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DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day note that the One who has ordained the day for you will be with you throughout it. Not only so, He will afford all the wisdom and strength so that you know how to properly react to what appears before to be done. At the same time there will be the quiet but positive strengthening of your being in every way so that you wholly do what is revealed. At the end of the day you will be overjoyed of time well spent that has been productive. Within the day is the sure development of you as a person in character and gift that will ultimately suit you to occupy a place of servant-hood when Christ finally sets up His eternal kingdom. Your ultimate reward is yet to be!


Throughout history, as the Scriptures reveal, God has made promises to people and has kept them. The individuals recognised the need to be faithful to Him and in so doing were rewarded with great assurances that the LORD stood by and was faithful to His word. For instance, both Abraham and Moses were given guarantees from Him of a tremendous kind and they lived to see all come to pass. In no way did He fail to work on their behalf. So He is still the same and up to act for you. As you build a wholesome relationship with Him you are sure to receive first-hand immense assurances of  the things He purposes to do. As you believe Him and His promises so shall such be.



A husband and wife had each died and gone to Heaven. As they were walking the streets of heaven one day the husband couldn’t get over how beautiful everything was – the presence of God, all the angels and choirs, and all the colors.

Finally, he turned to his wife and said, “Honey, do you recall down on earth how you had us eat all that healthy food stuff? You know, no fried chicken, no gravy, no sugar?”

The wife said, “Yes.”

The husband replied, “Do you realize we could have been here about 10 years earlier if you wouldn’t have done that?”



Although God created a vast universe and knows how to competently look after it, never forget He formed you and has a special love and interest in you of a permanent kind. The psalmist said; ‘The LORD thinketh on me.’ Do not think in any way you are over-looked and not wanted. This is not the case. His reason for sending Jesus Christ into the world was to underline His care and commitment. His death on the Cross was in order to secure your complete cleansing and forgiveness and to restore you into accord with Himself. Even more than that: Christ rose from the dead that He might come into your heart, share His life with you and make you a son of God so that you would also become a member of God’s intimate Family. At the end of your life on earth, to open heaven, give you a home there. There is no better deal in life so make sure you secure it!

welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day you can make wonderful discoveries about your LORD that will increase your faith and give more meaningful appreciation and worship of Him. You will an ever increasing understanding of the One who loves you so dearly and purposes nothing but the best. There will be no deterioration of your relationship only sublimating of all that He has placed within you to be manifest in an eternal setting. You are more than a creature of time merely subject to years on this planet. Where you are is but the preparation for something infinitely greater and you must constantly remind yourself of this. Your today is connected to your eternal tomorrow so grasp the issue and live in the view of eternity.


Do you know when the LORD has promised to be with you and work most handsomely on your behalf will stand by His word. He who has said to countless others, ‘I Am with You’ and has not altered or failed to fulfil, is the One that is with you to bring about some choice things. For instance, He is at work in you to make you a better as an individual with some outstanding qualities created and nurtured by Him. Yes, He is still the Potter and you are the clay to be shaped to His design and pleasure. He is alongside to encourage the release of God-given abilities that will promote His kingdom and advance your usefulness and promotion. Never forget you were born anew for real purpose!




A new teacher trying to make use of her psychology courses, started her class by saying.

‘Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, stand up.’

After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up.

The teacher said, ‘Do you think you’re stupid, Johnny?’

‘No, Miss,’ he said, ‘but I hate to see you standing up there all by yourself.’



Christ challenged people when on earth to ‘Follow Him’, that was to make Him the LORD of their lives. As they did so they became a life-member of His kingdom. In making Him as King, the kingdom of heaven was born in them and they became a living subject of the King and His kingdom. Instead of being governed and controlled by earthly and natural considerations they were now under new government and management. They were not simply building for time but eternity. Have you heard the summons of Christ to your life to ‘follow Him’? You could have no better person living in you and directing your affairs. He takes a lot of personal interest in all who are in His kingdom now besides determining their eternal future in heaven. So choose Christ today!


welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day you can make wonderful discoveries about your LORD that will increase your faith and give more meaningful appreciation and worship of Him. You will an ever increasing understanding of the One who loves you so dearly and purposes nothing but the best. There will be no deterioration of your relationship only sublimating of all that He has placed within you to be manifest in an eternal setting. You are more than a creature of time merely subject to years on this planet. Where you are is but the preparation for something infinitely greater and you must constantly remind yourself of this. Your today is connected to your eternal tomorrow so grasp the issue and live in the view of eternity.


Do you know when the LORD has promised to be with you and work most handsomely on your behalf will stand by His word. He who has said to countless others, ‘I Am with You’ and has not altered or failed to fulfil, is the One that is with you to bring about some choice things. For instance, He is at work in you to make you a better as an individual with some outstanding qualities created and nurtured by Him. Yes, He is still the Potter and you are the clay to be shaped to His design and pleasure. He is alongside to encourage the release of God-given abilities that will promote His kingdom and advance your usefulness and promotion. Never forget you were born anew for real purpose!




A new teacher trying to make use of her psychology courses, started her class by saying.

‘Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, stand up.’

After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up.

The teacher said, ‘Do you think you’re stupid, Johnny?’

‘No, Miss,’ he said, ‘but I hate to see you standing up there all by yourself.’



Know this, beyond any shadow of doubt, Jesus Christ came to earth not only to reveal Him-self to you but to really be born into and take residence and be president enabling you to become as He is. He first of all wills to be our Saviour from sin. That is why He died on the Cross to make it possible for God to freely and forgive you of all your transgressions and guilt so that you will not be judged as a sinner in the future. In rising from the dead you need to know and believe this. He rose to prove that what He did in dying for you is true and to come into your life to create a new creature, making you a son of God with a divine nature; become a member of God’s new Family. On top of this, hereafter, to give you a definite hope of heaven as your eternal home. It cannot be improved upon. Make sure Christ is yours!

welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson
Day by day you stand at the portal of some new adventure. The next hours you have never confronted before. You can simply settle down in your mind and heart and merely contemplate the past or shake yourself and realise there are new objectives to be secured. It requires real incentive to grasp the day at the start and to be possessed by faith to step out and achieve something new that will bring pleasure in the ultimate. There are always fresh movements with God and new chapters to be written that exceed anything that has gone before. So be on your toes and ready to take off and excel in all things!
The Scripture affirms in sacred promise that He is able is ‘to fill you with joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit’ – Romans 15:13. The LORD does not want you to have just a little hope but to abound in the same means to take the limitations off and see some extraordinary things occur. He does not want you to be bound but to abound and begin to enter into and enjoy the ‘much more’ in your affairs. One prophet in the Old Testament said to a king: ‘The LORD is able to give you much more than this’. If he enetered into the agenda of God on the issue he would behold the exceeding grace and power of God in the situation. And so will you!
An older couple was lying in bed one night. The husband was almost asleep when his wife started reflecting on all the love they had shared. The old gentleman is about asleep when she nudges him and says, ’Honey, do you remember how we used to hug?’
The old gentleman says ‘Yes, dear,’ rolls over and gives her a big hug.’
Then he was almost asleep again, when she nudges him and says, ‘Honey, remember how e used to kiss?’
‘Yes, dear,’ and he rolls over and gives her a big kiss.
He was almost asleep when she nudges him again and says, ‘Honey, do you remember how you used to nibble on my ear?’
The old guy throws off the covers, somewhat frsutrrated, sits up in bed, and gets up. The wife says, ‘What are you doing?’ In an exasperated tone he says, ’I’m going to get my teeth.’
God gives you opportunity in time to prepare for eternity. This was one of the great emphases of Christ as He taught people in His time on earth. How you spend your hours and days on this planet determines your ultimate destiny. Jesus Christ came to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. When you receive Him into your heart as Saviour and LORD He takes the rightful room and throne to reign and make ready for the final disclosure of His kingdom. Make sure that you settle this now because it will make all the difference how and where you will spend eternity.

welcome to this Christian site

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day there is the need daily guidance because you have not passed this way before. It is a new stage and fresh steps have to be taken with an increased measure of faith and vision. Thankfully your LORD is completely aware of the route ahead just as He did for the Israeli nation as they passed through the wilderness. Every emergency and difficulty is perceived by Him and He has the absolute answers that will be communicated to you so that you will make the correct decisions. As you proceed with a sense of divine enthusiasm and excitement knowing that all is sensed and been worked out by Him, your progress and success is assured. Your pilgrimage will be in its ultimate outworking will honour Him above besides be a thrill to you.


The assured promise for you in the now is that ‘you will be led forth with peace. This immense quality of peace will guide and fill you with a sure sense that all has been and is working out to your progress and good. Know that your God is a God peace and is able to transmit that which is of his nature to you. Being indwelt and beset with this divine calmness you will be able to confront the most alarming circumstances unperturbed and unalarmed. There will be this unique, unflappable virtue that will serve a glorious anchor in your life. It will lead you all the way and bring to a fulfilment of your destiny in God. Nothing could be better!


Last week I went to the local supermarket, did the shopping, paid and then felt in my pocket for the car keys.’

They weren’t there. Suddenly I realise I must have left them in the car. Frantically I headed for the car park.

My wife Jane, has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. My theory is that the ignition is the best place not to lose them. Her theory is that the car will be stolen. When I got to the car park, I searched for my car and came to a terrifying conclusion. Jane had been right about the car being stolen. I immediately rang the police, gave them my location, confessed that I had left the keys in th car and that it had been stolen.

Then I made the most difficult call of all. ‘Jane, darling,’ I stammered, ‘I left the keys in the car and it’s been stolen.’ There was a long period of silence and then I heard Jane bark, ‘I dropped you off!’ Now it was my turn to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, I’m so sorry darling, please come and get me.’

Jane shouted back, ‘I will as soon as I can convince this police officer that I haven’t stolen your car.’



It was Christ who told this story to press home the truth that you need to prepare for eternity and not get too absorbed with this life and its pursuits, going after the natural and material as priority – Luke 12:16-19. A successful farmer saw a great period of blessing on his farm and was able to extend immensely. He had to pull down his barns to build bigger ones to house the grain. He was so taken up with this that he neglected completely the spiritual part of his being and left God out of his affairs. He thought he was going to have a long life and live off his seeming securities. But he suddenly died! He never lived to enjoy such and missed out on the eternal world. Make sure you do not make the same mistake. Always remember, you are only a breath away from eternity and you need to make your peace with God now through Jesus Christ and have a relationship, NOW.

welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day you have to learn to live a day at a time and take such as they come in a positive condition of mind and heart. You discover that things do all of sudden things happen although sometimes there are surprises en-route. It is stated that Rome wasn’t built in a day and is a strong reminder of the need to simply face and work at and throughout each hour. To make sound, sweet and lasting relationships with others is not an overnight happening. This is so with God. It does really take a life-time to be a wholesome and effectual accord with Him and it is possible. Enoch, Abraham and Job all managed daily to unite with Him and see their characters made and their relationship and work consolidated. Take advantage of this day, making sure that your link with heaven is vibrant and the fruit of your labours lasting.


True wisdom is to be a principal possession if life is to be lived with any real fulfilment and satisfaction. The book of wise sayings states: ‘Whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from the fear of evil’ – Proverbs 1:33. There are lots of things that can occur that bring fear, dread and some terrorise. How wonderful to saved from such! Wisdom will teach you to know and do the perfect and correct thing so you will be saved from stupidity and disaster. There will be the disclosure as to who you keep company with, what to avoid that has real problems linked with such, to keep you from going places that are of a threatening nature, and so on. It is always sensible to turn to her voice and admonitions because she does not make any mistakes. Jesus commended the wise man in Matthew 7 for building on the right foundation, See that you follow the example!


Two young men with identical qualifications apply for the same job. In order to determine which individual to hire, the manager gave them a written test.

Both men score nine out of ten on the test.: however, the manager decides to go with the first applicant.

‘Why did you do that?’ asks the rejected second applicant. ‘We both got nine questions correct.’

‘Well,’ said the manager, ‘the other applicant wrote ‘I do not know’ for question five. You put down ‘Neither do I.’


What is the difference between a lawyer and a herd of buffalo? A lawyer charges more.



Joseph Hocking was the author of many books and one was entitled ‘The Man who was Sure. It was quite a romantic novel of a young man in the Christian ministry that battled through a long period of doubt but ultimately came to be certain of Christ and the Christian Faith. You, too, in a world full of uncertainty and doubt need to settle the vital issues of life in relation to Him. Jesus Christ came to present the truth about Himself, what He had come to do in this world and reveal to all men the need to be saved from their sinful state, ways and the judgment to fall on such. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead His disciples realised He was the One to be trusted and believed in to be sure of God, life and heaven. They became utterly persuaded. So it is time for you to place your trust in Him because He and His work can be relied on. The Bible says: ‘Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and you will be saved.’ Make certain that His assurance possesses you!



welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day never forget that the LORD is always in a gentle manner in pursuit of you. He is not over-bearing seeking to make you respond to His desires and designs, but loving, considerate and seeks with pure motive your interests and blessedness. As you learn to synchronise with Him there will be the wonderful discovery of His choice character and abilities which are and ever will be eternally at hand for you. So take the opportunity over the next hours to get to know Him better and begin to comprehend what He truly has in mind for you. Your association with Him is sure to bring addition and satisfaction in the best sense into life and living.


To have the backing and blessing of the LORD is of primary importance if you are going to scale the heights and succeed in all that you do. The reason He created you was that you might fit into His eternal considerations and that you be not sidelined into something of little worth. Your union and constant communion with Him is to serve in valuable enterprise that advantages both. Whilst you glorify Him if following out His wise counsel, at the same time you take great strides forward in achieving the best and that which is most profitable and to the advantage of all. Do not make any decision or take any action unless you know that He is with you to stand and add to your programme of life


An old man limped into the doctor’s surgery, paused and then said, ‘Doctor, my knee really hurts. I can barely walk.’

The doctor slowly eyed him from head to toe, paused and then said, ‘Sir, how old you?’

‘I’m 98,’ the man announced proudly.

The doctor sighed and and finally said, ‘Sir, I’m sorry. You are almost 100 years old and you are complaining that your knee hurts? What did you expect?

The old man said, ‘Well, my other knee is 98 years old too and that does not hurt!’



You will only really become an extraordinary individual through Jesus Christ. He was different to all others and stands out on the pages of history as the greatest and best figure of all and who attained fabulous factors for all men; yes, for you, too. As He laid His rights in heaven aside and took on human form, He became the Son of Man so that that He might create and cultivate a new race of people, give a new inspired status to those who receive Him and to initiate the kingdom of God and heaven on earth through this new, divine Family. Every man’s real future is with Christ so it is imperative you come personally to know him for yourself. He will forgive your sin if you ask and believe Him to do so, He will regenerate you and make you a son of God with all of its entitlements and you will begin to live an extraordinary life and do incredible things. So do NOT miss out on CHRIST!


welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day the LORD takes care of His own people in such a quiet, unassuming manner. There is no blast of trumpet to his herald His presence and action. With all grace and humility He performs for the good of His elect Household. As Christ, without pretence or arrogance, adorned an apron and with dignity washed His disciples’ feet, sets both pattern an principle for all who profess to be His genuine followers. Pride focuses attention unduly on the performer than the performance. How essential that we learn to be able to copy Christ in His way of life! We are to make a Name for Him and not ourselves and little deeds done well and not overlooked by Him! Both person and deeds are all taken note of!


The LORD does not will that His people be overwhelmed and over when passing you arduous and demanding times. Sometimes it may a sudden squall and yet on occasions a very protracted dark experience that seems endless! The journey was not to be altogether short or too long! The Israelites were required to learn the principle and procedure of growing trust during that time. Unfortunately they didn’t seem to grasp the truth and fact and so made things difficult for themselves. Be assured, the one who ordains the route for you to take with all of its variations is with you to safely negotiate the same and discover His involvement. Know that you are going to make it with honour and distinction so be encouraged to accept all and work everything out to immense profit. He trusts you to successful so that He can ultimately reward you.


Sam walks into his boss’s office and says, ‘Sir, I’ll be straight with you. I know the economy isn’t great but I have three companies after me, and I would respectfully ask for a pay rise.’

After a few minutes of haggling, the boss agrees to a 5% increase, and Sam happily gets up to leave. ‘By the way,’ asks the boss, ‘which three companies are after you.’

‘The electricity company, the water company and the phone company!’

A Job Worth Doing

‘I love being a maze designer. I get lost completely in my work.’

‘My first jobe was working in an orange juice factory, but I could not concentrate.’

‘After that I tried to be a tailor, but I just was not suited to it.’



To be able to enjoy life in a very positive way you need a good set of eyes and light to behold what is before so that you can live wisely and effectively. Christ came to give spiritual eyesight in order to let you see that there is more than just a natural world to take note of. The understanding has to be opened so as to consider and contemplate such. He says in John 8: 12 ‘I Am the LIGHT OF THE WORLD; he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the LIGHT OF LIFE.’ He comes to deliver from ignorance and to show the way of life and the right decisions and path to take so that throughout existence and at the end you know you have been following the right Person and pursuits. He can show you who you really are, what you should believe and invest your life in for the greatest returns and finally reveal your eternal destiny. So make certain that you have been lit up by Christ and walk in in the light He gives and you will have LIFE!



welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day recognise that the LORD entrusts each one to you and expects you to make the most of each one, doing things that certainly not only glorify Him but bring advancement to your character and gifts. Although He lives and works from an eternal position, He does not waste time or energy but employs such with proficiency and efficiency. You need to take your promptings from Him and enabling, too, so that you are an obvious, living testimony to Him. Do not permit the hours ahead of you to be meaningless or worthless but make them stepping stones and a movement into more something satisfying and of immense worth.


He who gives you His sacred and sure promises is the One who stands by them and brings them all to pass. Remember, as Paul affirms, ‘He is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all you can ask or think, according to His power that works within us’ – Eph 3:20. In no way has He sold or left you short but backs you with both His presence and power at all times. Whatever you are called to confront in the now, rest assured, He is by your side to bring things possible and impossible into being. Note, you are now a son of God with the rich legacy of all the potential in and through Christ to answer all. Step forward into whatever challenges knowing you were brought into His kingdom to do kingdom business, which is the business of the KING, Christ. You were made for the day and the day was made for you!!


‘If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn’t it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked and dry cleaners depressed’.

A man was stopped for speeding. The police officer asked him to step out of the car and walk in a straight line

After a few seconds, he stopped the man and said, ‘I’m sorry sir, but you’ll have to come back to the station with me as you are staggering.’

The driver said, ‘You are not bad looking yourself.’


MAN: ‘Would you like to go out with me on Saturday?

WOMAN: Sorry, I’ll be having a headache over the weekend.’


JULIE: ‘My feelings towards him changed so i broke off the engagement.’’

MARIA: ‘So why are you still wearing his ring?’

JULIE: ‘Because my feelings for the ring have not changed!’



Paul gives a clear understanding of what Christianity is all about, what it is to be a genuine Christian believer. He wrote to a group of people in a certain church, ‘If any person is (in grafted) into Christ, he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!’ – Amplified Bible. Christ does not enter into a person’s life to patch up the old; no, He removes the rubbish that sin has created and imparts His life and nature along with the ability to be a new creature with a life and life-style that God approves of. So make sure that you have turned to Christ, not to religion or a set of rules, etc., and He will see to it that you are a brand new creation with fresh inspiration, aspiration and direction. You cannot afford to lose out on such a change and possibility!



welcome to this Christian website

DAILY MESSAGES – Rev. E. Anderson



Day by Day recognise that the LORD entrusts each one to you and expects you to make the most of each one, doing things that certainly not only glorify Him but bring advancement to your character and gifts. Although He lives and works from an eternal position, He does not waste time or energy but employs such with proficiency and efficiency. You need to take your promptings from Him and enabling, too, so that you are an obvious, living testimony to Him. Do not permit the hours ahead of you to be meaningless or worthless but make them stepping stones and a movement into more something satisfying and of immense worth.


He who gives you His sacred and sure promises is the One who stands by them and brings them all to pass. Remember, as Paul affirms, ‘He is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all you can ask or think, according to His power that works within us’ – Eph 3:20. In no way has He sold or left you short but backs you with both His presence and power at all times. Whatever you are called to confront in the now, rest assured, He is by your side to bring things possible and impossible into being. Note, you are now a son of God with the rich legacy of all the potential in and through Christ to answer all. Step forward into whatever challenges knowing you were brought into His kingdom to do kingdom business, which is the business of the KING, Christ. You were made for the day and the day was made for you!!


MAN: ‘Would you like to go out with me on Saturday?

WOMAN: Sorry, I’ll be having a headache over the weekend.’


JULIE: ‘My feelings towards him changed so i broke off the engagement.’’

MARIA: ‘So why are you still wearing his ring?’

JULIE: ‘Because my feelings for the ring have not changed!’



As Jesus Christ commenced His ministry and kingdom, He called 12 men to follow Him. They heard His summons and immediately followed and found out that He was all that He professed to be. He is still is the same mind and business. On this very day, this now hour, He invites you to be His disciple. It will cost you everything. Your immediate need is to receive Him into your heart as your Saviour from sin, from its penalty and power and to make Him LORD so that you live under His life, power and government. This will make you a subject in His eternal kingdom. His present kingdom life and dynamic will be immediately at hand to enable to be different and subsist in a heavenly manner and measure. Your discipleship will become apparent for all to witness that Christ is now in charge of you in every way. You will never be the same! Following Christ is the greatest and wisest course of action for all.



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