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Nov 30th

Rev. E. Anderson


One of the big factors of life is the gathering and disposal of rubbish. Things that are no longer of value and serviceable are placed in dustbins and skips to be got rid of on tips situated on wastelands. In these modern days the matter seems to have escalated. To get the stuff out of sight and memory is welcome. But what about the personal rubbish people gather to themselves by their doings and attitudes in their beings and lives? The build up is often astronomical! Such needs immediate attention. There is one course of disposal created by God through His Son Jesus Christ. By reason of His death on the Cross of sin and evil which is spiritual rubbish, God provides the basis of cleaning up the within of life. By coming into living accord with Chris, He comes to make and keep the life clean and pure and be the dynamic power to live holy and acceptable to God. Make sure your life has been cleaned up and constantly kept in such a state by Him! 


CHRIST ON BOARD – John 6: 16-24

Expert fisherman as a number of them were, they found that crossing the waters by boat that night extremely difficult. A strong, masterly wind arose and made the going tough.  They did not find the crossing easy and somehow longed for some respite from the demanding situation. Whilst in this traumatic state Christ is seen to arrive walking on the water. They are terrified and felt they were witnessing an apparition. They were drained already with the effort that they had put in by the rowing but became more weakened by fear at this unexpected sight. It seems that they were at the mercy of strange and powerful forces!

Thankfully the Lord was able to put them at rest and calmed their fears by a word of assurance. He had come to take His place on board and to ensure a safe arrival on the other shore. There was the subduing and silencing of their fear and the taking of command of the boat and their security. The captain was now with them and in no time at all they make it to land. It says, “Then they were willing to take Him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the land” – v21. Somehow, as soon as He is in charge and control everything turns out alright.

Life at times, for Christians, on the sea of life becomes full of foreboding and fear. The conditions without would disturb the seemingly frail barque in which they travel and cause a lot of anxiety, weakness and disturbance. However, it is good to note and highlight the fact that Christ still walks amidst these conditions and can put in His appearance and calm things so that relief is given and the destination be arrived at. He would seek to come on board your life and work in every respect and seek to prove that He can rule the contrary elements and bring you safe to port.         

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Nov 29th

Rev. E. Anderson


We live in a very troubled world and every one at some time or other has to face and deal with it. The well known Job said: “Man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward.” There’re isn’t a any escape. The good thing to be noted is that Jesus Christ can be present to render some positive help so there is no need to wring your hands in despair. Jesus Christ joined two sisters, Mary and Martha, in a heart-breaking scene and brought relief. He does have answers when we allow Him control. So if find you find yourself cast into some emergency, look to Him and have faith in His love and power to act – and He will!


MORE THAN ENOUGH – John 6: 1-15

The Lord in the performance of this miracle of feeding the five thousand shows that He is able to produce more than enough to meet a dire situation. It was a desperate circumstance that arose with this crowd in a hungry state. They had been fed and nourished by His amazing words and deeds but now they were in famished condition requiring an intake of food. Christ was fully alert to it and was duly concerned about seeing them all satisfied. He was not only committed to their spiritual position but also to their physical appetite and well being.

He knew what to do although His disciples were completely sensed their impotence in the midst of such a vast throng and need. In a simple and beautiful manner He took hold of a boy’s lunch and with the blessing of God upon it caused it to satisfy the hunger of the multitude. There were three miracles that day: the fact that the boy still had his lunch to be used in such a way; the wonder of all these people being fed and satisfied; and the astonishing amount of left-overs that was gathered.  It shows how that the Lord was more than adequate for the occasion.

Christ always knows what to do in extreme conditions and is no way embarrassed by the challenges. He has the capacity and capability of doing the extraordinary and He does it because He genuinely cares. He knows how to take the initiative to work the wonders. It is through His servants, however, that today He seeks to express His grace and power in working miracles. He wants to prove and show that He is more than enough to act on behalf of all in their times of great need. Whatever the extreme demand, look to Him and He will reveal His omnipotence.

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Nov 28th

Rev. E. Anderson


Fear is an ever present factor in life and one never knows when it is going to assert itself in one way or another. It is there is childhood and seeks to maintain its reality and dominance right until death. One is thinking of unhealthy fear. There are justifiable things that which a healthy fear and regard direct. This is one of the destructive factors Christ seeks to deal with in your life so you do live in bondage to and let it terrorize you. In letting Him assume control and allowing His Holy Spirit entrance and exercise, plus receiving the promises of God’s Word, this trio has a wonderful way of negating this evil power. Instead of being mastered you become the master and experience incredible fulfilment in your life. No longer are you full of dread but assurance that ‘all things are working for your good” – Romans 8:28.


BLESSED PROSPECT – John 5: 16-47

In His teaching He has so many wonderful things to state in relation to Himself and the future. He makes it known that He is equal to the Father, has the power to give life and in relation to man’s destiny will bring about the resurrection of all men. There will be no escape from Christ in the future because He will see to it that all will be raised from the dead. To those who have known and loved Him, the prospect could not be better. He who has been everything to them in this world ensures that all will be well for them in the life to come.

The promise extended is that “those who have done good will rise to live” – v29. There is no fear of judgment of condemnation or rejection for them, only the potential of a brand new existence of life with all of its divine possibilities of fulfilment and satisfaction. The purpose of the resurrection is that of being released into a totally new way of living that will supersede anything known or experienced before. Enormous gifts and abilities will be perfectly and powerfully expressed by those who enter into this new state and make life more meaningful than ever before.

As Christ is honoured now by His true believers and followers, so they will be abundantly honoured by Him in that day when they are raised to life immortal. With such a prospect in view, there should be the faith and the will to do everything good and possible so that there will be sheer delight known in the fulfilment of this divine hope. Death is not the end for the Christian saint, only a temporary state to be entered into in readiness for the glorious resurrection. It is the blessed assurance for all who trust Christ – 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18

THE LIBERATING LORD – Luke 4:16-22; John 8 :31-36

PROPHETIC WORD: The prophet Isaiah is inspired by God to make a unique declaration – Isaiah 61:1-3. It focuses attention on someone who would arise in the future who would know in an outstanding manner and measure the blessing of being filled and possessed with the Spirit of God and who would perform a phenomenal work especially in the realm of deliverance. He would possess the ability to free people in a dynamic and dramatic fashion. It would be an obvious thing. Extraordinary things would occur through this person’s life and ministry.

REALLZATION: The prophet was proved to be no liar. Six centuries later Jesus Christ appears in order to effect a liberating work. The record has it that the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon Him – Matthew 3:16,17 and that it was given without measure – John 3:34. After His victory over Satan in the desert He returns from that conquest possessed with the dynamic of the Spirit of God to commence a divine work of freedom – Luke 4:14. People were to know the impact of His liberating power.

EXPERIENCE: Mankind as a whole must come to know in reality and truth the freedom that only the Lord can give. It must be realized that this liberating work of the Lord was not just confined to New Testament times. The Lord has always and ever fulfilled this role through human history as the chronicle of the Bible reveals. There is no area He cannot deal with to bring freedom. It is absolute and not limited in any way


This great patriarch of Old Testament times was once a pagan, believing in heathen deities and living polytheistic territory. He was brought up in pagan place being taught that there were many gods – Genesis 11:28; 15:7; Acts 7:2—4; Joshua 24:2,3. In grace and mercy the Lord appeared to him and set him free from this demonical system of thought and practice and he became a believer in the One true Lord God. His faith became a dynamic principle of life in the Lord.


He was born with a twisted and deceitful nature and needed someone to set him free from it. He did have a remarkable encounter with the Lord that liberated him from being a slave to himself and to become a prince with God. – Genesis 32. The token of it was expressed in the bestowing of a new name, Israel.


The Lord would not permit this man to rot in prison. He had a noble purpose for his life having given him knowledge of it very early as a youth. He was a child of destiny. But circumstances reduced him to a state where it was utterly impossible for him to succeed and fulfil the previous notification. But the Lord knew how to free him from jail and to promote him in a moment to a position of power and honour – Genesis 41.


This people were truly in a state of absolute, wretched bondage. They were really serfs to Pharaoh and Egypt. As far as the future was concerned, for them, they had none. It was needful for the Lord to step into their affairs and work a miracle of major proportions. The book of Exodus especially, at the beginning, shows this enslavement and of how the Lord effected their freedom through Moses – Exodus 3. He was to reveal Himself as LORD, Jehovah to Moses, Israel and Pharaoh


Christ’s opponents tried to put Him on the spot but He put them on the spot – John 8:1-11. He did the best thing for the woman. He could have stoned her as the upholder of the law but in grace He freed her from condemnation and sent her on her way forgiven, loosed from her past to be a new woman and live anew.


The account is given of a man possessed with a legion of evil spirits and of how the Lord personally visited him to emancipate him from them – Mark 4. Not one was left and he was free to become his missionary-evangelist. What a pleasure he got in being the Lord’s freeman!


The Lord met a man who had been held captive to lameness for 38 years – John 5 and immediately frees him from the yoke of this oppression. In a moment he is on his feet liberated from the captivity of this affliction – see also Acts 3


If ever a person need to be loosed from vain tradition and religion it was Saul. He was to know a personal meeting with the Lord on the Damascus road and found Him to be the One he had been persecuting – Acts 9. His life was radically changed that day and liberated from his vain notions and attitudes to become a great Christian and missionary for Christ his Lord. He served the Lord with such power and authority that the whole world has felt the impact of his life and service.


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Nov 27th

Rev. E. Anderson


It is a choice experience to know total freedom. Jesus affirmed in no uncertain terms that “the truth shall make your free” and He who is the truth added, “If the Son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed” – John 8:32. Whatever you require in terms of freedom can is able to do it for you. There is freedom from sin, carking worry and anxiety, of fear of death etc. etc. He is interested and committed to bring liberty to the captives and as you present yourself and need to Him you can know deliverance. He has not lost His compassion or His ability to deal with all the destructive forces that afflict mankind. This is why He came and so today can and will be your day of FREEDOM THROUGH CHRIST. Let Him into your life and situation and discover His worth.


DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL? – John 5: 1-15

What a question to pose to a man who had been infirmed for 38 years? He had lived in desperation hoping that some day he would be able to walk around without difficulty. A slight flicker of possibility came in an unusual happening. The place where he lay in impotence was near the pool of Bethesda. At a certain season an angel apparently stirred the pool and the first in was healed. This being the case, he must have been saddened by the fact that there was no way that he could be in the position where he could be the first in.

However, a wonderful, caring divine healer came his way and asked him the question. It was obvious he needed deliverance but Christ was awakening his spirit, faith and expectation in the asking. At least somebody was interested in him! Christ not only put the question; He was able to answer it in a positive way. He was able to speak the omnipotent word of faith and it was gladly received and acted upon. Without ado, the man responded and was on his feet enjoying the blessing of being able to walk freely. It was no longer a question: it was solved.

It is heartening to know that Christ has not lost His power to heal or to show a deep interest in people in their need. He still is in the business of bringing life and health to those who feel hopeless and helpless, victims of chronic conditions. In no way has He lost either compassion or His ability to make whole. As you have nursed a complaint over a long period of time, do not lose heart because Christ specializes in performing miracles and healing when things are at their worst. Today He would come and speak the word of life and healing: “Be made whole.”












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Nov 26th

Rev. E. Anderson


If there is one thing to be learned and really known, it is balance. Creation teaches us its importance. The universe is an illustration in its manifestation and is a work of unique art in terms of balance and procedure. Viewing man’s physical frame it is apparent when you see God gave two eyes, ears, lips, hands and armed, legs and feet to human beings. So in mind, heart and will there is the demand to be perfectly poised. One must not go off at a tangent. The skill of balance is realised in learning to ride a bike! So in our thinking, loving and acting there is a call for wise balance in our thoughts, emotions and doings. It makes for good development and fulfilment. Christianity redressed life and puts things into perfect order and balance, so that is why it is important to be a Christian. Only Christ can give this!


ACTING ON THE WORD – John 4: 43-54

This is a telling account of a royal official who came to Christ with the desperate need of his son who was on the point of death in Capernaum. He hastens to Christ believing that He has the ability to do something in these extreme circumstances. He actually begged Him to come and heal his boy at this critical stage. There was no doubt that in His heart he truly sensed that it was not too late providing Christ would minister. There was hope at this late hour. And Christ was prepared to stop in His tracks and listen to the man’s pleading.


Instead of going with the man immediately to his home He did something different. He was to test the man’s faith. In a simple statement He said, “You may go. Your son will live.” –v50.  Something was quickly triggered off in the man and he sensed that Christ was to be trusted and he could go home in confidence knowing his son would recover. This shows that his faith in Christ had grown and that He could be trusted to fulfil His word. He learned and set an example for others to emulate that all people have to do is to trust Christ’s spoken and revealed word.

It is so imperative that Christ be allowed to speak His mind and word into the urgency of need. One has to make sure that He is approached and rightly petitioned whatever the circumstance and to wait until He utters His prophetic word. He deals with all on a personal basis therefore it is necessary that one hears aright His directive so that it can be simply believed and carried out. Thankfully, He is still the same today and can work the essential miracle for you.







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Nov 25th

 Rev. E. Anderson


Every Christian believer and leader must be aware of the fact that they are on a learning curve. God in Christ, through His Holy Spirit, Word, other Christians and circumstances is seeking to get over invaluable lessons that must be understood, appreciated and applied. Each day He seeks to beget and create in each one sacred ambition that will make them into what He has eternally purposed. He definitely endeavours to get the inward motivation into a true state that whatever is done does not come from self but Him. It is so easy to be involved in building His kingdom that even in this there can be self inspiration and incentive. The verse of the hymn that is helpful here assists in sorting this out – “Let me all Thy love accepting; Love Thee ever all my days. Let me seek Thy kingdom only and my life be to Thy praise. Thou alone shalt be my glory, Nothing in the world I see. Thou hast cleansed and made me holy. Thou, Thyself has set me free.” Let us like Mary be found ever sitting at His feet and learning of Him and His ways!


SATISFIED – John 4: 1-42

On this occasion Christ goes out of His way to seek a woman out who needed to find the true source of satisfaction. It commenced with Him asking for a drink from her so that He could quench His natural thirst and it ended up with Christ giving to her an inflow of spiritual, life-giving water that would satisfy her inward desires. She had previously tried to slake the natural and spiritual longings of her being in unlawful ways that proved to be a disaster and disappointment. Christ exposed the fact that He knew what she had been doing to get the most out of life but assured her that her quest was over because He was the answer to true satisfaction.

He opened her eyes to see who He was and what He could do for her. He was more than a prophet; He was the Christ and one capable of fulfilling her pursuit for a complete life. He said to her, “Indeed the water that give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life” – v14. She became inspired by Him and was sure that He was who He said He was. From that moment on she was to discover that she did not have to chase after experiences, things and other factors to be satisfied. From that day she had a spring of life that overflowed placed in her.

Christ still appears to meet people even in this present day to prove that He can give what no other can give. He has at His disposal all that an individual can ever need to satisfy the deepest longings that prevail within the life. To be switched on to Christ every day means that He will grant all that is required to bless and inspire so that there life is properly fulfilled. The psalmist said: “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” It is up to you, on a regular basis, to find out how much He can create and produce in and through you that will bring total satisfaction.


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Nov 24th

Rev. E. Anderson


Do not despise that which is seemingly small and insignificant because an enormous an enormous amount of good, blessing and progress can be embodied within such waiting to be released. It is possible to by-pass a small and insignificant and tread it into the ground but it will burst forth and produce a sterling oak, and who knows, a forest. It is often the little factors that contain an enormous amount of possibility. And do not overlook people who are not so up-front and capable as others, who knows, they may well have been ordained by the Almighty to create great openings and opportunity for your life and abilities. Elijah was tempted to disown Elisha but what an outstanding servant of God he turned out to be! So be wide awake to those insignificant people or trivial situations that hold immense potential!



John the Baptist made a very wonderful statement with regard to Christ and himself. He said in v30, “He must increase; I must decrease”. The fact that he uses the word ‘must’ affirms the imperative requirement for this take place.  Having made Him known, his task was evidently accomplished. It was now time for Christ to move into the place of ascendancy and recognition before all. The focus was to be on Christ and all must be attracted to a consideration of and commitment to Him so that He assumes first place in the lives of all.

A principle and procedure is evident in this statement. It has to become seen and accepted by all within Christendom that Jesus Christ must have pre-eminence in and over every disciple of His. When Christ moves into the heart and life of the true believer it is to take His rightful place, which is first place. In so doing, there comes a radical renewal in the person that allows this to occur. Self and all that is of a selfish order is removed and all that is of a Christ-like disposition and quality becomes resident and evident. Christ should always be on the increase.

This should be the desire and prayer on the lips of every genuine Christian. The realisation that Christ in all of His grace, glory and government should prevail in thought and desire and be wrought out by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The old nature with all of its evil should cease to be as the new life and nature of Christ within exerts its influence and dominance. Let this entreaty be resident in you and He will bring this objective about. Christ seeks to be on the increase in your life so that every part of it is improved and reaches perfection.


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Nov 23rd

Rev. E. Anderson


Do not despise that which is seemingly small and insignificant because an enormous an enormous amount of good, blessing and progress can be embodied within such waiting to be released. It is possible to by-pass a small and insignificant and tread it into the ground but it will burst forth and produce a sterling oak, and who knows, a forest. It is often the little factors that contain an enormous amount of possibility. And do not overlook people who are not so up-front and capable as others, who knows, they may well have been ordained by the Almighty to create great openings and opportunity for your life and abilities. Elijah was tempted to disown Elisha but what an outstanding servant of God he turned out to be! So be wide awake to those insignificant people or trivial situations that hold immense potential!


GOD’S GREAT LOVE – John 3: 1-21

This verse, John 3: 16, has been regarded as the greatest text of the Bible by many preachers. It presents the truths of the Gospel in a simple, powerful and relevant manner for all to understand and believe. The first thing of note is the announcement of the God’s immense love – “For God so loved the world.” It speaks of its intensity – ‘so’ and immensity – ‘the world.’ The world stands for all humanity without exception. The embrace of the heart of God is not restricted to a select group of people but for one and all. Every person needs to know that they are truly loved by God in a special manner and degree.

His love for all as been expressed in and through His Son, Jesus Christ, in a specific way. God gave His Son to become the Saviour of the world and His love was demonstrated for all to clearly see, in His sufferings and death. He did not spare His Son when man needed someone of worth and power to save him from sin and eternal death and damnation but was ready to sacrifice Him on the Cross to secure man’s pardon, release and blessedness. God intervened because He loved and did not want to see anyone perish.

The responsibility of the Christian ministry and community is to sound the message of God’s immeasurable love to the entire world. God’s heart is to all men and women. Paul stated in Romans 5: 8 “God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” As you have received that love in and through Christ, so it must be revealed through you in sounding forth the message through your life and lips. You can be used by God to express the warmth of His affections to those who are without Him.


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Nov 22nd

Rev. E. Anderson


Do not be distracted today by anyone or anything that will hinder you. Do what He has summoned to achieve. As you remain close to Him you will accomplish those things that will be beneficial and blessed. He does not desire that you should fail or fall but that you will succeed in doing those things that honour Him and promotes your well being and gifting. Remember, He is preparing you for eternity where He has an eternal task and ministry to perform that will bring constant progress and fulfilment. Do not short-change Him or yourself but realize the total calling.



The Jews demanded a sign from Christ with regard to His true identity. What He was actually doing and saying should have been adequate testimony and confirmation with respect to His person. His great love for His Father’s house and the zeal shown in sanctifying the Holy Sanctuary was a sign. Beyond that, the miracles that He was performing were also a valid proof of His deity and Messiah-ship. If they had not been so biased they would have had to acknowledge that He bore divine credentials as to His unique personality.

But Christ was to give a prophetic word that would be fulfilled that would prove beyond any shadow of doubt the issue that was being queried. Speaking of His body as being a temple, He said,Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days” – v19. All his opponents could do was to relate it to the material edifice. It ought to have been obvious to them that this was not His mind or thought. Events later proved how right He was when He vacated the tomb of death. The disciples were able to recall this statement and so their faith was enriched.

The resurrection of Christ gives both to the Church and the world the essential confirmation of who Jesus Christ really is. It is the only faith that declares and boasts of the restoration of its Leader and Founder. Death could not hold Him captive but He proved to be its master. He lives to confirm His word and to make Himself known to all that will receive Him. You can place your faith in Christ because He has given you all the evidence you need to trust Him.





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Nov 21st  

Rev. E. Anderson



One of the great characteristics of Christ and the Early Church leaders and believers was their boldness. They were quite fearless as they loved and presented the challenging demands of the Christian message. In no way was there any panic or dread in their heart in their proclamation of the Good News. In fact, their opponents were staggered and unprepared for such a defiant and audacious witness. In no way could they quell and extinguish this unique fire and daring presentation of the Christian message. The LORD baptize you with this kind of spirit and action so the Christian Message may go forth at this time with certain and bold affirmation. It is time for you to stand up and out for Christ, revealing His kind of attitude in boldness. As you are convinced and confess so those around you can be brought to Christ.


AN ANSWER TO A NEED – John 2: 1-11

The mother of Jesus sensed in her spirit that when a real crisis arose at a wedding feast, her son was capable of ministering into it. She had never seen Him perform a miracle before yet she knew in her heart He was the answer to this problem. There was no more wine on this very joyous and festive occasion and it looked as if the hosts would be embarrassed by the shortage.  Mary did not want this to happen and believed it could and would be truly dealt with by Christ and so called upon Him expecting Him to do something. She was prompted further by telling the servants to fulfil the directions He would give.

He adopts a measure and way not done before or since. The servants are commanded to fill six stone water-pots that held around 20-30 gallons and fill them with water. Being under the woman’s and Master’s orders they obeyed and in a divine and remarkable way the water was immediately turned into wine. It was so good that the master of the banquet could not help but make the comment that the ‘best wine had been reserved until the last.’ This reveals that Christ more than answered the demand and thus showed His great capabilities. No wonder His disciples immediately placed their faith in Him!

It is stated that this was but ‘the beginning of miracles’, the start of a ministry of the miraculous that has not concluded. As Christ answered that situation so He was able to act on behalf of countless others that was to seek His help. The good news is that He is still able and willing to move in on the crisis situation in peoples’ lives and perform in extraordinary ways. He is never stuck for a solution. Like Mary, turn to Him and turn the thing over to Him and let Him handle it; and He will.



This is another satisfying view and facet of the Lord, that of Keeper. Mankind needs someone of this nature to be able to oversee and take responsibility of life and all of its affairs so he and everything is truly and properly safeguarded.

PILGRIM: To some extent the believer in the Lord is traveller and sojourner. There are hostile regions and environments to pass through with all kinds of things that could be damaging and destructive to the well being of the chosen of God. So many factors to threaten existence, to create doubt and fear and make life a pain rather than a pleasure. It is imperative that the saint is not alone but someone sufficient and able is present to attend to safety and security.

PRESERVER: The One presented in the psalm is the fittest and best to fill the bill as Keeper and Protector. He knows there is only the Lord that can adequately act in this capacity to watch over him and see him safely and surely through to his life’s destiny without loss and damage. It is a worthwhile study of the Scriptures to note the role that the Lord fulfils in the lives and service of all of His people. Classic examples are seen at an individual level with Abraham and with a great multitude, Israel, as this nation journeys through the wilderness.


The implication of these verses would indicate that the Lord really does place a preserving order upon those that are His. He knows who belong to Him – 2 Tim.2: 19. It is His prerogative and ability to assure the covering and peace of His elect. He gave a word right into Abraham’s being – Genesis 15: 1 “Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward.” That was the Lord slapping a tag on him and denoting his security. See the Roman seal placed on Christ’s tomb plus the soldiers – Matt. 27: 63-66.




It is good to know that the Lord is ever on watch. We are reminded that He neither slumbers nor sleeps, i.e. nods off or goes into a deep sleep oblivious to all that is occurring. He has eyes and a mind of omniscience so that no one and nothing escapes His gaze. He misses nothing. As David takes on Goliath he was deeply conscious that the Lord was watching the maneuvers that day and taking in the whole situation – 1 Sam.17. He could trust the Lord to be mindful and sensitive to all that what was taking place and keep a watchful guard on him.



It does not matter when, where what, who and how., the Lord is in complete touch with what is happening and is to happen. This comes out with regard to Peter before his act of denial – Luke 22: 31-34. He was not ignorant of the path that Peter had to tread and the experience he had to undergo and informed it of it beforehand. It may take Peter by storm but not so the Lord. The Lord is not to be outwitted or outsmarted by the Evil one or by evil itself. He is far ahead in His comprehension and preparation so that He can truly minister to His own.


See use of the word ‘Lord.’ The thing of import to note is that the Lord is the One who is the perfect cover of His people. He covers them Himself with Himself. Just like a hen covers her brood, so the Lord provides the essential and full protection on those who are His elect. He is with, around and above so that nothing can really harm. The emphasis is upon Him being all that is required at all times for the blessedness and salvation of His people. This is further illustrated in the pilgrimage through the wilderness: the pillar of cloud and fire – Exodus 13: 21,22.




Because of this state of affairs that is why the psalm can be spoken and confessed with utter faith and confidence. The issue of safety has been certainly resolved for time and eternity and so the believer learns to live from a position of rest. There can be a positive state of mind at all times because this is of an unchanging order. In no way will this be altered or amended so the statement of faith can be made and the experience in life enjoyed. Paul was completely convinced of his place of security in the Lord – see Romans 8: 35-39; 2 Cor. 1: 8-10. The Lord is in the business of permanently dissolving all our fears and doubts so that the confession can be made and the knowledge of it realized.

The Lord knows all the vulnerable places and experiences to be faced and confronted and He assures and affirms that He is ever-present to secure the state of His people. His people should learn to believe and live, knowing they are to be preserved by the unique Preserver. He will lose none of His sheep – John 10: 28,29. His omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence will not allow for any failure in the matter. Watching and keeping are His prerogative and pleasure.

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