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Just for You Today



“He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY’, so says Psalm 91:1. There is no doubt about the substance and reality of this Biblical quotation. To those people who place their confidence and hope in JEHOVAH, the ever living GOD, they will discover He is well able to look after those who simply trust in Him. Being self-assured is not enough and will fail. Many people fall flat on their faces when they are merely self-reliant. Learn to live knowing you are always covered by God’s hand of omnipotence and loved with an eternal love is the best way to live. Abide in Him and be assured today!

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Just for You Today – 30.03.20


Being seemingly closed in seemingly has its advantages and blessings. It gives time for the pulling off on a lot of non-essentials and focusing on spiritual realities and fellowship to be known with God. It is possible to be far too busy where the LORD does not really get a look in or have a message into our lives and situations. The loss known by this is irreparable. Take the forthcoming hours and day to relate to Him so that He can communicate vital knowledge that will make all the difference to your growth and attainment in heavenly matters. He does not want you miss out on anything that will serve to your usefulness and blessedness. Note: this can be the day which will spell the turning point to greater things!!!

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Just for You Today – 29.03.20


Jersualem of old was always considered to be a very great stronghold. It was the capital city for Israel and that is where the Sanctuary of the LORD was erected and its kings lived and ruled. It somehow gave a tremendous assurance of strength to be housed there. But for the Christian it must be known that Christ is our Stronghold and when we abide in him He administers His unique confidence and assurance. All will be well and secure! You can do no better in these perilous days to take refuge in Him. He is capable of shielding and defending His saints. You will not be at the mercy of life or the wicked one but sure in His keeping. Ultimately He will land you in heaven, the New Jerusalem!


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Just for You Today – 28.03.20
It is imperative if things are to continuously run effectively that maintenance be kept up. Sometimes it only requires a drop of oil squirted in the right place for all to operate smoothly. Pay attention today to the little things because by so doing you ensure constant motion, progress and success. People have often neglected the seeming insignificant and found they have had a major issue to confront and sort out. It only takes a little speck of dust or dirt in the eye to create difficulty respecting vision that can prove awkward. Especially when it comes to spiritual matters diligence must be paid to tiny factors that will have immense bearing on the ultimate result. Take care btherefore of the minorand the major will be resolved.

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Just for You Today – 27.03.20
Lots of things at present may be temporarily closed to you and there is a sense of loneliness seeking to creep in and take over. Take issue with such immediately and do not allow it to assume authority or control over your mind, spirit and mouth. Realise the the LORD of Heaven, Jesus Christ, came to bring heaven to you and open heaven to you now as a spiritual reality. The ultimate He has in mind is to take you there where it will be your eternal heavenly home with God as your Father and the whole Christian Church Family will be there. The sun will always be shining with no night there. Things could not be better or improved. Heaven is open to you NOW!

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Just for You Today – 26.03.20
The Lord places before you every day the opportunity of living life to the full. It is possible to merely exist and get through the day with little effort. You must learn and know how to sort out the hours ahead and utilise them to the full so that you are both satisfied and thrilled with your attainment. Begin the day with God in prayer, reading the Scriptures, being filled with the Holy Spirit and you will build the best platform for something choice to be enacted. He is always going somewhere of significance and worth, so linking up with Him you are sure to end up on the best course and accomplishing incredible things. It is the Lord who makes ordinary folks extraordinary. Why not choose to be on the list and discover partnership with Him is the best way to live!

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Just for You Today – 25.03.03
These are difficult days to face and handle but we are not without divine help. We may be seemingly locked in because of the virulent conditions around and about but we are open to the presence of our LORD who has His own ways communicating love, truth, faith and hope that buoys up the spiritual man. Although you may be seemingly on your own reckon on Him and He will disclose Himself to you and cheer your heart with some appropriate word and assurance. He is the best answer in the most despairing conditions and makes them serve a bigger interest for His saints. Paul discovered that even when in prison the LORD was alongside to strengthen and make the experience profitable

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Just for You Today – 24.03.20
There are many in the book of Proverbs. In chapter 17:17 it is recorded: ‘A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity’. Two quality declarations each emphasise the untold wealth and worth of a friend and brother at all times. Elsewhere it is underlined that love is as strong as death. It holds and keeps friendship flowing in all kind of circumstances and conditions. A true friend is far better and greater than any large bank balance. A friend is able to enliven you with their presence and encouraging messages plus the extra things done. When in adverse experiences that would tear apart and undo, how welcome the advent of someone in a supportive and sustaining role. Let us all seek to be such and classed amongst the wise.

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Just for You Today – 23.03.20
In a world that is cursed with many evils, especially the evil of sin, it is helpful to consider and commend the opposite. Understand this, the Lord made man in the first instance in order to enjoy a very full, meaningful and happy life. He chose a man by the name of Abraham and said: ‘I am going to bless you and you are going to be a blessing!’ He certainly would say the same to you now, yes today! Whilst on planet earth He wills to do you good and everybody else well through you. You are to become His base on and through which loads of people are to receive so much in terms of blessing. You can receive an ever growing quantity of His love and gifts that you give not only gifts say but yourself, too. That is the great accolade of life! Mother Theresa gave herself away in all her serving and giving. So you, too, can do the same!

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Just for You Today –
When the world is alarmed and a great amount of people are nervous and jittery as to what is occurring: be in a state of peace. The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ came to establish peace for sinners, to atone for their sins and to establish a dynamic, personal accord with God the Father. You cannot afford to miss out on this beautiful accord in this life: know GOD as your FATHER. Do not be an orphan but a true child of God. As you allow Christ to live in you on a daily basis you will not be alarmed. His presence with you on a continual footing means you will ever know His providences operative for your goo. And to think – it is to last forever! There are no alarm or emergency stations in heaven!

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