welcome – an encouraging meditation for you today


Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome, if it is your first visit to the site. I trust that you will enjoy reading and noting the contents and benefit enormously from the material presented. If you visit often, thank you very much. It gives me some pleasure to know that what is presented is being of service to you to bless others.

If you will look at the left hand side of the page you will see and note, select category. Place your cursor there and it will give you a list of many categories on this site. Click on any subject and it will provide much material relating to the subject. It is a library of contents that has been placed on the site for over three years. There is much material for you to see, note and use as desired.

I have been a Christian minister for over fifty years and now in my retirement am engaged in encouraging all who are in the later stage of life still to be active for the Lord in releasing the spiritual potential still waiting to be released with much blessing. God’s will for us is that we shall be possessed by divine zeal and usefulness. May we who lead others have such a passion and commitment.



Romans 8

Besides doing a great work within you and making you a son and child of God, placing you within His choice Family, He has bestowed the blessing of the Holy Spirit who is to act as God within, giving you life, abilities and the guidance you require on the journey. He is ever present to superintend and to look after you and your affairs. He not only knows the way ahead, He is able to provide and assist at every stage of the route so that there will be no lack on any front. Your responsibility is to make certain that you are daily filled with Him and submit to His presence, influence and sustenance so that you can move at the rate that has been programmed for you. His all-sufficiency is always at hand to meet every deficiency that may exist in you, Learn to draw upon His vast, eternal resources so you will thoroughly enjoy each day and see distance covered and choice things wrought in and for you. The Spirit-filled life is the only answer to dynamic and fulfilled living that makes the journey worthwhile.


minute messages

Uganda 649

Rev. E. Anderson
Taken from the Word for Today

‘I press on toward the goal to win the prize.’ Philippians 3:74 NIV

PAUL WRITES: ‘Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, l press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me . . . All of us who are mature should take such a view of things..’ (w. 13-15 Nl\/). Paul was driven by his vision of reaching the world for Christ (Romans 1O:1). It was his yardstick for daily living and his motivation for effort lt made him relentless.

An unknown poet wrote: ‘When things go wrong as may sometimes will, and the road you’re ‘trudging seems all uphill. When funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh. When things are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but don’t you quit!

Life is strange with its twists and turns, as every one of us sometimes learns. And many a failure turns about, when he might have won if he’d stuck it out Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow- you might succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems, to a faint and faltering man. Often the struggler has given up, when he might have captured the victors cup. And he learned too late, when the night slipped down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out—the silver tint of the clouds of doubt. You never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems afar. So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—it‘s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit’.



messages by rev rick warren

rick warren

Rev. Rick Warren

You can learn a lot from your experiences — good and bad. To apply them to your work, you have to go back over time and ask, “Where was I successful and where was I not? Where was I fulfilled and where was I not? What got me excited about work?”

All of the lessons for your life are there in your experiences; you just have to spend time examining them. When you do, you’ll see that in every failure are the seeds of success — if you learn from them.

Galatians 3:4 says, “Did all your experience mean nothing at all? Surely it meant something!” (GNT)

Years ago I met an older gentleman who told me how getting laid off was the best thing that ever happened to him. He was 40 years old and had worked his entire life in a saw mill when his supervisor came in one day and told him he was fired — no severance, no retirement, nothing. He had no other skills, no other job training. When he went home and told his wife what happened, she said, “What are you going to do now?” He responded, “I guess I’m going to do what I’ve always wanted to do. I’m going to mortgage our home and go into the building business.”

His first venture was the construction of two small motels, but within five years, he was a multimillionaire. The man was named Wallace Johnson, the co-founder of the Holiday Inn hotel chain. At one point, it was one of the world’s largest hotel chains.

Wallace told me that if he could locate the man who fired him, he would thank him for what he had done. At the time, Wallace didn’t understand why he was fired. Only later could he see that it was God’s unerring and wondrous plan to get him fired in order to get him into the career he was shaped to do.

Maybe God’s taken you through an unexpected failure that you didn’t understand at the time, but now you see that it shaped you into who you are today. Maybe you’re in the middle of something like that right now. Trust that God will use your circumstances to show you what he shaped you to do and how you can use your life to serve him.


What have you learned from the failures in your life?
Are you experiencing a failure right now? How do you think God wants you to respond?
Why do you think God allows believers to experience failure and not success all the time?


message of note

David L'Herroux

Rev. David L’Herroux

Daniel L’Herroux has a passion to see the nations transformed one airwave at a time. We caught with the Chief executive of UCB to find out how he plans to do it.

David L’Herroux is a goliath of a ’ businessman, not that you’d know it to look at him. In fact, you have to peer past the Frenchman’s diminutive stature to the acumen within to understand just why David is leading such a significant institution.

“I was invited by UCB some years ago to actually do an interview,” he recalls.
”l came to do the interview, and they understood that I was leading a ministry called Book of Hope, which is now called One Hope. They were very interested in the publications that we had and we started to partner with one another. One day, the founder of UCB, Ian Mackie, and I met.

“UCB had a clear desire is to work among the youth which One Hope targets. One day God spoke very clearly to Ian and said, ‘Why reinvent the wheel?’ So we merged One Hope UK with UCB. The only way that could have happened was by a word from God. In 2007 we integrated the ministries and now we try to reach as many young people as we can around the nations with the power of God’s Word.”

Over five million copies of Book of Hope — which tells the gospel story in contemporary language — have been distributed since its launch in 1997.

David’s original interview was about his stunning rise from being a cleaner at a local Littlewoods to heading the discount chain. It is a life story that might make for script material, which is fitting since he’s directed his attention firmly towards the power of media since arriving at UCB.

Through all their many endeavours — in print, on radio and TV and online — UCB reached nearly three million people last year. For David, this success is evidence of the huge potential of modern media to spread the message of the gospel.

“We live in a very exciting day!” he ex- plains. “The 21st Century is a new world, dominated by multi—platform communication. Where we communicate to people is very different now. Therefore, to me the excitement is that through the power of media, we can actually reach places that we could never reach before.”

Indeed lounges offices an waiting rooms around the nation have invited the Christian witness of UCB in.

“l think we are privileged as we are en- trusted by the listeners in the sense that they are actually inviting us in, instead of us inviting them to church. They have invited us into the privacy of their homes to listen to what we offer.
What we have — we believe — is the answer to the world today.”

What is clear as David speaks is that he really loves his job. The enthusiasm with which he unpacks the potential of modern media to tell the story of Christianity is infectious.


meet the christian ministers


Rev. Steve and Helen Peach

Our Pastors Steve & Helen Peach have a heart to reach the people of Tipton for Christ.
Pastor Steve moved to Tipton in 2000 and has a passion and a heart to reach out to the town, originally from a small village called Pelsall, he says “Tipton and its people are fantastic I’ve fell in love with the town and consider Tipton my home town”.

Pastor Helen has always lived in Tipton and grew up in and around Tipton so has a personal love for the people and the town of Tipton.

God has given Pastor Steve a vision for the church of seeing churches in Tipton join together as Gods house and take the gospel to the people through outreach and by being active in the community.

They live local and have two girls Jessica & Georgia and one boy Kieran, they have a passion to serve God and build and educate people

Mark 16:15 Jesus Commands us:
“Go into the world and preach the Gospel”

Our Vision is to go and share Jesus with Tipton, the Black Country, The Nation and The Nations! Sharing His love and grace through our lives and testimonies of what He has done. Psalm 92:13:”Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts or
our God”

It is our passion here at TCC to encourage men, women and children from all sorts of backgrounds to discover and experience the plans that God has for their lives. To encourage them to come to church and discover their true potential in life, by being planted in Gods house and experiencing His Love, His Grace and His Blessings!

If your not part of a church or have not been to church for a while we would love to invite you here to Tipton Christian Church. Or maybe you would just like to pop in sometime to see what goes on here at TCC, our meet and greet team will gladly welcome you and give you any information you need about the Church.

We Hope To Here From You Soon, God Bless!


Tipton Christian Church is to reach out to all people of all cultures and all backgrounds with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
To support, love, teach and empower them through the Word of God in order for them to live successful lives for God, spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially and socially.

This mission is being done through:

Local Church services that are Bible based and Spirit led
Supporting ministries that teach, train and encourage a Biblical lifestyle
Supporting and working with home and overseas missions outreach ministries children’s ministries, helping them to develop socially, physically and Spiritually. Working with local schools, supporting them socially and in education

Supporting the hurting and needy of our community by:

Working with the local council along with local agencies and community groups to help meet the need of the local community
Providing a food bank for those with a real need
Providing financial advice for those struggling with debt
Providing professional counselling for those with emotional difficulties, where they will be encouraged and supported

Encouraging people socially and in education by:

Working with local agencies and residents to clean up streets and local estates
Providing work shops and education training so as people can develop and reach their full potential.


living devotions

ernest reading pose

Rev. E. Anderson
Taken from the senior Life Ministries

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”— John 15: 13

A 10-year-old boy was picking through a bucket of dirt near a commercial gem mine in North Carolina when he found an interesting rock. He liked the shape of it, so he took it home and showed it to his parents. After they took it to a gemologist, the rock was discovered to be a 1,061-carat sapphire worth more than $35,000

Quite often, things that might not appear to have worth can actually carry tremendous value. You’ve probably put a jacket or coat on simply because it was cold, only to reach in the pocket and discover a $20 bill you left in it several months ago. That which had a small perceived value at first ended up giving you more than you realized.

The same is true in our everyday relationships with others. It’s easy to take friends for granted, assuming they’re just going to be there the next time you call or visit them. But the truth is that those relationships should be deeply treasured because our life here on earth is temporary.

So as you think about your friends and family with whom you’ve built relationships, remember what they really mean to you and express that to them. Understand the value of a faithful friend and don’t take a moment with them for granted!


Thank God for the friends in your life. Pray you’d never take them for granted.


leadership factors

MIKE FIGLIUOLORev. Mike Figiuolo

It’s nauseating to hear – someone soft-shoe dancing around an issue because they’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings. They do so because they might receive negative feedback in a 360 review that they were abrupt or too direct in delivering feedback on that issue. So rather than going the direct route, they water down their message until it’s a mealy mouthed blathering stream of meaningless crap (yes, I’m fired up as I’m writing this).

Let me ask you this – do you want to follow a “leader” who doesn’t speak his or her mind? Someone who is more concerned with how their actions will be perceived rather than saying what they really think? Do you want to follow a leader who is more interested in doing nothing wrong (and hence not doing much of anything) or would you rather follow someone who takes a stand for what they believe in and suffers the consequences as appropriate?

Me? I’ll choose option B.

Conflict avoidance has invaded Leaderville and it’s an ugly blight. IMPORTANT: realize, I’m not advocating or approving of hateful, cruel, rude, or offensive behavior and words (although some idiot won’t bother to read this sentence and they’ll leave an anonymous comment to the effect that I’m a hate-monger or some stupidity of similar ilk). Those words and behaviours have no place in any workplace (or our lives for that matter).

What I’m attacking is a belief that we as leaders can’t speak our minds because we might hurt someone’s feelings. It’s that mindset that erodes the core of leadership over time and turns it into gentle corrective actions that end up having no impact whatsoever. Sure, no one felt corrected or had their feelings hurt but they now effectively have no freakin’ idea what they’re supposed to do or what they did wrong in the first place because the message was diluted.

We need to fix this. Now. So here’s what I propose:

1. Take the But(t) Sandwich off the Menu
I’ve written before about how much I hate but(t) sandwiches. Starting and ending feedback sessions with some false flattery just so you can jam a big slice of nasty feedback in the middle is a waste of time. It’s disingenuous. It also destroys your credibility as a leader. Any time after that if you begin praising someone, they’ll simply be waiting for the “but…” even if it’s never coming. This approach to giving feedback is terrible. Stop it. Now. But(t) sandwiches are now off the menu.
2. Everyone Grow Up
Take your frickin’ binkies out of your mouths and put your blankies away in your Scooby Doo knapsacks. This ain’t kindergarten anymore folks. The feedback isn’t personal. If you screwed up, step up and take it like an adult. I’ve screwed up plenty of times. And yes, when I took my beatings they were VERY unpleasant. But I took them and acted on them.

When you get drilled for doing something wrong then go crying about it to your peers, it makes you look like an idiot. They know you screwed up. They know you’re simply deflecting blame. If we spent as much time and energy focusing on fixing the mistake and building our skills to prevent the next one as we do on complaining to our coworkers about how mean our boss was to us, maybe we would actually perform better. You make a lot of money. A lot is expected of you. Getting some pointed feedback and being mature about receiving it is in your job description. A great leadership principle states “seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.” Do it.

3. Take off the Soft Shoes and Put on the Boots
When you tiptoe around an issue, you come across as weak. More likely than not the recipient of the feedback knows what they did (or didn’t do). They just want you to get it over with. Dancing around the issue is a waste of time. It’s confusing. The recipient might walk away confused or with the wrong impression. None of these are good things.

Whether you’re going to saddle up and be more direct or not, you’ll need to take off the soft shoes and put on the boots. If you’re going to be direct, you’ll need the boots to deliver a swift kick in the behind. If you’re still going to dance around the issue, the boots will at least protect your ankles from the piles of crap that are rising and filling the room.

4. Lead
It’s not always a glamorous job. You’ve chosen to do it. Go be direct. Don’t deliberately hurt feelings but for crying out loud tell people what you really think. G been direct enough in this post with what’s on my mind. Now it’s your turn…



just a thought


Rev. Aaron Linford

Our Lord spoke of an unclean spirit leaving a man to wander. It returns, finds the “house empty, swept and garnished”, and reoccupies its former abode with “seven other spirits more wicked than himself” (Matt 12:43-45). The first lesson is that mere reformation is not enough, only generation, whereby the Holy Spirit enters the life, can secure the soul.

Another lesson. The devil rushes into every vacated area of human life unless it is occupied by spiritual good.

Beware those who talk of “emptying the mind of all thought or emotion”. This is the basic element of transcendental meditation. The result? Evil powers take over, the vacuum is filled. But Christian Meditation is filling the mind “My meditation of Him shall be sweet” (Ps 104:34) and the mind, being inspired with adoration for Jesus will resolve itself to worship. The door is thus bolted against evil. ‘Looking unto Jesus” (Heb 12:2) is a safely-lock the combination of which Satan will never know. Our hearts are safe from evil.

And a vital aid to this is to “meditate in God’s law day and light” (Ps 1:2). Thus “the counsel of the ungodly can have no place, for the mind and heart are filled with thoughts of God. Any stray thought are brought under captivity to Christ” (2 Cor 10:5). Our mind is “Not to let”.


illustrations that light up life

ernest reading pose

Rev. E. Anderson
Emerson Colaw tells about doing some work with his church’s non-resident membership list.

He wrote a letter to one family that had been very active in his church. A letter came back saying, “Mr. Colaw, we now live near a university campus and we go every Sunday to the chapel service there. They have unusually fine music . . . they have nationally known preachers ever Sunday morning.” And she added a note he didn’t think necessary. “We had not heard such preaching as that before. The children are being taught in church school by seminary students.” And then she ended, “But the best of all there is no membership, no pledging, and no women’s society asking me to work. So if you don’t mind, we’ll just leave our membership at Hyde Park and continue to enjoy what we have here.” No involvement, no bother. No crosses.


miracles and healing testimonies

rita ferns

Rita Ferns

When mother-of-four Rita Ferns had five people close to her die in the space of I4 months, she spiralled into a deep depression. But the new Christian clung to her faith during that dark time and is now able to look back and see that even in the hardest periods God was with her.

“I used to cry day and night, but God has dried my tears,” the -55-year-old says.
“I had two brothers and a niece commit suicide, then my cousin died from mouth cancer and I just broke down. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that bad and still live. I locked myself away and the only thing I had was my Bible. I didn’t even have the strength to read it but I would cling to it every night.

“Every morning I would pray to God to take me, then one morning as I cried out to him I heard the words, ‘I’m going to take you out of the mud and set your feet on the rock.’

“Then Psalm 40 came to me where it says, ‘I waited patiently on the Lord and he heard my cry.’ I knew then that God was with me. The days started to get better as he poured out His love.”

But Rita’s faith was to be put a further test when tragedy struck again as her son died from drug overdose last year.

“I just felt myself being lifted’ she says. “Despite what I ‘as going through, the love of God was there – I felt loved and precious and I knew that Jesus
was with me — even through that.

“Now, even though I have the memories, the pain that goes with them isn’t there. Jesus has taken it away and now I can look back on my life and see God at work, even in the dark times. I used to just cry constantly but now I am totally set free. God is an awesome God.”

That’s quite a statement for Rita, who attends Bathgate Elim in Scotland, as her whole life was characterised by abuse and poverty.

“I was abused from the age of five,” she says. “My dad had a drink problem and it wasn’t uncommon for him to spend evenings in the cells. There were nine of us and I was the eldest. My mum struggled to cope, so I took on that maternal role.”

As Rita grew older, things got worse as her father’s drink problem increased and periods of homelessness followed.

“When I was eight my mum just ran away and left us in a social worker’s office. In those days they had no homes for men and children so even though my dad was willing, we were put into foster care and those are some of the happiest memories in my life. We were placed with an American family in Dunnon near a naval base and life was good.”

But after social workers tracked down Rita’s mum, the children were taken back home. With seven children in a one-bed-roomed flat, a cycle of drink and despair soon returned.

“We lived there for five years and dad started to be violent towards my mum, even when she was pregnant,” Rita

“He was constantly in the cells. There were quiet periods when he was trying to come off the drink but they never lasted long.”

Throughout her childhood, Rita suffered regular beatings and left home at I6.

“I got straight into a relationship with an older man who was quite controlling,” she says. “I was just desperate for love. We were together for ten years then the relationship broke down.”

Looking for a new start, Rita — who now had children of her own — moved to Livingston where she concentrated on bringing up her family.

“I was determined that they’d have the childhood that I never did,” she says. “I made sure that they were always clean and fed.”

Then four years ago her daughter told her about an Alpha course at the local Elim church and Rita decided to go

“Pastor Jimmie Vowles at Bathgate was running the course,” she recalls. “I’d been brought up as a Catholic where it was all about rules and regulations. I’d always believed in God but thought of him as a scary God who would never want me because of all the things I’d done. l carried around all this guilt because l blamed myself for what had happened. But here I was being told about a Jesus who had died for me and loved me. It was incredible and l got to know him through relationship, not religion.”

But life wasn’t easy for the new Christian as she came to terms with her past. “l would still cry every day when I thought about my mum, dad and brothers, then I had the four suicides of my family members,” she says. “I just wanted to die. L was in agony inside.

“But then God spoke to me and my life started to turn around. I went to therapy and they couldn’t understand why l wasn’t angry after all I’d been
through but God has allowed me to look back on my life and see the blessings along the way and understand my parents’ pain. Every trial and challenge l face I’m able to cope with,” because of all the responsibility l had as a child.

“I believe that God has put me in Bathgate Elim so that l can help others. Every day l wake up and thank God that he’s taken the pain away.”

Pastor Vowles has seen Rita’s transformation first hand. “I have known Rita for several years now,” he says. “When we first met, there was so much pain and brokenness in her life.

“The greatest privilege of being a pastor is watching a person transform from old pain and hurt to healing and forgiveness. Rita is one of the most dramatic transformations l have witnessed. Jesus does what he says — he heals the broken-hearted.”


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