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If the word sin originally means missing the mark then righteousness signifies hitting the goal and being a winner. There is no doubt about it, sin makes losers every time of people and the ultimate destiny is banishment from God and heaven where righteousness is supreme. You can only be made right and righteous and live a life of righteousness through Christ, hence you must make certain He is your personal Saviour and LORD. Make doubly certain in this life you hit the goal and turn out to be a true winner in and through Him. You cannot lose at all if you have made Him your choice and allow Him to daily inspire and direct in all things at all times. A glorious assurance and victory will be sensed by you constantly and you will score at a good rate and see much accomplished now in readiness for your ultimate appearance before Him to be rewarded.




It is not an easy thing to keep sweet when people and situations confront that are really wicked and are of a nauseating nature. Jesus did not simply keep cool when under immense bad attitudes at the time of His death. What a remarkable gracious nature He displayed when vilely treated and abused! Being aware of who He really was and what authority and power belonged to Him, He could have humiliated the opposition and made it utterly embarrassed. He kept sweet and faced suffering and death and His final words convey His brilliant mastery of spirit. We need to take our cue from Him when assailed and opposed by others in an undignified manner. People when they see this expressed know that Christ lives and exercises His dynamic influence in your thinking and feelings. Such people turn out winners!