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The coming year truly is a personal summons to you to move on into what He has ordained for you. This means laying side and denying what you consider to be your own path. Give yourself diligently to prayer, God’s Word and to be being truly filled with the Holy Spirit. Time must be given to such if you are to move into something bigger and better for Him. Unless you get this into place you are going nowhere and will not achieve that which will honour Him and advance your godly characteristics and ministry. How imperative you take time out with God so that you are in a prepared state to be blessed and used by Him! I pray this shall be so for you as you heed this heavenly call.

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I read these words and sensed how true they are and the need to tell you that as far as God is concerned you are very valuable. As you are about to face a New Year this must be a prevailing and ruling truth in your heart and mind. Learn to estimate yourself through His eyes and input on a daily basis. Today is going to be a good and precious one because together you face and deal with it in faith and expectancy. It is in the knowledge you possess a Heavenly Father who knows, cares and wholly provides at all times. You are His special treasure and so will see to it that for time and eternity He will be the all sufficient One in your life.

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No doubt you must have heard this expression used ? – ‘dragging your feet’. I reckon the thought in and behind the quote is that of an individual more or less with a go slow tactic. There is the absence of the will and drive to get on with what is calling for immediate attention. Really it is a form of idleness and rebellion that does not enhance a person or advance a vital action. There should be a real sense of immediacy and urgency in your lifestyle that people are impacted with and stirs them to action. When facing the Cross with all of its ugly facets, Christ did not drag His feet. He set His face as a flint to go to Jerusalem to die and in no way was sluggish in procedure. So learn to get a move on in what God is summoning you to do.

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The good thing is, you have not faced it before, it is untouched and something to be made of. It can be wasted or used to telling effect. You can let the minutes and hours slide by without employment or seized hold of and made to be of value and highly productive. Know who you are and what is to occupy your attention, action and abilities and see what is wrought of worth. Even a small thing diligently done can lead on to something significant and important. Neither minimise yourself or your talents for the time before you but really give all you have to this day. It will be a blessing and become a choice turning point to all that is to break in on your life.

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The end of the year is an apt time to stocktake, to review your year and to note your present state. Of course, questions have to be asked and honestly answered. The all-important one: have I improved my input of the LORD and has my output been much greater for Him. Whilst our standing with people is vital, it comes second to His, to consider judgment and appreciation. Maybe at this point matters must b reset in relation to His will and program. It is right to take time out and make the necessary adjustments so that the days and months ahead record the positive changes made. This can be the finest, best, the most creative and productive phase that will glorify your LORD and gladden your heart.

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The Christ of Christmas Day is not merely historic as a figure of the past, He is the dynamic Christ of the present who is with and working in and through you to do and act now. There are fresh incidents to be faced of a challenging order and further demonstrations of His grace and power to answer them in a positive fashion through you. Be aware of the truth you have been chosen by Him to represent Him in a way that is characteristic of Him. It is now opportune for you to rise and believe to witness the greatness of Himself through you so that the unbelievers will know He still lives and is around to work the wonders. The Light of Life will light you up with His light and life so there will be no doubt as to His using you to manifest Himself.

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Many have blessed birthdays of repute and are of an historic nature, but none comparable to the advent of Jesus Christ. He was and is completely unique and different to all others. His birth, for instance, was predicted centuries before through the chosen nation, Israel. He came of a special, kingly line, David, as the prophets said, bang on time. He was none other than God manifest in the flesh, the divine person and nature joined forever in oneness. As God the Son, He became man to achieve for all men that which he was in desperate need of, forgiveness and freedom from sin. This was to bring into the closest possible relationship with God as Father. You can now, by means of His life and death have a unique standing and calling in heaven as a son of God. What a Christmas Gift! To become a son of God! There is no better or greater possibility, so do miss out on it! It will become your second birthday!

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I’m sure, it is true to say, that Christ enjoyed the fact that He was born of man into this world and it commenced on Christmas Day when He made His entrance. His parents, Joseph and Mary, must have been delighted to have been chosen to be His earthly parents. They must have been thrilled to behold this unique offspring. The creatures from heaven, angels, had to be in on this act with celebratory delight! They enjoyed the event. We are much further down the line after 2,000 years, but we can join in and add to the occasion. We enjoy His birth because He became one with us and succeeded in His mission of becoming our BEST FRIEND AND SAVIOUR. He laid His life for us that we might be saved from sin and Satan’s power. We have every reason to be both glad and grateful in what He has done for us!

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This season gives the opportunity to assess our worship of the LORD, to note whether we are truly giving Him the honour and glory that is His due. Never forget that Christ said, ‘many know not who or what they worship.’ We have to be absolutely sure that we have this important ministry right. Knowing Christ is priceless and being able to revere Him like the angels and kings did is a pleasure and privilege. This Christmas let Him be your real focus and may every part of your being be exploited in holy and heavenly adoration. There is no substitute for genuine acclamation of Him who is altogether and always worthy!

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The message that was sounded forth by the angel the first Christmas and was joined in by the angelic choir was: ‘to you this day is born in the city of David, a Saviour who is Christ the LORD’ – Luke 2: He was and is born to Be King and have an Everlasting Kingdom. In order to become man’s LORD, He first must become Man’s SAVIOUR. His job was to save mankind from sin, Satan and self. This was effectively done when He died on the Cross. But He arose from the dead to initiate what He did by His atoning sacrifice. Christ the Saviour can become your Saviour and King and you can be a subject in His eternal kingdom this Christmas. He who was born in a manger as the Babe of Bethlehem waits outside your heart’s door to come and be born as SAVIOUR AND KING!

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