Daily Meditations Notes by Rev. E. Anderson July 31st – August 6th 2007

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Rev. E. Andersom

 August 6th     COPING WITH DIFFICULTIES – Ruth 1: 1-5

These introductory verses reveal how things do go wrong in life and how problems and trials occur to the best of people. Naomi and her husband, with her two sons, are seemingly driven from Bethlehem (the house of bread) because of famine and go to live in the land of Moab. It must have been a very hard decision to make, to move from one’s homeland and take residence in a foreign country.  They would have rather stayed but circumstances seemed to have forced them out.

It appears that things got from bad to worse when she is bereaved of her husband. What a tremendous blow to this woman now an exile in Moab! Her sons had grown up and married girls from Moab and this must have been some temporary relief having two daughter-in-laws in a supportive role. Tragedy struck again with the death of her two sons. This must have meant real heartache and did cause some inner resentment.  The woman truly felt bereft and did not cope very well under the burden of these circumstances.

It has to be said that traumatic things can and do happen and have to be faced with love and understanding. Thankfully, Naomi had one daughter-in-law that was filled with the right sort of feelings and attitudes. She turned out to be tops in these conditions. We do well to look around and see where we can help others cope with the baffling experiences and tragedies of life. The Lord can use you today to bring relief and hope to some desolate soul.

Daily Meditation Notes published by Rev. E. Anderson – July 24th -31st -2007

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Rev. E. Anderson

July 24th      GOD’S GRIEF – Judges 10

Is it possible that the Lord could be smitten with grief? Quite a question to ask! It states in v16 “and His soul was grieved for the misery of Israel.” Looking down on the circumstances that His people were in, He was rightly disturbed and distressed. He knew that they could have been in a lot better condition. Instead of being victimised in the way that they were by foreign nations, things would have been decidedly different if only they had done the right thing and honoured Him.

At this time they were really given over to idolatry –v6. They stooped to every false deity and practised all kinds of offensive actions to the Lord in the worship of them. Such a sin was grievous to God and caused unnecessary pain to Him.  Israel had no call to act in such a manner in the light of God’s goodness and faithfulness. It should have been their purpose to give Him pleasure.

We must make sure that we do not entertain any idols in our lives and thus cause grief to our Lord. He wants to see us in a free and favoured state and enjoying His rich blessings and if this is not the case, it affects Him deeply. Let us renounce all evil associations and make evident our total love of and commitment to Him today. The admonition in the New Testament is to “Flee idolatry.”  Nothing and no one should be allowed to occupy the place that belongs to the Lord alone.

July 25th     A LEADERSHIP NEED – Judges 10: 17, 18;

Thankfully the people had repented and truly turned to the Lord having put away the idols and strange gods and placed themselves entirely at the Lord’s mercy. They knew they had no claim upon Him in the light of their behaviour and broken covenant but they trusted Him to help them in the immediate crisis. From v17 it is apparent they were faced with a formidable foe that was desirous of inflicting further pressure and problems on them. It was important that they be rescued in this set of circumstances as they felt themselves ill prepared.

An urgent requirement was the need of a good leader who could bring some inspiration and assistance. In the providence of God there was such a man by the name of Jephthah who is affirmed as being ‘a mighty man of valour’ – Judges 11: 1. His pedigree did not seem to be much but he knew how to act with courage and had proven himself as a warrior to a degree. He responded to the request having secured concessions from them and so he led them into battle by the power of God. God was pleased to recognise him and gave him the needed inspiration for it says, “The Spirit of the Lord came on Jephthah” – v29.

We can be assured that the Lord does not want a leaderless Church in these days when there is a battle to be fought. How essential it is that we pray and seek God to appoint and anoint those people who can give the kind of lead that is vital to spiritual victory! The candidates that God has in mind may not fit in with our ideas and opinions. What matters is that the Church is seen to be dealing with the enemy in an overcoming manner. Pray for your leaders today that they will be anointed for the fight.

July 26th      RASHNESS OF SPEECH – Judges 11: 30, 34-40; Ecclesiastes 5: 2, 4-7

One of the most important organs of our bodies is our mouth. It is not only used for the intake of food and fluid essential to our physical strength and growth but also possesses the power to utter words that can be used for good or ill. How vital that it is properly and perfectly connected to the mind so that there precedes the wise and rightful use of speech. It can be engaged very dangerously at times and the slip of the tongue mouthing words, especially in the form of vows, can prove to be foolish as seen in the case of Jephthah.
Looking at what he said here, with all good intent, at a time of great challenge, was not sound or sensible as events turned out. Meaningful as may have been his intentions, it would have been better to have kept a bridle on his tongue. The important thing was to have simply been devoted to the Lord and of obtaining victory without this addition. The Lord was not interested in this kind of expression but in his love and devotion. It seems apparent that he did carry this thing through but it was not a wholesome procedure.
It is sound advice that is offered in Ecclesiastes 5: 6 “Suffer not your mouth to cause your flesh to sin.”  Keep a guard on your thoughts and tongue so that they are not allowed to run away with some extreme statement or promise that in the end will produce untold grief. This does not mean we should not make any vows but they should always be perfectly weighed and considered before they are uttered.

July 27th      AN UNNECESSARY CONFLICT – Judges 12: 1-7

After such a major triumph it is sad to read of this argument that was brought up by the men of Ephraim – v1. Because they had not been involved in the recent conquest they wanted to commence a battle of words that eventually turned into a bitter contest. The root cause of this appears to lie in jealousy. They had been invited to the fray but were unwilling to join forces with Jephthah and would have rather seen their fellow patriots lose. Jephthah said, “when I called you, you delivered me not out of their hands” – v2. They had every opportunity of joining forces and thus heal any resentment that existed.

The inevitable result was a terrible war took place between them and eventually 42,000 men perished from Ephraim. The ones that had initiated the war of words turned out to be the losers.  If only they had rejoiced in the previous victory of the others in delivering them from a common enemy things would have been different or even if they had not been involved and let matters rest. Wisdom should have taught them to be bound together as brothers in a common cause.

There are surely lessons for us to learn from this incident. First, let us seek to be united with our brothers in a common conflict against the enemy. Do not be responsible for creating strife and conflict so endangering unity and good will. The Lord has called His people to harmony. Secondly, do not in any way become envious and jealous at the success of others but rather congratulate them, by so doing, we will reveal the God-like spirit and attitude. The cultivation of this attitude and action will be rewarded accordingly by God.

July 28th      DIVINE INITIATIVE – Judges 13: 1-23

It is apparent in the birth of Samson that the Lord is seen taking initiative in providing an answer for His elect household. He had allowed them to be brought under the dominion of the Philistines because of the sinful ways and practices and for forty years it had not been an easy time – v1. They had to pay the price again as the result of their waywardness and wickedness. It seems that they never did learn the lesson of history and were so prone to doing their own thing and forgetting the rights of God.

He could have left them to what they deserved but here He is seeking to raise up an individual who would make his mark upon his day and subsequent history. The birth of Samson was quite a unique event as the narrative reveals. To a barren woman is given the unexpected news that she is to bear a son and that the Nazarite vow would be on him and that he would be the future deliverer of Israel. She is given promise and prophecy of what was to be and is confirmed by the angel in an unusual manner – vv19-23.

We should be looking to the Lord to show forth His grace and power in our times. He expects us to take initiative in given moments but also there are the occasions when he moves in sovereign mercy to take up the cause for His own. It is good to know that God has not forsaken this generation and that He can and will raise up people that will rise with unique anointing to deal with the Christian Church’s enemy. Let our assurance and optimism be placed in Christ to outwork something mighty in these days in the calling and revealing of men with spiritual and supernatural power and gifting.

July 29th      INITIAL STIRRINGS – Judges 13: 24-25

The Lord was true to His word and Manoah’s wife gave birth to a son, Samson. His name actually means ‘distinguished, strong.’ He certainly was to become a renowned individual distinguished for His strength. The initial beginnings of this child could not have been better because it is recorded that he grew “and the Lord blessed him” -v24. The blessing of the Lord was with him from his earliest days singling him out for a meaningful and powerful destiny. His early life could not have been improved upon in order to prepare for the next stage.

There came the vital move forward in what was then to take place in God’s timing – “And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times . . . .” – v25. This was to be a special experience because he discovered that he was to be unique and different to the general crowd around him. There was a divine inspiration and revelation that commenced to flow through his being. He sensed that his life and work was being earmarked for something significant and special. A consciousness of God and of divine capability began to assert itself.

We, too, have been birthed into the divine Kingdom in order to be blessed and to become distinguished in terms of spiritual strength. The reason for our being within God’s special household is that we might become most useful and effective. Those initial stirrings by God’s Spirit need to increase within us, preparing and releasing us into a dynamic work of overcoming the enemy. Today you can move into something different and to begin to feel the greater touch of God upon your life.

July 30th      A START TO VICTORY – Judges14

It was necessary for Samson to begin his work for God in delivering God’s people from the hand of the Philistines. It appears to have been a strange way for things to work out, but the providence of God is in evidence despite Manoah’s concern for Samson’s choices – vv3, 4. Behind this love affair and intended marriage was the means through which Samson would get going on his real job of being the nation’s deliverer. There was the extraordinary slaying of the lion, the production of honey in its carcase, the telling of the riddle and betrayal, then finally, the slaying of the Philistines.

God’s servant, from this incident and experience, should have learned that the Philistines in no way could be trusted and the alarm bells should have rung very early in his conscience. His parents had told him and events proved the correctness of their advice.  Having discovered the Lord’s strength and help in an awkward moment, he should have proceeded more soundly and listened to God’s Word and not allowed the dictates of the flesh to assume control later on. Great care should have been adopted in the knowledge of his unique calling and gifting.

When God gives an anointing and we experience some victories, it is wise not to permit ourselves from giving way to any carnal and natural inclination. It is imperative to keep our lives perfectly attuned to God so that no seeds are sown that will lead to our personal undoing. Nobody can be too careful here because it is tragic to finish up a ‘has been’ when so much more could have been achieved. The triumphs known are to be a platform for even greater victories and these will be all the more so as a humble state of mind and attitude is evidenced.

July 31st      A UNIQUE PROVISION – Judges 15

This deliverer found himself in quite some difficulty after wreaking vengeance on the Philistines – vv1-8. Even his people also were under great threat – v9. They felt if Samson surrendered to them this threat would go away and so asked for this – vv11-13. Although they felt weak and intimidated, this was not so of him.  He allowed himself to be bound and to taken to them knowing that the Lord would help him with His inspiration and might. One with God would be more than a majority!

The Lord certainly came with enduement by His Spirit because it states: “And when he came unto Lehi, the Philistine shouted against him: “and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him . .” – v14. That was enough to empower and incite action. With the simple weapon of a jawbone of an ass he slew a thousand men. What a victory! It was thirsty work! Afterwards he found himself in a weak condition and in need of refreshment and God showed to him that the tool of victory was to be his means of refreshment. Water flowed from a hollow in the lifeless jawbone.

Sometimes we are left alone to face the foe, even those that ought to be with us are not as they should be, but that should not deter us from being full of faith and courage. We need to lead, irrespective of the opposition or the situation of our fellow believers, knowing the Lord will be with us to give His presence and a significant victory. There will also be a source of renewal opened to us as required so that we can be refreshed for further action.



Daily Meditations provided by Rev. E. Anderson – July 10th – 16th 2007

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Rev. E. Anderson

July 10th      UNLIKELY WEAPONS– Judges 3: 31; 4

Two people arise at a time of crisis and use the most unlikely weapons to bring about victory for Israel. One was a man by the name of Shamgar – 3:31 and the other a woman called Jael – 4: 21. These two ordinary people were to be used by God in an extraordinary fashion to produce deliverance for Israel over their foes in a unique manner. They could not be classified with those who were leaders amongst God’s people but they rose to the challenge as it was presented to them. In no way were they to shirk the privilege and opportunity of serving the cause.

Shamgar was to use an ox-goad that was normally employed in digging into the hindquarters of a ploughing beast to get and keep it moving. Jael was to take hold of a tent peg to nail Jabin king of Hazor through the head and slay Israel’s principal enemy. They took hold of that which was at hand to achieve outstanding success and bring relief to God’s people. Both of them were divinely inspired by God to achieve what seemed impossible by simple means. They waxed courageous and dealt a mortal blow to formidable oppositions.

No less is true today in the Church of Christ. The Lord loves to employ the mere nobodies and what is to hand to achieve outstanding results – see 1 Corinthians 1: 26-28. The Lord can select and sponsor you today to do worthy exploits for Him. He has a task of importance for you to do in destroying the works of evil. And He has many ways to bring about the best result.

July 11th     A SONG OF VICTORY – Judges 5

Deborah was not only a prophetess and leader of God’s people in effecting deliverance; she knew how to inspire the people with sacred song to the Lord. After a memorable and outstanding conquest she felt stimulated to unite with Barak in acknowledging and proclaiming the Lord -v1. They were delighted in what the Lord had done in avenging the enemy and of the way the people had gladly and willingly responded to the challenge of the conflict – v2.  It was immediately sensed that if there had been such a triumph it was all down to the Lord, and He deserved to be highly exalted.

The whole thing had been a combined effort and so the consequence had been most glorious. Whilst she gives pre-eminence to the Lord, she is conscious of so many that had done their part in different ways to achieve the success. There was a gratefulness to be expressed in this song to let them see they were not forgotten heroes.  She ultimately singles out Jael for the role she had fulfilled in the slaying of the king.  Her feat and the way she did it were not to be forgotten in Israel’s history.

We do well to ponder on the victories the Lord has enabled us to achieve through His leadership and input. It is a stimulating thing to praise the Lord and to recall and record in songs of praise to Him and gratitude to others who have played a major role in obtaining such positive results. In Romans 16 Paul identifies many that had stood with Him in the work for God. They had made a vital contribution and he was not ashamed to sing their praises.  Make a joyful noise in song to the Lord about His doings today and remember the ministry of others at the same time.

July 12th      AN INSPIRED MESSAGE – Judges 6: 1-12

Things were very extreme and difficult. Israel had real problems. For seven years they felt the domination of the Midianites and they had the major task of maintaining a livelihood and existence in impossible conditions. No sooner had they sown and grown their crops when the invasions came and they were virtually robbed of the natural means of life. It wasn’t a very good time to be alive because of this evil. It was all because of their sin and they realised it and cried to the Lord – v7. Knowing they were wrong and who to turn was the vital step to progress.

His response was to visit and call a man and greet him with quite an astounding inspired message – “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valour” – v12. Gideon must have wondered who He was talking to and about! As far as he was concerned, he was anything but this sort of person. He was no better than the others around him, and circumstances seemed to confirm this. But the Lord saw what he didn’t! The Lord noted immense potential in him and the possibility of a great work being done through him. He could see more than what Gideon could discern in himself.

The Lord still employs this tactical and spiritual approach. He encounters people and speaks generative and positive words into their beings, revealing that He has the highest hopes and destiny for them. Today He would let you know that you were born into His kingdom to achieve great things. Accept His word on the matter and allow Him to work it all out for His glory. Never underestimate the revelation that God speaks in and over your life for he knows better than you. Step out on God’s Word and you will be surprised at what He will achieve through your commitment.

July 13th      THE DIVINE COMMAND AND ASSURANCE – Judges 6: 13-21

Gideon was not afraid of asking some very vital questions in response to what had been said to him by the angel. In fact, there were three and they reveal a man who was genuinely disturbed and concerned about the state of affairs – v13. He was burdened over the evil state his people were in and about God’s presence and the miraculous in the light of their great history. There is an obvious deep burden in his mind and heart over matters that needed an answer. Instead of answering the question the Lord made it clear he was to be the answer – v14.

The command and assurance is: “Go in this your might, and YOU shall save Israel from the hand of Midianites: have not I sent YOU?” The Lord does not debate his queries but makes it clear he, that is Gideon, is the one to deal with the immediate problem through His commissioning and working. It must have been quite an eye-opener to him! This was not the moment for argument but action and for the enemy to be taken out and for God’s people to deal with their foes. The assurance was given from the Lord that victory would be his and Israel’s.

The Lord calls His leaders and people to action today. The word for the now is that we are to be the answer to the challenging days and circumstances in which we find ourselves placed. Thank God for the divine interventions of the past as witnessed by the miraculous, but the Lord has not changed. All the powers of evil can be devastated through anointed and equipped men and women who are ready to do things God’s way. Rise in the strength and strategy of the Lord and let your life and work count for Him and Christendom.

July 14th      DIVINE PEACE – Judges 6: 22-24; John 20: 19-23

God’s servant, Gideon, was somewhat shaken and alarmed by this incident and felt his own existence was being threatened – v22. This unique, glorious experience made him feel his life was endangered. He was awe-struck in the presence of this awesome messenger and sensed real inferiority and intimidated.  His cry: “Alas, O Lord God!” reveals that he felt shattered by the disclosure. At this point the Lord seeks to create and develop faith in his being.

But the Lord immediately puts his spirit at ease and his mind into a restful mood by saying; “Peace be unto you . . .” His being becomes flooded with and possessed with the peace of God and so all his fears were quickly put to rest. The response to this is noteworthy. He erects an altar to the Lord and calls it – ‘Jehovah Shalom’ that means the Lord my peace. This indicates that he had become the possessor of a choice attribute of God and one that would serve him well in the task ahead. Christ came in resurrection life and power and greeted His disciples with this message, “Peace be unto you” – John 20: 21. All was well and would end up well because He was in charge of their lives and all future operations.

It is now that the Lord would assure you of this essential spiritual quality and commodity. You and everything for today and tomorrow is in His trustworthy hands and so you can be at perfect rest. Let God’s peace possess you now and determine the route ahead – Philippians 4: 7. Whatever the Lord has been pleased to do in and with others in the past can be surpassed by Him in the present. He looks to you now that you will be prepared to believe and calmly trust His workings.

July 15th       A REAL CHALLENGE – Judges 6: 25-32;

Eventually there came the moment of real challenge to this choice servant of God. The introductions are over and it is time to get down to the real business and it is not the immediate attack of the Midianites but the issue of attending to matters on the home front. If things were to truly go ahead then the evil of idolatry had to be dealt with. Drastic measures had to be adopted to throw down the altar of Baal and to cut down the grove by it and to build an altar to the Lord -vv25. 26. It was a situation that he could have readily run away from but it had to be confronted.

The challenge was accepted even though it meant doing it by night and being found out it in the morning. He went through with the demand that was placed upon him thus showing his courage and determination and his desire to do what God required. When it was discovered who had performed this deed he found his father standing by him and the Lord resolving the situation. They were now in a position to deal with the major problem of a foe that had to be contended and conquered and reduced to impotency. Through God it was a possibility.

Possibly you are being held up in your life of faith and victory because some issue of spiritual importance lay unresolved within your life and work. You have allowed something in your affairs and experience that is detrimental to a vibrant relationship with God and the knowledge of His greater things within your life and service. Be big and bold enough to settle the matter before Him and move on to the next vital stage of developments that will ensure complete victory.

July16th      AN INSPIRED MOMENT – Judges 6: 33-35; Acts 2

No sooner is the situation resolved when he discovers that the armies of Midianites are gathered together to take on Israel and reduce them to further humility and poverty – v33. Everything is brought together to settle the prevailing issue. One senses the hand of God in it all indicating all was being set for a timely and triumphant conquest. Far too long God’s people had been under the heel of the oppressor and it was right that there should be a great, divine reversal. The Lord was supremely in charge and control right from the onset and had everything perfectly in hand and prepared.

The significant answer to the sight of the opposition was what took place next. It states: “But the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon,” – v34. This was the best and finest thing that could happen to him. The divine inspiration flowed and a new dynamic took over that caused the adrenalin to stream forth. He sensed he was being renewed by God ready for the next move. In putting his lips to the trumpet there was a clarion call that went forth that divinely stirred his kinsman and 32,000 men arrive for the contest. He began to be assured that the battle was truly on God’s agenda and that there would be a routing of the enemy.

There are given moments in the Christian Church’s history when there is to be a real contest with the spiritual forces of darkness and evil. In our generation, at this time, there is the gathering of its foes that desire to humiliate the Church and reduce it to being a non-entity. In responding to the call of God in consecration we, too, can receive the inspiration of His presence and power and begin to marshall the Christian ranks for supreme and outright victory. It is the hour for the valiant to emerge and bring devastation to the powers of evil.

Daily Meditations by Rev. E. Anderson July 3rd – 9th 2007

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Rev. E. Anderson

July 3rd      THE PLACE OF WEEPING – Judges 2: 1-6; Joel 2: 12-21

There came a great challenge to this people owing to their wrong procedure of life. Instead of impacting their enemies with God and for good, they allowed themselves to be caught up in their idolatrous ways and doings and God was not pleased, and rightly so. A divine messenger was sent to chasten them because of their sinful conduct and with the express question: “Why have you done this?” There was no excuse for this sort of thing in the evidence of God’s goodness.

Thankfully, the reaction to this was a spiritual brokenness before God. They noted their transgression especially when the Lord made it clear that there would be an awful consequence as a result. They indicated to the Lord their sincere and deep regret and tears began to flow at the thought they had offended Him who had been so kind and good. They called the place Boachin = Weepers. Later on in their history, Joel calls for a state of spiritual brokenness in the light of Israel’s waywardness and wickedness – Joel 2: 12, 13, 17.

It may well be that there is a need to review the spiritual situation today. Are you living in faith and obedience or unbelief and disobedience? Do not merely presume or assume your relationship with God but make certain it is good and right. If you need to repent and be broken, then allow God to do a deep work of grace within your life so that you love and serve Him well. Brokenness precedes the state of divine blessedness. As there are genuine tears before the Lord, He will respond and begin to demonstrate His grace and power to secure so much that will change the situation.

July 4th    A GODLY INFLUENCE – Judges 2: 6-14; 2 Timothy 1: 1-10

 It is indeed a noteworthy thing to observe the blessing of a good and godly influence. Without question it is of enormous value. Israel had in Joshua and its leadership some choice people who exerted in a beautiful and bountiful manner a great measure of grace, wisdom, strength, faith and direction that served well in their relationship with God. Someone once said that ‘influence’ is one of the most powerful factors in life and that can be for good or evil. Salt, light and sugar are essential and strong influences that invade life to great advantage.

Timothy had the pleasure and benefit of a good mum and grandmother and then the choice delight of a spiritual father and mentor. These aided in shaping his future and ministry for God and the well being of others. Paul observed how he was willing to be taught and inspired and knew the prospects for him and Christendom was good under his wing. He was prepared to put a major input into him knowing that it would be to great gain for him and the kingdom of God.

Make certain that you are being influenced by the right sort of quality people and things so that in turn you will also become a vital individual that will also pervade and persuade others in the right way. As you come under the input of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word and worthy Christian leadership, this will come to pass.  It is not only that you will do a great job for the Lord but that you will do it well and leave behind a pattern of faith and conduct that others can be influenced by. The cutting edge on your life and work can cut deeply into others and shape their lives and destiny.

July 5th     ANOTHER GENERATION – Judges 2: 10-15; 1 Kings 12

Changes do take place in life, and history has a strange way of repeating itself. What is presented here is of a nation turning its back against God. The previous generation had held firm to its trust and obedience to God but now a new one arose that was to reject the God of their fathers and do their own thing. The people wanted their independence and to cast all noble and holy beliefs and restraints aside. It felt that it knew better than their forbears and so decided to do their own thing and go their own way. They were not content to learn from the past.
The consequence of this creed and conduct landed the nation in real difficulty. There was a heavy price for this gross act of disobedience and arrogance and so they were left to the mercy of themselves, their enemies and circumstances. Everyone and everything began to work contrary to their good and happiness. They even found the Lord working against them – v15 “the hand of the Lord was against them for evil.” It happened in the reign of Rehoboam, too. Instead of taking wise counsel and advice he did his own thing and caused the nation to be greatly divided and created the position of unholy conduct.

This present generation falls into a similar wicked bracket and the Christian believer must not become party to it but seek to be delivered from its spirit and attitude. There are factors that exist that would endeavour to cast off all spiritual and moral self-discipline and act in a rebellious manner. It is not wise or profitable to heed such but make sure that life, faith and service are pleasing to the Lord. Acting in independence and defiance of the Lord only leads to untold havoc.  Seek to comply with Him and all will turn to a resounding success story.

July 6th      GOD’S ANSWER – Judges 2: 16-23

Good and godly men are always the answer to wicked generations. When rejection and corruption become a prevalent and an abounding factor the Lord works in His purpose and grace to counteract in the raising up of men to radically change and transform things. He does not sit idly by allowing the development and take over of evil, but has His answer in the provision of people that will espouse the cause of righteousness and truth. It mentions the fact “And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with that judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge” – v18. 

This book is about God graciously intervening and working on behalf of His people when they were in great straits. He could have readily washed His hands off them because of their constant waywardness but He was most merciful to their plight and predicament. He would not allow them to be victimized by evil powers as long as they lived in submission to His will. This period was a whole learning curve and His people were slow to learn the lessons He sought to teach them. They could have saved themselves from a lot of heartache and distress if only they had believed and obeyed Him. But they were slow to apprehend Him and His loving purpose.

The responsibility at this hour for the whole of Christendom is look to God to provide the essential spiritual leadership so that His people will be guided aright. He can still raise up people who will take the interests of His Church to heart so that it will be a spiritual force to be reckoned with. If He did not give up on those generations that miserably failed, neither should we on ours. It is time to quit ourselves like godly servants and see our nation and age switched back to God, whatever it takes.

July 7th     TESTED TO BE PROVED – Judges 3: 1-7

One of the ways of the Lord to is to allow people to be tested to prove what is actually in their hearts and to find out whether they have a real heart and commitment to Him. When evil comes to pressurise and cause to respond to its impulses and directives, He desires that there should be a rejection of the same and a full-blooded allegiance to Himself and holiness. People need to discover where they are in this conflict, hence the exposure to things that would attract and draw away from God. This is a divine principle and process to be understood.

The people in the times of the judges showed the proneness of their hearts to be influenced by the people that were left behind in their godless practises. Instead of showing some spiritual sense and metal in resistance, they quickly conformed to those around. It was disappointing especially in the light of the fact that the Lord had done so much for them. He had not failed in His promises but had brought to pass so much for their good and happiness.

There is the need of the constant directive of Romans 12: 1, 2 to safeguard the sanctity of the faith and conduct of the Christian. The world must not be permitted to squeeze into its way of thinking, believing and living. Satan will make every endeavour to get you off track by seducing with many things from the world. The test will be on in your experience and this is allowed of the Lord to find out whether you desire to choose and go His way. As such is mastered in Christ, the life moves on into a greater state of blessedness and usefulness.

July 8th     THE SPIRIT’S EMPOWERING – Judges 3: 8-11; 1 Samuel 11

Because of the great straits and difficulties they were in they began to call out to the Lord for His help and intervention. When the conditions changed and brought about an insufferable experience they realized that they had brought this trouble upon themselves and now there was only one way out of the crisis and problem – the Lord. Thankfully He was around and that he was kind and merciful and could do something about their plight.  He was ready to hear and reply in a powerful fashion.

His answer was in providing a leader that He could empower with His presence and power and tackle the matter in hand. The evil domination of eight years needed to be broken and it required the inspiration and dynamic of the Lord through a man by the name of Othniel to effect it.  The operative phrase given is: “And the Spirit of the LORD came upon him” – v10. This also happened in the case of Saul and others, too. The Holy Spirit made the difference to break the yoke of oppression. The initial experience of this blessing was vital if they were to accomplish God’s will in victory for His people.

It is an assuring fact that the Lord has made the Holy Spirit available to us today so that we move and operate under His presence and influence. Although there are many challenging and demanding situations for us to face and confront, we are made sufficient to be able to wage war and win overwhelming victories. It does not matter how long the evil rule has prevailed, it can and must be broken through anointed men and women. Know and live under His dynamic and see what He will do through you, now.

July 9th      A CALL TO CONFLICT – Judges 3: 12-30

God’s people were in dire circumstances again because of their evil ways and so he allowed them to become victims to Eglon, the king of Moab – 12. They never seemed to learn the lesson of the folly of abandoning their loyalty to the only true God and to follow their sinful desires and to worship false deities. The inevitable happened: they were now at the mercy of a power that placed enormous pressure on them and made life extremely difficult. Additional forces joined Moab in exerting duress.  At least they knew what to do in the trying times – “the children of Israel cried unto the Lord” – v15. Preparatory to God moving was the need for prayer and dependency upon the Lord to work on their behalf.

The Lord could have turned a deaf ear but did not do so but responded in the raising up of a man to be their deliverer with a unique plan. He showed him how to take the king out in an unusual and daring manner. Ehud was a left-handed man, and to an unsuspecting king in privacy, he slew him, giving him a message prior to his killing – vv20, 21.  God’s man knew that the Lord was with him to generate his people to take on their conquerors and so issued out a call to conflict after the sounding of a trumpet  – “Follow after me: for the Lord hath delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand.” -v27. The end result was the destroying of ten thousand lusty men of Moab and the land had rest for a longer period of 80 years.

Having prayed and sought the Lord’s help and guidance, you need to go forth and deal with the powers of darkness that would enslave. It is time to be free and to free our land from the spiritual forces of tyranny. Now is the summons, together, to wage war against all the strongholds of evil and to see the enemy ousted and completely overthrown.  The One who has been faithful in the past is still in the present to hear your voice in supplication and to reply in a positive fashion. You were born to be a conqueror and winner! Be one!


Meditations for the Week by Rev. E. Anderson June 26th – July 2nd 2007

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Rev. E. Anderson

June 26th      ON THE RIGHT TRACK – Proverbs 4: 10-18; Psalm 1.

There is the emphasis in this section on the need to be on the right track, taking the path and route that in the end turns outs to be most profitable. It is evident that real progress is made in life in every way and this comes about when there is a knowing and adherence to the best course and road. Wisdom really helps by putting up the correct signposts, giving the clearest and soundest directions as to the way to be taken, and if taken note of, in faith and obedience, will cause the journey of life to be successful. The Living Bible affirms: “I would have you learn this great fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. If you live that kind of life, you’ll not limp or stumble as you run” – vv 11, 12.

David said on one occasion: “I will run in the way of your commandments.” The fact that he was eager to pursue all that the Lord decreed as expressed in the word ‘run’ denotes His love of the Lord and His word and ways. The assurance is given in v18 that this track is filled with God’s light. When you commence on it, it is like the crack of dawn, the breaking forth of a new divine day that only increases with light, understanding, reality and destiny.

Make sure you know the way of the Lord at all times because it is always the right track. That is the best course of action to adopt and the safest and surest path to be always taken as Psalm 1 points out and underlines. Wisdom seeks to reveal the way ahead and will keep you going forward into that which is worthwhile. Have a good journey today in company with divine wisdom and you will make it!

June 27th     A DILIGENT OCCUPATION – Proverbs 4: 19– 23

Unquestionably, one of the main organs of the physical body is that of the heart, that is why a great deal of notice has to be paid to it. When a person presents him or herself to the doctor for examination, he usually tests the heart condition to see if it is functioning perfectly. One of the main causes of natural death is due to the unhealthy state and working of the heart. There is, however, a counterpart in the spiritual state. The heart is a focus in this realm too. The wise proverb has it: “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” – v23.

Two quotes help us here: “The heart is the central organ which conditions all man’s activities, and on whose correct functioning depend the character of his living.” Dr. Cohen “The heart is the hub of life, physical, psychological and moral” – A. Linford The Living Bible puts it: “Above all else, guard your affections for they influence everything else in life.” This central and critical spiritual organ affects thought, desire and action, therefore the clear directive is to watch over it in a scrupulous way. 

The best procedure in attending to it is to make sure that it is kept clean and purified by the sanctifying agencies of the Word and Spirit of God and the blood of Christ. Make certain that your mind learns to desire and concentrate on truth and that you act in accord with sound beliefs. Ever love God enthusiastically and so your spiritual heart condition will ensure your life and success. As your heart keeps ticking over in cleanliness through God’s Spirit and Word you will maintain a good bill of health spiritually. Strength and faith will inspire both life and work.

June 28th     THE FORWARD LOOK – Proverbs 4: 24-27; Hebrews 12: 1-4

It is always imperative to have a clear vision and know where you are actually going in life.  The counsel and advice here is – “Let your eyes look right on, and let your eyelids look straight before you” – v25. This indicates and implies we should always have our spiritual eyes open and be utterly sensitive and aware of the definite direction being taken. It is not being tempted by what is around and being taken off the right and best course but being sure of what you are aiming at and going for. More than anything, it means seeing and noting what God in His wisdom has set before in forward vision and enterprise that takes a person ahead into worthwhile living.

The need after beholding the right route is to be determined to keep the mind, heart and will determinedly fixed in pursuit and procedure. It says of Christ in Luke 9: 61 that “He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem” – Luke 9: 51 thus giving a demonstration of the forward look, step and movement to achieve the greatest purpose and goal for His life and the world. Wisdom led Him to sacrifice Himself in the interest and good of others.

The end result is expressed: “let all your ways be established” – v25. Not only will your ways be firm and abiding, you will be established and be able to set a noble and worthy route for others to follow. In looking to Christ you will have a forward look and not allow your life to be side-tracked and suffer grievous loss. Because the foundation has been truly put in a structure of lasting worth can be erected on it. At the conclusion, there will be great testimony to a life well lived to the maximum.

June 29th     BECOMING DISCREET – Proverbs 5: 1-2; James 3: 13-18

It is a positive situation worth gaining, to be in the place where one keeps a firm and wise rein on the lips so that only that which is good and wholesome proceeds from them. This means possessing a discreet mind and mouth so that one knows when and what to say at all times. This will help the avoidance of all kinds of problems and difficulties. The mouth lands people into many awkward and embarrassing situations because it is not controlled by wisdom and much damage is the result. The lips are to be used to inspire, encourage, enlighten and bless people with choice words. This consecrated instrument can do so much good as it is properly engaged by God.

The loving father does not want to see his son in this sort of situation and so seeks to instruct him wisely in essential knowledge. This will aid in keeping a hold upon his tongue so that all that is uttered is sound speech that communicates sense and answers always. This will preserve him from being accused.  It will mark him out as a wise and disciplined individual. He will not become guilty of mindless and senseless talk.

How important it is, as James points out, that our mouths and tongues become a well spring of life.  God desires that our lips be always used in blessing so that what flows forth from them is to the good of all. They are to be filled with divine messages and answers that will benefit those who are within our hearing. Let our prayer be to our Heavenly father: “Take my lips and let them be – Filled with messages from Thee.”

June 30th    AVOIDING IMMORALITY – Proverbs 5: 3-14

In an age when immorality is very much in practise and view, it is necessary to ponder the message expressed in the book of Proverbs. At a time when fornication, adultery, promiscuous living and pornography are accepted as the norm in the outside world it essential to be aware of what the words of wisdom say on the matter. How easy it is to fall in line with the modern trend regarding sexual matters and to forsake those standards and principles that are revealed in God’s Word that are given in order to safeguard our beings and bodies!

We are told and taught in this section not to be enticed and enamoured by those who would make their seductive approach in order to rob of one’s purity and virginity. A flattering and attractive approach of someone from the opposite sex can arouse the sexual senses in a way that then leads to the committing of lustful deeds contrary to the well being of life. There comes a divine judgement on this life and life style as evidenced by Aids and other dreadful sexual transmitted diseases. How important it is to be kept pure and free from these factors!
Paul delivered some sound advice to his son in the faith. He said: “Keep yourself pure” and “Flee also youthful lusts” – 2 Timothy 2; 22. You have to learn to keep your mind, heart and body clean and sanctified from all evil associations and acts. The great battleground of the soul is the mind and it is imperative that it is properly fed with truth at all times and with those things that safeguard from all evil thinking. Maintain a watch upon the sanctification on every front and you will find to your pleasure the untold reward of this diligence.

We shall be reviewing the book of Judges over the next weeks and will note it was a difficult period in Israel’s history. After the decease of Joshua and the spiritual eldership, the nation appears to have lost its way and the general rule of life was –“everyman did that which was right in his own eyes.” This was not a good formula for real success and is something to be guarded against in our own lives.

July 1st     A UNITED OPERATION – Judges 1: 1-20

There is this encouraging factor revealed in the opening chapter where two tribes decide to unite together in order to enter into conflict against their enemies in order to master them. There is the will on the part of Judah not to sit back but to get on with the job of defeating their foes and of taking possession of the territory. They could not wistfully hope that somehow the opposition would suddenly disintegrate and disappear. They had to rouse themselves and show some faith and courage and be conquerors. It was not a time for ease but battle.

The tribe of Judah invites Simeon to join forces so that together they would become more formidable and invincible – v3 “Come up with me into my lot that we might fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with you in your lot.” There was immediate agreement and action and success. Unity spelt strength and subsequent victory. The call for co-operation was quickly responded to an paved the way to success.

It is vital to see the importance of interdependence in the Church of Christ. If we are to really obtain victory over the forces of evil and drive them out of our fellowships and communities, we must become united in spirit and operation. No wonder Christ prayed for the unity of His Church! As it is ONE it becomes invincible! Let us personally seek and maintain unity in vision and action.

July 2nd     AN OBVIOUS FAILURE – Judges 1: 21-26

It seems to be that there was an obvious failure with regard to a number of the tribes in the conquest. Repeatedly it is stated that they “did not drive their enemies out” but allowed them to dwell alongside them and some became tributaries – vv21, 27, 25, 26, 33. They fell short in their faith, determination and endeavour in expelling their foes. The vision that ought to have prevailed was of going on until they had achieved the intention of God in complete mastery. The inheritance was theirs for the taking as they maintained their accord with the Lord.

The consequence of this led to their enemies becoming thorns in their side and they were always a constant menace. Because they tolerated this position at the outset there was an awful price to be paid. Israel fell foul of their idolatrous practises and adopted their manner of conduct that was displeasing to the Lord. They missed out on the greater blessing of God which would have been theirs. The story of the spiritual declension and retribution would never have been their lot if only they had driven the godless from amongst them and their ways.

Having been brought into God’s Promised Land of blessing, let there be an all-out effort to dispose of and dispel everything that is an impediment to your spiritual character, rule and conquest. Do not stop short of being a total and absolute conqueror. This was the purpose for which you were born and brought into Christ’s kingdom: to win at all times no matter what the demand.

Daily Meditations by Rev. E. Anderson June 19th – 25th 2007


Rev. E. Anderson

June 19th      MAKING LIFE SECURE – Proverbs 3: 21-26

One of the purposes of wisdom is to put the safeguards into our lives so that we may be secured from setbacks that overtake many people. Wisdom seeks to present good rules of belief and conduct that if carefully and persistently adhered to ensure the well being of life. They are there to be a genuine preventative to tragedy. To motor on our highways we need to be conversant with the Highway Code so that we know how to drive with due care and attention. It is impossible to estimate how many have died before their time because they became heedless to the sound advice presented to them.

There are promises given here that are worth noting in making life secure. There comes the gracious adorning of life, the filling of life with pure and true energy, the bringing of honour and respect, deliverance from chaos and calamity, the keeping of one on track, the gift of sweet repose and the saving from panic and the living under the protection of God. These certainly are worthy considerations that should encourage all to pursue wisdom whatever the cost.

In life it is easy to be side-tracked by all kind of destructive factors. We have a responsibility to God, others and ourselves to make sure that we do not become foolish and act contrary to what is good. Seek to live secure and fully protected by wisdom – the wisdom that comes from God and His Word. In safeguarding yourself, it benefits others that observe your code of conduct.

June 20th      BEING NEIGHBOURLY – Proverbs 3: 27-30; Luke 10: 25-37

One of the enormous blessings of life is to have good neighbours, that is, people who you really can get on with, not only with those who live next door, but also with those one continually rubs shoulders with. It is certainly a distinct advantage to have people, who are close by, that are genuine friends and that you can truly be a benefit on a daily basis. If there is one thing that wisdom teaches us is to develop real friendship with people that we are regularly in close contact with. In order to have good neighbours at every level an individual must seek to be a good neighbour. This is something that must always be worked hard at.
To become a good neighbour one must learn not to presume upon those near at hand in any way. Because they are close one must not seek to be over-forward with them and take for granted their kindness. There are two things mentioned that must be applied with grace and consistency. The motive and action should always be, what good can you do for your neighbour, being ready, like the Good Samaritan to give yourself, time and goods to their well being – vv27, 28. There must never be any wilful intent to do harm – vv29, 30. Behaving in line with wisdom will cause your neighbours to value the testimony of your godly life style.
You can begin to make a greater impression on those that are in your circle of contacts. Go out of your way to be friendly. See how you can best affect those that you mix with so that they will be influenced by knowledge of God and His ways. Do not be proud and stand-offish but be warm and committed to the well-being of all around. They will, in the end, admire and be affected by your wholesome lifestyle.

June 21st      GOD’S ESTIMATION – Proverbs 3: 31, 32; Psalm 37

Wisdom does lead us to the knowledge of God’s evaluation of people and helps us to choose those we are going to associate with and what we are going to be in terms of character. The sound advice is not to ‘envy the oppressor or opt to copy his example.’ An oppressor is an evil, violent and brutal person that seeks to extract from and damage other people. This generation is not lacking in this type of person! They seem to get what they want at the expense of others and for a while appear to come off best. The clear mind of God comes out in a clear statement: “For the froward – perverse is an abomination to the Lord” – v32. He hates this kind of evil and those who proceed down this line will suffer the consequences.
In contrast there is an assuring affirmation of whom God esteems highly – “His secret is with the righteous.” This means He has all the time in the world for those who reject and object to the way of evil especially in tyranny and oppression. The Living Bible says that, “He gives His friendship to the godly.” The best thing that could happen to a person in life, above all, is to discover a dynamic and personal friendship with God. He is prepared to share His confidences and counsel with those who embrace His spirit and standard of living.
The choice is left with us as to how we are going to live. We can become hard, harsh and brutal by reason of evil and seek to make life difficult for others or we can be humble and holy to sweeten and enrich others today. The great factor is that as we apply the wise way, God is pleased to become one with us and share His presence and direction in our lives

June 22nd   A HOLY HOME – Proverbs 3: 33; 2 Samuel  6: 1-12

It is important to have a good, happy home. Children should be brought up in a well ordered and blessed family so that they can look back upon their childhood as one of pleasure. Parents are responsible in making sure that above everything else that the home becomes a dwelling place where all that is good occurs. It is obvious from this wise saying that the Lord is aware of the real condition of each family unit and He wills to see the birth of a holy, happy home. It states: “The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked; But He blesseth the habitation of the just.”

The assured word is that the Lord will favour the home that distinctly honours Him by eliminating evil and instituting all that is right and good. The household of Obededom came under the direct and distinct hand of the Lord’s blessing and He was pleased to dwell in that home in a signal fashion. The head of the home and all that dwelt under its roof came under the benediction of God. Everyone became aware of the wonderful things God was doing in the household and so the news of this unique factor must have spread far and wide. 
Give attention to your home and family because it rates high in the Lord’s consideration. Your dwelling place is to be the venue where He makes His presence and goodness known in a powerful manner as you respect Him, His Word and ways. He wants to crown your home and each resident with His constant blessing. A Christian family, with its godly presence and influence, serves to the good of those within the neighbourhood. It is a great way to propagate the Christian message.

June 23rd   GRACE TO THE LOWLY – Proverbs 3: 34; 1 Peter 5

Pride is a subject that is mentioned quite repeatedly in the book of Proverbs. One of the things that this evil does is birth other evils and namely amongst them is ‘scorning.’ The scorner is the type of person who laughs at and abuses righteousness and the righteous. They poke fun and ridicule the ways that are honourable and make joke of those who reject their wicked antics. The godly are often put through their paces by such individuals and it is difficult to put up with their unseemly conduct. One has to state that the Lord is fully aware of their offensive attitudes. 

As far as the Lord is concerned – “ Surely He scorneth the scorners.” The Lord holds them in derision! On the other hand, He not only shows profound respect for those who are humble, “He gives grace to the lowly.” They do not react to the scorner with the same spirit but manifest a loving and gentle attitude that is the result of the strengthening that comes by His grace. Instead of being proud and arrogant, they are the opposite. They put on humility as Peter records ‘as an apron.’ They are willing and to take up a very lowly stance in life and refuse to be embroiled in an evil attitude. They are here to serve in a humble fashion and leave their lives and in the Lord’s hands.
You may be, at this time, subject to a great deal of abuse from others, at home or even at work and school. At present, you are going through a tirade of oppression and defamation because of your faith and loyalty to the Lord. It would be easy for you to take the quick way out and renounce the Lord and all that is pure and true. Be reminded of the fact that Christ did say and teach that this kind of thing would happen – Matthew 6: 10-12. Stand firm amidst the evil provocation and receive a large dose of His grace to answer the situation!

June 24th     A FATHER’S INPUT – Proverbs 4: 1-4; 2 Timothy 1

One of the great blessings of life is to have a good, loving and wise father. Such cannot be overestimated. It is of incredible value to have this quality person inputting life with the wisdom of years and experience. They enable us to be placed in a healthy and strong position of being able to make the right choices and so benefit on every hand. Even if one has not been blessed with a noble earthly father, there are those men in the Christian Church that are wonderful spiritual fathers that are able to come alongside and fulfil a gracious fatherly role that enriches life, faith and understanding. The apostle Paul regarded Timothy as his own son and aided him in achieving his spiritual destiny.

The statement is made: “I give you good doctrine” – v2. The Living Bible affirms – “For I speak the truth-don’t turn away.”  According to Aaron Linford the term ‘doctrine’ means ‘that which is received’. It does not represent original teaching but that which is transmitted from the past. Evidently father had listened to his father and carried out his true teaching and found it to be wholly beneficial. So he was passing on that which he had been taught and learned. It was no new philosophy and ideology but that which had a great proven track record – see vv3, 4.

It is not to be simply a case of listening but retaining and putting into practice the sound instruction. The outcome of this procedure results in ‘life.’ It is finding out that what has been told concludes in a profitable and pleasurable existence. Learn from your earthly or spiritual fathers today for they seek your good. Having learned so much through the years a rich legacy has to be passed on.

June 25th     SET YOUR PRIORITY – Proverbs 4: 5-9; 1 Kings 3

There is an apparent emphasis and urgency placed upon what should be the main pursuit of life in this book – it is the possession of wisdom: ‘get wisdom.’ What is meant here is more than a natural astute mind that possesses a great amount of intellectual ability that can be translated into many practical works of a worthy nature. It is that facility of mind and understanding that is able to grasp and apply those spiritual, moral and ethical principles that produce a godly and noble character that in turn produces honourable and praiseworthy conduct.

Wisdom has its objective for us on so many fronts. Her grand purpose is to ‘preserve, keep, promote, honour and crown life’ in every way – vv6, 8, 9. Her true and pure interest is that all who sit, listen and learn from her will discover that all she has to say and teach leads to the total construction and honour of life. She makes sure that life and work is not wasted but that it expresses its full potential and reaches the maximum in experience and excellence.

“When a man displays wisdom in his diction and direction, his friends and acquaintances, even his opponents tend to respect his judgements, rely on his promises and applaud his successes.”                                                            A. Linford

Do not lose out in life by failing in this pursuit. Be encouraged in the knowledge that you can settle for this priority and as you do so, you too will enjoy the enormous blessing of being wise and fulfilled. Take time out today to sit at her feet and learn of her and her ways.  There is so much to discover, learn and know and to pass on that will enrich society. 

Daily Meditations presented by Rev. E. Anderson – June 12th -18th


Rev. E. Anderson

June 12th      A GOOD NECKLACE TO WEAR – Proverbs 3: 3 & 4; 1 Peter 3: 1-12

Our modern society appears to be no different from former generations. Many people today, of both genders, like to wear ornaments and things around their necks. Both men and women have chains and crosses around their necks, some merely as an adornment and others as an emblem to secure their fortune and covering.

The wise proverb from the NIV states in v3 “Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace.” These twin graces are meant to make the life both beautiful and bountiful. At a time when these two qualities are very much in recession, Christians must make sure that at all times they are manifest in their lives in every way. Loyalty is that steadfast commitment to both God and people, that is unremitting even though put under pressure and strain. It was evident in Ruth when she made up her mind she was going to stick with her mother-in-law through thick and thin times. Kindness is that which was reflected in the Good Samaritan that went out of his way to befriend a foreigner in a hostile situation.

In facing the day before us, let us make sure that we attend to having this divine necklace on. Although the situation we live and work in may be devoid of these godly virtues, we can visibly demonstrate their worth and value and make a difference. Do not become disloyal in any way and certainly refrain from becoming hard and harsh. There is a need for you to perfectly show the beauty of these choice qualities and impress others with the truth of Christian faith and conduct. Note: there is a great guarantee afforded to those who evidence these graces – v4 “Then you will find favour with both God and people, and you will gain a good reputation.”

June 13th     ENTIRE TRUST – Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Daniel 3

These two verses are well loved by Christians and sound out some sensible advice. There is this great emphasis on placing one’s whole confidence in the Lord. The directive is – “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend upon your own understanding . . .” This really means turning completely away from self to divine trust. Two things are certain: God is in perfect knowledge of everyone and everything and can guide unerringly and He never makes a mistake. It indicates that there should be the readiness to trust Him right at the outset and throughout all that is occurring in life. “In all your ways means all the vicissitudes and variables of every day living, the decision and the deeds, the vocation and the avocation that form our earthly existence.”                                                                     A.Linford

The trusting will be manifest in another essential factor: there will be the seeking of His mind and will in relation to things so that there can be not only trust but obedience too. It must be obviously revealed to Him that when there is a looking to Him alone both for direction and answers on all fronts, this means, He is the first consideration at all times. There is a complete shift from self to God and He is aware of it. The Living Bible puts it like this: “In everything you do put God first.” Submission to Him and His Word is the token of entire trust and this is what the LORD seeks to nurture in those who would know His plans and blessing.
The inevitable outcome of this entire trust is to be seen in the life and work not only being controlled by God but also in attaining success in every way. We are told that ‘He will crown our efforts with success.’ The end result will be the best so let us adopt this divine counsel always.
June 14th      RENEWED HEALTH AND VITALITY – Proverbs 3: 7, 8; 3 John

One of the great concerns of life revolves around health. To truly know and enjoy life to the full one needs to have a good constitution and possess energy and health. Lots of prescriptions are afforded in order to secure this vital requisite. It is only when you lose your vibrant and wholesome state that you really sense how important it is and a speedy quest is made to seek its renewal. Great amounts of expenditure in terms of time, monies etc., is given over to this major pursuit.
The wise man here gives a sound prescription on the obtaining and maintaining a healthy state. He gives a simple contrast: don’t be wise in your own eyes but know the Lord and pay respect to His rules of living for they embrace all your good and this includes your health. In turning from evil you turn from that which has damaging effect upon the body as well as the soul. Many have aged quickly, lost their strength and robustness because of indulgence into sin. It oft results in incurable sickness and an early grave. In faith and obedience to God comes the assurance – “When you do that, then you will be given renewed health and vitality” (Living Bible).

The apostle made a divine wish to those whom he wrote to. He penned these words: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health , even as your soul prospers” 3 John v2. What a lovely thing to desire for one another! As you live in accord with God and His will there is no reason why you cannot enjoy a good bill of health. Live out your life today with a wholesome respect for the Lord and His Word and both will minister that needed energy that will make you wholesome. May it be truly yours, today.

June 15th     GIVING TO GOD – Proverbs 3: 9 &10; Malachi 3: 8-12

Giving is important to the blessedness and enjoyment of life. It seems a rather wise thing to show to the One that created us what we think of Him in demonstrating a generous spirit and action with regard to our monies, goods and properties. It needs to be understood that giving to God is not to make God rich because everything already belongs to Him – Psalm 50: 11, 12. Why does He require them? “First, that we should acknowledge the source of our benefits : the source of our giving is God Himself. Secondly, that we should never take for granted the things we enjoy. Thirdly, that we should learn that life is giving and receiving. Giving  is life in motion, flowing and fresh, devoid stagnation.”                                                                                                                                       Aaron Linford

Israel as a nation failed to honour God as a people with respect to giving to God although He had given His best to them. Instead of reaping the promises of the proverb in God’s blessing upon their crops, cattle and vineyards, they were labouring under a curse – see Malachi 3. When God is not honoured with respect to His blessing then the opposite comes into effect, instead of plenty there is poverty. Great loss is sustained in not doing it God’s way.

The direction to every Christian believer is to make sure that this principle and procedure is applied. Make certain that God has first place in the realm of your giving and you will reap the divine reward. There is a promise given by Christ on this to encourage in this lifestyle: ‘Give and it shall be given unto you with good measure – (see Luke 6: 38).

June 16th     CORRECTIVE MEASURES – Proverbs 3: 11, 12; Hebrews 12

Discipline is not always a welcome feature of life but it is absolutely essential if the best is to be produced. It is generally accepted that if people are going to make anything in life in terms of a career, then an enormous amount of strict discipline is required. There is no way that a soccer star or a musician will get very far in their profession without strict adherence to the rules and practise demanded. Those who have the responsibility of coaching them have to apply hard precepts for learning so that the highest is achieved.

To those who are in God’s Family as His sons and daughters, He treats them as a loving but firm Father. He has this object in view, that each one should develop into a godly, wholesome character that bears His likeness. This requires a great deal of discipline and sometimes involves chastisement and correction. He is not only thinking and working in the time concept: eternity is in view and He wants them to be well qualified to occupy important roles in the coming Kingdom so the need to straighten out in those areas where correction is essential.

It may be that you are in one of those periods where your heavenly Father is addressing problem areas in your character and conduct. Make sure that you respond to Him in good spirit and learn the lessons in grace and good will. You will not only bring pleasure and joy to Him, you will make the grade and become a credit and praise that produces personal satisfaction. It is timely when the Lord addresses the things that require straightening out in life so that your development should be as He designed.

June 17th      A WAY TO HAPPINESS – Proverbs 3: 13-18

For many, happiness is simply dependent simply upon good things taking place in their lives and circumstances. They truly hope that in the passing of life that the events and experiences that occur will somehow turn out in their favour. There is a kind of vain trust that things will work themselves out to their advantage.  There is the failure to note, as expressed in this proverb, that real, spiritual happiness is to be found in the discovery of wisdom. Wisdom teaches the way that life should be invested. It affirms: “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding” – v13.
Wisdom confers more than happiness, that is, a sense of good feeling. It bestows blessings of such a nature that moves on to a sacred state of blessedness – the blessedness of God. Aaron Linford lists seven special gifts that come through wisdom’s presence and application: “Perception, prosperity, potential, promotion, pleasantness, peace and perfection.”  Each one of them is worth having but with a sevenfold experience of them, what a multiplication of blessedness!
You could do no better thing than to seek this divine wisdom today and allow it to furnish your mind and direct your action. All these qualities will begin to be ministered to you and become manifest through you. Others will observe how blessed and happy you are by reason of her presence and influence. They will know that you are wisely investing your life in the right principles and things. By so doing you will be  furnishing a good testimony and serve as an example to others to follow.

June 18th   THE FINEST EXAMPLE – Proverbs 3: 19, 20; Genesis 1

None can doubt that the world in which we live and the universe all around about us are fantastic. Surely they reveal a great deal of intricate and infinite thought. It is rather stupid to think that everything just came out of a big bang. In such an ordered creation there must have been a supreme and unique mind planning and working everything out to the last detail. The original location where such creativity was birthed must be a wholesome habitation where nothing evil and offensive takes place.. There is pure genius of thought in such an enormous amount of things that we see that we must admit that there is SOMEONE responsible for it. For the Christian, it is the God of the Bible. As Romans 1: 20 “For the invisible things of Him from creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

We are told that God’s wisdom is behind the creation and that He was the One responsible for creating the environment in which man exists. Genesis 1 in particular gives a disclosure of His wisdom at work with regard to the planet in which mankind resides. It was all made to perfection, harmony and purpose. Not only did He create but maintains it by His wisdom. “The oceans are broken up into vapour to rise as clouds; the moisture – laden air descends as dew to saturate the needy vegetation with life giving water. The wide earth is enveloped with an atmosphere that sustains all living things with oxygenated air. It is all of His making: man and nature match each other in ecological balance that develops an – ongoing self-sustaining existence.”                           A. Linford                                                                                                                                                                                                 

He is the One to be worshipped and given due respect. This God would give out of the treasury of His infinite wisdom so that we may discover what life is all about. Sitting at His feet we will get to know all that we need to know that will cause our lives to be creative and productive. There is no better or greater Mentor in life on life than God and to be in His school is the finest was to know and develop.

Daily Meditations by Rev. E. Anderson April 10th – 16th 2007


Rev. E. Anderson

April 10th     A LEADERSHIP TEAM – Exodus 18

The danger that confronts those involved in God’s work is in trying to do everything oneself. This can happen unwittingly as in the case of Moses. He had been called to lead and deliver Israel from Egypt and all the people were looking to him for counsel and guidance especially when problems of a varied order cropped up in their lives. He willingly engaged himself on their behalf seeking answers that would help them in their difficulties. It was a worthy pursuit but not altogether a wise procedure.

When his father-in-law arrived on the scene, he was most discerning and helpful. He could see what a wonderful thing God had wrought for the people through Moses and rejoiced. But then he espied his son-in-law endeavouring to cope with the vast assembly of people with their particular problems and crises. He advised that he gather a wise and trusty team of men to help in this matter and in leadership. Moses saw the sense and responded – v24 “So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that he had said.” No time was lost in appointing the godly personnel.

We do well to harness a team so the work load is shared so that there is no burn out and so that all can contribute to the well being and progress of all. If we try to do it all ourselves we will finish up a loner and washed up. Pray that your church fellowship gets its act together here so that everyone may benefit and develop their divine potential.

April 11th     THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – Exodus 20

This must be regarded as the finest piece of divine legislation that was given to God’s people in order to shape its moral and spiritual character and make it a nation of commendable worth. It has to be said that for many decades this code of conduct was accepted by the Western nations and became its strength and great force and foundation in building its quality faith and culture. As a child, I had to learn the ten commandments at school, and they certainly put a sense of right and wrong into me and certainly was a means of safeguarding and securing our nation for good.

In Israel’s case, it was to create a nation that would be divinely governed and so produce a people of real worth in character. It needed to see that all this wholesome legislation was purposed to make them into an honourable society, a people that could be trusted. As they introduced these laws in the right spirit they would reflect their faith in the Lord and would build a beautiful trust with one another. Sin and lawlessness would be eliminated and there would be a birthing and revelation of righteousness that would be a healthy climate for all to exist in.

As Christians, we have a moral responsibility to act in accordance with righteous laws that produce a worthy conduct and character. The believer does not dispense with holy laws but makes them part of the life style in a loving manner. Holiness is not simply the absence of sin: it is the positive practice of all that is good and right and aligns to all laws that are pure and true.

April 12th     MAKE ME A SANCTUARY – Exodus 25;

It must have come quite as a shock to Moses that the Lord desired that His people should build a special sanctuary for Him to dwell in and amongst them. What a great thought and fact: the Lord wanted to be with them in such a way that they would appreciate His nearness to them! He was not to be remote but very close in a residential manner. If they could dwell in tents and tabernacles so He could pitch His Tent and Tabernacle amongst them. Their God was to be central and focal in His dwelling with them. He was different to all the false gods of other nations because He came to where they were to live amongst them.

He even went further when Christ came to be incarnated amongst men. God pitched His Tabernacle literally amongst us – John 1: 14 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us.” This actually means that God came to be as one of us as He took on our humanity, to dwell and live among us. He got nearer to us than living in dwelling, in a humanly constructed tent or building. He came inside a human form to be close to mankind.

But Christians are now His habitation and sanctuary. We make our bodies and beings the home for God to live inside. We are now indwelt by Christ and the Holy Spirit so that we may know the reality of God’s love and friendship – Ephesians 3: 17; 1 Corinthians 6: 19,20. What a privilege to become a sanctuary for God! He comes to furnish the sanctuary not only with His presence but with His good graces so that life is completely endued and enriched in every part and manner.

April 13th     PURE INTIMACY WITH GOD – Exodus 33

This servant of God touched great lows and highs in his life. When God met to call him he was in a spiritual depression but God raised him to taste great heights of life and relationship with Himself besides using him in a fantastic way. As far as Moses was concerned, his greatest pleasure was to know pure intimacy with God. Here we are informed as to the reality and closeness of it – v11 “And the Lord spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.” He knew an approximate and wholesome accord that yielded so much personally in his own life. There was no underestimating this choice procedure and experience. It was both the privilege and pleasure of this man to build up a close association with the Lord from which so much would grow and flow in terms of blessing to all.

The reason why he lived on a higher plane stems from the fact of his near union and communion with God. Another thing, he became intimately aware of the plans and ways of God in a manner that excelled those of his generation and of other generations, too. The psalmist makes the point: “He made His ways known unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel” – Psalm 103: 7. He was able to steer God’s people in the right direction because of this high level of divine communion. This was a thing that really mattered to God and him.

How essential it is for us to know and develop this sacred art of holy accord with God! In no way must we settle for anything less. Our very blessedness and usefulness hinges upon personal, intimate fellowship with God. The secret place of the Most high must be the place where we resort continually so that we may know Him and His ways. It may be there has to be a linking up with others in a major enterprise of intercession in order for victory to be obtained. Your eyes may well need to be opened to note the role you must fulfil in prayer support.

April 14th     FINISHING THE TASK – Exodus 40

This is a very interesting chapter and stage in the history of God’s people. God had revealed His purpose to dwell among them, that they should construct a Tabernacle to accommodate Him. This was all brought to pass in a beautiful manner by some very skilled artisans and the people, and so everything was properly and perfectly fulfilled. It must have been quite a thing to see all this brought to pass in conditions that were not very helpful.

When they had completed their role and saw the Tabernacle raised and all the other divine instructions attended to, God was to show His evaluation and appreciation. In vv34, 35 it affirms: “Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory filled the tabernacle.” What a reward for all their loving labour! It was worth all the effort and expenditure. The effort that had been put in by one and all had proved worthwhile.

It is a most pleasurable thing when having done what the Lord requires of us in preparing room for Him, He comes in descending power and glory to reveal His Godhead. Let us make sure, at this hour, we make room for God to dwell in all His fullness amongst us. No one can replace Him and as we carry through His directions He will own the same by His dynamic, glorious presence. Be committed along with other spiritually minded people to prepare the situation and atmosphere where God can come and feel at home and begin to demonstrate His presence. You can contribute to this vital work immediately by your commitment and prayers.

April 15th     AN ORDERED HOST – Numbers 1 & 2

Israel rather hurriedly came out of Egypt as a great multitude. One necessity for the success of their journey was for them to become a disciplined and ordered host. It was an issue that had to be sorted out from the commencement and some organization had to take place to bring this about. Here in this section is the ordering and numbering of the tribes so that they could move ahead in the best possible manner to achieve the ultimate end.

It is obvious that no one was allowed to do their own thing but that they all comply with the regulations divinely given. The record has it – “And the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses: so they pitched their tents by their standards, and so they set forward, everyone after their families, according to the house of their fathers.” It must have been quite an awesome sight viewing this vast concourse of people moving together at the command of the Lord. As the standard of each tribe was raised, they rose as one to follow the pillar of cloud. Many years ago I heard a preacher refer to this sight as ‘the Marching Cross.’

We are told in the New Testament that God desires to see things done decently and in order. The Church of Christ is to be a disciplined host under Christ, marching and moving together in unison to achieve His goal for His body of people. He sets us in the local fellowship under its standard and we are to link up in harmony there and also with the wider and bigger family He has and is creating. The Christian Church is to be visualized as ‘an army terrible with banners’ as she responds to her leader, Jesus Christ. 

April 16th     THE LORD’S BLESSING – Numbers 6: 22-27; Psalm 1

This really does make known God’s intention and will for His chosen people. He truly wanted them to be a very blessed people, knowing and enjoying the rich beauty of His grace and favour in a bountiful measure.  In no way did He desire them to be worse off living under His providence and goodness but to experience a life style that was for their good. He was the source of all that was beautiful and bounteous. It was within His capacity to give immeasurably to this people and it was imperative that they be in a place to receive all that He desired to load them with.  One of the real evidences that they were His people was to be noticed in this distinctive feature – His favour ever resting on them.

It may have only been a simple and short benediction but it said and meant everything. Three times the author is mentioned – ‘the Lord’ thus indicating the God of the Now was every present to effect it and He desired that His provision and protection would ever be their lot. There is the climaxing of it with ‘give you peace.’ This sums it all up – ‘Shalom.’ The word gathers within it all that is good, best and profitable for the whole of a person’s being and life, spirit, soul and body.

Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, places His blessing on His Church and upon all that are within it. He wants your life to glow with His indwelling Presence and be enriched with all of His goodness. His blessing is upon His chosen ones so why not receive and enjoy it to the full today, especially His peace. One of the outstanding features of your experience should be to taste and reveal His blessing. It is a testimony to the unbeliever that God is fully at work within your daily existence.

Daily Meditations by Rev. E. Anderson April 3rd – 9th 2007


Rev. E. Anderson

April 3rd    THE WAY OUT – Exodus 11 & 12

The moment arrived when the Lord was to reveal to Moses how He was to get this people out of Egypt. It was not a plan and procedure that God’s servant would have thought of and carried out. The whole thing was something that was conceived by God and made clear to His appointed messenger. Thankfully, Moses was in relationship with God so that he could receive such a unique revelation. It must ever be remembered, as pointed out by the Lord in Isaiah 55: 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

A lamb was to be slain and its blood applied to the doorposts and lintels of their dwellings. Then it had to be roasted and eaten. The Israelites were to be all dressed and ready for moving out. The shed blood meant that there had been a death and the residents inside were now under a covering. The death angel was to visit the land of Egypt that night and when it saw the blood it passed over the dwellings of the Israelites. The Egyptians had no covering so the eldest in the home was slain. Pharaoh immediately sanctioned their immediate release in the face of this disaster. This miracle became the key to the exodus for God’s people.

This was but a type of a greater sacrifice and way of escape provided by God for all mankind. Jesus Christ was to be the Passover Lamb – John 1: 29. He sacrificed Himself at the Cross so that we might live eternally. He took the judgment due to our sin and made it possible for us to be forgiven and freed. The thing we have to do is to make sure that by faith we apply His blood to our hearts and live under its covering.

April 4th     GOD DOES GUIDE – Exodus 13

As soon as the Lord freed this people from bondage, He did not leave them to go it alone and to make their own way to the Promised Land. He was to supernaturally lead them. We are told at the outset – “And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way . . . .” – vv21,22. He wanted to be sure that they were properly guided and brought to the place that He had destined for them.

The thing that this people had to learn was that God was in charge and control of the journey and that each day He would see to each stage no matter what it entailed. He knew the route and what was involved and how to negotiate no matter what difficulties were to be encountered. It was to be a great learning exercise. They would have to learn the chief lesson of faith and be prepared for the Lord’s discipline. The sight and evidence of the cloud and pillar of fire should have bred a sense of peace and assurance knowing He was in the camp at all times.

The gift of the Holy Spirit has been given in order to assure you that the Lord is directing your life on a permanent basis. The third member of the Godhead is both inside and alongside to help in negotiating your pilgrim journey. Make sure today you are looking and listening to Him so you will make a success of the trip from earth to heaven. Be reminded of the truth and fact that He knows all and has the answers for everything you will be called to face in your present hour.

April 5th    A MIRACULOUS INTERVENTION – Exodus 14

One of the most historic and dynamic events that ever took place in the history of Israel was when they came to crossing the Red Sea. It was so remarkable and memorable that it is constantly referred to within the pages of the Old Testament. They would never be able to forget this outstanding incident that occurred at a critical hour in their circumstances.

The narrative makes it clear that the Lord led them into an impossible situation of extreme circumstance – v2. It may have surprised the Israelites but not the Lord. He brought them to a place where they seemingly had nowhere to go. The impassable sea was before them. Mountainous regions were on either side and behind them were the pursuing Egyptian forces. There was, from the natural standpoint, no way of escape. The impact of these factors brought distress and despair amongst God’s people – vv10-12. They were very afraid and cried out to the Lord. Moses was able to give the decisive message and take remedial action and so the way was opened out through the sea. The impossible happened and Israel was saved.

Today you may be in such a condition, in a cul-de-sac, where there seems to be no way out. Be assured, look to the Lord for He has a way of doing things for His chosen in such straits. He will make a way for you. Anything can happen at anytime through His revelation and power and He will see you through. Life seems to be a closed in condition at times but the Lord is able to provide the miraculous breakthrough that leads into a brand new freedom and future.

April 6th    IT’S TIME TO SING – Exodus 15:1-21

It is so good to know that God really does give us something to sing about. God’s people had experienced such an intervention of the Lord that even Moses began to sing and his sister, Miriam, took a tambourine to lead the women into a dance of divine delight. It was a day when a magnificent song was born and everyone took to singing. The Lord was the subject of the song and everyone became inspired as they made melody with great gladness to Him. It had been a remarkable act on the part of the Lord on their behalf therefore it was right to sing out their praise to Him. Instead of being re-enslaved they were now truly free to glorify their God.

How wonderful it is to read and ponder on the fact that the Israelites had changed from praying and complaining to singing out their praise to Jehovah! This should have taught them once and for all about the greatness of their God and that He was with them to answer the most problematic conditions. The song focuses attention on the Lord and His doings. So from the outset and throughout they should have been a singing and praising people. This really showed what He could do at the last moment and that He had His plans for every emergency.

Be prepared to meditate in this day on what He has done for you, and begin to sing unto Him about the deeds he has wrought in your life. Singing uplifts the spirit and inspires faith, to a great extent. You were born to be a spiritual songster and to make melody in your heart to Him. As you are filled with His Holy Spirit, on a daily basis, this will become so – Ephesians 5: 18-20. Have a good day today praising the Lord. It will make all difference to you and your circumstances! The Lord will manifest Himself in some way that will prove most satisfying.

April 7th    MAKING THE BITTER SWEET – Exodus 15: 22– 27

It has to be realised that this people were on a journey and that there would be tough conditions to be negotiated. The route through the desert was not going to be easy and all kind of testing periods and experiences would fall across their pathway. The most rational thinker should have understood it was madness to have embarked on an adventure like this without knowing there would be some very demanding factors. The water issue would be a real one with such an enormous amount of people and cattle. But God had proved sufficient up to this point and should be trusted.

The first thing that hit them was disappointment. Having seen water in the distance they were truly depressed and disturbed when they found it to be undrinkable on arrival. It was really a test case as to how they would respond to a negative situation. Now was the time to look to the Lord to show His hand again. But regrettably, they failed to turn to Him and got to murmuring. They had soon lost their song. Here the Lord reveals how He is able to change the character of the water from bitter to sweet. A permanent promise was to be given: “I AM the Lord that healeth you” – v26.

There is a need to learn the lesson. Things will happen to you in your pilgrim journey when things do not turn out as expected. In point of fact, there will appear situations that could have the effect of turning you away from confidence in God. There will be the encountering pf bitter situations that call for calmness and confidence of a divine nature. The opportunity is for you to be positive and retain a sweetness that will transform everything. Without doubt, He will more than deal with any desperate circumstance. He will bring His healing power to you.

April 8th     GOD’S DAILY PROVISION – Exodus 16

It was to be quite a thing to feed this large multitude of people on a daily basis in and through a desert. They not only required water, food was needed on a regular front in order to nourish and strengthen their bodies for the journey. God was supremely aware of this and was to act on their behalf in a wonderful fashion. He did not want them to be anxious en-route and so ordered a unique food known as manna that came down during the night season and was seen on the ground the next morning. The day before the Sabbath He afforded a double amount so that they would have sufficient for the day of rest.

For forty years the Lord kept to this arrangement thus proving His faithfulness and ability. It was only intended as a temporary measure until they reached the Promised Land but it had to be extended because of the long stay in the wilderness due to their transgressions. But the Lord was up to living to His Name – Jehovah Jireh, the Lord that Provides.

It is encouraging to know that there is never any let down with God with regard to our constant need and requirement. If he could look after a great concourse of people over such a stretch of time then He will surely see to it that your needs are met. It is good to look dependently to Him in prayer and say: “Give us this day our daily bread.” There will be no short supply!

April 9th     UPHOLDING GOD’S SERVANTS – Exodus 17:8-16

God’s people were called upon to encounter and contend with an enemy, the Amalekites. It must have felt like a daunting prospect to this new nation that had to find its feet and its way through difficult surroundings.  There was one person, Joshua that appeared to have a stomach for conflict and was courageous enough to take on the leadership role in leading those ready to fight the foe.  But it was not a natural conflict that is involved here: it was a spiritual contest too. This can be seen in the fact that Moses had to ascend the mount and intercede for Israel’s combatants.
The amazing thing was that as Moses hands were lifted up in prayer Israel prevailed – v11 “And it came to pass, when Moses held up His hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” Aaron and Hur discerned what was occurring and so began to act in a supportive role to Moses by sustaining his hands. The end result was an overwhelming victory through the combined effort of prayer and action. They were ready and willing to give themselves to this responsible task of standing with God’s servant at a crucial hour.

The lesson is plain for us: we have a role to fulfill with regard to our spiritual leaders. If we are to succeed in conflict with the powers of evil that seek our downfall and ruination, we must take note that we must support our spiritual leadership in prayer as they give the lead. A lot more victories will ensue if we engage ourselves in this way. Spend some time today in private prayer for your leaders that God will strengthen them.

Daily Meditations by Rev. E. Anderson March 27th – April 2nd 2007


Rev. E.Anderson

March 27th     GOD WILLS TO USE YOU – Exodus 3: 10 -12; Romans 12

Moses never thought at this particular point in his life that the Lord had any interest in Him whatsoever, let alone being used of him at this late stage in his existence. The past forty years had been rather drab and dull looking after a flock of sheep away from all society. Here he is being confronted with the supreme task of bringing God’s people out of Egypt and into a land of untold promise. It seemed and looked ridiculous but it wasn’t. God had turned up to get hold of His man that would become an instrument in his hands to do a major work.

His real usefulness was about to begin at a time when he must have thought his life and work was all over. He was to lift him out of non-entity and give His authority and backing to stand before Pharoah and perform the role of deliverer of God’s people. Assurance was give of the Lord’s presence – v12 “Certainly I will be with you.” This was to make the difference and bring about the deliverance. A new sense was to possess him and he was to act out of great conviction such he had never known before.

We are to be encouraged by this event and incident. God has been planning and working for the moment when He can visit you in order to inform that He has a job none but you can do. At this hour He is summoning you to rise to join with Him in a partnership so that a great work can be performed through you. The good thing is, ‘He will be with you as He was with Moses.’ This is to be moment of a new start that is to open out a meaningful future.

March 28th     HE IS YOUR GOD, NOW – Exodus 3: 13-22

There was little doubt that Moses believed in the God of his fathers. He knew He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the personal sense. He would be familiar with the biographies of their lives and of God’s intimate dealings with them.  What had occurred to them impacted him and caused him to embrace the promises given to them.  Wonderful hopes had been stirred in his being because of such. But then God was to reveal Himself and His Name to him and give a personal understanding of His greatness. He was not to be left in the dark or guessing who it was engaging him for a supreme task.

It is always a great moment when God suddenly begins to personally reveal and identify Himself to and with a person. The truth that was to hit him that day and for the rest of his life was that his fathers’ God was to be his God and that this God was and always is ‘the God of the Now.’ This was to change His whole concept of life and future experience. He was to come to know the reality that God would always be around to deal with everything. It did not matter what was to be faced. He was to discover through relationship that he could handle everything with and through God.

You need to know that God would seek to break in upon your life as God and as the ‘I AM that I Am.’ He is now in your life and affairs and desires to prove Himself in so many remarkable ways. It is time for you to believe it and to enter into this vibrant accord with Him that will produce so much good not only for you, but others through you. Remember at all times, God is never outdated but always keeps up to date with His servants and people. You, too, can rely upon to reveal Himself as the One who is always on the scene to work in your life.

March 29th     WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND?  Exodus 4

It was a question that was first put to Moses that was to have a major contribution to the success of his spiritual career in God. His simple reply was: “A rod.” It had been a faithful companion with him over many years as he had attended to the needs of his flock. He could use it to walk with or to defend the sheep with. No doubt it was an item that had always been with him and so became inseparable.

Little did he realize what this rod would become through God in his new vocation? It was going to be part of his equipment as he became engaged in this new enterprise with Jehovah. In no way was it to be left behind as he moved out on this divine commission. As he was commanded to throw it on the ground it became a writhing, wriggling snake from which he hurried away terrified. The Lord encourages him to take it by the tail and it is back into a rod. This was now going to be a symbol of his divine authority in the future as he cared for God’s sheep, Israel.

It is essential to know what the Lord has placed in your hands to be employed sacredly for Him. Be assured, as He has called you to work for Him, so He has given the necessary power to achieve His designs. Consider that one of the things is the right to use the Name of Jesus. The authority of heaven is behind and backs it and you can use it with powerful results when called by God to employ it.

March 30th     WHO IS THE LORD? – Exodus 5

Here is another question – v2. It comes from the pagan monarch of Egypt, Pharoah. He is confronted by two men that represented the Lord and speak on His behalf: “Thus saith the Lord . .”  -v1 , and his reply was, “Who is the Lord?” As far as he was concerned the Lord was a non-entity and not a real issue at that time. He was far from being impressed by these men and who they stood for. There was no way, at that moment; he was going to recognize either. He was dismissive of the Sovereign Lord and believed he would easily cope with anything that would come up in the immediate future. At that juncture he was in a state of assumption, and because of the seeming strength of his position, felt he could handle anyone and anything. He was yet to make a great discovery!

His re-action to their seeming impertinence was to make things more difficult for God’s servants and people. He issued the directive to make things much harder for Israel and the people were in a worse state. Pharoah felt he was the lord and that he would dictate the situation. The two men were disappointed at this and made their complaint to the Lord – vv22, 23. They were in negativity but they ought not to have been because the Lord indicated earlier that this would be the pagan monarch’s reaction – Exodus 3: 19 “And I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not by a mighty hand.” He was going to prove difficult!

When the Lord calls to an impossible task there will be major problems to be encountered and overcome. It is not all plain sailing and He would have you aware of it from the start. The obstacles and oppositions will appear in the way but He is Lord and will prove more than adequate to deal with them. Learn to rest in the knowledge that He will answer them in His way and on time. He has already foreseen every difficulty and in His wisdom has planned to deal with them in an omnipotent manner so that you may rejoice in His grace and power.

March 31st    NOW YOU WILL SEE WHAT I WILL DO! – Exodus 6

Into the hopeless conditions the Lord moves in to prove and show to His people and servants in particular what He is capable of accomplishing. He permits this extreme situation to arise to make obvious that it presents no problem to Him. In this awful environment He is able to turn and change it through His presence, wisdom and power. He confirms to His appointed messengers what he intends to do – vv1-8, and He concludes by stating, “I am the Lord.” This covenant people were to discover that He was present to demonstrate His Godhead.

Moses had to get rid of his fear and become a man of faith and so be ready to go back into the presence of this godless king. The Lord was nerving and strengthening him so that he would become a very strong leader for the rest of the schedule that was before him. He was to move out of his own weakness and inferiority to become a mighty man of God. Thankfully he was prepared to receive the directives of God and moved on as a man of faith, courage and achievement. It was essential that he become what the Lord wanted him to become so that he would see what God would do.

Nothing in the past is to be lost because God has quietly worked in the background in that time phase to make ready for what He wills to do. Do not write off that period as of being no worth or consequence. It has all been part of the divine schedule and ordering to get you primed up for this hour. The timing of God has brought you to your NOW. You are to see what He is about to do, but remember, you have a role to fulfil. You have to face up to yourself and allow God to fill you with divine assurance and boldness and go on to succeed in achieving great things within His programme.

April 1st      THE BEGINNING OF MIRACLES – Exodus 7; John 2: 1-11

It was now time to start and wage war with the enemy that was keeping them captive. God chose the ways and means by which the deliverance should come. It was to be by the route of the miraculous. In this fresh encounter, Moses was informed beforehand as to what to expect from this heathen monarch – v9 “Shew me a miracle.” The rod was to be thrown down in his presence and it would take on a living form that of a serpent. It would be very challenging stuff!

The wicked king felt that his magicians and sorcerers were up to the same ability and he called them to perform this feat. It must have been quite a scene. Pharaoh would have been rather pleased with their act until he saw Aaron’s rod swallow up their rods. The obvious interpretation is that the Lord was manifesting His authority and the king didn’t like what he saw and resisted it. God’s servants became emboldened by this and began to move into the driving seat.

The first miracle that Christ enacted expressed the start of an onslaught against evil and there was much more to follow – John 2. The same could be said of the infant Christian Church. It can be rightly argued that there is a real need for the miraculous today so that we may make great advancement over the forces of evil. Pray this to be so in your life and for the local witness through your fellowship. The Lord would seek to initiate something of a divine order but requires you to cooperate with Him in creating the miraculous.

April 2nd     UNDER DIVINE PROTECTION – Exodus 8

The moment arrived when the Lord had to teach Pharaoh and His own people a lesson. God was able to place a division between the Egyptians and the Israelites and to let them both know that He was Sovereign Lord. It states in v23 “And I will put a division between my people and thy people: tomorrow shall this sign be.” In the immediate programme He would undoubtedly prove that He was judging one and protecting the other and both needed to get the message. It was not to be a one off incident – 9: 4-7, 26; 10: 23 etc. A programme was to commence that would not end until total deliverance had been accomplished.

The encouraging fact is that the Lord was able to safeguard the well-being of both persons and property of those that belonged to Him in sacred covenant. It became an evident revelation that He was in control and that He could provide complete security at all times from every opposing force of evil. All that the Israelites had to do was to believe and rest in the goodness of God knowing that He was outworking His plan for their release and ultimate blessedness. They were under the shadow of His wing and no evil could come near them.

It is essential to know that we are a people that are living under His new covenant and that He is committed to protecting us in the midst of life. Christ came as the Good, Chief and Great Shepherd in order to care, tend and protect each of His sheep that He has purchased to Himself. Live content and assured under His watchful eye and He will make evident to you that He can keep and sustain you through every invading evil foe and force. You are His and this makes a difference!

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