saving power of the Cross of Christ runs like a red cord through the heart of the Bible. Are you joined to the Saviour by this unbreakable cord? Or have you some substitute to which you are trusting? No other power will stand the strain; every substitutes will break when it is needed most.



A Time for a Laugh


                                        Rev. E. Anderson 



·                                 I was asked to preach at a small country church in Missouri while home visiting my family.  I was sharing a sermon from the book of Isaiah, chapter 6.  I was reading through my scripture when I got to verse 6, “Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar.”  That is how it should have read!  I, however, had a Freudian slip, and the seraphim took the coal with a “thong”.  Of course the older people in the congregation either missed the connection or thought I was talking about a flip-flop or sandal.  The younger people in the congregation of course busted out laughing.  I was so embarrassed.  After the service, one of the younger members of the church came up to me and shook my hand and said, “That’s not much to hold on to a hot coal with,” and turned and left me there six different shades of red.  I make sure to read a lot slower now and to use correct pronunciation. (Chris)


·                                 We have an after-school program called FUTURE, but we cancel it when school is not in session.  Invariably, the church calendar reads, “Thursday: No FUTURE” or even “FUTURE canceled.”  It has become such a joke among our church community that we’ve chosen to keep the wording! (Wes)


·                                 Our church participated in an annual Pregnancy Resource Center fundraiser–where we filled baby bottles with our loose change. At that time, I, as church secretary, met the pastor at a prearranged spot to hand him the church bulletin, which he would then take to the printer. It was a drizzly day and my pastor offered to buy me a cup of cocoa at the gas station convenience store. When he got to the register with our purchases, he was frustrated to find he had no coins whatsoever. He blurted out, “I can’t wait till this pregnancy thing is over. My wife keeps taking my change!” I looked at the perplexed cashier and attempted to explain… and then just cracked up and let it go. Shortly thereafter, I had an opportunity to “share” this with the congregation while giving an unrelated announcement. Now my pastor isn’t so sure about letting me stand up front anymore. I wonder why. (Julie)


·                                 My pastor in college preached an entire sermon on Jonah in the “whelly of the bale”. He said it several times, and would not believe he had actually done it until we replayed the tape of the service.


·                                 During a revival, the visiting evangelist arrived without his allergy medicine. Our pastor put him in touch with a doctor in our church for an emergency prescription to get him through the week. The evangelist was so appreciative of the doctor that during the last service, he recommended the doctor to the entire crowd. The ensuing laughter was a mystery to him until after the service. That was when the host pastor informed him that he had just recommended the local OB-GYN. (Lynn)


·                                 This happened one night right before the evening service was about to start. It was a casual time and the pastor motioned to the minister of music that it was time to start. The elderly music minister stood up and said, “Well the pastor just gave me the finger so I guess it is time to start”. The congregation erupted with laughter while the music minister had no idea what he had said that was so funny. When he was told later, he didn’t know what that meant. (John)


·                                 I am in charge of making the power-point for our worship service. The sermon was based on holding fast to t the Lord. The invitation was “I Surrender All”, and mistakenly the ending phrase was “All to my previous Savior, I surrender all”. (Kimberly)


·                                 One Sunday morning our interim pastor was giving the announcements.  He said that there was a car in the parking lot with the lights on.  He gave the make and color of the car, plus the license plate number.  After the congregational singing, he walked back up to the pulpit and asked that an usher come up to the pulpit.  The ushers looked a little confused, but one of them walked up to the pulpit.  The pastor handed him his keys out of his pocket! (Ellen)


·                                 I thought I should tell you about a recent blooper I heard 3 Sundays ago in my church.
The pastor called upon to lead the congregational hymn proudly announced, “All hail the power of Jesus’ name; let angels prostate fall” oops (Yinka)



Sermon Starters


                                       Rev. E. Anderson


Word for Today


“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others . . .”


Each time you make a responsible decision, you become a more responsible person. Successful people don’t blame others, they take responsibility fo their actions and attitudes. They show response-ability-the ability to choose correct response no matter what situation they face. Responsibility is always a choice, and only you can make it. If being responsible hasn’t been one of your strengths, then start small. You can’t start from any place other than where you are right now.


Which areas of responsibility are the toughest for you?




If you’ve a tendency to quit, give yourself relatively small goals that require you to stretch. Start in areas you care about deeply, then with a few wins under your belt, begin tackling other areas.




How often do you forget the small things – that are big things to others? Like forgetting anniversaries and birthdays, not picking up the dry cleaning or taking out the rubbish, missing your child’ game or play. ‘Let your light shine . . . . that they may see your good works and glorify your Father . . . “ – Matthew 5: 16




Most of us have a tough decision that’s waiting to be made, and we keep putting it off. What’s yours? Why aren’t you taking action? Write down the reasons, so you understand clearly what they are. Now write down the advantages of making the decision. Once you know in your heart what you should do, ask God for strength, do it, and stand by it. That’s taking personal responsibility.



News and Views




John Glass

General Superintendent

Elim Pentecostal Church

The financial chaos in the money markets around the world that commenced three months ago continues, like the seismic disturbance of an earthquake, to produce one aftershock after another. Subterranean tectonic plates hive moved and foundations being disturbed.


Northern Rock was amongst first to go as one institution after another began, like precarious dominoes, to totter and collapse. The attack of 9/11 was directed against the World Trade Centre, and on its anniversary world trade again has taken a direct hit.


What is happening will affect us all, whatever corner of the world we inhabit. Some whose income depends directly on the stock market find themselves in the eye of the storm, but the ripple effects have reverberated globally with tremors destabilizing everything from job security to the basic price of food.


We could say that ‘Babylon is falling’, or that God is shaking man-made institutions just as a duster is agitated before cleansing can commence. The Scriptures tell of a time when God would shake everything that can be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken can remain.


Peterson puts it like this in his paraphrase of the passage in Hebrews: ‘He’s told us this quite plainly – he’ll also rock the heavens: “One last shaking, from top to bottom, stem – to stern.” The phrase ”one last shaking” means a thorough housecleaning, getting of all the historical and religious junk so rid so that the unshakable essentials stand clear and uncluttered’ – Hebrews 12:26-27; The Message.


One thing is certain in all of this: houses built on sand will sink, and those that are built on rock will stand. Faith is tested in the wind tunnel of adversity, whether the storm that we are called to weather assails our health, our wealth or our emotional security.


When it comes to guidance, Christ remains our irremovable north star. When it comes to security, he is the only foundation we can ultimately trust.


Most of us have no memories of the Blitz of the Second World War. As fascist bombs rained down on Britain, those who survived spoke of priorities that shifted from the secondary and the trivial to things that mattered more: relationships and family. For the Christian it also meant a deeper reliance and trust in God.


For the Church, locally and nationally, these times will also call for a re-evaluation of purpose – which will prove to be not altogether a bad thing. It will be a challenge for us all and, without doubt, a litmus test of our credibility before a watching world.



Childrens Page


                                         Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. Ivor Powell


I regret to say that during my lifetime I have done many foolish things. Often I escaped without serious hurt, but at other times my shortsightedness caused grave misgivings.


I remember an afternoon when I walked with my parents along a mountain lane in Wales. Nearly twenty years earlier I had travelled that way on a bird-nesting expedition, and had found a woodpecker’s nest. The neat round hole had been bored into the trunk of a tree, and inside the bird had made a depression in which to lay her egg.


l was only a small boy when I found that nest, but the discovery thrilled me. I heard the rhythmical tap-tap-tap of another drilling bird as a similar nest was made elsewhere in the woods, and I became fascinated by the tunnel in the tree. All this I remembered as I climbed the mountain again. My love for ornithology had grown with me into manhood. and I eagerly hurried along the lane, looking for the twenty years’ old nest. I knew that once the woodpecker had bored its hole, the tunnel remained there during the lifetime of the tree.


When I failed to find the tree, I wondered if it had been destroyed. Had the farmer cut it down? However, I had only misjudged the distance, for when I walked another fifty yards, I found what I sought. When I saw the same tiny tunnel, memories crowded into my mind and I relived earlier days. The nest was seven feet from the ground and because I did not wish to ruin a good suit. I refrained from trying to reach it with my hands. Yet I was drawn to that hole, and felt disappointed in being so frustrated.


Why could I not climb the tree? Why had my hand grown too large to be inserted in the hole? I frowned, and did a stupid thing. I wondered if another bird were there, and lifting my walking stick, poked it down the tunnels half expecting a woodpecker to fly out. Again I was dis-appointed, and in sheer frustration moved my stick round and round in the hole. My action was not only foolish it was disastrous for in the old nest a colony of wasps had made their home. Hundreds of infuriated wasps surged from the tree, and I ran for my life! That was the last time I stirred a hole for I discovered that it was wiser and safer to mind my own business!


Yet, how often have I seen similar things taking place elsewhere. Man’s greatest weakness seems to be that he loves to have his own way. He yearns to get his hand into every nest; and if sometimes Church legislation prevents the fulfillment of his desires, he begins to sulk, like a silly schoolboy. Then instead of allowing the “hole in the tree” to remain peacefully at rest, the frustrated fellow takes a stick to stir everybody and everything. And more often than not, his action disturbs a wasps’ nest. All kinds of tiny demons are suddenly liberated, and the peaceful calm of church becomes filled with angry buzzing. Only noble men can smile in defeat. Alas, some men are not noble; and if such be defeated in a church ballot, if they fail to get their own way in an Assembly or home, volcanic murmurings may be heard in their throats and the violent eruptions which follow are even worse than the stirring of a wasps’ nest.


Happy indeed is the man who believes “. . . .  all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose”. Blessed indeed is the woman who can in defeat can say, “Even this disappointment may be in the centre of the will of God for me. If I can smile now, my heavenly Father will overrule this unfortunate affair and make it work for my good”.


This restful attitude outlaws irritability; this gracious action preserves a calm which supersedes all else. There is reason to believe that sometimes our theology is clearer than our Christian example. We believe something which we do not practice. If God be for us, who can be against us? It follows, then. That if we are denied certain things, the Lord might be indirectly responsible for the denial. Why should we be upset if things do not work out as we had hoped? 

Woodpeckers’ nests can be a source of great danger, especially when church members carrying walking sticks  


Messages of the Moment


                                         Rev. E. Anderson

by Rick Warren

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” – Proverbs 4:23 (GNT)

*** *** *** ***

One of the great psychological discoveries of the past century is that your thoughts control your actions. If you want to change the way you act, you must first change how you think.

Actually, thousands of years ago, Solomon pointed this out when he wrote, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (Proverbs 4:23 GNT).


The Bible says our thoughts influence six areas of our lives:


· My interpretation influences my situation. It’s not what happens to me that matters as much as how I choose to see it. The way I react will determine whether the circumstance makes me better or bitter. I can view everything as an obstacle or an opportunity for growth – a stumbling block or a stepping stone. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” – James 1:2-4 NIV.


· My impressions influence my depressions. In other words, my mind affects my mood; my thinking determines my feelings. If I’m feeling depressed, it’s because I’m choosing to think depressing thoughts – about my work, family, or anything else. While you cannot always control a feeling, you can choose what you think about, which will control how you feel. “Hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught . . .”- Psalm 55:2 NIV.


· My beliefs influence my behaviour. We always act according to our beliefs, even when those ideas are false. For instance, as a child, if you believed a shadow in your bedroom at night was a monster, your body reacted in fear (adrenaline and jitters) even though it wasn’t true. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you are operating on true information! Your convictions about yourself, about life, and about God influence your conduct. “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples” – John 8:31 NIV.


· My self-talk influences my self-esteem. You are constantly talking to yourself unconsciously. When you walk into a room full of strangers, what do you tend to think about yourself? To develop more confidence you’re going to have to stop running yourself down! “As he thinks in his heart, so is he” – Proverbs 23:7 NKJV.


· My attitude influences my ability. Winners expect to win. Your perception controls your performance. Mohammed Ali only lost two fights in his career. Before both of them, he said something that he hadn’t said before other fights: “If I should lose this fight […].”“All things are possible to him who believes” – Mark 9:23 NKJV.


· My imagination influences my aspirations. In other words, your dreams determine your destiny. To accomplish anything, you must first have a mission, a goal, a hope, a vision. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” – Proverbs 29:18 KJV.







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