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June 30th

 Rev. E. Anderson


Don’t exist on substitutes, make certain you are partaking and enjoying the good and right things God has purposed for you. He has given you a mind to discern differences and expects you to use it to choose that which is real and genuine and comes from Him. Satan, the world and shallow people will come along to offer their ware and attractions. Do not be deceived but be sure that you are feeding on the Living Bread, drinking at the divine Fountain Head, mixing with good Christian leaders and members that are committed to your true blessedness. So avoid all that is sham that leads to shame and embrace, experience and enjoy all that comes from heaven. Nothing else is good enough!


Just three simple points to ponder on with regard to spiritual tests. Peter had to face such but had the Lord backing him in prayer and he came out the better for it – Luke 22:31-34. 1/. Tests and Trials are to be of Sanctifying Nature – that is, to get rid of rubbish and things that are not helpful and beneficial. 2/. Tests and Trials are of a Strengthening Nature – they do not leave one weak but give a sense of well being that one is in a healthier state. 3/. Tests and Trials are of a Succeeding Nature – they prepare they prepare the way for great usefulness and growth – e.g. Peter


There’s a story told about a lone cowboy who went to an evening service at a little country church up in Montana. There was a snowstorm and the only two people who showed up were the preacher and the cowboy. They waited and waited.

Finally the preacher said, “Well, I guess we might as well go on home, it doesn’t look like anyone else is going to show up.”

The cowboy responded, “Now preacher, when I go out to feed cattle, and only one cow shows up, I still feed her!”

The preacher said “Okay,” and proceeded to preach an hour-long sermon.

After it was over the cowboy said, “Preacher, that was a good sermon, but you know, when I feed cattle, and only one cow shows up, I don’t give her the whole load.

WISE SAYINGS – Billy Graham

“Jesus did not dispute (Satan) . . . our Lord quoted Scripture, and that’s one thing the devil can’t stand. The Scripture defeats him every time.”



From this passage there is the clear teaching that the time will come when God will judge all men– v16. There will be no escape for any person from the court of divine justice that will occur at the end of time. He has ordained in His purposes for the moment when each will appear before him to give account with regard to their lives lived on this planet. It will be a most solemn and critical occasion as the whole review of life takes place before God. All will stand before God.

God is made known as the righteous Judge and He is in perfect knowledge of all that has been enacted by all. He will not be short of information or ignorant on any detail or issue and possesses the capacity to deliver the right verdict in each case. Those who have lived to sin and self and have disregarded Him and His statutes will find no mercy but be eternally punished. To those who have lived unto and for Him and righteousness they will enter into honour, immortality and eternal life – v7. They can expect to enter into a future blessed existence with God.

What is written in this chapter is a solemn reminder to all with regard to how life is to be lived here on earth. This present existence is transitory and is intended to pave the way for a fuller and greater existence. What is done now is of major importance so great care has to be taken that there is a commitment to God, to righteousness, goodness and all those things that God approves of. Make sure that what you do today and every day can bear the scrutiny and approval of God.







welcome to this christian website

June 29th

Rev. E. Anderson


Temptations are allowed in order for you to show your spiritual metal and will. They make people into over-comers and prepare them to fulfil major roles of responsibility besides being a credible example. Be inspired by the fact that because Christ triumphed over every temptation, He now holds the position of King of kings and is creating an eternal kingdom of which you must become linked. He is able to impart His ability to you so you, too can be listed among the victors over every temptation.


THE BEST WAY TO ANSWERED PRAYER – Psalm 37:4 Amp.Ver. “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.” What a simple, spiritual and happy way to get your prayers answered. 1/. Be thankful and grateful because He is the Lord and is worth delighting in by reason of His nature. He is kind and generous in disposition towards you. 2/. Be appreciative of His infinite gifts and abilities. All things are possible to Him. 3/. Be aware of the fact that He will beget in you the best desires that serve your best interests in every way. 4/. He will bring all to fulfilment to prove He is the Lord and that you are special to Him.


The story is told of the famous boxer Muhammad Ali, who was flying one time to an engagement. The aircraft ran into severe turbulence and was soon being shaken violently. The passengers were all instructed to fasten their seatbelts straightway. Everyone complied except Ali.

Noticing this, a stewardess approached him and asked him to fasten his belt. Ali replied, “superman don’t need no seat belt.” The stewardess took, one look at him and retorted, “Superman don’t need no airplane either!”


Courage is being scared to earth but saddling up anyway – John Wayne


GOD IS TO BE KNOWN – Romans 1: 18-32

Of all beings and persons, God is sovereign and should be known. He can be discerned by those who want to really understand through the Scriptures, Jesus Christ, through the history of Israel and Christendom. But the apostle makes it clear that He is to be discovered in creation. The world around gives real evidence of Him and is sufficient testimony to not only His existence but also His magnificence. All creation is a witness to the Godhead and reveals His wisdom, skill and genius in everyway. In everything it is possible to trace His handiwork. God has put Himself quietly on display within His masterly works of creation.

There are those amongst men that would deny His existence and His rights over His workmanship. They are on a denial trip in spite of the proofs given. They consider themselves wiser and better than their Creator because they want to do their own thing and run the show. But as it is firmly stated: “they are without excuse” – v20. At the end of the day they will have to confront Him in judgment and pay an awful price for this wilful sin and subsequent evil conduct.

The greatest thought that can fill the mind and sweetest affection that can inspire the heart is the knowledge and love of God. It is a foolish procedure of life not to give daily consideration to Him for He is the source of enriching the whole of our lives. You have the delightful opportunity of meditating on God today and getting some tremendous evaluation of Him in every way. Think upon His works in creation and admire His creative expertise. Ponder His amazing work in your own person and you will be filled with praise and faith in Him.





welcome to this Christian website

June 28th


Rev. E. Anderson


Be both grateful and glad at the stage you have reached in your relationship and walk with God. Although you may not have achieved all that could have been wrought, at least progress has been made and good things have been established. There is something to work and build on that that can be very worthwhile. Remember, the disciples did not get their instantly or overnight. Sometimes progress can be slow but sure and most rewarding and preparation for something bigger. Press on and through and realise the Lord’s dreams and desires for you.



Every Christian believer and minister wants both success and stability especially in their accord and work for the Lord. To make it into His presence, to appear before Him and be permanently accepted is priority. The psalmist highlights the route. 1/. The commitment to a life of outward integrity – vv2-4 “He who walks and lives uprightly . . .” 2/. The true devotion inwardly – v2 “speaks and thinks the truth is his heart.” 3/. The great reverence for the Lord in every way – v4. The Lord is not just a mere verbal reference point. He influences at every level. 4/. The finances are used with true motive and blessing. He makes sound investment with God. The end result: “He who does these things shall never be moved” – v5.


Weather bulletin, broadcast by a TV station: “Severe thunderstorm coming. Stay inside. Do not use any electrical appliances. Stay tuned for further information.


Faith like Jacob’s cannot be shaken because it is result of having been shaken – Abraham Heschel


CALLED TO BE SAINTS – Romans 1: 1-16

There are many things that the Christian believer is called to be and do within his/her calling in Christ. One of the chief factors is the calling to be ‘a saint’. The great thing is that sainthood commences immediately on conversion. As soon as a person repents and turns to Christ forgiveness and sanctification take place. Their position before God is radically changed. In the eyes of God a sinner becomes a saint when this divine transformation has occurred in and through Christ. Not only is sin removed, His righteousness is imputed and sainthood known.

This is the start of a process where our lives are separated to God and lived by His power and for His glory. Although a new nature is given and a new standing before God is known, our old sinful nature would still seek to reassert itself. The Christian still has to live in this evil world and will be tempted. Through the inward dwelling of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, there is the ability to triumph over all sin. Instead of falling foul of Satan and sin the person is purified more and more to obtain the maturity of Christian character.

Remember this is a noble and divine vocation that is accorded all who come to faith in Christ. It is possible to obtain sainthood in this life even though challenged by sin every day from every quarter. Christ has won the right for you to live in holiness and righteousness and at the same time grant His strength and grace to be able to achieve your calling. At a time when sin abounds on every hand, he is able to keep you free from all its influence and domination and so enable to maintain your spiritual status in victory,




a welcome to this Christian website

June 27th


Rev. E. Anderson


There is ever need to listen to the teaching on Christ on all subjects so that belief and behaviour are based and formed correctly. He does say very clearly that we must “Beware of false prophets, which come in to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits” – Matthew 7: 15, 16. We need to be aware of mere professing preachers and people within the church and political leaders and people and others outside Christendom who have no righteous principles or conduct. So do not be led down the garden path is a wise saying to be taken note of. Do not be duped or sucked in by such!

Sermon Starters


I heard one of men speak in the morning devotions on these two words and it Illuminating and helpful. His Scripture passage was Genesis 37. He related it to Joseph. 1/. What if he had not received the dreams and spoke of them? What if his brothers had not badly re-acted to him and his dreams? 3/. What if he had not discovered their whereabouts? 4/. What if the Ishmaelite’s had not passed by?  5/. What if he had secured a God position in Potiphar’s home? 6/. What if he had not suffered wrongful imprisonment? 7/. What if the butler failed to ultimately remember? And so on. It seems that God’s unfolding plans for a fulfilled life in and through is dependent on so many incidents and scenes. Someone once said: “Big doors often hang on small hinges.”



The German philosopher Schopenhauer compared the human race to a bunch of porcupines huddling together on a cold winter’s night. He said, “The colder it gets outside, the more we huddle together for warmth, but the closer we get to one another, the more we hurt one another with our sharp quills. And in the lonely night of earth’s winter eventually we begin to drift apart and wander out on our own and freeze to death in our loneliness.” Christ has given us an alternative: to forgive the pokes we receive. This allows us to stay together and stay warm.


HOME EVANGELISM – Acts 28: 17-30

The apostle was given the privilege of renting his own house when he arrived in Rome but was placed under the continual jurisdiction of a soldier – v16. He was not to let this golden opportunity pass by without using it to maximum profit for the spread of the Gospel. He wisely invited the local Jewish leaders in on good terms to present his case and views to them, and they came in and conversed with him regarding the Scriptures and the Christian Faith. He was to show and prove to them the veracity of Christ and His message. There were those who came to believe whilst others were not inclined, so he turned to the Gentiles.

For two years many came to visit him and he did not waste the occasion but used such to present the Kingdom of God as revealed in Jesus Christ – vv30, 31. The rented home became the venue where many listened with conviction to the news that could and did transform their lives. He may have been a prisoner in his own home but he rejoiced in being able to fulfil his Christian vocation as an evangelist- teacher. The soldiers who were stationed near him would become acquainted with the message he preached. No doubt there were those who became Christians.

How fascinating to read of a man who seized every situation to place the claims of Christ before others! The home should be a venue, which should be sacredly used to make Christ known. When people come to your abode are they aware of who you are and what you believe? In an appropriate manner you can make it clear to your visitors that Christ is the most important person to be associated with it. Let your residence be the venue where many are introduced to the reality of Christ.




Malachi 4

An assured promise is extended to those who have true respect for the Lord that is of great worth and significance. It will be seen in the context that there are enormous benefits to be discovered and known for those who have a healthy regard for the LORD Almighty. They do not lose out but enjoy to the utmost level and degree so much from Him. It is right and proper to honour the Lord apart from His love and goodness in the knowledge of who He is, but He also delights to show utmost regard for them who do so.


The Lord is described as the Sun of Righteousness and He has the properties of health and the power to administer life and health to those that He arises upon. He is like the appearance of the sun as it arises in full glory and splendour to shine and bring its warmth and that brings its strength to bear upon creation for good. So the Lord comes to those who look for Him and regards Him with healing virtue.


The description here is of young calves let loose to spring forth and reveal their vitality and liberty of life. They cannot contain their inward feelings but break forth to declare their pleasure and delight. Joy of an abundant nature becomes a manifest characteristic. There is no holding in of the delight felt.


The wicked and unrighteous that have had no respect for the Lord will be at the mercy of those who have treated the Lord aright. The righteous will triumph over the unrighteous and it will be altogether apparent that sin does not pay. In the first verse it is seen, the wicked will be utterly removed.


The Lord will convey to them the importance of truly responding to His covenant law and because there is due respect for Him there will be due regard for His Word. Blessedness and divine benefits are always tied up in loving obedience to the Lord and this obtains under both covenants.


There is the assurance that the Lord is to send His divine messenger who will bring restoration on a much wider front. There will be a turning to the Lord through his ministry and He will be greatly reverenced. John the Baptist preceded Him who came to bring divine knowledge and would draw people to a worthy and noble regard for God.




welcome to this Christian website


June 26th


Rev. E. Anderson


The Scriptures speak about being “built up in your most holy faith”. This would indicate and emphasise the demand to move from an initial experience and understanding to something more. Every Christian must know how to grow at a steady and sure rate in and through Christ so that they please Him. There are spiritual means available that enable such. The systematic reading of the Scriptures, the listening to and obedience to good preaching and teaching from the pulpit and house group, plus constant prayer privately and unitedly, the readiness to witness for Christ and other devotions soon expand and bless and make it useful and fruitful. Do not stagnate but instigate and propagate that which is wholesome and satisfying and you will truly grow like Christ and be blessed and an inspiring example.

Sermon Starters

THE KING IN HIS PLACE – Psalm 2. The opening verses give a picture of world of humanity in utter confusion and chaos and it is because of its utter godlessness and rejection of GOD – vv2,3. But He puts things in perspective for all to see and accept and informs who is in charge. He can afford to laugh because He is in the ascendant position – vv4,5. Two things to recognise: 1/. He has placed His King, Christ on the throne, and all will be subject to Him and His rule – vv8,9 and calls for all to submit to Him. 2/. The wise respond and acknowledge His authority and live under His covering – vv 10-12. Things could not be better or happier under His sovereign control – “O blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are all those who seek refuge and put their trust in Him”.


A two-year old girl was with her mother while her older sister was at the dentist. She kept herself busy playing with toys in the waiting room until she noticed her mum was resting, her eyes closed. With about six other patients in the waiting room, she marched up to her mother, looked at her and shook her shoulder. “Mummy,” she yelled. “Wake up! This is not church!”


After Carl Lewis had won the gold medal for the long jump in the 1996 Olympic Games he was asked: “You have competed for almost 20 years. How come?” His memorable answer: “Remembering that you have both wins and losses along the way. Don’t take either too seriously.”


GREAT KINDNESS Acts 28: 1-16

One of the all-important things in life is that of kindness. It is most impressive and welcome. As these shipwrecked people arrived on shore, in such a bewildered and broken condition, the people on the island of Malta ministered immediately to their requirements. The Scriptures affirm: “The people were very kind to us” – v2. They were quick to relieve their needs. Later, as Paul arrives at a place called Melita and then at Rome, he finds a group of believers ready to show their love and care – vv12-15. There was the great expression of this vital service at a needful time.

Paul was able to demonstrate the kindness of God in return, especially to the island’s inhabitants. First of all, he was used to bring healing to the father of Publius who had been so courteous. This triggered a great move amongst the people as they brought the sick to him to be ministered to. They were divinely cured and so the testimony of the Lord abounded. The Lord did for them what no one else could do. The consequence of this moved the people to demonstrate further kindness – v10.

A little kindness shown can initiate and produce so much more. It can start to let this golden opportunity pass by without using it to maximum profit for the spread of the Gospel. He wisely invited the local Jewish leaders in on good terms to present his case and views to them, and they came in and conversed with him regarding the Scriptures and the Christian Faith. He was to show and prove to them the veracity of Christ and His message. There were those who came to believe whilst others were not inclined, so he turned to the Gentiles.

For two years many came to visit him and he did not waste the occasion but used such to present the Kingdom of God as revealed in Jesus Christ – vv30, 31. The rented home became the venue where many listened with conviction to the news that could and did transform their lives. He may have been a prisoner in his own home but he rejoiced in being able to fulfil his Christian vocation as an evangelist- teacher. The soldiers who were stationed near him would become acquainted with the message he preached. No doubt there were those who became Christians.














welcome to this Christian website

June 25th


Rev. E. Anderson


Every day can be a special day when you know the presence, blessing and direction of the Lord. He comes to light up life and bring a life of genuine life. He is both Life-giver and Light-bearer, the two basic things required for you to know how to live and the driving force to achieve. Christ is always going places and as you are joined dynamically with Him there is no doubt you will achieve the best. So may the next hours see you progressively moving ahead into choice blessing and achievement?

Sermon Starters

Just a few thoughts to start you going and thinking: BEING ON THE RIGHT TRACK – Psalm 1. 1/. It is to be considered a blessed factor – opening word v1 ‘Blessed’ – what it means to be blessed from God’s standpoint. 2/. It is knows, believes God’s sacred word – v 2. Turning from the negative to the positive. 3/.It is becoming something of outstanding and lasting worthy – v3 a tree rightly planted, ever flourishing and no decadence. Being on the right track is arduous but worth it because of the end result.


BORN TO LOSE. Once, walking through the twisted streetss of Kowloon in Hoing Kong, I cme upon a tattoo studio. In the window were displaced samples of the tattoos available. On the chest or arms you could have tattooed an anchor or flag or mermaid or whatever. But what struck me with force were three words that could be tattooed on one’s flesh: Born to lose. I entered the shop in astonishment and, pointing to the words, asked the Chinese tattoo artist, “Does anyone really have that terrible phrase, Born to lose, tattooed on his body?”

He replied, “Yes, sometimes.”]

“But,” I said, “I just can’t believe that anyone in his right mind would do that.”

The Chinese man simply tapped his forehead and said in broken English, “Before tattoo on body, tattoo on mind.”


THE GREAT ESCAPE – Acts 27:27-44

This is one of the most amazing recorded escapes ever known at sea. Two hundred and seventy six people were saved in the most appalling conditions from angry winds and waves that battered them and their ship. For two weeks they had been in an embattled state with a raging tempest and it seemed there was no likelihood of escape from this intense situation. They certainly were demoralised and depressed because of what they had encountered and endured. All but one man on board must have felt that the end was near and there was no way out of this.

Paul was able to take charge and bring inspiration and hope in these desolate circumstances. He encouraged them to eat and inspired them by example. There was the bold, prophetic announcement that not one person on board would perish but that all would make it. Certainly, it was an audacious message to declare in such an appalling situation. Then came the calamitous moment when the ship became stuck on a shoal and was broken up. The remarkable thing was that all made it to land one way or another and were saved.

This incident teaches the great care of God for people and for the fulfilment of His word. He is jealous over both and makes sure that they are regarded. In the midst of experiences where everything appears to be loaded with evil against a person and people, He is able to express His thought and commitment in giving an assured word of hope and salvation. If you are placed in extreme conditions, where all is set to destroy, do not give in to despair: the Lord will give an apt word in which you can trust and rest and bring the same to pass in His own inimitable way.





welcome to this Christian website

June 24th


Rev. E. Anderson


Fear is an ever prevailing evil and makes its presence known in all kinds of situations. There are different types of fear and all have to be faced, combated and conquered. Through the indwelling of Christ and the enabling presence of the Holy Spirit and God’s inspired Word, it is possible to face each one head on and be top-dog. Instead of being a victim you can and will be a supreme victor. Faith will be dominant and deal with any presentation fear will make and you will have abundant proof and tstimony to victory. So slay all your fears today and prove your status in Christ. You are more than conqueror.



There was once a very rough Parish Church Council meeting. Strong opinions were express and sharp disagreements surfaced.

The next day one of the PCC members felt bad about the whole meeting, and asked the vicar if he had slept well after the meeting had ended.

He replied, “I slept like a baby”.


“Yes, I woke up every hour crying!”

“It is nice to work for the Lord. The pay isn’t much but the retirement plan is out of this world!”

Old ministers never die, they just go out to pastor!”



This account shows the utter disobedience of the commander, captain and crew to the divine counsel that had been afforded them. Seeing that the state of affairs looked okay they felt justified in going ahead with the passage. It affirms – “When a light wind began blowing from the south, the sailors thought they could make it” – v3. In viewing the external circumstances they were filled with the notion that Paul’s revelation was utterly unreliable. They did not accept what he had said was true because the natural factors were evidently contrary.

It wasn’t very long before they were to discover how right he was but then it was too late to return as they were swept into a severe time of testing. Everything changed in a moment as a northeasterly gale rose and made the sea tumultuous. The next few days were hazardous and nerve-racking as they used all their wit and strength to save the boat and themselves against the natural elements. In the pressure of the storm the Lord spoke and gave assurance of salvation – vv22-25. Divine hope was given when all was hopeless! It would have to be a word tested in the most critical conditions but it would not fail.

There are occasions when Christian believers land themselves in some awkward and trying settings because of the failure to heed the direct advice of the Lord. Being self-opinionated they feel that they can judge where they are at and what must be done better than Him. The result of their actions lands them in extreme circumstances of difficulty where they require Him to bale them out. In His grace He is most kind and helpful. If you are so placed, have the humility and sense to ask for His assistance. He will come to your aid.

welcome to this Christian website

June 23rd

Rev. E. Anderson


Life has been giving to you by your loving, Heavenly Father, that you might exploit and enjoy it to the full on a day by day basis. All is not thrown at you in a moment to overwhelm, rather, bit by bit, little by little, as much as you can handle efficiently and with satisfaction. He is alongside to aid in bringing all to fruition so that as you revue what has been done, all will have been done well. Simply look to Him for today’s agenda and all will become clear and possible. Act in love and good faith and you will have every reason to be thankful


A lawyer, who had a wife and 8 children, needed to move because his rental agreement was terminated by the owner who wanted to reoccupy the home. But he was having a lot of difficulty finding a new house. When he said, he had / children, no one would rent a home to him because they felt that the children would destroy the place. He couldn’t say he had no children, because he couldn’t lie.

So, he sent his wife for a walk to the cemetery with 7 of their kids. He took the remaining one with him to see rental homes with the real estate agent.

He loved one of the homes and the price was right — the agent asked: “How many children do you have?”

He answered: “Eight.”

The agent asked, “Where are the others?”

The lawyer, with his best courtroom sad look, answered “They’re in the cemetery with their mother.”


A WORD OF WARNING – Acts 27: 1-12

As the journey is made to Rome by boat it was going to prove to be a hazardous voyage. It was going to prove to be most eventful as it was at a time of the year, autumn, when things were not at their best at sea. They encountered forceful headwinds that made things difficult and protracted the trip right from the start. A tremendous amount of time was lost and the prospects certainly looked full of foreboding for the ship and all on board. It really required some insight and a clear word as to what course of action to take in these circumstances.

Paul was more than a missionary-preacher: he heard from God. His Master knew full well what lay ahead in terms of climate conditions and could give an up-to-date weather report. A word of warning came from above and so this prisoner could state truly how things would be. He said, “Sirs, I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on –shipwreck, loss of cargo, injuries and dangers to our lives” – v10. There was a definite threat if they proceeded. The matter was simply weighed up from a human angle and the word from the Lord was disregarded. It was to be to their undoing.

When things are not plain sailing in Christian life and experience, it is time to take stock and to find out as to what is occurring and is to happen. It is foolish to continue without knowing the Lord’s mind on matters. Thankfully, He wills to reveal the truth so that no mistakes will be made and things end up tragically. Be awake to the Lord’s word; it may come as a warning, admonishing you not to continue on the present route that you are on. He is thinking about your safety!

welcome to this Christian website

 June 22nd

Rev. E. Anderson


Ever realise that there is an eternal freshness and fullness in your God that He wills that you should draw and live on the same. One of the main reasons for the advent of Christ into this world and into your life was that you might know such on a daily basis. Be reminded of what He said: “I Am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly” – – John 10:10. So do not miss out on the dynamic life you should be knowing and receiving from heaven during your stay on earth. Let there be freshness and fullness manifest in and through you, now, today.



A young girl was told she needed an X-ray. She went in and seemed especially nervous.

When she came out of the X-ray room, she told her mother, “They took a picture of my bones.”

“Yes, dear,” replied her mother. “Did everything go alright?”

“Sure,” said the girl. “It was great. I didn’t have to take my skin off!”



Again Paul was given the chance to give a defence of his position and used it to seek to make king Agrippa aware of the reality of the Christian Faith. He simply gave a personal testimony on what he had been and how Christ made Himself known to him on the Damascus Road and as a result he had become a Christian. It would be obvious to his listeners that here was man who had truly had an encounter with Christ and had become fully persuaded as to His person and mission. There had come a radical change that indicated his commitment to Christ.

The reason why he was in the dock that day was due to this experience and his readiness to proclaim Him to others. He proved to the king, from the Scriptures, that Christ was the fulfilment of the predictions of Israel’s prophets and so were His ministry, death and resurrection. The preacher was aware of the fact that the monarch was aware of what the prophets had spoken and challenged him to a belief in Christ. He replied with the words: “Almost you persuade me to be a Christian?” – v28.  He was almost there but not fully. It would have been great if he had been! The prospect at that moment was good but he missed it.

Two things come out of this witness by Paul: the first is that there should be a speaking with utter conviction the assurance concerning Christ and what He has truly done through His life, death and resurrection. Also, a pure and sure testimony as to the inroad and impact of Christ’s grace and power in your conversion to Him. The consequence of such will create and generate faith in the hearer towards Christ. Who knows whether you will see someone brought to faith in Christ through your assured witness!



welcome to this Christian website

June 21st


Rev. E. Anderson


Because ‘all things are possible with God’, because He is your Father and you are now His child through Jesus Christ His Son, so whatever was accomplished by and through Him is also within the realm of your believing and achieving. There is nothing that cannot be wrought for your highest good and benefit through faith and prayer. God would take the limits off so that you can know and experience the greatest in your earthly pilgrimage. So as the hymn-write puts: “Large petitions with you bring”.



There is a well-known story about young Teddy Roosevelt: Mittie (his mother) had found he was so afraid of the Madison Square Church that he refused to set foot inside if alone. He was terrified, she discovered, of something called the ‘zeal’’. It was crouched in the dark corners of the church ready to jump at him, he said. When she asked what a zeal might be, he said he was not sure, but thought it was probably a large animal like an alligator or a dragon. He had heard the minister read about it from the Bible.

Using a concordance, she read those passages containing the word ZEAL, until suddenly, very excited, he told her to stop. The line was from John 2: 17: And His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘The ZEAL of thine house hath eaten me up”.



Yet another turn of events was to make for a further expression of the Christian message. Festus replaced Felix and was approached in Jerusalem by the Jewish leaders to have Paul tried in Jerusalem. He was prepared to go along with this not aware of their evil design. When Paul was asked he declined sensing a wicked intention. The next step was to appeal to Caesar. This incident was to mark a turn in events and reveal the unfolding plan of God for advancing Christianity.

It was a bold thing to do but it was to serve the higher interests of the Kingdom of Christ. There was a divine wisdom afforded to him in it all. Whilst seeking his personal security it was also in the knowledge that he had a work to do for the Lord. He was not afraid to die but he was not ready to give up his life without some good cause. Festus was prepared to hearken to him and so everything was settled for him to go before the greatest person of his day to express his faith. He had already got the word that he would finish up in Rome – Acts 23: 11.

There are occasions when things in Christian life and experience have to open up in a much wider way and the Lord may use adversaries and adverse circumstances to activate it. A divine sensitivity must prevail and a faithful readiness to move out into unchartered waters knowing the Lord is directing affairs. It does not matter how formidable and fearful the thing set before you is, the Lord will enable you to negotiate with an assurance that He has some worthwhile end in view that will glorify Him and increase your usefulness.



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