powerful quotes

leigh 10

Rev. Leigh Goodwin


Hudson Taylor’s qualifications for a missionary: –

* A life yielded to God and controlled by His Spirit

* A restful trust in God for the supply of all needs

* A sympathetic spirit and a willingness to take a lowly place

* Tact in dealing with men & adaptability towards circumstances

* Zeal in service and steadfastness in discouragement

* Love for communion with God & for the study of His Word

* Some experience and blessing in the Lord’s work at home

* A healthy body and a vigorous mind

“There is no argument for missions. The total action of God in history, the whole revelation of God in Christ – this is the argument”James Stewart

“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions, and the nearer we get to him the more intensely missionary we must become.”Henry Martyn

“The Bible is a missionary book. Jesus Christ is the Father’s missionary to a lost world”Harold Lindsell

“Foreign Missions are not an extra; they are the acid test of whether or not the church believes the gospel”Leslie Newbiggin




prayer dynamics

ernest reading pose

Rev. E. Anderson


Taken from All About Praye 

“However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). There are beauties of My glory, yet untapped, that I am going to show you. I am opening them before your very eyes, enabling sight into a realm not seen before. You are My butterfly – no longer held captive in a cocoon, no longer hidden away. It is time to fly with freedom under the protection of My mighty wings as you rise to see the face of your God, whose very essence flows with goodness and glory.

Awakening is here. Love is awakened, My beloved, swinging wide the doors of opportunity, favour, and honour. I am returning hundredfold all that has been stolen while you slept. Can you see the clouds of promise gather? I can. I see you like the graceful, colourful, butterflies drinking pollen from the beautiful flowers of My creation. Fluttering, floating without care, causing amazement as you move from place to place with elegance and grace. You are full of beauty and strength. All those who discounted you will see you in a new light as I bring about the promised redemption of your calling. Those who cursed you will rise and call you blessed, considering it a privilege to know you. I have removed reproach from the deep places of your heart. The things you thought and used as excuses, allowing them to bind you in a cocoon of sleep, I have removed. Now, I am removing the reproach of men, granting you favor with God and man. What I am doing now, no one can argue with. I remove and break away all words and judgments of men and even family. In the process, I bring a work of humbleness to their lives, thereby, freeing them at the same time. What is done for you ultimately becomes their freedom.

I have taken the crooked staff the enemy used to reach out and wrap around your neck, pulling you back into the places of darkness, and turned it into a sword of the Spirit. As you remain faithful to Me, I deny him any power over you. My grace is sufficient, and My love gives lift to your graceful, yet powerful, wings, enabling you to soar above all that was. I restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). The time of recompense has come for I have been jealous for you, My beloved. As you rise and fly in the current of My mighty wings, you will have sight into My realm of goodness and glory. I have called you to collect pollen and take it from place to place. The deposits you share will make it possible for gardens to bloom in the lives of others. Without pollen, without the deposits of My goodness, many would stay in their bound up cocoons way past the necessary time. The right amount of time produces one like you, while excessive time destroys hope. As you dispense the sweet pollen of My nectar into the lives of others, self-reproach will be removed, and I will remove the reproach of men upon their lives. Drink continually from the nectar of communion with Me that you may come in and go out of My presence with the necessary pollen to produce in like kind. Comfort, as you have been comforted, My butterfly.


Lord, I agree with You and stretch my wings. The very essence of who You made me to be is awakening like the rising of the dawn. This is a new day, and I embrace it. I give You all my excuses. I lay aside every hindrance. I receive restoration of all things stolen from me. Keep my heart ever close to You. Let me feel the movement of Your wind beneath my wings as I fly into my purpose and destiny. The reproach of men has fallen away, and Your favor is upon me this day — each and every day of my life. I will take the sweetness deposited in me, sharing it with those who are still sleeping. Fill me, enable me, comfort me, and I will do likewise (2 Corinthians 1:4). I am Your beautiful butterfly.


  • As you read this love letter, what do the words freedom and awakening mean to you?
  • Reflect on what it means to have the Lord’s sight, to see above the circumstance.
  • What areas of reproach need to fall away from your life, enabling you to fly? Forgive all the reproaches of men and confess if you have walked in reproach toward anyone.
  • Reflect on being His butterfly and the grace that entails.fishgarden


points to ponder

ernest reading pose

Rev. E. Anderson


A rich merchant of Genoa commissioned Donatello to carve him a colossal head,. When the model was finished the Genoese objected to the price, saying he had been engaged only a month on it, and that the sum asked was equal to half a florin a day. Donatello, turning round exclaimed that I was possible in a moment to spoil a work of a year, and with a sudden push he threw the head to the ground, where it broke into a hundred pieces.

No argument or offer of money could persuade him to remake it. “It was clear,” he said, “ that the purchaser ought to confine himself to vegetables and leave art alone”.


illustrious past men and ministries


Rev. Phillip Brooks

Phillips Brooks (December 13, 1835 – January 23, 1893) was an American Episcopal clergyman and author, long the Rector of Boston’s Trinity Church and briefly Bishop of Massachusetts, and particularly remembered as lyricist of the Christmas hymn, “O Little Town of Bethlehem“.


Born in Boston, Brooks is descended through his father, William Gray Brooks, from the Rev. John Cotton; through his mother, Mary Ann Phillips, he was a great-grandson of Samuel Phillips, Jr., founder of Phillips Academy (Andover, Massachusetts). Three of Brooks’ five brothers – Frederic, Arthur and John Cotton – were eventually ordained in the Episcopal Church.

Phillips Brooks prepared for college at the Boston Latin School and graduated from Harvard University in 1855 at the age of 20, where he was elected to the A.D. Club. He worked briefly as a school teacher at Boston Latin, but, upon being fired, felt that he had failed miserably. He wrote, “I do not know what will become of me and I do not care much.… I wish I were fifteen years old again. I believe I might become a stunning man: but somehow or other I do not seem in the way to come to much now.”[1] In 1856 he began to study for ordination in the Episcopal Church in the Virginia Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Virginia. While a seminarian there, he preached at Sharon Chapel (now All Saints Episcopal Church, Sharon Chapel) in nearby Fairfax County.


In 1859 he graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary, was ordained deacon by Bishop William Meade of Virginia, and became rector of the Church of the Advent, Philadelphia. In 1860 he was ordained priest, and in 1862 became rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, where he remained seven years, gaining an increasing name as preacher and patriot. In addition to his moral stature, he was a man of great physical bearing as well, standing six feet four inches tall.

During the American Civil War he upheld the cause of the North and opposed slavery, and his sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln was an eloquent expression of the character of both men. In 1869 he became rector of Trinity Church, Boston; today, his statue is located on the left exterior of the church.

Brooks wrote that his only ambition was “to be a parish priest and, though not much of one, [I} would as a college president be still less”. Under his inspiration, architect Henry Hobson Richardson, muralist John LaFarge, and stained glass artists William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones created an architectural masterpiece in Trinity Church, Boston, among the notable features of which was the first freestanding liturgical altar in the United States in an overall chancel design that attracted attention for its Liturgical Movement influence even in British architectural magazines. Behind the free standing altar there was another revival from the early church chancel, a great synthranon for priests which surrounded the apse. Because Massachusetts had two bishops then the bishops chairs were placed within the altar rail to either side of the holy table. There were no choir stalls to distract from the central altar, which was hardly recognized as an altar in a period when most altars were backed up on to elaborate carved screens. There was also, until 1888, no pulpit. Brooks preferred to preach his legendary sermons from a modest lectern near the rector’s stall on the south side of the chancel. There was also an eagle lectern on a balustrade ambo in the centre at the chancel steps.

Such was the magnificence of Trinity Church that, in his chapter on Phillips Brooks’ chancel in Ralph Adams Cram: An Architect’s Four Quests, Douglass Shand-Tucci calls it “an American Hagia Sophia”, a reflection of Brooks’ architectural and liturgical tastes, disclosed in his travel writings, where in Germany for instance he referred to “thrilling music” and “thrilling incense” in respect to a liturgy he attended there in the Roman Catholic cathedral. Holy Week in Rome also greatly moved him, especially the papal high mass on Easter. Although he despaired of Anglo-Catholic ritualism, he championed many aspects of the liturgical movement including congregational singing at the liturgy. At the Eucharist, for instance, he would preach, not from the pulpit, but from the chancel steps, and although he liked to preach in a black academic gown he never failed to appear in a commodious white surplice and priests stole when he officiated at the office or Eucharist.

In 1877 the building of Trinity was completed, but the Venetian mosaics Brooks and Richardson wanted they could not then afford. It was not until the magnificent new altar and sanctuary of Maginnis & Walsh in 1938 that Trinity’s chancel reflected that aspect of their dreams for Trinity, which Brooks called “America’s glory forever”. Here Phillips Brooks preached Sunday after Sunday to great congregations, until he was consecrated Bishop of Massachusetts in 1891. In 1886 he had declined an election as assistant bishop of Pennsylvania. He was for many years an overseer and preacher of Harvard University. In 1881 he declined an invitation to be the sole preacher to the university and professor of Christian ethics. On April 30, 1891 he was elected sixth Bishop of Massachusetts, and on the 14 October was consecrated to that office in Trinity Church.

He died unmarried in 1893, after an episcopate of only 15 months. His death was a major event in the history of Boston. One observer reported: “They buried him like a king. Harvard students carried his body on their shoulders. All barriers of denomination were down. Roman Catholics and Unitarians felt that a great man had fallen in Israel.



minute message

Rev. E. Anderson


From Word for Today

“You will lift up your head without shame” -Job 11:15 NIV

Many of the world’s most successful people were at one time considered to be failures. A banker in Iowa laughed and told Alexander Graham Bell to remove that ‘toy’ from his office. The toy he referred to was the telephone. Talk about missing an investment opportunity! A movie producer once scrawled ‘reject’ on the screenplay of Gone with the Wind. In 1906, the man who was Henry Ford’s greatest investor asked that his stock be sold because he didn’t believe the company would go anywhere.

Imagine living with that memory! Mr Roebuck sold his part of the Sears and Roebuck Company for $25,000 because he said it would ‘never fly’ But it did, and in its heyday it was selling $4,000 worth of goods every second. Understand this: you have everything every winner in history had – plus God. The God of the Red Sea, the lion’s den and the walls of Jericho is your God! So get your eyes out of the rear-view mirror and start looking ahead. Celebrate the fact that you survived.

The devil may have tried to destroy you, but the good news is that he failed. In spite of all you’ve been through you’re a walking, talking, living, breathing miracle of God’s grace. He must have kept you around for a reason, so find out what it is and pour your life into it. You say, ‘I’ve got more troubles than Job.’ Maybe, but Job trusted God and came out on top! His book reads, ‘If you devote your heart to [God].. .you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and without fear.



message by rev rick warren

rick warren

Rev Rick Warren


“My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NIV)

Some of you are in a rut, and it’s cold and dark and lonely. Some of you are on the road, and it’s scary and insecure, and you have no idea where you’re going or how long the journey’s going to take. And some of you are at the refinery, and the pressure is on. No matter where you are on the way to your miracle, here are some things you need to remember: God is all you need. You don’t need the government or even a job. If God wants to, he can have ravens drop food on you as his way of providing. If he turns off one job opportunity, he can turn on another just as easily.

Don’t trust in your bank account, which changes daily. God is all you need. Where God guides, God provides. If God tells you to go to Zarephath, leave now! When God gives you direction, he will provide what you need to get there. You must trust him one day at a time. Why? Because something like a recession isn’t going to come at you all at once. It’s going to come one day at a time. God’s promises hinge on your obedience. God wants you to take a step, and then he’ll show you the next step. Take that step of faith. It may not seem logical, but you do what God says because God’s way is always best. The Bible says, “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 NIV). The first step of faith is asking Jesus to take control of your life.

If you’ve never done that, then pray this prayer. Do you know Christ Jesus? If you don’t, you need to get to know him right now. “Dear God, thank you that you love me and want to keep me from depending on other things instead of you. Forgive me for when I’ve depended on my job and other people instead of you. Thank you that you haven’t forgotten me. Lord, the days ahead may be a little scary at times, but I understand now that the path to a miracle is through uncomfortable territory. I understand now that the source of a miracle will be unexpected, so I shouldn’t try to figure it out. I should just trust you. When you tell me what to do, and it doesn’t always make sense, I will still do what you want me to do. Help me to remember that you’re all I need and that where you guide, you’ll provide. I want to learn to trust you one day at a time. I want to go your way, not my way. I want to follow you, and I ask you to save me and come into my life. I claim your promise that if I trust you, you’ll meet my needs. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

boats 1

message of note

dr john sentamu

Archbishop Sentamu


If you checked inside your wallet today, you may have been fortunate enough to come across a piece of paper with a promise to you on it.

As you know, bank notes are promissory notes. If you manage to keep one long enough to examine it, you will see that it says, “I promise to pay the bearer on demand, the sum of £…”

This promise is signed by the Chief Cashier of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey. And, whatever we think of the banks at the moment, we still trust them to redeem this promise.

A promise implies commitment and dedication – and a hopeful future. So, as long as promises are kept, we have a sense of security. That is why, when trust is lost, we become insecure.

Recently, I spoke of how God calls every person – man, woman or child – to welcome him, to receive his friendship and love. This month’s prayer tells us of the promise which comes with that call:

“Merciful God…you have prepared for those who love you such good things as pass our understanding; pour into our hearts such love toward you that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire.”

Some people like to imagine how they would spend the money if they won the Lottery. But, God’s love provides us with greater treasure than we can begin to im­agine. And through that love, we receive God’s promises. God himself, living in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Enabling us to live, act and love as Jesus lived on earth. The word ‘promise’ comes from a word meaning ‘send forth’. Jesus is God’s promise, sent to the world to show God’s faithfulness and love for us, by living and dying to makes his friends.

He is God’s promise of life, joy and com­plete peace and safety. He is the promise which never gets broken – the same yesterday, today and forever.

If we came face to face with God and asked him, “Who is Jesus Christ?” The answer would go something like this:

“Jesus Christ is exactly like me, the God you can’t see. He is superior to all creation. I was pleased to live fully in him. He died on the cross. He is the first to be raised from death. He made it possible for human beings to become friends of God. The life he lived is freely given to all who trust in him.”

We may make promises but only God’s promise remains unbroken.

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meet the christian ministers


Re. Phil & Yvonne Cana

Phil Cana together with his wife Yvonne, are the senior leaders of Sheffield Christian Life Centre. Totally in love with life, Phil and Yvonne spend their lives building the Church both locally, in other parts of the U.K. as well as in the rest of the world. They have four children and four grandchildren. Phil has an apostolic call on his life and is strongly prophetic in his gifting. He gives oversight to churches in the UK, travelling into Europe and India as well as to LifeLinks churches in North America.

Phil’s vision is to see Sheffield Christian Life Centre develop into an apostolic centre, where people whose lives have been changed by the power of the Gospel and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are raised and released into their destiny. His passion is for reaching into the city of Sheffield as well as into the rest of the nation and beyond.


During the war many people were relocated from Darnall to Handsworth after losing their homes in the blitz of 1940.  A group of these people met together and through the leadership of Tom Buckley invited evangelist Roxana Carter to conduct a tent crusade.  This evangelistic crusade was held in Handsworth on the recreation ground in St Josephs Road.  Following the crusade they continued to meet together and held regular services above Browns Dairy on Handsworth Road, with Tom Buckley as their leader.  On May 1st 1943 the church was registered with the Assemblies of God and Tom Buckley continued to lead the church until 1951.

In 1953, 217 Handsworth Road was purchased to become the next place of worship and was officially opened by John Carter.

In May 1995 Phil & Yvonne Cana were called by the Lord to become the new leaders of the church.

On September 23rd of that year Phil & Yvonne were inducted as the leaders of the church by the presbyters of Life Links International Fellowship.  Already members of Life Links, Phil & Yvonne introduced the church to this family of churches.  Sheffield Christian Life Centre has since become the key church for Life Links in Europe; (Phil was appointed a presbyter of Life Links in October 2001).

On March 1st 1997, the name of the church was changed from Handsworth Full Gospel Church to Sheffield Christian Life Centre.  This name reflects the church’s vision, which is to be one that reaches beyond the parochial boundaries of Handsworth, to the city of Sheffield and beyond.

The Vision of Sheffield Christian Life Centre is to be a church of significance locally, nationally and internationally. We are a church that is “rooted in the city, reaching to the nation and believing for the world”.  (Jesus gave instruction to the early disciples to be “witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”.  Acts 1:8)

The Vision of Sheffield Christian Life Centre is to follow the Antioch church model (Acts 13:1-5).  Our purpose is to be a resource church, the characteristics of which are to be:

¨      A worshipping church.

¨      A praying church.

¨      A Holy Spirit oriented church (not programme controlled).

¨      A church with a heart for the nations.

¨      A church which functions with team ministry.

¨      A church with faith to take risks.

¨      A church that reaches the local community, the city of Sheffield, and to the rest of the United Kingdom.

¨      A church that raises and releases ministries.

¨      A giving church.

¨      A teaching church.



living devotions

ernest reading pose

Rev. E. Anderson


Taken from the Senior Life Ministries

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing” – Psalm 23: 1

July 14, 1771, Samuel Hearne led a party from the Hudson’s Bay Company toward the Copper-mine River in the North-Western Territories of Canada. A few days after they started the expedition, they were raided by a group of Inuits who stole most of their supplies.

After the next day’s journey, Hearne made a journal entry where he commented on this apparent misfortune. He wrote, “The weight of our baggage being so much lightened, our next day’s journey was more swift and pleasant.” Hearne discovered something about people who are moving forward: a lighter load makes all the difference. Sure, if the party had been holed up in a cabin somewhere, then the weight of their provisions wouldn’t have been an issue. But because he was on the move, such things did little more than weigh him down. Very often in life, we’re going to lose some of our worldly resources. Money is going to run out; automobiles will break down; and homes will need to be downsized. But how we respond to these losses depends a great deal on whether we’re on the move or holed up in one place. Don’t let losing material possessions get you down. Instead, see it as the Lord lightening your load so that you can continue moving forward boldly with Him!


Pray now and ask God to help you continue moving forward with Him even if it means lightening your load in life!



leadership factors


Don Rockwell


Turbulence grabs attention, focuses energy, stretches relationships, tests resolve, and shows you who you are.

Leadership tips during turbulence.


  1. Strengthens connections. People who trust each other pull together during tough times; people who don’t, pull apart.
  2. Disrupts stagnant patterns.
  3. Challenges old ways of thinking and invites creativity and innovation.
  4. Drives self-reflection, rather than blame and irresponsibility.
  5. Motivates outward focus. Turning inward without turning outward is organizational suicide. Don’t hunker down and ride it out.
  6. Purifies mission. Is it time to get back to basics?
  7. Provides an enemy. Defeating enemies energizes armies.
  8. Unforeseen opportunities.
  9. Team turnover.
  10. Surprising failure.
  11. Unforeseen challenges.
  12. Economic downturns.
  13. New competitors.
  14. Organizational infighting. 7



Growth frames leadership’s attitude and approach to everything.

Turbulence provides growth points for leaders and organizations by disrupting:

  1. Dependence on processes and procedures.
  2. Assumptions about the future.
  3. Traditional sources of confidence.

The way you do things becomes the way you die, if you don’t adapt as you go.


  1. Acknowledge reality. If times are tough, say so.
  2. Answer fear by pressing into the future.
  3. Integrate new people and strengthen existing relationships.
  4. Watch for team=mates who rise up under pressure. Engage and encourage them.
  5. Develop new rituals. Stop into the offices of key people on Monday morning for brief conversations, for example.
  6. Don’t create policies that deal with exceptions.
  7. Do what matters most. Busy work matters less when opportunities are slipping through your fingers.
  8. SP_A0034


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