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That is how Paul describes God in Romans 15:13 – “Now the God of hope . . .” What a revelation to know that God is never in a state where He feels hopeless, in a state of despair and unable to cope and deal with matters! He is always on the scene and knows what lies before Him and He is up to it. He made a promise to Abraham and Sarah in late life that He would give them a son. She was barren and past obearing but the LORD dealt with the issue and gave them a bouncing baby, Isaac, who gave them such merriment. His intervention made all the difference! You may be placed in circumstances where the situation looks impossible to answer. Yes, a real problem to you but not to God. Let Him in to the immediate demand and trust Him to speak and work extraordinarily for you. God can always outdo anything He has performed before!

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The psalmist sets his sights his gaze upon the right being in the course of his faith and life. He declares: ‘As for me, I will continue beholding your face in righteousness’ – he is gripped and possessed with a holy and worthwhile fixation, the LORD! Who better and greater to focus ones eyes, thoughts and affections on! Nobody can hold him or his life together but Him, hence the continual habit. As the song puts it: ‘He is beautiful beyond description’. The upshot is the possibility of being transformed into his likeness. This is what he expresses later in the verse – ‘I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness’. The gaze turns into personal renewal and regeneration for there is taking on the image of the One gazed upon. The conclusion could not be more glorious. ‘Someday I shall be like HIM’ – Amen!

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There are people unfortunately that settle for anything and even second-best when much better factors can be possessed. Instead of being imbued and driven by a good will to take hold of worthier and greater things, they drop into a mediocre way of living. Joseph was somewhat quickened and goaded with dreams when young and would never let go until they became a reality. His brothers regrettably existed on a much lower level, apart from Judah, who got inspired by something choice later on and which was to be prophetic. Know, the LORD is on your side and in real business, He has some lovely considerations for your now estate and you must become aware of them, believe and move on to enjoy their actuality. The world is a difficult place to exist in but you were renewed to play a vital role in many ways within it. He not only offers the best, He wills that you be at your best.

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CONTRASTS: One of the ways by which we learn and formulate good decisions and actions is by the process of contrasts. By comparing opposites we adjudged more wisely and purposely and so can take the best route. Christ did this a great deal in His teaching so that His hearers could assess aright and act. At the end of a great sermon for instance He described a wise and foolish person on the creation of a foundation chosen to construct a house. By illustration He lit up His teaching in the contrast between rock and sand. The point made could quickly be noted and applied. Sometimes you need to perceive by this procedure and so be in the situation where you know what requires due emphasis and application. May be you are In a position that is not easy to rightly proceed. Look at the opposite

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When you come into the Heavenly Father’s Family it is that you might truly inherit His genes through Christ, the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. A divine genesis of thought, desire, faith, experience and expectation is to be known. There is a beginning to think believe and act according to a new inspiration and reality. It is now God working in and through you His pleasure and will and so there is to,manifested incredible things. You are no longer circumscribed to the limits of unregenerate man but see what is impossible become apparent. Heaven is delighted by the new person and break out and seeks to stimulate to bigger things. You may be one of those who have settled for second best but now being prodded to move out of your shell and mediocre zone.Do not hold back or hesitate but live and work without limits, NOW.

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Just as it is essential to adopt the ways and means of being naturally refreshed by rest, sleep and daily showering etc.; getting rid of drowsiness and bad bodily odours, so it is true with the spiritual part of your being. The LORD has made it possible for you to be spiritually and supernaturally renewed so that you can be effectively suited to all the demands ahead. You can be inspired and buoyed up by His Spirit and Word, wholly fortified in a heavenly manner to answer everyone and everything. Divine governing forces will be existent enabling you to meet and minister into all in a certain way. Others will see and note that you are not weighed down so that you are exhausted before you start. There will be the will to rise and spread your wings, survey all and solve all in a masterly fashion. At the conclusion of the day you will again rest and be renewed.

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Daniel, the ancient prophet, predicts what the glorified state will be like for those who do a commendable work on earth amongst the people inspired by the LORD – ” and those who turn many to righteousness, (shall give forth light) like the stars forever and ever” – Dan 12:3 a see also Matt 13:43. There is going to be a lustre, glory and splendour in their being and existence that reflects God’s value of them. An undiminished majesty is going to be manifested in and through them that cannot be hid. All in the eternal world will witness what God has thought of such during their earthly pilgrimage and will be honoured with distinction? All that people have sought of themselves in this world will be of no consequence or consideration in contrast. Your vision ever requires divine clarification so that you can rightly pursue that which will turn out best

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Integrity is one of the virtues in life that God looks for in His dealings with people. It refers to people who are motivated by the highest and soundest of principles, that hold always honest dealings with others throughout life in their relationships. The blessed and best consequence of being loaded with this virtue, everyone trusts your character and word. They can rely upon you because you always mean what you say and so a choice relationship is enjoyed. Know that God is wholly true to Himself and His creatures and never speaks with tongue in cheek. He lets it be known,He can be trust at all times in all circumstances. Learn, above all, to rely upon Him and His rectitude for it will yield untold advantages in your accord with Him.

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Do not hesitate or delay when you know the Lord has directed you into a definite course of action even if you do not comprehend where it will take you and what will be accomplished. He accepts the total responsibility for your whole life in its developments and He, above all, wants you to make the grade and graduate when He appears to set up His eternal kingdom. You do really need to be in on that glorious occasion of reward and promotion! LoThe LORD often tests His elect with regard to their immediate response because this reveals the keenness to live in faith and obedience. The sooner as there is an embracing and carrying out of His guidance, so the Lord will be able to fully bring to pass His will and your good.

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It is a choice experience to have that lovely sense of security, that you have found a situation where fear is dissipated and alarms do not disturb. In our 60 block apartments where we live we have this great assurance that we are well protected. When a person becomes a Christian this awareness is known. He has found a definite refuge and protection that cannot and will not fail in Christ. Listen to Christ’s own words concerning those who become His sheep.”And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” – John 10:28. Know this, He will look after you now and your interests in this life, watching over your being and seeing that all things work together for good. The Bible is full of accounts of people, men and women, who discovered that the LORD was better able and equipped to see them all the way through their earthly existence. Added to that, beyond death, heaven with all of its blessedness and eternity is promised and secure. Without doubt, the Christian has the best of both worlds. Make sure you are secure!

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