pastor’s weekly thought


Rev. Ian Williams


Robin Hart

Operation Overlord had been months in the planning. Thousands of mens’ lives, the liberation of one country, the potential liberation of many more, the defeat of Nazi Germany and the axis powers in Europe, the timing of the sweep across Western Europe to link with the Russian army coming in from the East, the hope and expectation of the Allies, all the months of preparations including troop movements, training, supplies, armaments, hardware, intelligence gathering and sending, I could go on … all depended on the decision of one man, Eisenhower.

The weather forecast had been iffy and the landings has already been postponed once already but Eisenhower knew now that the combination of tides, weather conditions, troop readiness and the confusion of the enemy meant one thing …it was time to go.   Seventy years ago, June 6th 1944 was a pivotal turning point of the Second World War. D-Day was the start of a campaign that was to gain momentum and push the enemy back, ultimately culminating in victory.  

We experience our own turning points in our own Christian walk. Jon listed a number of turning points – I only have space for one, but you can listen to the rest on the RLC Podcast.   Turning Point Number One: The decision to speak up   King Jehoshaphat was intimidated and understandably so. The armies of Moab, Ammon and Mount Seir had combined to declare war on him and were marching towards him. Jehoshaphat knew he had to look to the Lord for help, he had come to the end of himself and had no other choice. The Lord spoke to Jahaziel, son of Zechariah and he brought a prophetic word of direction, guidance and encouragement. They only needed to stand strong and the Lord would bring a great victory. It came to pass that the armies of Moab, Ammon and Seir turned on each other and managed to wipe each army out completely.  

We need the prophetic word of God when we are facing our own great battles. We need to hear from God and speak out His word in critical times of our lives, when we are under attack. Then we will find that our discouragement turns to encouragement, negativity to positivity, intimidation to confidence. Speak the truths of the Word of God into dismal situations and see them turned around.   How we need to hear the prophetic word to enable the Lord to give us victory over our enemy.

The good news is that the victory has already been won! By Jesus paying the price for our sin and disarming the principalities and powers He made a public spectacle of them. Jesus humiliated the devil in defeating him and forced him to stand in front of his own army and that of the heavenly realms whilst his powers were stripped.  

Win your victory by fasting, by prayer, by worship and by the Word just as King Jehoshaphat did. Learn to rely on God’s word more and more. Respect the Holy Spirit by listening to Him. And the Lord will give you an amazing victory. Maybe today can be your significant turning point.  


welcome to this christian website

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Rev. E. Anderson


Welcome, if it is your first visit to the site. I trust that you will enjoy reading and noting the contents and benefit enormously from the material presented. If you visit often, thank you very much. It gives me some pleasure to know that what is presented is being of service to you to bless others.

If you will look at the left hand side of the page you will see and note, select category. Place your cursor there and it will give you a list of many categories on this site. Click on any subject and it will provide much material relating to the subject. It is a library of contents that has been placed on the site for over three years. There is much material for you to see, note and use as desired.

I have been a Christian minister for over fifty years and now in my retirement am engaged in encouraging all who are in the later stage of life still to be active for the Lord in releasing the spiritual potential still waiting to be released with much blessing. God’s will for us is that we shall be possessed by divine zeal and usefulness. May we who lead others have such a passion and commitment.

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Welcome to this Christian website

Rev. E. Anderson


Welcome, if it is your first visit to the site. I trust that you will enjoy reading and noting the contents and benefit enormously from the material presented. If you visit often, thank you very much. It gives me some pleasure that what is presented is being of service to people.

If you will look at the left hand side of the page you will see a note, Select Category. Place your cursor there and it will give you a list of many categories on this site. Click on any subject and it will provide a lot of material relating to the subject. It is a library of contents that has been placed on the site for over three years. There is much material for you to see and look at.

I have been a Christian minister for over 50 years and am now engaged in retirement in

May you profit from what is recorded and may God bless you greatly in your life and service.

Welcome to this Christian Website


                                     Rev. E. Anderson


If it is your first visit to the site, a warm welcome. I trust that you will enjoy reading and noting the contents and benefit enormously from the material presented. If you visit often, thank you very much. It gives me some pleasure that what is presented is being of service to people.

If you will look at the left hand side of the page you will see a note, Select Category. Place your cursor there and it will give you a list of many categories on this site. Click on any subject and it will provide a lot of material relating to the subject. It is a library of contents that has been placed on the site for over three years. There is much material for you to see and look at.

I have been a Christian minister for over 50 years and am now engaged in retirement in seeking to provide matter that will be of help to others.

May you profit from what is recorded and may God bless you greatly in your life and service.

Stay blessed,

Ernest Anderson


Welcome to this Christian Website



Thanks for taking the time to browse through this Christian Site.

It is now almost 12 years since I retired from the leadership of a local church, little realizing what lay ahead. I did not know anything about a computer or a web site. It has been an adventure and quite a learning curve.

Someone kindly gave me an introduction to learning and so I began to be a little computer literate. My wife and I were able to help a young man who came to Christ qualified in the matter of computers and he set me up to run a Christian Site. It has almost been a journey of three years working a few hours each day to improve it for the folks that would look in on it. It has been quite successful and rewarding in late life.

The purpose of the site is simply to provide a wide range of Christian subjects that could prove helpful to those who have come to Christ and desire to engage in Christian study and service. If you will observe on the left hand side of the first page there is a white box with Select Category. If you will log in on that it will open up many subjects that I have been dealing with during the past three years. Each day there is added to them so that many can profit from my labours for Christ.

I do use others to help me in providing the wide range of material and am grateful for their support.

Do be free to make comments. They will prove beneficial as one seeks to continually upgrade where possible.

Your friend and helper,

Rev. E. Anderson


“It may not be an easy thing to live in sweet fellowship with everyone; but that is what the grace of God is for” – D.L. Moody

“Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” – Ephesians 6: 23

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New Contributions presented by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


A Happy and God-blessed New Year to you all!

May the next twelve months be very special as you have a positive union and partnership with God. As He is the principal partner, He will certainly manifest His love, grace, wisdom and power throughout. Be assured of it! 

At the immediate moment I am introducing three new factors to the site: 

Rev. Aaron Linford was for many years an esteemed and able minister and teacher of God’s Word.  He wrote a number of books and booklets and I am introducing some of the editorials that were well-loved when they were first written for the readers of Redemption Tidings. He also penned a book on Proverbs, one for each day. One of the things we desperately require in order to live a positive and successful life is wisdom. Ponder on some of his interpretations from this famous Old Testament book. 

Rev. Terry Hanford is going to be contributing regularly. He purposes to bring a simple, yet challenging presentation that will help people to understand the purpose of their existence and how they can come to a dynamic faith and life in God. Each week he will deal with the basic questions that come to the mind of all and we trust they will prove most helpful. He has been a successful preacher and evangelist over many years. 

I have opened up on another subject on knowing ‘God’s Thoughts and Ways’. It is imperative that we discover such and be lifted on to the highest and best road to life and living.  

Profile – Rev. and Mrs. E. Anderson

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Rev. & Mrs.  E. Anderson 

Just to say a sincere thank you for visiting the web site and trust such will be of value and service to you. 

Since I introduced it almost 12 months ago, you will be please to known that almost 1,000 a week visit it. I am so pleased it has contributed to someone’s gain and blessing. Quite a number of people have sent in encouraging comments, and I thank you most sincerely. 

One thing I seek to do is to keep it fresh every day and that it will serve the wide body of Christendom whilst reaching out to those who are making honest inquiry after God and the Christian Gospel. A number of subjects are engaged upon and others will be introduced in the future. You may not agree with all that is presented on the site, however, the Lord make a channel of His blessing to all. 

I never thought that at 75 years of age I would be involved in such an important ministry and am delighted to place my maturity and ministry at the disposal of both old and young alike. 

With regard to myself, I have been a Christian for over 62 years and have been involved with the Assemblies of God Fellowship as a minister for over 50 years. I had the joy of leading a young lady to Christ in 1951 and then married her in 1954. As you can note, we have had our Golden Wedding and had so many happy, God-blessed years together.

She has been a fantastic partner as we have served in six churches and in the Assemblies of God Bible College as its Dean for over six years. It has been a demanding, adventurous life, but the Lord has not failed in any way. He has blessed us with two sons and a daughter and they are all happily married and have presented us with nine grandchildren. A few years ago we had the delight of adopting a further son and daughter in law along with their daughter.

We know God has been good and it is to Him we render our thanks and give Him all the glory. 

Every blessing be upon you in every way, every day.