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If there is one thing that I love to see it is to behold healthy and beautiful plants and flowers. They are part of God’s wonderful creation. That a genius He is in His skill and craftsmanship and the power to make such live. I have a few plants outside my apartment that I spend a deal of time with. Because of being away from the apartment through Joan’s illness and demise I asked someone to daily care. In looking at them on my return they presented a sad picture and the reason being they had been overwatered Each holder held a great excess of water and the consequence was proving disastrous. It is like life: given too much of a good thing can be fatal. Make sure you feed on that which will make you grow and can be admired.

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Most of the time life has to be lived in moderation. It is surprising what progress is made in this mode of living. Of course there are occasions when a little more speed is called for and even slowing down is required. The important thing is to know where you are heading and reach the goal. Even the tortoise small and insignificant as it may appear knows how to get on track and keep going and arrive at its destination. As you link in and move with the LORD keep this steady consideration in mind and you will be surprised where He will take and bring you. Looking back on my life, seeing I was seemingly an ordinary miner’s son, because of this approach to life with the LORD, He has taken me into many countries to bear witness of Him and make many friends.

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There are occasions when reviewing life in detail we are driving to the conclusion that change must take place and of a drastic order. 0ne cannot go along in the same old way doing the same old thing. When Saul was converted there came an immediate transformation that the folks around at that time had difficulty in coming to terms with. The Christians had problems in accepting him as one of them. There are occasions when the LORD would break in and initiate a fresh plan an programme into our lives. Let us not become stuck in mould because we are likely to become mould. Instead of switching others on to the dynamics of the Christian life they are put off. This should never be!

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ernest kitchenJUST FOR YOU TODAY – 27.06.20S

One of the major problems that can easily beset the human heart is that of hardness, the inability to be tender and respond to those in great straits and difficulties. Some meat if it is be cooked and become edible has to go through the process of being hammered with a wooden mallet. It is a softening process.. There are softening factors that are introduced by Christ that are purposed to create a sympathetic state. The disciples of Christ had to learn this to become more effectual. Tenderization is vital to usefulness.

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Despair is a real crippler that has destroyed many people and is a factor that requires wise attention. It is a force that has undone many, leaving people desolate and destroyed. In an age when there are many potions, pills and therapies which do not bring vital healing and health, Jesus Christ with His Words and the power of the Holy Spirit can effectively deal with the monster expelling and setting free from its presence and activity. Hand over all your life over to Him and see Him deal with these negative factors and give positive presence and promise that fills you with hope and glowing certainties.

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The real business of life is life itself and the recognition of the One who gives it, the LORD, and to know and build a blessed accord with Him throughout. Many miss out on life because they never pursue Him and so fail to sense its wonderful purpose, dynamic and heavenly connection and input. I am grateful that as a young teenager in 1945 I placed my simple trust in the LORD and experienced a oneness of fellowship and friendship no one else can give. He gave me a lovely young lady, Joan, who became my wife for almost 66 years, two sons and daughter happily married with nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. In every way He has been principal partner and has loaded us with untold blessings and benefits. If you have not made this discovery may you quickly do so!

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Disappointment is a very difficult factor to handle. It will happen to you and so the need to be the master of it when it occurs. The disciples had been out all night fishing. Experts as they were at it, they caught nothing but Christ transformed the disappointment? He gave a word of encouragement and they responded and the miracle occurred: a lot of fishes came in the net. In fact the net almost broke with the multitude caught. See and listen to Him and you will know He can will deal with all your disappointments.

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There are times in life when it sees all the inspiration, dynamic and faith is spent and the will to go on is lacking. To keep on going is not present and how easy it would be to give in. Some folk have got within a hairbreadth of knowing a fabulous discovery but have surrendered the glowing prospect because of inadequate conviction that it could be achieved. But there are those who have been unwilling to yield to pressure and disappointment and have had the sheer delight of unique success. Joseph kept on going overcoming many obstacles and attaining a place in history, and so you can too

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After resting until 3-30 a.m. I awoke in a restful mind and mood and sensed all is well. The LORD assured me that Joan has not only entered into rest but into a more blessed and active realm. She is now quietly assuming a new and dynamic role for which she has been suited. There is now no will or desire that I want her back on earth as she has served her time and is now promoted.
The. Verse of the hymn Jesus I am Resting fills and floods my being in this early hour with the impact of this verse. ‘Ever lift Thy face upon me, As I live and work for Thee, Resting ‘neath Thy smile LORD JESUS, earth’s dark shadows flee. Yes, I rest in Thee Beloved, know what wealth and grace is Thine, Know Thy certainly of promise and have made it mine. Jesus, I am resting, resting in the joy of what Thou art, I AM FINDING OUT THE GREATNESS OF THY LOVING HEART.’
Trust these few words will be a blessing to you today! The dark clouds have rolled away!
Your loving friend in Christ, Ernest

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I did not think when I penned the following that it would be what I needed. Losing my dearest possession, sweetheart and wife today. I am grateful for the support from many people.
There are occasions in life where we feel impotent and helpless and the need for others to come alongside and give that support and aids to be strong and stand firm. Instead of breaking up and falling apart one is able to resist and be triumphant. Even Paul, strong as he was, sensed the need for this kind of thing. He sadly said on one occasion, ‘no man stood by him’. Moses was delighted with the fact that he had a Joshua around that was a stimulus to him although having a difficult time in movement and battle. He could rely on this choice individual to give a lead to the forces of Israel. Be a genuine supporter of those who give you genuine leadership your backing aiding in the conflicts to ensure success.

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