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”Prove all things” – Ephesians 5:21. The Christian is by no means to be a gullible individual, accepting things into his mind and life without question and deep thought and consideration. Everything has to be tested by the measuring stick of God’s Word and conform to truth and reality. Paul commended the Christians in Berea because they did not have a mere surface knowledge and experience. In Acts 17:11 he states: “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word of God with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Hearsay was not enough. It was absolutely vital to make sure what they were hearing was sure, sound and could wholly accepted and believed. The Gospel of Christ is no cunningly devised fable or story but is a message every person needs to hear, know, understand and believe. It is to be top priority in being proven besides other matters!


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“Despise not prophesying” – Ephesians 5:20. This simple gift when used by the Holy Spirit through a Spirit-filled was able to communicate a simple, true and encouraging word to the fellowship gathering. It was nothing exceptionally profound but conveyed a relevant message that was right in line with the believers assembled. It was sensed that the LORD was altogether conscious of a need to hear from heaven truth that would galvanise their faith and send them forth with fresh inspiration and zeal. It was an uncomplicated utterance that conveyed all that was necessary to move on into God’s plans and purposes. It was not to be looked down but welcomed and applied.


The whole Christian Church must be awake to the fact that it is living in the Last Days. Already the LORD has appeared and done the great work of salvation on the Cross and began the new community, the Household of Faith composing God’s choice Family. He is to come again to take His Church to live and reign in heaven forever. This purpose has almost been realised and any time can now His advent will be manifest. Sinners need to repent and make certain they belong to Christ. Their eternal future is at stake as to what they do with Him. These last days give you sinner the opportunity of becoming a child of God. Do not miss it. To the saint, the Last Days must find you busy in service for Christ and His kingdom. Do not be idle but be fully employed in making known the King and His Kingdom.

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This is brief but states a great deal in emphasis – “Quench not the Spirit” v19. The Christian believer owes a lot to the Holy Spirit. He is the One that makes it possible to be born again and be a member of God’s Family. He totally regenerates the heart and life and creates a new identity making an individual an integral part of God’s heavenly household. He perform an additional ministry by giving power and gifts to be used by His inspiration – 1 Corinthians 12-14.They are not to be despised, neglected or used in a shameful manner. There is an added admonition not to “grieve the Spirit of God” – Ephesians 4:30. Rather than quench which is negative, welcome the Holy Spirit he great positive, to posses, fill, stir and use you in the way God wills. More room and time must be given to the third member of the Godhead so that He can express heaven’s desire and design both for your life and ministry. You must spend more time in His presence. and under His influence.


Regrettably, in this world we have lots of people who seem to be ever beset with problems. They major constantly on things that appear difficult, enigmatic and intricate that keeps them locked up with an unhealthy mind-set and life. Others see problems to be encountered dealt with in a positive manner that yields advancement and success. Wise parents for instance may have a problematic child but they know with good understanding, care and judgment, the awkward situations can satisfactorily be answered. A good executive knows how to run the business because he knows how to cope with the work-force and deal with issues that arise with penetrative insight and sees how the problems can be resolved. Make it your business in life, with the aid of the all wise God, to be the kind of person who answers and does not create problems.

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The Bible is full of assurances given by the LORD to those who trust and obey Him. If there is one thing He loves to do for those who are in His Family, is to fulfil the things He has spoken in sacred promise. C.H.Spurgeon, a great English preacher wrote a book called the Cheque Book of Faith, and it deals with the wonderful guarantees that Almighty God gives to those who know Him. The promises cover everything, nothing is missed out and is assured to those who please Him and look to Him whilst they journey throughout life. He is always in a sovereign position where He can step in and work the wonder when required. Nothing could be better for you child of God; qyou are wholly covered and catered for all the way to heaven and then and there to discover His infinite faithfulness. You will be able to sing: “Never failed me yet.”




This is a commendable attitude and action to be generated and developed – “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Whilst you may not thank God for all things it is possible to thank Him in all things. One trusts Him in those inexplicable circumstances, experiences which are not readily understood, but a sense abides that something strange is occurring that is ultimately to advantage. Of course, one should abound with thanks when so much is being manifest of wholesome quality. An attitude of appreciation should be present and revealed when so much blessing is known. Let life daily have psalms and songs of thanksgiving, making melody of a sweet order to Him for His constant kindness. Being placed in Christ is the best thing that could have happened to you.

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There is always a demand to be instructed. It commences at infancy and is an issue that is with us to the end of life. No one apart from the LORD knows it all! As a teachable spirit and mind is possessed and operates it is possible to be instructed in incredible ways and in many things. Life has moved on from the garden of Eden and the learning process enlarged. See that you are schooled by good people who know what they are conversing about on spiritual, scriptural and moral issues and your days will be of a wholesome adventure and experience. Reading a good book is better that wasting your time on a vile TV programme. Not only be one who is well taught but able to teach others. Of course, the best Teacher is Christ and best Book, the Bible.





The next exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is to “Pray without ceasing.” Every Christian should learn to know how to pray and see God do some incredible things in their lives. As soon as they are born again into God’s Family they should be aware of the fact they have an eternal Father who cares and desires to do things for them in this life. Through continuous, persistent prayer wonderful things are to be brought to pass. Christ is your example in this. He ever prayed over all and saw choice things accomplished. You can talked to God your Father at all times, anywhere about everyone and anything and see His glorious responses. Now start to introduce prayer into your lifestyle and discover the interest and ability that your Father has in the everyday out working of your daily living. The old saying is true: “More is wrought by prayer that this world dreams of”.


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It is possible to convey a vital message in a few words. The telegram is an expression of communication in a short sentence. Paul did this in his letters and especially in 1 Thessalonians 5. In v16 he declares, “REJOICE EVERMORE.” This is by no means an easy thing to do when circumstances are of an horrendous nature. However, he and Silas did some rejoicing when thrust in awful conditions. They had been badly beaten and thrust into an inner Roman prison and dungeon and there they sang praises to God – Acts 16. The act provoked God to respond and the whole prison and every door was unlocked. What an outcome! As a a Christian you must learn the lesson of rejoicing when the pressure is on so you will make discovery of the presence, power and providence of God. Learn to have a praise party in hostile and unfavourable conditions and know heaven’s response.

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The all-essential truth is to be certain is that the LORD is on your side. There is no need to be worried about the outcome if you are utterly sure He is with you to work to your advantage and blessedness. It does not matter whether you are young or old, if you are you are conscious of His presence and help, the ultimate is bound to end in your favour. The situation at times can be grim and gruesome but the LORD is supreme and sovereign and can turn things quickly into your favour. Sometimes He permits you to be hemmed in so that He can prove to you that He is up to the most appalling conditions. Israel were faced with the Red Sea ahead with Pharaoh s host seemingly ready to pounce and enslave them again. The LORD was more than able to meet the situation. “It God be for us, who can be against us?”

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Rest assured, the LORD works to a time-table and keeps to it meticulously. There is no indolence or idleness with Him. He always is there ready to perform His loving plans and intentions. It is is illustrated with Abraham. He created faith and developed it in Him so he learned to live according to the divine schedules. Isaac, His only son was born on time and the LORD revealed to his servant He could be trusted. You need to know and live with the perfect workings and dealings of God. He still seeks to create faith and patience and to prove He knows all that is occurring and will work according to His plans and providence. You could not have a wiser mind planning for you so your future is absolutely secure!

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Whilst it is a choice quality to be consistent and is a praiseworthy attribute, one must not settle at this level to achieve, although good. It has to be said that extra effort in exploiting much more in the terms of grace and gift is a commendable action. To settle on a peak whilst sensing an excellent view is inadequate. There is much more in you in what you think and the divine summons to awake to the greater possibilities is put before you now. There are further mountains to scale of a higher order that pursued and possessed will afford immense pleasure and fulfilment. When you are prodded and goaded to break out further, do so in faith and expectation because what is resultant is worthy of your commitment and potential.

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The quest for glory is a dictating force in man. It drives people to incredible feats and the praise and adulation is soaked up with inward pride and feeling of exaltation. At the end of the day it all ends in the dust and is forgotten. We need to be saved from such a pursuit. It is where Christ comes in. He puts a new emphasis and dynamic motivation within a person. There is death to self exaltation and the intention to see Christ exceedingly glorified and His kingdom life and nature born, which is pure humility. We are more able to cope with self, life, others and a host of things because the pure inward motive is right and will produce the best that which most rewarding. Paul placed it right when he wrote: “God forbid that I should glory, save in the Crossof our LORD Jesus Christ . . . .” – Gal 6:14.

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