welcome to this christian website

Oct 31st – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



A current and prevailing danger in life is to leave undone the things that ought to be done. Minor factors appear at times to take precedent over the major, and so unfulfilled and vital tasks lay strewn across our pathway which we have left behind. There is urgent need to take stock of what you are involved with and assess all for its worth and contribution to real living. Remember the old saying which is so true: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should do today”. In other words, ‘Don’t procrastinate”. And it also has been said that ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’’. Be aware of that which is primary and important and attend to such with all diligence and industry so you will reap bountifully and much more fulfilment and blessing will be yours. Some things are not worthy of your attention whilst other factors require close commitment. Loving and serving God and people are to be a major concern and as you give yourself to such you will be greatly rewarded now and in the eternal future.


The Old Rugged Cross

Perhaps the greatest well-known and loved hymn above all is the Old Rugged Cross. It has been a great heritage of the Christian Church and countless Christians regard it as being very precious to their faith and experience. It declares beyond doubt the clearness and certainty of the Christian Faith as founded by Christ.

The year was 1912 and George Bennard, an evangelist traveling throughout the Midwest, was heckled incessantly by several youth at a revival meeting in Michigan. A Vision, a Melody and the Completion of the First Verse Troubled by their disregard for the gospel, Bennard turned to Scripture to reflect on the work of Christ on the cross. He later recalled, “I seemed to have a vision . . .  I saw the Christ and the cross inseparable.”

The melody came easily, and the first verse was completed by Bennard during a series of meetings in Albion, Michigan.Several months later, the remaining three verses were completed in Pokagon, Michigan, where Bennard was leading meetings at a local church. After completing the hymn, he performed the song in its entirety for the sponsoring pastor and his wife, Rev. Leroy and Ruby Bostwick, in the living room of the parsonage. The Bostwicks were moved to tears and incorporated the song in the revival service on June 7, 1913. First, Bennard sang his hymn with guitar accompaniment, and then a five voice choir sang with organ and violin accompaniment.

Today, that same church building, originally a hops barn, is owned by the non-profit Old Rugged Cross Foundation and welcomes thousands of visitors ann  hymn quickly spread throughout the region and came to the attention of the evangelist Billy Sunday, who frequently utilized it in his meetings. Two years later, Bennard sold the copyright to the song for a payment of $500, forgoing future royalties. Upon the renewal of the copyright 28 years later, he received a final payment of $5000 annually. 

The Old Rugged Cross

On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suffering and shame;
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best  For a world of lost sinners was slain.


So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown.

O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, Has a wondrous attraction for me;
For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above To bear it to dark Calvary.


In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, A wondrous beauty I see,
For ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, To pardon and sanctify me.


To the old rugged cross I will ever be true; Its shame and reproach gladly bear;
Then He’ll call me some day to my home far away, Where His glory forever I’ll share.


Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible –  Francis of Assisi


AN AMAZING TIME – Matthew 15: 29-31

The content of these verses unveil the amazing ministry and ability of Jesus Christ. When it was discovered He was around the people came with their desperate needs and major problems and discovered that He was capable of answering each person and situation. It affirms outrightly, “He healed them all” – v30 Living Bible. Everyone that came to Him were not to be disappointed as they experienced the power of Christ manifested in their physical bodies. The lame, blind, maimed, and those who couldn’t speak, and many others were laid at His feet. It was an enormous challenge to put before Him, but He was up to it.

It must have been a great spectacle of need but the greater spectacle was to follow! There is testimony on this occasion that even those with missing arms and legs had new ones. That must have been astonishing to behold! It was an unforgettable experience for all who witnessed the scene. No wonder the people revelled in what they saw and greatly praised God. It was an amazing time for them to be involved in as they saw the Master-Physician at work. The reason why Christ performed in such a manner was due to the fact that Christ loved the people and He was ready to honour their faith in Him.

The Scriptures declare the up-to-date presence and ability of Christ – Hebrews 13:8. Be assured that He has neither lost His compassion and touch. It is imperative that you draw nigh to Him in prayer and faith and lay yourself and need before Him. It is possible for you to know His healing grace and power and make full recovery. Amazing things and times are still to be known through Christ.






welcome to this christian website

Oct 30th – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



There are times when your faith will demand an extra divine boost, when it is weak and needs strengthening or when you are called into something bigger in your work for God. It is all a matter of moving on with God into all He has purposed for you to achieve in this now world. You will require more than natural confidence or the boosting of your self-ego. The demand will be for the divine dynamic that will answer every situation and see some of the most astonishing things occurring at this stage. Having done so much for you in the past is but the platform for so much more. You can settle down and be dormant and stagnant or be expanding’so setting a great spiritual tone and role model for those around you. Faith comes by God’s word. Meditate in the book of Hebrews now, especially chapter 11 and your faith will know a divine injection


Count Your Blessings

This is a great hymn for Sunday morning in review of the past week of God’s gifts and graces. It is an apt reminder of the amazing, constant kindness of God in many ways. This song has the power, as it is sung, in faith to transform one’s thinking, lifts one’s spirit and intensify faith and expectation. Make this melody yours today and let us know the results.

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.


Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, And you will keep singing as the days go by.

When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy nYour reward in heaven, nor your home on high.

So, amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

Johnson Oatman, Jr., son of Johnson and Rachel Ann Oatman, was born near Medford, N. J., April 21, 1856. His father was an excellent singer, and it always delighted the son to sit by his side and hear him sing the songs of the church. Outside of the usual time spent in the public schools, Mr. Oatman received his education at Herbert’s Academy, Princetown, N. J., and the New Jersey Collegiate Institute, Bordentown, N. J. At the age of nineteen he joined the M.E. Church, and a few years later he was granted a license to preach the Gospel, and still later he was regularly ordained by Bishop Merrill. However, Mr. Oatman only serves as a local preacher. For many years he was engaged with his father in the mercantile business at Lumberton. He has written over 3,000 hymns, and no gospel song is considered being complete unless it contains some of his hymns.


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. – Og Mandino


A PERSISTENT ATTITUDE – Matthew 15: 21-28

Here is a woman that seemingly had no claims on Christ because of her racial and national identity but in a remarkable way receives from Him what she desires. She Is not to be put off by anyone or anything until she obtains that which was driving and consuming her being; the deliverance of her daughter. She has this pressing need and knows that Christ is the One capable of her answering it and so persists in her quest until she gains the supreme longing of her heart. No one and nothing will stop her in succeeding and Christ is pleased by her attitude. Jesus is the one that drew out the best in her although He appeared to have frustrated her.

The disciples were none too pleased with her spirit and tenacity and sought to get rid of her by saying to the Lord: “Send her away; for she crieth after us” – v23. They did not even take up her cause in compassion and become her advocate! There was a lack of concern and compassion on their part. Christ appears to put her off twice in His words but she refuses to give in and has an answer for Him that thrills Him and causes Him not only to respond to her request but commends her and her faith – “O woman, great is your faith” – v28. The determined effort that had been put into it was worth it all because she got what she came for and subsequently became a testimony and example for others to copy.

It may be that the Lord is seeking to nurture this kind of spirit within you at this particular time. You are in circumstances where you are frustrated over a persistent problem that no one can answer. It refuses to go away. Come to Christ and press through and lay it before Him in faith and refuse to allow anyone and anything to interfere believing He will deal with the issue. And He will!





welcome to this christian website

Oct 29th – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



A current and prevailing danger in life is to leave undone the things that ought to be done. Minor factors appear at times to take precedent over the major, and so unfulfilled and vital tasks lay strewn across our pathway which we have left behind. There is urgent need to take stock of what you are involved with and assess all for its worth and contribution to real living. Remember the old saying which is so true: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should do today”. In other words, ‘Don’t procrastinate”. And it also has been said that ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’’. Be aware of that which is primary and important and attend to such with all diligence and industry so you will reap bountifully and much more fulfilment and blessing will be yours. Some things are not worthy of your attention whilst other factors require close commitment. Loving and serving God and people are to be a major concern and as you give yourself to such you will be greatly rewarded now and in the eternal future.


Great is Thy Faithfulness

This beautiful song as it has been sung by the saints has ministered a great deal of assurance of confidence in and toward God. As they have reflected on their lives and His gracious dealings with them they can do no other but magnify Him because of His consistent love and favour. In crisis and extreme He has been there to manifest his care and generosity. Faith has not been wasted as it has yield untold blessing of His presence and providences. Here are the words to meditate on and sing with real fervour.

Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father; there is no shadow of turning with thee;
thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; as thou hast been thou forever will be.
Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see;
all I have needed thy hand hath provided; great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, sun, moon and stars in their courses above
join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Refrain

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand besides.

Thomas O. Chisholm wrote the poem in 1923 about God’s faithfulness over his lifetime. Chisholm sent the song to William Runyan in Kansas, who was affiliated with both the Moody Bible Institute and Hope Publishing Company. Runyan set the poem to music, and it was published that same year by Hope Publishing Company and became popular among church groups.[1] The Biblical lyrics reference Lamentations 3:22-23.[2] The song was exposed to wide audiences after becoming popular with Dr. William Henry Houghton of the Moody Bible Institute and Billy Graham, who used the song frequently on his international crusades.[3] Since the middle 20th century, this hymn has been the university hymn of Cairn University which was formerly Philadelphia Biblical University and prior to that Philadelphia College of Bible, founded in 1913.


The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them-  Ernest Hemingway


TRADITION OR TRUTH – Matthew 15: 1-20

All have to come to the place where they distinguish and know the difference between tradition and truth. Unfortunately the Pharisees appeared to be loaded down with traditions and did not hold a wholesome and healthy respect for God’s Word, the standard and directive of truth. Again and again Christ was in conflict with them and sought to show them how wrong they were. They had observed the disciples eating with unwashed hands and so regarded this as sin. Not so said Christ, and it was not because He was advocating uncleanness in any way. Their hands may well have not been dirty and all the Pharisees were interested in was the ceremonial aspect of cleansing.

Christ revealed that the supreme thing was in knowing and being obedient to God’s Word. He made manifest an instance where there was a blatant disregard by the Pharisees in negating it by tradition with respect to God’s command in the respect to parents – vv3-6.  They had got it all wrong and as a result they were not true believers and worshippers of God. Their religion was outward show with no inward heart content that God approved of.

You must always ascertain that which God and men require. The best and only way to truly do this is to find out what the Scriptures have to say and mean. As you live in the Bible and the Bible is outworked in your life by faith and practice you will stand accepted of the Lord. Truth will regulate and make known what is merely traditional and so be should be treated as such.


welcome to this christian website

Oct 28th – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



One of the great features of life is to be experiencing enjoyment. That is how the Lord intended it to be for you. When He is in charge of life and a relationship is known and formed with Him, there is sure to be this delightful factor existent. He is not a miserable God and neither does He create it. Be aware of the fact that one of the great inspirations and source of strength is discovered here: “the joy of the Lord” is to be a means where divine strength is meted out to you. Know, believe and serve Him today with good heart and spirit and you will experience incredible delight and pleasure in the process. The psalmist was absolutely right when he said: “O taste and see that He is good and that He satisfies the longing soul”. Above all, enjoy the wonder, wealth and work of your Lord in increasing degree and measure and be satisfied with the finest and best. Jesus said: “Come unto Me and drink and out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water”. It is not a case of just enough to exist on, but abundance and overflow to bless others!


One of the great favourites of the Christian Church is, Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine, written by Fanny Crosby, which became outstanding and memorable in the Billy Graham Crusades. How the crowds loved to sing ‘Blessed Assurance’ led by inimitable Cliff Barrows! Voices were lifted unashamedly and enthusiastically as one in affirming the faith to be known in and through Christ. The words were easy to learn and sing out to a great tune.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long. (Repeat)

Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Saviour am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

Ira Sankey, good friend of hymn author Fanny Crosby, once related this story about the comfort “Blessed Assurance” provides:

“’During the recent war in the Transvaal,’ said a gentleman at my meeting in Exeter Hall, London, in 1900, ‘when the soldiers going to the front were passing another company whom they recognized, their greetings used to be, “Four-nine-four, boys; four-nine-four;” and the salute would invariably be answered with “Six further on, boys; six further on.” The significance of this was that, in ‘Sacred Songs and Solos,’ a number of copies of the small edition of which had been sent to the front, number 494 was ‘God be with you till we meet again’; and six further on than 494, or number 500, was ‘Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine’.

From the very day she wrote them, Crosby’s words have provided comfort for millions of Christians in the face of fear, persecution, sorrow, and doubt. In spite of all the trials that may come, we know that we serve a Saviour who came to bring the Kingdom of God on earth, and as we serve Him, we participate in, and belong to, that Kingdom. We each play our own part in that “glorious foretaste” of what is still to come. We belong to Christ and his Kingdom – what an assurance this is!


A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love – Max Muller


GETTING OUT OF THE BOAT – Matthew 14: 14-36

It was far from an easy thing for Peter to do on that occasion when one considers the circumstances that he was in. One would have considered it to have been a crazy course of action to take. Nobody had done it before and it was in the most atrocious weather conditions. The night was dark and the sea was stormy and all that he had to launch himself out on was the words of Christ. The call was to get out of the boat, trust Christ and walk on the turbulent water. It appeared to be an unreasonable and illogical thing to accomplish.

What did he learn in this experience? Quite a few things if he got out of the boat! He discovered that he could do a thing that was contrary to nature: walk on the sea as if it was solid under his feet; that also, when you take your eyes of Christ and observe the negative conditions you are in difficulty. There came the knowledge that in spite of extreme and desperate possible calamity, Christ was up to intervening and saving. Finally, it was possible to walk with Christ in the realm of the impossible,

It is now time for you to make further and greater moves in your relationship with Jesus Christ. He comes to you amidst your particular environment and experience with a supreme challenge that you have never confronted before. Of course, you can remain where you are or get up and start moving into the sphere of the unusual. The call is for one of faith for you to prove that Christ will not fail and that you can possess a divine testimony that you have been able to accomplish things that others have not attempted.




welcome to this christian website

Oct 27th – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



One of the things that you need to grasp and understand is that trials are not intended to decimate but to develop spiritual strength in mind, heart and will and to be the increase of your patience and ability to wait God’s timings and answers. That is  why the lengthy book of Job is in the scriptures to reveal the outworking of things from God’s angle. Job was not being put through the mill because he was wrong but right. God’s estimation of him before the onset of those bitter experiences could not be better. The role and work of Satan is exposed, but he failed to destroy Job’s life and future. It may be that you are in a phase where you are under assault in many ways and it is easy to form the wrong mind-set and make wrong decisions. Lamentations 3:26 is a good to verse to meditate on and hold on to when trials assail. “It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord”. Joseph was taken through a rugged pathway but he came through his trials in triumph and became a leading figure for God in his days. His trials were stepping stones to success. And so are yours, too! 


Trusting Jesus that is All

1/. Simply trusting ev’ry day, Trusting through a stormy way;
Even when my faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all.

2/. Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by;
Trusting him whate’er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all.

3/. Brightly doth his Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine;
While he leads I cannot fall; Trusting Jesus, that is all.

4/. Singing if my way is clear; Praying if the path be drear;
If in danger, for him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all.

5/. Trusting him while life shall last, Trusting him till earth be past;
Till within the jasper wall; Trusting Jesus, that is all.

All we are called to do in our Christian faith is to love, trust and obey. They are  the simple ingredients for a God-blessed and secure life. There is no other or better way to live and discover the abundant mercies and ministries of heaven.

“Trusting Jesus” is a hymn that is completely American in background.

Edgar Stites, author of the words, was a direct descendant of John Howland, one of the Mayflower’s passengers.  Active in the Civil War, he was later a riverboat pilot and then a missionary to the frontier churches in South Dakota.

The hymn poem first appeared in a newspaper and was handed to the American evangelist d. L. Moody.  In turn, Moody gave it to his soloist and song leader, Ira D. Sankey, asking him to set it to music.  In his book, Sankey’s Story of the Gospel Hymns, the singer says, ”I assented, on condition that he should vouch for the doctrine taught in the verses, and he said he would.

The author Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “Every man can win through until nightfall.”  The Christian would agree, “Yes – with the consciousness that I am god’s and He is mine”

God has not promised strength or grace or faith for tomorrow.  He has said, “As thy days, so shall thy strength by” (Deut. 33:25). — Billy Graham

QUOTES TO NOTE – Motivation

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop – Confucius



God’s prophet and spokesman, John the Baptist, was not afraid or ashamed to fulfil his responsibility to God and to the cause of righteousness. Those who were leaders and in positions of power had moral duty to manifest the highest standards to the people they served. They could do not do as they wished and liked but must set the noblest rule in terms of moral conduct. Herod the tetrarch did not do so and was found guilty of pursuing a relationship with his brother’s wife. The prophet would not play coward but spoke up against the matter.

It landed him in prison and because of the woman’s hatred and vindictiveness he is subjected to death. He paid the price of speaking out at the cost of his life. It did not matter what the ultimate cost was to be, sin had to be exposed and made to be seen for what it was. Although God’s servant had to suffer, the others will have to suffer all the more later on with a greater guilty conscience and the final judgement that is to be theirs. It would appear that Herod after John’s removal has no rest in his wrong relationship and sin when he hears about Christ. He thinks that John the Baptist has risen to haunt him!

In an age when moral and ethical standards have toppled and are being pilloried, it is easy to sit back and say nothing. The danger is of the Christian and the Christian Church becoming spineless. In no way should there be a compromising of the scriptural situation when there is a demand for the clear-cut presentation of divine righteousness. There would be those that would defile Christendom with their evil relationships and wickedness. A divine stand must be taken wherever you can against such, so that you are counted with those who do not countenance sin.




welcome to this christian website

Oct 26th

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



During your life you have experienced the immense comfort of God that has brought release, ease and solace and inspired you to go on. The outcome of the trial and suffering has meant that your faith has deepened, your love for the Lord increased plus a sense of gratitude to others for being their and saying and doing what they did. As you reflect upon the consolations received it is that in turn you will be able to move into other lives that are broken and bruised and bring essential sustenance and strength. You can impart that needful lift by your spiritual insight, testimony and presence, so encouraging them when in a low condition. Even Paul was not so big that he didn’t require people around who by their presence and words afforded some vital renewal and enable him to press on and through He says of Onesiphorus, ‘he oft refreshed me’. Look around and see who require today some helpful inspiration and care from you

QUOTES TO NOTE – Inspiration

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

From Every Stormy Wind that Blows

1/. “From every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat: ’Tis found beneath the mercy seat. 2/. There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads; A place than all besides more sweet: It is the blood-bought mercy seat. 3/. There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend; Though sundered far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy seat. 4/. There, there, on eagles’ wings we soar, And time and sense seem all no more; And heav’n comes down, our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy seat

Jeremy Johnson wrote

From the time I first read the verse lyric from the old hymnal, it stirred me. It is the very essence of our salvation through Christ. Because of His sacrifice and atonement for our sin, we have a place to find rest. No matter what storm we find ourselves in, we know where to find shelter. No matter how bruised and broken, we know where to find complete acceptance. What comfort and peace there is, knowing that we can approach the Mercy Seat and lay all our burdens down. There is nothing that His love cannot cover. The mercy Seat is a place of forgiveness and freedom, and He invites us to come.

This hymn has been sung through decades by Christian people amidst varying degrees of trial and difficulty. . . . but never has it been sung with more dramatic meaning than when in 1857 the eight American missionaries, the Rev Albert Johnson, David E. Campbell, John McMullen, and their wives sung in Cawnpore (now Kanpour) India, just before they and the two Campbell children suffered death of Christian martyrs by order of the blood-thirst Nana Shai.

This is a choice, old sacred song, full of inspiring truth that brings a sense of the Lord’s presence. In the midst of ferocious storm and gale, there is the sweet consciousness that He is in charge and control and at the helm of things and will see you through. That is the testimony of all who really know and seek the Lord.


A FOUNT OF BLESSEDNESS – Matthew 12: 22-37

The Lord in His inspired teaching reveals that life can and should be a fount of blessedness. In confronting a religious leadership that was always seeking to find fault and were far from being a good example to others, He shows that everyone has an option in life, either to be a source of good or evil. He made things plain to these criticizers when He proclaimed: “A good man out of the treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man of out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things” –v35. He was implying to His hearers that they needed to take stock of themselves and make sure of their inspiration and deeds.

It was imperative that they make sure that they were positive in their approach to life and living by saying and doing what was right and good. It was to come from a pure and genuine motivation of goodness. If their inward beings were truly inspired by God, then there would spiritually and naturally flow a stream of blessing that would inspire and bless people with fruitful works that would become treasured factors. They would be a fount of wholesome words and deeds that would benefit all around. It would be more than religious formula uttered but radical ministration exercised that would transform people and situations.

Take stock today on what your life is producing. Is it good or evil? If it is the latter, then your inward nature needs to be radically and divinely changed and renewed, and only God can do that for you through Jesus Christ. He desires that you will become a treasure in life and that from you will flow unceasingly treasures that will enrich the lives of countless others. Ask Him to do this and He will.




JOEL 1-3

This servant of the Lord was called to be the prophet of restoration. His first task was to announce and foretell what was to occur of a serious order in terms of judgement but then came with an assured word in terms of divine renewal and restoration. What he first predicted would not be welcome news but, thankfully, it was to be followed up with the assurance that the Lord would not leave His people or situation in an awful condition. The latter state would reflect His immeasurable grace, goodness and glory.

1/. DEVASTATION – 1:1-1 – 2: 11

The disclosure here is quite descriptive as the prophet declares a seemingly unparalleled state of ruin of historic significance as he calls all to listen and take note. He says: “In all your history has anything like this happened before?” The nation is to be threatened and destroyed by an invading host and it is detailed in v4. All before them looks like the garden of Eden but after they have been on the scene there is absolutely nothing. They leave behind and trail of ruin and devastation that places His people in a very vulnerable position. They are stripped of everything and there is nothing around to sustain them.

2/. SUPPLICATION – 2:12-17

The summons and call in the wake of such is to wake up and to humble themselves before the Lord and cry out to Him especially in repentance. The reason for this whole evil condition is due to the wickedness in the people and land. The leadership is called upon to give a lead in prayer, fasting and humiliation before the Lord. It has not to be mere outward show but a genuine brokenness expressed before the Lord and the will to get things properly sorted out with Him. It was time to throw themselves as a people on the mercy and grace of the Lord.  It does show the potency and power of genuine intercession and supplication.

3/. RESTORATION – 2: 18-27

What an assurance to know that His ear is attentive and that He will respond in miraculous fashion. There comes the word that he will turn this tragic state all round and there will be a tremendous transformation take place. Whatever has taken place negatively, He is able to work positively to renew and restore. The army will be removed and everything will again flourish.

4/. BENEDICTION – 2:28-32

The crowning blessing will be in the outpouring of His Holy Spirit that will effect choice renewal amongst His people. This was to be realised in greater detail in Acts 2 followed by great works of salvation.


The final chapter deals with the ultimate re-Israel and world history. There is still something of major note to take place among the nations and for all.


welcome to this christian website

Oct 25th – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson



The world you live is in a process of continual change. That is how it has been and will be until the great transformation takes place at the return of Christ. The unfortunate factor from the moral and spiritual situation, in the non-Christian society, the change is for the worse. But where Christ reigns and has perfect control, He brings alteration always for the better. He has worked in and on you daily basis to create and produce a wholesome person that exercises gifts of a choice quality that in turn brings vital amendment to all around. As you improve, the constant input of His grace and goodness so you will make noteworthy impact on people that need to come to know, believe and love Him. Let him further live and stir within you now those things that will regenerate and elevate and make you more effective for Him.


One of the most moving and challenging hymns that used to be sung after a challenging message on consecration and commitment was the famous one written by Frances Ridlaey Havergal. She wrote – 1/.Take my life and leyt it be – consecrated, Lord to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. 5/. Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine: Take my heart it  is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne. 6/. Take my love; my Lord I pour – at Thy feet its treasure stor; Take myself, and I will be – Ever only, all for Thee”. In times past, I have found myself with countless others at the front of gatherings making the great response. Long may it continue!

Frances Ridely Havergal (1836-1879) has provided us with one of the classic hymns of Christian commitment.
Known as the “consecration poet,” Havergal attempted to live a life fully consecrated to Christ and to those she saw in any physical or spiritual need.

We have an account in her own words concerning the composition of “Take My Life” in 1874.
“I went for a little visit of five days [to Areley House]. There were ten persons in the house, some unconverted and long prayed for, some converted, but not rejoicing Christians. He gave me the prayer, “Lord, give me all in this house!” And He just did. Before I left the house every one had got a blessing. The last night of my visit after I had retired, the governess asked me to go to the two daughters. They were crying, etc.; then and there both of them trusted and rejoiced; it was nearly midnight. I was too happy to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and renewal of my own consecration; and these little couplets formed themselves, and chimed in my heart one after another till they finished with ‘Ever, Only, ALL for Thee!'”


In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing – Theodore Roosevelt


CHRIST’S POWER AND WISDOM – Matthew  12: 38-50

Christ always knew how to answer those who came to question Him as to His identity. The Pharisees in their hypocrisy sought a sign from Christ but it was not a genuine inquiry of the heart because they had no intentions of accepting Him or of placing their faith in Him, and Christ knew it. If they would examine what was truly occurring without bias and pretence they would have been certain of His credentials as the Messiah and the Son of God.

He did however reply in a positive fashion and affirm they would eventually get the biggest sign of all in His personal resurrection from the dead. No one would be able to entertain any doubts because He would give a memorable, indisputable proof of His person and power by vacating the tomb. The day would not be too far ahead that they would have all the evidence any one would require to place their faith in Him. Jonah was amazingly delivered out of the fish’s belly after three days, so with Christ from the grave. As they listened to Christ, they should have discovered like the queen of Sheba of old with regard to Solomon, He was greater and was the fount of all wisdom. In consequence, it demanded their faith in Him.

You do not have to look to anyone but Christ today. He is the perfect answer to all you require. Both His power and wisdom are infinite and so unlimited. In the knowledge that He is risen from the dead, and is alive and with you, should assure you of wondrous possibilities regarding your life and prospects today. You are in a better position than the queen of Sheba, you can discover He will solve those questions for you in and throughout your earthly pilgrimage


welcome to this christian website

Oct 24th – 2016

ernest kitchen 

Rev. E. Anderson



Paul makes this affirmation in Romans 8:19 and this is how J. B. Philips translates it as: “The whole of creation stands on tiptoe of expectancy waiting for the sons of God to come into their own”. An earthly father of great means and substance likes to witness his sons move into their inheritance and put it to great use and benefit. It  is better to see it before his decease. As you have been made a son of God by grace, it is with this in view, that you make something of your life and gift here and now through what the God the father has bequeathed you now through Christ by the Holy Spirit.. Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Hannah, Ruth, Deborah went for it in God in their day and generation, and so must you. Today, be the person you should be and believe and act in a mood and manner where you exercise your rights and possess your possessions. You are enriched to enrich others!


You have been birthed into a Christian Fellowship. Christ has initiated you into His community to make a valid contribution to it and enjoy communion with Him and other fellow believers. It does say in Ephesians we are to making melody in our hearts to the Lord, singing psalms and sacred songs. It is a good daily exercise that makes a difference. You are to value real, spiritual fellowship as voiced in the old song – 1/. ‘What a fellowship, What a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. 2/. Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, Leaning on the everlasting arms; Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day, Leaning on the everlasting arms. 3/. What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms; I have blessed peace with my Lord so near. Leaning on the everlasting arms’.


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Gandhi


A FOUNT OF BLESSEDNESS – Matthew 12: 22-37

The Lord in His inspired teaching reveals that life can and should be a fount of blessedness. In confronting a religious leadership that was always seeking to find fault and were far from being a good example to others, He shows that everyone has an option in life, either to be a source of good or evil. He made things plain to these criticizers when He proclaimed: “A good man out of the treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man of out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things” –v35. He was implying to His hearers that they needed to take stock of themselves and make sure of their inspiration and deeds.



It was imperative that they make sure that they were positive in their approach to life and living by saying and doing what was right and good. It was to come from a pure and genuine motivation of goodness. If their inward beings were truly inspired by God, then there would spiritually and naturally flow a stream of blessing that would inspire and bless people with fruitful works that would become treasured factors. They would be a fount of wholesome words and deeds that would benefit all around. It would be more than religious formula uttered but radical ministration exercised that would transform people and situations.


Take stock today on what your life is producing. Is it good or evil? If it is the latter, then your inward nature needs to be radically and divinely changed and renewed, and only God can do that for you through Jesus Christ. He desires that you will become a treasure in life and that from you will flow unceasingly treasures that will enrich the lives of countless others. Ask Him to do this and He will.




welcome to this christian website

Oct 23rd – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


Christ has and begets no small vision to those who become His real believers and followers. He sees the possibilities that are latent within them and desires and works to make them patent, that is, to become obvious here and now in this world. You are to move out of your personal littleness, a small and circumscribed individual, boxed in by inferiority and a sense of limitedness, into His conceptions and possibilities. He says to you as to his first disciples; “Greater works shall you do because I go to my Father” – John 14; 12. He seeks to destroy the self-image and reveal what you can be and do through His indwelling and enabling. So, instead of bemoaning your frailness and weakness, begin to boast His grace and bigness in you and so outwork tremendous growth, aptitude and accomplishment. You are here to leave a great mark behind and for others to be inspired and motivated by your example. Start right now.

Thought for the Day


There are occasions when you need to humbly and honestly make vows to your LORD. They must not be done hastily but in calmness and in full awareness of what is being promised to Him in sacred word and covenant. He is certainly impressed when such takes place and when the thing is carried through to its ultimate. He keeps His word of covenant to you and will never break any guarantee made to you. So be wise, sure and determined when you enter into a word and heart commitment to Him on any issue. When you live up to what you have vowed, be sure of this, He will honour your loyalty and steadfastness in gracious ways.

QUOTES TO NOTE – Leadership

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership – Nelson Mandela


BEING YOKED WITH CHRIST – Matthew 11: 20-29

Christ had a genuine concern for people. As He saw them in a restless condition because of the pressures and problems of life, He desired to see the burden dealt with in a positive manner. Looking at those around He noted how weighed down they were with care and anxiety and knew that the people required relief. Of course, He knew what the true answer was. He was and is the solution to the major concern of living. He said, “Come unto Me.”

What He affirms is that people must take Him on board in life and become yoked to Him in a loving and sweet relationship. Just like two beasts joined as one with a yoke, to be and work together as a team to accomplish. The stronger is able to assist the weaker one in the task and so enable fulfilment. Listening and responding to Christ in His directives gives the wisdom to cope, plus the knowledge that His spiritual dynamic is transferred to the one spiritually linked and bonded with Him. In stead of life being a drudge and burden, it becomes a pleasure and satisfying.

You must make sure that above all you are definitely coupled and allied with Christ. He is the One that will make all the difference to every day and circumstance, giving you insight and inspiration en route in life so that you have the divine perception and power to perform. Instead of being restless like the majority of people around, you will be restful. You will live and work from a state of rest and it is the best and only way to really be and do. Remember, existence is a blessing not a burden! Christ is the boon to living, so be certain that it is Jesus and you in partnership.


welcome to this christian website

Oct 22nd  – 2016

 ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


A GOLDEN PROMISE from the Bible


In order to maintain life and existence for her mother-in-law and herself, Ruth had to go out into the fields in her day and glean the fallen grain that would have just gone to waste. It was going to be hard work but she was up for it. Picking up each grain of corn was vital for their well-being and with good heart and commitment she did a great job. It was to lead on to greater things. The Lord has given you His sacred Word for you to read and look into so that you can feed on and be spiritually nurtured and given strength to perform for Him. He expects you to daily look into and eat the kernels of divine truth that will inspire, energise and enable to live and work for Him. His Word contains the nourishment of His precepts and promises that give you sense and ability to live a high standard of life and do deeds of an extraordinary nature that reveal that you are feeding off the finest of the divine wheat. Read and glean the all essential knowledge and revelation that will make you acceptable to Him, today.

Thought for the Day


Do not be like the bowl that has created bias within it that hinders it from going on a straight course. Whilst it has its use in a game to bring a sense of gift to the user of a properly weighted and balanced ball, it is imperative that within your being there is a balanced state of love, righteous, truth, faith etc. that enables you go straight and live uprightly. Satan seeks to implant and develop the bias towards evil within you that you must be ever conscious of and resist. He wants you to wobble and go all over the place, frustrating God’s grand design for your life. It is your personal responsibility to observe your life how it is conducted, whether your word can be relied upon and whether you can really be trusted and be kept on a straight course that honours your Lord.


I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best – Walt Whitman


THE GRACE OF MERCY – Matthew 12: 1-21

The Pharisees in the main were guilty of nit picking, always looking for the opportunity of finding fault with Christ and His followers. They appear to seize on his situation and it looked as if they had got one over on Christ and put Him in a difficult position.  The disciples, because of hunger, began to eat the ears of corn on the Sabbath day, which the Pharisees considered unlawful and so took Christ to task over the issue. One would have thought that they would have had some sympathy and compassion over the physical hunger of these men and realized what the priority ought to have been in the circumstances.

Christ answers the hypocrites from the Scriptures and then really hammers a point home by saying, “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice” thus revealing what is vital above all, mercy, that is lovingkindness. Whilst in life the thing that is of prime worth and importance is doing good and seeking to help and bless others. Being critical and condemning others is not the way to behave but to be doing all that is within one’s power to bring relief to people that are in deep need, that is the best and right way to live. It is the finest quality to possess and spirit to express.

Today you must seek to act in a manner that accords with the real spirit and nature of Christianity. It is always in demonstrating mercy. One of the prime evils of this world is mercilessness that is instigated by the merciless one, Satan. This should be overpowered and overtaken by Christians taking the initiative in practicing kindness at all times, being benevolent in thought, word and action, like the good Samaritan. Don’t be a judge, be one that blesses as much as possible.



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