welcome to this christian website

Sep 30th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


There may be occasions when you feel that the Lord has no further interest in you and that you are out on a limb feeling forsaken and down. It is certainly true that people that you trusted leave you and the desolation is sensed. But the Lord would settle the issue from His standpoint. In Lamentations 3:31 it affirms: “For the Lord will not cast off forever”. He had to seemingly withdraw from this ancient people whom He loved because of their waywardness and wickedness but he would not completely abandon them At the right time He would re-gather and let them know of His unquenchable love. So with you, dear friend; His eyes are on you and His heart towards you and he will yet know the warmth of His embrace and the rich attendance of His care. Turn to Him so that you make it easier to do this. It can start today!

Thought for the Day


One of the choice names the LORD calls you is ‘elect.’ This means that He has selected you of the human society to be one of His elect family. Chosen to be a choice one within His eternal household where he will demonstrate His love and kindness in an incredible fashion and measure. You have not been saved and sanctified by Him to be something mean or to simply exist on bare means. No, you are someone of note and special before Him and he entertains high hopes concerning you, In the eternity to come He has indescribable blessings to manifest to you so that you will surely know  His great regard for you. Seeing this is the case, how greatly you must appreciate and estimate Him whose eyes, heart and hand is ever toward you. How important to believe and behave in such a way that declares His election over your life!


Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.


OPENING YOUR TREASURES – Matthew 2: 11; John 12: 1-8

How good to read of what these men did on arrival at the crib: they worshipped and made a presentation of choice gifts to the newborn babe. As they set out on this great journey they realised they must not go empty handed but be in a situation where they would be able to genuinely give something worthy to this baby. It does prove they went in faith and did expect to see someone of note at the end of their long, demanding errand. They wanted to grace this child with something that would be of value, meaningful and memorable.

It must have been with a sense of extreme delight that they had such in their possession to give. The gifts were rare and costly and came at a time when the parents would be in need because they were not very wealthy. The event was a providential arrangement so that the little family would be taken care of at a critical time. In the immediate future there would be demands made upon this small, household unit that must be attended to. Little did they know it! They were used in the providence of God to cater for an immediate need.

We must develop the spirit and art of giving to Christ. The Christmas spirit is the giving spirit. God gave His Son on that first Christmas Day and Christ was willing to be that marvellous gift. In return, there must be the desire and will to express to Him a generosity that overflows with blessing others with natural and spiritual gifts so that they are enriched. What are you presenting to Him today? Let it be yourself first and then what you have – see 2 Corinthians 8: 1-5. Take time to enrich someone in need over this Christmas period.








welcome to this christian website

Sep 29th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


The psalmist made this his prayer on one occasion: “Show me a token for good” – Psalm 86:18. If you are in a sticky and difficult situation it is nice to receive some kind of indication that things are going to change for the better. The Lord gives this promise to Noah after the Flood to pass on to mankind that this would not occur. He gave a permanent token on the matter. He said: “And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud” – Genesis 9:14. The Lord wants you to be at peace when all the prospects appear troublesome and laden with uncertainty. He can still the fears and assure you within with a sign and token that it is a passing phase and will not herald something worse. C.H. Spurgeon wrote: Faith always sees the bow of covenant promise whenever sense sees the cloud of affliction”. You will not be left at the mercy of your circumstances and He will give some indication how things will end to your blessedness.

Thought for the Day


This is one quality that must be nurtured and cultivated within all your life and service. In all things, you must be true and genuine so that family, friends and even those who may be your enemies have to admit your purity and reality in all your dealings with them. The Lord is active at all times, ever freeing you all that is of a false and deceitful nature. You are to be as pure gold, utterly sanctified a credit to your Lord, reflecting His peerless character in all things at all times. He is in you, in-working and outworking wholesome inspiration and motivation so that you will be known for your Christian sincerity and honesty.

QUOTES TO NOTE – Ronald Reagan

Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.


DIVINE GUIDANCE – Matthew 2: 1-10

In the Christmas story is the account of the three wise men who were divinely guided by a star. They had been awakened and stirred by God by this heavenly body and were prepared to set out on the adventure of their lives in quest of a unique child that was to be born. It was to be the unforgettable and historic quest of a lifetime. Faith and determination would be required as they set out on this mission to discover what had been conveyed to them brought to pass. They sensed they were being strangely but surely directed in this epic expedition.

They did experience difficulty especially when they came to Jerusalem, but things were divinely resolved by the words of the prophets quoted by the priests and scribes. Then it would seem the divine luminary above shone with greater brightness as they came near to the end of their journey. It states: “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” – 10. It brought them to their destination and so a destiny was fulfilled. He who had initiated the journey was there to give the essential direction to conclude it successfully.

Wise people are still divinely led. God has many ways and means by which He leads His people but He does so truly and successfully. He certainly intends, at this Christmas time, that you should be led to meet and know Christ the King. The promises and prophecies of the Sacred Word mainly centre and focus on Christ and stand out like stars, lights in the spiritual world, to bring to a full revelation of Him. At this time of the year and in your life, you too can have your life lit up by God and be guided to the Christ that will require your love, adoration and worship.


Study (12)



It is time to address another section of His people, Judah v2. He can foresee the path that it is treading and so foretells of coming disaster. They are on the slippery slope that will inevitably bring about their downfall. Inherent within them and evident without was a deceitful nature and ways. They were crafty in a sinful way with God and with one another and it was essential that this be sorted and sifted out from among them. He could point to their forefather in history, Jacob, and show that He had successfully affected a divine change in him and it was not too late for a miracle of this nature to occur in them.


It is known that in the womb of Rebekah there was a great conflict and that at the time she was in difficulty and dilemma. She was wondering what was taking place as she was to be a bearer of twins and there was a wrestling occurring within her Genesis 25: 19-26. A spirit of rivalry was existent and especially in the one to be born last, Jacob. There was something amiss even before he appeared on the scene. The boys were not conscious of it but it would become evident in a real way and have to be divinely dealt with.


Within the context of the domestic scene this struggle became obvious and Jacob expressed a real twist and bent in his nature. He was some manipulator. He had a way with him whereby he could secure his own ends and not be too worried about it. There was something fundamentally wrong with him as in the case of Judah at this time. There was the deceiving of Esau on two occasions and later this was to be manifest further in his dealings with Laban. Jacob was the sort of person that could not be trusted but the Lord loved him and desired to see him utterly transformed.


History showed and proved that the Lord was not happy with this state of affairs and on one occasion dramatically and dynamically moved in on man. He was to have a personal confrontation so that he would never be the same again. The bents and the twists had to go and so the divine wrestling match occurred where Jacob was weakened and there came the birth of a new man with a new nature and name – ‘Israel’ – ‘prince with God.’ Bethel and Peniel became two historic places for this man where God met, challenged and changed him so that he might fulfil divine destiny. He came forth from these experiences with a pure and true relationship with God and also the blessing of God. This was to be a reminder to the nation that what had happened historically to one man needed to happen to the whole nation. It was time for a fresh meeting with God and for a change to take place.


Just as God spoke to the forefather through the prophetic so to the descendants. He desired to lead the nation into a radical transformation that would transform the inward nature and outward future.







welcome to this christian website

Sep 28th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


“He that watereth shall be watered himself” – Proverbs 11: 25. It is a case of fulfilling the condition and then the promise comes into effect. You are called upon by the Lord to release the resource that is yours in affording to others in their need and the great response for Him comes into being. You may have your limitations but your Lord has none whatsoever. As you do what you can for others it opens the way for the Lord to reply and answer in a lavished fashion. C.H.Spurgeon wrote: ‘My tank is getting very low; no fresh rain comes to fill it; what shall I do? I will pull up the plug, and let its contents run out to water the withering plants around me. What do I see? My cistern seems to fill as it flows. A secret spring is at work. While all was stagnant the fresh spring was sealed; but as my stock flows out to water others the Lord thinketh on me” So you know what to obtain an overflowing life and ministry!

Thought for the Day


You have been called and enlisted in the army of the Lord. He has summoned and elected you to be a soldier within His eternal kingdom. As Commander in Chief, Christ has desired you be suitably armed and properly equipped so that you might engage the evil forces that arrayed are against His Church and you and be continually victorious. He is with you to nerve, sustain and render all the resources so as  to give daily conquest. Sin, Satan and self are rendered powerless as you armed, trained and resourced by Him. He is with you to battle and overcome always. So record the personal triumphs today and be honoured by Him. There is an honours Day on the wing at His return and he desires that will be found amongst those who have ‘fought the good fight’ and known outstanding conquests.

QUOTES TO NOTE – Desmund Tutu

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.


MEDITATION’S VALUE – Matthew 1: 18-25

On face value, as things looked, it would seem that Mary had known relationship with another man because she was pregnant with child and this disturbed Joseph –v18. It was certainly natural for Joseph to be uneasy in his mind and being as it seemed that his espoused wife had not been faithful. He was both a good and wise man because he wanted to do the right and choice thing. The reaction at first was to meditate – “And while he thought on these things” – v20. He did not erupt and create a fuss and ado and charge her with wrong doing. The thing had to be handled in the best and most gracious way.

Because he took this course of action, the Lord resolved the matter for him and stopped him from acting rashly and he was able to become a partner in God’s purpose and program. Whilst asleep, an angel appeared to him and made clear the cause of her being with child – v20, and also gave revelation of the child that was to be named Jesus because He was to be the Saviour of the world. She was the bearer of the Christ child. He was going to have the privilege of being known as the earthly father and of parenting this offspring on behalf of the God and mankind.

Sometimes there are things that occur on the surface that appear to be somewhat wrong. The immediate response would be to judge quickly and make hasty decisions. It is needful on these occasions to spend a healthy period in true and wholesome meditation, conversing with the Lord and finding out the finest way of solving the difficulty and dilemma. He has a way of putting the proper perspective on everything and of giving the right answer and the way forward.








welcome to this christian website

Sep 27th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


This has to be top priority in your life every day and every moment of each day. Never must you allow Him to be relegated to a secondary position. It has to be Him first in everything and at all times. The wise promise that holds good in this connection is to b found in Proverbs 3: 6 “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. The God-directed and blessed life is for you and as you embrace Him and His directives so they will turn out to a closer relationship with Him, bring about your usefulness and embrace your happiness. Always remember, your Lord has your best interests at heart and when you believe and obey this summons your appreciation and adoration of Him will abound. The lines will fall to you in pleasant places and you will have a goodly heritage.

Thought for the Day


Love to serve and serve in love. This is your spiritual directive today and everyday. Opportunities will arise in the next hours whereby you will be able to perform some gracious deed for someone else, a friend, stranger or even a seeming enemy. Do not such slip by without giving yourself away in some choice act that will mean something to those you have rendered service. Remember the phrase of John Wesley: “Do as much good as you can to as many as you can, whilst you can.” One thing will be known: you will have no regrets as a consequence. You will be embracing the mind and movement of t your blessed Lord. Note Paul’s revelation: “You serve the Lord Christ”.


What I call my ‘self’ now is hardly a person at all. It’s mainly a meeting place for various natural forces, desires, and fears, etc etc era, some of which come from my ancestors, and some from my education, some perhaps from devils. The self you were really intended to be is something that lives not from nature but from God.


THE TRUE KINGLY HEIR – Matthew 1: 1-17

In turning to the first Gospel of the New Testament, Matthew, he gives in his opening chapter the genealogy of the true, kingly heir of David and king of Israel. Having left for a while the likes of Rehoboam and Jeroboam that brought ruin to Israel, we are given here the revelation of one truly destined to be Israel’s monarch, Jesus Christ. Presented in these verses is the genealogy of the future Messiah of Israel. His descent not only goes back to David but to Abraham, thus evidencing His credentials as a genuine son of them both and of Israel.

Matthew, in his gospel, unveils Christ as the King and His kingdom. Christ was to completely differ from all His predecessors and His kingdom with its nature, principles and manifestation. They would stand in contrast with all other kingdoms of this world, even what had portrayed in Israel’s former history. He would supersede David and all the other monarchs and He will have no successor but is to be the eternal King.

It is necessary to be sure of the identity of Jesus Christ. His coming into the world was not only for Israel’s cause, but for the nations of the world, yes, for all men. His advent was to create a marked changed in human history as He appeared in fulfilment of divine prophecy and to establish His reign personally in every heart that will receive Him as the divine King. In preparing for Christmas we must make ready for the advent of the real King and His kingdom at a personal level.









welcome to this christian website

Sep 26th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


There is a very wise saying that holds an assurance in it. It affirms in Proverbs 11:25 that “The liberal soul shall be made fat”. C.H. Spurgeon wrote: “If I desire to flourish in soul, I must not hoard up my stores, but must distribute to the poor. To be close and niggardly is the world’s way to prosperity, but it is not God’s way, for He saith. ‘There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that witholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty’ Faith’s way of gaining is giving”. In enriching and blessing others is the path to divine enrichment and blessing. It is the Lord who sees your graciousness and generosity and has the ability to make it bring forth immense returns. He loves to see this principle operative in you because it is characteristic of Him and He awaits to confirm the likeness. So spend yourself and your gifts in and for Him and others and enjoy the consequences!

Thought for the Day


At the root and heart of sin is self. This is what is the dominating factor is in and behind the operation of sin and this is what seeks to dictate and direct your attitudes and actions. Only Christ was able to know complete mastery both of sin and self because He lived completely sustained and surrendered to doing His Father’s desires and will. This is now possible for you. Not only does your LORD give you forgiveness and freedom from sin, by His constant indwelling and input into your being and nature He gives the ability to crucify the self, putting it to death and imparting His resurrection life so that you think, love, believe and act from a new motivation. Instead of being a victim to what self demands you are inspired by a purer and more powerful dynamic, the life and nature of Christ. Today, live from your new status and power and sin and self will have no dominion over you.

QUOTES TO NOTE – Ronald Reagan

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.


A SAD EXPRESSION – 1 Kings 13: 11-34

The prophet who had been so obedient to the Lord regrettably falls foul of a deceiving prophet as revealed in this incident. He had cause to be grateful that the Lord had confirmed His word in such a way and preserved him from the evil designs of the king. He had also been able to say no to the king’s invitation to refresh himself and take a reward – vv7, 8. But he turns out a victim to a scheming, former prophet. No sooner is away from the scene of conquest that he is confronted with this person who seeks to take him from the revelation the Lord had given. There was a need to be most vigilant on such an occasion.

The true messenger had heard very clearly from God in the first instance and could affirm this to be the case – vv16, 17. There was no need to listen to any other voices because the all-important voice and word had come direct from the One that mattered. If there had been any change in orders the Lord who had spoken at first would have come through to him. Sadly he hearkened to this man and as the story reveals, he lost his life. The old prophet’s final comment says it all – “Alas, my brother!” –v30. It was not the way it should have ended up. The king got to know about it and as a result did not amend his ways.

In a world where much deception abounds and error exists you must be doubly certain of God’s mind and not be led astray. The Lord does not want you to fall prey to anyone or anything and become a victim and finish up devastated and ruined. He will speak into your life and affairs but then you must safeguard that word and not permit it to be taken away. The enemy of your soul would do every conceivable thing in order to waylay you, so be vigilant and diligent – 1 Peter 5:8.






welcome to this christian website

Sep 25th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


In His sublime teaching Christ gave a sure statement and promise: He said, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” – Matthew 5: 8. That is some demand and some fulfilment! Seeing God is surely one the supreme highlights and blessings of life. C.H. Spurgeon wrote, “What a privilege to see God here! A glimpse of Him is heaven below! In Christ Jesus the pure in heart see the Father. We see Him, His truth, his love, His purpose, His sovereignty. His covenant character, yes, we see himself in Christ”. But it is dependent on knowing and living in a healthy and spiritual condition –‘being pure in heart’. Our inward commitment and life-style is to be one that accords with His directives and counsels. Acting in accord with His sacred and pleasurable commands is the road to this great discovery and knowledge. So make it your aim to please Him and the pleasure will be yours of seeing and knowing God in an incredible way!

Thought for the Day


Always be consciousness of the green light in your life and ministry, it is the clear summons to go and do as he commands. As you learn, accept and obey His directives you will discover they open you up to Himself and all His goodness and resources. You do not travel or perform alone but He is backing and blessing all so that you become very effective and fruitful so that you have every reason to glad at your progress in and through Him. “Trust and obey, for there’s no way; To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey.” In the path of your obedience in going and doing there comes maximum development, delight and destiny. He who says to you ‘Go’ is the very One who will give you the ‘GO’ as you commit yourself to Him. Yours is to be a most productive life and service. You have got to believe it!

QUOTES TO NOTE – Desmund Tutu

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.


A SAD EXPRESSION – 1 Kings 13: 11-34

The prophet who had been so obedient to the Lord regrettably falls foul of a deceiving prophet as revealed in this incident. He had cause to be grateful that the Lord had confirmed His word in such a way and preserved him from the evil designs of the king. He had also been able to say no to the king’s invitation to refresh himself and take a reward – vv7, 8. But he turns out a victim to a scheming, former prophet. No sooner is away from the scene of conquest that he is confronted with this person who seeks to take him from the revelation the Lord had given. There was a need to be most vigilant on such an occasion.

The true messenger had heard very clearly from God in the first instance and could affirm this to be the case – vv16, 17. There was no need to listen to any other voices because the all-important voice and word had come direct from the One that mattered. If there had been any change in orders the Lord who had spoken at first would have come through to him. Sadly he hearkened to this man and as the story reveals, he lost his life. The old prophet’s final comment says it all – “Alas, my brother!” –v30. It was not the way it should have ended up. The king got to know about it and as a result did not amend his ways.

In a world where much deception abounds and error exists you must be doubly certain of God’s mind and not be led astray. The Lord does not want you to fall prey to anyone or anything and become a victim and finish up devastated and ruined. He will speak into your life and affairs but then you must safeguard that word and not permit it to be taken away. The enemy of your soul would do every conceivable thing in order to waylay you, so be vigilant and diligent – 1 Peter 5:8.











welcome to this christian website

Sep 24th – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible

A Daily Promise



That is how you may sense things are at the moment for you. Everything appears to be falling apart and inwardly you are in turmoil. An utter state of restlessness and faithlessness exists. What can you do? Who can you turn to? Paul was on the Adriatic waters and for three days and nights there was a relentless, horrendous storm. It did not look as if any one board that ship would make it. But an angel came to him and assured that no one would be lost. The word of promise was given unto him saying: “Do not be afraid, Paul, you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you”. His response to the message: “I believe God that it will be just as it was told me” – Acts27: 24, 25. So today friend: the Lord is in control when things are bad and would assure you that you will come out of the threatening conditions you are in. You will be wonderfully saved and the word of the Lord will come to pass in your case. Hold on to the promise!

Thought for the Day


Occasions arise that call for caution, watchfulness and care in the busy thoroughfare of life. Things are occurring constantly and some of these factors do have latent dangers that must be avoided. So make certain that you maintain a balanced mind so that you are really cognisant of what is really taking place and can act wisely.. You must not suddenly be overwhelmed by events or experiences that you find you ill-prepared for and unable to cope with. Learn to pull aside and off so that you truly assess where you are and the full force of what you are to deal with so that no mistakes occur. Vigilance is aided by prudence which together they enable you to make the right choices and move ahead into that which is worthwhile and rewarding. Have a blessed day!


It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.


A SOLEMN WARNING – 1 Kings 13: 1-10

How amazing to read of the grace of God towards this man in spite of this appalling wickedness! He could have easily and speedily removed him from office and from life’s scene; instead, he chose to give a solemn warning through a supernatural word and encounter. A man of God is dispatched with a message to let the king know beyond doubt of the evil of his doings. He appears right at the place where the monarch is at the altar with solemn declaration.

He first pronounces judgment on the leadership that is and will be involved at the altar in unholy worship by affirming that one of David’s line will see to it that their bones will be burnt on it – v2. The token of this would be in the immediate rending of the altar and the pouring out of the ashes. This indicated the displeasure of the Lord and showed what he thought of it. Jeroboam would have attacked the divine messenger but his hand is paralyzed and he becomes a victim of judgment. He appeals for its restoration and God in grace effects its healing. All of this was a solemn and serious warning and should have been heeded.

When the Lord gives a definite course of action, extreme care must be taken that there is no deviation from it. Even seemingly good people can take of the track that God has appointed. We must never act in a way that provokes the Lord to act in judgment against us. Having tasted the riches of His favour we must make it our daily business to conform to His ways so that we may reap much more of His kindness. If we do suffer His judgment, then we must have the good sense to repent and make amends so that it is not wasted on us. His love will not permit us to keep sinning.






welcome to this christian website

Sep 23rd – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible

A Daily Promise



When Nathanael came to Christ he was immediately impacted by what Christ had to say to him. He had raised a question but Christ was packed full of assurance and gave an inspiring message of hope. He said: “do you really believe in and rely on and trust in Me? You shall see greater things than this!” Right at the start, Christ raises His expectations levels as if to say –‘you’ve seen nothing yet!’ The Lord has brought you into His kingdom that you might not only be blessed but to see Him at work in and through your life in a fantastic manner. There is every reason that you should see miracles and wonderful works of His coming to pass. As His kingdom life becomes resident in you and begins to preside, the extraordinary will occur. Do not simply settle for the ordinary when the One you love and believe is inside you seeking to bring about the impossible. The prophetic promise is yours: “you shall see greater things!”.

Thought for the Day


The halt sign the LORD gives you must be taken note of. It is there for a good purpose. To stop, you have to learn from contending with matters and issues that really are of no real concern to you. Like traffic, you must let them slip by until the road is clear ready for your next movement forward. Whilst being in that ‘halt’ state, you can learn faith and patience and quietly commune in spirit with Lord so that you are aware that He is with you on the journey to negotiate all that is ahead. You will not lose time or position by observing these necessary calls to stop. They will be occasions when things will clear up ahead so that you can make the progress heaven has planned. So discover the ‘traffic signs’ of heaven in your life and affairs and benefit from their spiritual input and guidance!

QUOTES TO NOTE – Alfred Lord Tennyson

A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.


LACK OF TRUST – 1 Kings 12: 20-33

Having received assurance from the Lord that he would become king over the northern tribes and seeing this come to realization, one would have thought that Jeroboam would have shown both his gratitude and trust towards Him. The Lord even stayed Rehoboam from entering into conflict with him. He surely owed it to God to make sure that he followed through the directions that was given to him – 1 Kings 11: 38. But regretfully he embarks upon a procedure that was not right or good for himself or the people.

It arose out of the surmising and devising of his mind and heart. He imagined that if he permitted the people to go to Jerusalem to worship then they would soon return to becoming one nation again and he would be in difficulty. It was a failure to trust God who had paved the way to his new status. He planned a new system of worship that was objectionable to God in the making of two golden calves and placing them in Bethel and Dan where the people could go and offer sacrifice. It states: “And this thing became a sin” – v30. It was deviation from God’s ways.

Let us not be led astray by the imposition of some new novelty, well meaning as it may appear to be, if subversively it counters God’s will and procedure of true worship. The devil will throw up all kinds of things to seduce and to draw us away from what is right and pleases the Lord. How jealous and zealous we ought to be in trusting Him and making certain that we adopt those things that accord with His mind and desire always!










welcome to this christian website

Sep 22nd – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible

A Daily Promise



Paul wrote to the Christians at Philippi in words to show them that their prospects were really good because they were being inspired and handled by the Lord. He said: “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” – Philippians 1:6. He knew that Christ does not start something He cannot bring to a satisfactory conclusion. He perfectly fulfilled all the Father’s expectations when He became a man and He is able to re-produce the same in those who become His disciples. So you are in good hands! His omniscient eye is ever upon you for good and His grace and power is always at your disposal to bring about the best and worthiest results. There is no need for you to be unduly worried about your tomorrows or yourself because you are in the best hands possible. At the finish, both He and you will be thoroughly pleased with what has been accomplished

Thought for the Day


The word ‘blessed’ simply means to be done good to. The LORD is the Blessed One who has the ability to bless His creation and creatures in an incredible, continuous and increasing fashion. Having renewed this planet in every way and blessed it in every degree (Genesis 1), He also created mankind with this in mind. It states “And God blessed them  . . .” – v28. There has been no change in this. In calling Abram, this is what He affirmed: “I will bless you, and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing . . “ (Genesis 12: , 3,4) He accepted this guarantee and entered into it. He is but an example and  the LORD desires to bless you, too. In sending and giving you Christ, the Blessed One, in and through Him you are to be blessed now and eternally. So why not enjoy your favoured and privilege state. You are now among ‘the blessed ones!’

QUOTES TO NOTE – Alfred Lord Tennyson

Who is wise in love, love most, say least.



The initial act of Rehoboam on becoming king looked to be a wise procedure as he appears to be making the right move. Before he does anything he seeks the help and expertise of others as he assumes a major responsibility. One would commend him for taking this kind of step. The Bible affirms that “in the multitude of counsellors is wisdom”, and so one would imagine that in taking on this new role he needed to know the best and wise step to take next in governing God’s people. He seeks both old and young for their views and judgement. There was nothing wrong in this provided he weighed everything up aright and discerned the finest course of procedure.

Regrettably he did not heed the counsel of the older men and the people but forsook the counsel they offered. In pride and arrogance he rejected their sensible directives and embraced the foolish words of the young men. Instead of showing signs of grace, understanding and tolerance he adopted a brutal and shameful attitude that promoted a senseless decision that would bring about an awful division. He would lose not only the good will of many; he lost their allegiance and help. There would be an awful price to pay for such wilful conduct.

It could be that we are in a situation where we have to make some important decisions and we are not too certain as to what to do. Of course, we need to pray and seek God’s guidance but that guidance may come through other people. The Lord is able to commission someone or even a body of people to sound the right word and policy into our affairs and we must be very sensitive to what is right and good. Making the correct choice and taking the best route is vital to your welfare.








welcome to this christian website

Sep 21st – 2016

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible

A Daily Promise



The promise stands secure and abiding: “Yes, I will help you” – Isaiah 41: 10. He states that today to you because He is still on the scene of time and is still capable of rendering assistance and provide perfect answers now into your life whatever the demands. When He is alongside there is no cause for anxiety or pressure as He is sufficient and adequate to respond to the situation. Even when no one else is around capable of being of some assistance, the Lord is with and for you and will work some great things on your behalf. He helped Moses deliver and govern a nation. He assisted Joshua and Caleb to cause His people and themselves to be possessors. He helped Hannah and Ruth in their crises. And shall He not come to your aid? Of course He will! Make the declaration of faith now by saying with your lips and heart: “THE LORD IS MY HELPER!”

Thought for the Day


I read these words today and sensed they were apt and appropriate for you . Quote: ‘God wired the universe so that happiness does not come from status, salary, sex, or success. Happiness comes from service. God designed you to be happiest when you are giving your life away. Why? Because he wants you to become like him. It’s all about love!’ So learn to give yourself away and concentrate on the well-being of others. See them blessed by saying and performing things that will bring a smile to their face, faith to their heart and strength to their will to copy your example. Life will be different because you are making a decisive choice to be different and so advance the good of those around. As the old song puts it: “If I can help somebody along life’s way, Then my living will not be in vain”. All the best for you today!!

 QUOTES TO NOTE – Dr Billy Graham

No one can outrun death. It will catch up to all of us eventually. 



After all the goodness and blessing that had been poured upon his life and labours for the Lord, one would have expected Solomon to have been both careful and grateful. He should have made doubly sure that he always did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He owed it to Him to be diligent in doing what the law of the Lord had ordered. The all-essential wisdom was to revere the Lord and to totally keep on track with his Word. He should make sure that he safeguarded his relationship with the Lord so that he kept on line with Him.

This he failed to do. Success and prominence contributed to his spiritual so that he became seduced and mastered by them. Unfortunately he was lured to those from foreign nations. These led him off track and so there came the introduction of false gods and worship that had a bad effect on the nation. The example he set was not good and so God’s people became infected with a wrong profession and procedure that was displeasing to the Lord. It was a wicked thing to do especially in the light of all that the Lord had done for him.

It is needful to be on guard against any one and anything that would subversively lead us away from allegiance to the Lord. Lots of things seek to move in and to draw aside from wholehearted love and obedience to Him. Satan is a crafty seducer and invents many ways by which he can captivate the desires of the saints and so destroy their commitment to the Lord. It is imperative that you be wide awake and have the courage and guts to say no to that which would cause you to part company with the One who has abundantly blessed you. Remember, above all, He is deserving of your love and service and no counter attraction should be permitted to cause you to backslide from His grace.


Study 12  


 HOSEA 12 

It is time to address another section of His people, Judah v2. He can foresee the path that it is treading and so foretells of coming disaster. They are on the slippery slope that will inevitably bring about their downfall. Inherent within them and evident without was a deceitful nature and ways. They were crafty in a sinful way with God and with one another and it was essential that this be sorted and sifted out from among them. He could point to their forefather in history, Jacob, and show that He had successfully affected a divine change in him and it was not too late for a miracle of this nature to occur in them.


It is known that in the womb of Rebekah there was a great conflict and that at the time she was in difficulty and dilemma. She was wondering what was taking place as she was to be a bearer of twins and there was a wrestling occurring within her Genesis 25: 19-26. A spirit of rivalry was existent and especially in the one to be born last, Jacob. There was something amiss even before he appeared on the scene. The boys were not conscious of it but it would become evident in a real way and have to be divinely dealt with.


Within the context of the domestic scene this struggle became obvious and Jacob expressed a real twist and bent in his nature. He was some manipulator. He had a way with him whereby he could secure his own ends and not be too worried about it. There was something fundamentally wrong with him as in the case of Judah at this time. There was the deceiving of Esau on two occasions and later this was to be manifest further in his dealings with Laban. Jacob was the sort of person that could not be trusted but the Lord loved him and desired to see him utterly transformed.


History showed and proved that the Lord was not happy with this state of affairs and on one occasion dramatically and dynamically moved in on man. He was to have a personal confrontation so that he would never be the same again. The bents and the twists had to go and so the divine wrestling match occurred where Jacob was weakened and there came the birth of a new man with a new nature and name – ‘Israel’ – ‘prince with God.’ Bethel and Peniel became two historic places for this man where God met, challenged and changed him so that he might fulfil divine destiny. He came forth from these experiences with a pure and true relationship with God and also the blessing of God. This was to be a reminder to the nation that what had happened historically to one man needed to happen to the whole nation. It was time for a fresh meeting with God and for a change to take place.


Just as God spoke to the forefather through the prophetic so to the descendants. He desired to lead the nation into a radical transformation that would transform the inward nature and outward future.







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