Wisdom’s Ways presented by the late Rev. A. Linford


Rev. A Linford, before his decease, was recognized as a good, great and interesting Bible teacher in the Assemblies of God Fellowship for many years. He was a well-loved Bible College lecturer and writer that bequeathed a tremendous amount of Biblical material in his generation. What a legacy he has left to be researched and brought forth to refresh our day! We shall be using such on this site: His writings from the book of Proverbs and also his Editorials that he wrote for the Redemption Tidings when he was its editor. I trust you will enjoy and appreciate his inspired teaching.





“Let not mercy and truth forsake thee” – Proverbs 3:3, 4


There are elemental virtues that form the basis of all relationships, of which mercy and truth are chief.  “Mercy” is from the Hebrew word Chesed, often translated “loving kindness”. It has its roots in love, and expresses overflowing tenderness toward others. “Truth” here carries with it the thought of steadfastness, of faithfulness, of loyalty. These twin graces are characteristics of God’s relationship to man – cf Genesis 24:27, Exodus 34:6 and are also basic to human relationships Proverbs 16:6, 20:28. Love produces fellowship and loyalty preserves it, whether it is between God and man, or man with his fellow.


Relationships established. Men differ in thought, in temperament, it disposition, in gift. In many ways we are incompatible. But love can iron out these differences and become a catalyst that joins opposites together. The reason is that love supplies the things we all need and seek for: attention, care, recognition, appreciation. Basically we are emotional rather than rational beings. If our deep instinctive needs are met we can be happy. Reason may give meaning to life, but emotion gives colour; thought may direct our living, but feeling deepens it.


Relationships maintained. We should wear kindness and truth as an ornament, we should have them etched on our inner consciousness. If love settles relationship, loyalty sustains it. Peter speaks of binding humility on one’s person as a servant knots on an apron to serve his master -1 Peter 5: 5 gentleness and grace should adorn us as a garment and equip us to minister to others. Such holy demeanour and saintly service attracts God’s attention and radiates good will to men.


Relationships repaired. Those in whose lives mercy and truth dwell exercise an influence for good. They generate generosity, promote peace, resolve differences and mediate understanding. We live in a day of broken homes, broken lives, broken careers, broken hearts. Men and women full of “mercy and truth” become menders of broken things, their love and their loyalty influence people to pick up the pieces and start again, to build up a mosaic out of the shattered remnants of their painful past. God’s mercy can forgive, God’s truth can sustain.






It was on April the 3rd, 1925, on a Friday night, that the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit. I had been seeking for over three months – but now at last the blessing had come. It was a normal weeknight service, but toward the end opportunity was provided for anyone seeking the Lord, and I was among a small group who knelt at the front of the hall. I was desperate. “Let your English go”, counselled the Elder who prayed with me. I did. I felt strange words coming into my thoughts, then on my lips. I articulated these unusual sounds. Then it seemed as if the Lord stood above me pouring liquid glory into my soul. I could feel it rising within me. The more I was filled the louder I spoke, ranging from a voiceless whisper to a vociferous, triumphant shout. I had been baptized with the Spirit – a positive experi­ence. I knew – others knew – for they heard me “speak with tongues and magnify God”.


Looking back over 45 years of Pentecostal experience, what things stand out? What has the baptism in the Holy Spirit meant to me?


First, His coming into my life added reality to my Christian experience. The presence of the Lord became excitingly near. Prayer, often accompanied with speaking with tongues, was a delight, fellowship with other Pentecostals, a strength and joy. I attended as many meetings as possible. We did not have special meetings for youth in those days: we did not seem to need them; there was no distinction in our worship and service between old and young.


Secondly, there was revelation. The Bible became a new book. I knew its stories before and could quote some popular texts, but now I had a yearning to know, an eagerness to search after, and a delight to discover the truth of God. For many months I read nothing but the Bible, which became to me a book of wonders. Of course, I couldn’t keep it to myself. I began to preach. At 16 years of age I gave my first address: simple, brief, direct, but blessed – to me at least.


Thirdly, there was power. No, I did not become a miracle-worker. But there was power: power to help me overcome a crippling shyness, power to enable me to persist through the stress and strain of teenage and young manhood, power that gave my life a sense of direction. I was studying for a career, but there came a strong pull from my chosen calling. I responded, gave up my secular studies for sacred pursuits. The outcome was inevitable; I became more and more absorbed in the things of God. There came a missionary call, a period in Hampstead Bible School, then adventure into pastoral ministry.


All that I am today I owe to that Friday evening when God filled me with His Spirit. My personal Pentecost -still as real as ever – has meant everything to me.



Make me an instrument of love, a messenger of truth, 0 Lord!


Message for the Moment compiled by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson

The Great Commission:  

Starting Where You Are in Your Life Mission
by Rick Warren

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21 (NIV)

*** *** *** ***

Everybody’s life mission is unique, and only you can fulfill your life mission. The moment you become a believer, the moment you step across the line and give your life to Jesus Christ, God has an assignment for you.


Parts of your life mission are unique, but one part all believers have in common is this: God wants you to tell other people about what’s happened to you. He wants you to share your testimony, your lifestyle, and your witness.

The Bible says it like this in Acts 20:24 (NCV): “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me – to tell people the Good News about God’s grace.”

Once I become a Christian, a major part of my life mission is to invite people into God’s family. Jesus said in John 20:21 (GWT), “As the Father has sent me, so am I sending you.”

What has he sent us to do?


The Bible tells us in Acts 1:8, “You will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, in Samaria and in every part of the world.” This is a very, very important verse: it not only tells us what we’re supposed to do; it tells us where we’re supposed to do it.


First, it says, “You will be My witnesses.” Have you ever watched a courtroom trial? You know what a witness is – a witness is somebody who shares from personal experience. “I saw this … I heard that … I watched that ….”


Witnessing does not mean you have to be a theological expert. It doesn’t mean you have to be a pastor or preacher. It simply means you share what God is doing in your life.


Besides, people expect pastors to talk about Jesus. But when your pastor talks about Jesus Christ, some people think, “Well, he’s just the paid professional. He’s the paid salesman. Of course, he’s going to talk about God.”


On the other hand, when you talk about what God’s done in your life, you are demonstrating that you’re the satisfied customer! Who has more credibility—a paid salesman or the satisfied customer?


You are the authority on your life. Nobody else can share your witness. If you don’t do it, that part of your life message will never be heard on this earth, and that’s a tragedy. If you don’t say it, nobody else is going to say it for you. We are to witness and share what God has done in our lives and what’s happened to us since we became believers.


Where are we to do it? We’re told to take the message to four places:

“In Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and in every part of the world.”


What does that mean? Am I supposed to get on a plane and go over to Jerusalem to share my faith? No. Remember, where were the disciples when they were hearing these words from Jesus? They were in Jerusalem.


Here’s the point – start where you are. What’s your Jerusalem? It’s your family, your friends, and your co-workers. That’s your Jerusalem. You start with the people closest to you. You don’t have to go somewhere else first. You start with the people in your own sphere of reference.


Then it says you go to Judea. Judea was like the county. What is your Judea? At Saddleback, we live in Orange County, with 2.5 million people. Many of them still need to hear the good news, and, no doubt, there are many in your Judea who also need to hear the good news.


Then Jesus says you’re to go to Samaria. That’s like the county next door. But the Samaritans were culturally and ethnically different from the disciples. The third place you take the message is to people of a different culture, language, or ethnic group than you.


Do you know anybody who speaks a different language than you do? Since I live in Southern California, I can tell you that there are 187 different languages spoken within driving distance of my church!


My point is this – you don’t have to go very far to find your Samaria. It’s right next door. Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant? There’s your Samaria!


Then Jesus says go to “the ends of the world.” For hundreds and hundreds of years, Christians couldn’t literally obey that part because the ability to travel was extremely limited. In fact, for many years the human race didn’t even know the world was round. But today, there are many opportunities for believers to go on short-term trips that lead them to the “ends of the world.”


So that’s the mission. Start with your Jerusalem. Move on to Judea, then to Samaria – and then to the ends of the world. While you’re there, share the good news. Invite others into God’s family!


God’s Thoughts and Ways provided by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson

These are but points to ponder that will initiate a greater comprehending of God’s mind and procedures. He desires that there should be a knowing of His sovereign plans and purposes so that life, ministry and service will be enriched and enhanced by His input. There is a revelation that His “thoughts and ways” are infinitely superior to ours – Isaiah 55:8, 9. We need to know and embrace them so that we might be able to achieve and succeed according to His desire and determinations. God bless you in your quest.





Reading         Psalm 51




A WICKED ACT: One of the most hideous and heinous sins was committed by one of the choicest men that ever lived, David. One would never have thought that he would have fallen in such a disgraceful way and bring such reproach on God and himself. But it happened! It is one of the saddest incidents recorded in the Scriptures of wickedness being wrought. It was a foul deed in everything sense of the word. A STRICKEN CONSCIENCE: He was greatly affected in conscience over the matter and it comes out in the Psalms 32; 51. Whilst everything seemed to have looked alright from without, all was not well within. There was a disturbed and agitated mind that was far from a state of peace. It is certain, there was no genuine relationship with God during this time and he must have deeply felt the pangs of conscience, the utter folly of his doings and what could be done to make amends. A NEEDFUL RESTORATION: There was a need for him to get this evil attended to and to be brought back into accord with God. The thing was taking its toll upon him in every way. Was it at all possible that he could know a divine forgiveness and pardon in spite of the enormity of the transgression? Could he ever get into the good graces of God again and know the delights of sweet fellowship with Him? It was certainly a big thing to be asking for! A SPIRITUAL PROCEDURE: God was prepared to restore this man although He abominated what he had done. In spite of the wickedness, bad though it was, (and it should never be under-estimated), there was a way back to God. His thoughts and ways become known here. In this psalm there is revealed the route to restoration.




Lord is the only grounds for this to happen. David makes his appeal to the nature of God, to His supreme quality of mercy. David had shown no mercy in contrast to the Lord. His treatment of Uriah was loathsome – 2 Samuel 11, but the Lord is abundant in mercy. He knew that if he got his due deserts he would have had to pay for it with his life. The reason why he was allowed to live was to exemplify God’s mercy and to give hope to others on this front.




Throughout the psalm he reveals that he wanted a deep, pure and utter cleansing from his iniquity. There was no glossing over the fact that his sin had created a terrible stain and blot upon his life and character and that it also created an awful condition of uncleanness and filth within his being.




It seems that he could not get out of mind and memory the offence committed and the sense as to the one the crime was committed against – God. The searching eyes of the God of love who had done so much for him brought the a strong sense of the vileness of the sin enacted and how wrong it had been to violate that love and His laws.




He saw more than the evil he had committed: there was the realization of the true state of human nature and the required honesty that God demands if there is to be any hope of pardon and peace c.f. Romans 7.  It is not just a case of forgiveness but the desire to deal with the whole condition within.




There was the sure conviction that God’s grace and power could and would bring about the perfect and absolute work required. He says: “I shall be clean…I shall be whiter than snow.” No trace of evil left behind. The creation of a clean heart and renewal of spirit is essential. David knew God was capable of doing this.




For David knew that the proof of his restoration would mean being able to come into God’s presence, the Holy Spirit would be with him, spiritual joy would be restored, mind would be cleared of guilt and he would be able to share his testimony of God’s goodness with others.




Beyond the matter of sacrifice and sacrificial giving is the matter of divine restoration. This is the thing that must be attended to if sin has been committed. What God looks for is a broken spirit and contrite heart. This can then be followed up by a generous display of thanksgiving and sacrifice.




If sin has been committed it must be attended to immediately in a godly manner.


Only in the restoration will there be real fellowship with God and the renewing of His favour.



Points to Ponder adapted by Rev. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson



A.W. Tozer


In the plan of God, man is never permitted to utter the first word nor the last. That is the prerogative of the Deity, and one which He will never surrender to His creatures.


Man has no say about the time or the place of his birth; God determines that without consulting the man himself. One day the little man finds himself in consciousness and accepts the fact that he is. There his volitional life begins.


Before, he had nothing to say about anything.


After that he struts and boasts, and encouraged by the sound of his own voice he may declare his independence of God.


Have your fun, little man; you are only chattering in the interim between first and last. You had no voice at the first, and you will have none at the last!


God reserves the right to take up at the last where He began at the first, and you are in the hands of God whether you like it or not.


It would be great wisdom for us to begin to live in the light of this wonderful and terrible truth: God is the first and the last!


‘I am alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord’ – Revelation  1: 8




Great Stories assembled by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson



In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened Armenia, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes.


In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wile securely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.


After the traumatic initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: “No matter what, I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of debris that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commit­ment to his son.


He began to concentrate on where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son’s class­room would be in the back right comer of the building; he rushed there and started digging through the rubble.


As he was digging, other forlorn parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: “My son!” ‘My daughter!” Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off of what was left of the school saying:


“It’s too late!”


They’re dead!”


“You can’t help!”


“’Go home!”


“Come on, face reality, there’s nothing you can do!” “You’re just going to make things worse!”


To each parent he responded with one line: ‘Are you going to help me now?” And then he proceeded to dig for his son, stone by stone.


The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off of the school’s debris saying “Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You’re in danger. We’ll take care of it. Go home.” To which this loving, caring Armenian father asked, ‘Are you going to help me now?”


The police came and said, “You’re angry, distraught and it’s over. You’re endangering others. Go home. We’ll handle it!” To which he replied, “Are you going to help me now?” No one helped.


Courageously he proceeded alone because he needed to know for himself: Is my boy alive or is he dead?”


He dug for eight ……. 12 hours… 24 hours… 36 hours… then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a boulder and heard his son’s voice. He screamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, ‘Dad!? It’s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told ’em that if you were alive you’d save me and when you saved me, they’d be saved. You promised, ‘No matter what, I’ll always be there for you!’ You did it, Dad!”


‘What’s going on in there? How is it?” the father asked ‘There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We’re scared, hun­gry, thirsty and thankful you’re here. When the building collapsed, it made a wedge, like a triangle, and it saved us.’


“Come on out, boy!”


“No, Dad! let the other kids out first, ’cause I know you’ll get me! No matter what, I know you’ll be there for me!”


Mark V Hansen


Knowing God presented by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson

Knowing god through humility


Reading    Psalm 138


Text         Isaiah 57: 15; Matthew 5: 3



One can reckon that this is one of the priceless attitudes that can ever be possessed and evidenced by man and gives him the accreditation required by and before God. If God is to be truly and fully known by any human being then it is absolutely essential that there is the possession and expression of this disposition. It is certainly underscored in the Bible and must be accepted into life if there is to be any knowing and dynamic relationship with God.


RIGHT ATTITUDE: Humility is the acquiring of a quality nature that accord with the character of God. It is defined as lowliness, meekness, modesty, self abasement and unpretentiousness. It reflects a lovely nature that is courteous, kind, polite in recognition of others and their own station in life. It certainly does not mean grovelling in self-pity, demeaning and disgracing oneself. Humility is a hallmark of God and He desires the same who profess a relationship with Him. It is what God is always switched on to and switches man on to Him. This is His promise: “For this saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is holy; ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones’” – Isaiah 57: 15. Even Christ affirmed that this was His disposition – Matthew 11: 29. No man is going to know God or have any real, personal and powerful experience of and with Him unless this temper is present. AN OPPOSITE SPIRIT: God does make it known that the opposite, which is pride, is an abomination to him and is listed with and heads deadly sins. The psalmist puts it most succinctly when he declares: “Though the Lord be high, yet he hath respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off”Psalm 138: 6. It is plain to see that God keeps those who are arrogant and haughty at a great distance and if such are at a distance how can they know and become familiar with Him. Many years ago I hear a preacher say respecting the proud that ‘he didn’t like them too near.’ A WORTHY ILLUSTRATION: God could not give a better or clearer evidence and proof of the demand for humility as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ who came to give a clear unveiling of the quality character of God. At all times, he gave a disclosure of this unique, divine attribute and was very pronounced in His birth, life, ministry and death and is the subject matter of Philippians 2. He sets the pattern for all men to emulate that if any man is to know God he must be humble and tread the path of humility.




          This is what is advocated by God in Isaiah 66: 2 ‘but to this man will I look, even to him that is  poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.’ God makes things very clear so that there is no misunderstanding on this front. To know and have any worthwhile relationship and dealings with Him then this is an absolute requisite. You need the attention and action of God in your life and affairs and the basic demand is that you possess a humble and contrite spirit. You honour God when you are prepared to live in humility, recognising who He is and what he has made you.




        Man regrettably has inherited a self-righteous attitude and spirit which manifests itself in self-justification, egotism and pride. Whilst this exists then there is no likelihood of any personal communion and contact with God. The call to each and all is to ‘repent’ of this evil, confess it, receive Christ and His salvation which brings both forgiveness and freedom from this awful attitude. Christ taught about two men who prayed: the Pharisees, one who felt he was alright and even sought to justify himself before God and men in his prayer. The other was a publican who recognised his sinful condition and confessed it. Christ revealed who was the one accepted by God – see Luke 18: 9-14. No personal merit can bring about your acceptance, approval and accord with God. Own up for what you really are before God and he will be pleased to strike up an affinity and close association with you.




         Man was created with this very much to the fore, that he should live and work in loving reliance upon God. It was planned and purposed by God that men should learn to relate to Him in complete faith and trust in a blessed and wholesome partnership that would benefit both parties. Unfortunately sin promotes wilful independence that is harmful and destructive and generates pride and arrogance. There has to be the giving up of self-will and determination and a readiness to humble oneself and act in accord with His great and supreme designs. The humble discover that God has something bigger for them than they could ever hope to achieve through the independent way. Christ made it obvious in the first beatitude He taught: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit: FOR THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’ – Matthew 5; 3. If you want to know God and go places with Him then the humble walk of faith and dependence is a must.




         God never intended that man should demean himself and live in low esteem and with a sense of worthlessness. He did not make him to be and live in an undignified condition and role. Such is the consequence of sin. Evil robs him of his real identity and worth. In Christ, be means of spiritual renewal, divine worth is imparted and that requires that each possess a humble and honest appraisal and opinion of oneself. Instead of being puffed up with pride there is the conscious realization that one is a child and son of God and so must act as God acts in humility and yet with authority. The advice given by Paul must be taken on board: ‘For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God as dealt to every man the measure of faith’ – Romans 12: 3. Know who you are in Christ and your gifting and work out the same in a humble manner and you will increasingly know God.




          What God loves to see is good-will and harmony amongst mankind and especially in the Christian Church. This occurs when people see beyond their own selves and selfish ambitions and take into consideration the persons and abilities of their fellow men. God is to be known in the midst of love, harmony and recognition. Everyone is needed and everyone is dependent upon everyone else as 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31. Again Paul sounds the message clear: ‘Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others’– Philippians 2: 3, 4. The more you recognise others so God will recognise you and you will get to know Him more.




         As you learn to renounce pride and all that is associated with it and learn to revere God, acknowledge your need of His grace and input into your life to deal with sin, and as you simply trust Him, be conscious of your new standing and gifting in Him and perceive the spiritual quality of others in every way, so your knowledge of God will be real and will increase.


Extracts from Life by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. & Mrs. E. Anderson



One of the things that I have rejoiced in over many years is in the way that God has bountiful worked in relation to my financial requirements. In later life, this has been manifest in many ways especially in my ministry trips abroad with respect to travel and raising monies for various Christian projects.


Well do I recall in two instances when visiting South Africa how the Lord providentially saw to it that this need was met.


The first time I required  nine hundred pounds to cover the whole trip and it was rather unique in the way the amount came in.


As I was situated in the fellowship I attended the missionary treasurer came to me after a service and said that the decision had been made to assist me on this occasion with the sum of £200. I was sincerely grateful for the token that was to be the forerunner of further gifts. The church treasurer also came and stated that the leadership were giving me a gift of £200 to aid in the cost of travel. This was most encouraging and I sensed the Lord would make sure that the rest would also come.


The next source was to come from my oldest son. He, along with his wife, had made up their mind to bless his father-in-law who I was taking on the venture and myself with a monetary contribution. Lo and behold, it was to be another £200. It was quite amazing and amusing that the donations would come in similar amounts.


But the next bestowment came in an unusual manner. Whilst tending my front garden a woman Christian believer was passing by that belonged to the church that I had previously led. I made inquiry as to how she was going on. After her reply I felt the need to invite her in for coffee and a chat with my wife and I. How she appreciated those moments of hospitality! Before leaving I said I would pray for her and her future as she had been bereaved of her husband. Whilst praying I sensed the Lord was going to bless her and then the conviction arose in my heart that she was going to do the same for me.


A couple of days later a letter arrived at our home from this dear sister expressing her gratitude for time spent with her. A cheque was also enclosed for a further £200.


We went and had a tremendous time of ministry and fellowship.  Our final meeting was at the Assemblies of God Conference and I was due to speak before leaving for home. They had kindly provided accommodation for us during those few days and the spiritual accord was simply was great. I mused at the time and thought, what I require is a further £100 to cover the cost of the whole trip. The chairman of the Conference came to say farewell and gave me this amount of monies thus sealing the whole provision.


I was to go again on my own this time a few years later. Staying in the home of a good colleague and friend, on the first morning as I was kneeling by my bedside in prayer just prior to going to a Prayer Breakfast at his church, I sensed from the Lord that in no way would the churches supply my expenses. I replied simply to Him I was on His business. But He assured me the need would be met.


The first Sunday evening as I was in Cape Town preaching in a large church of which a friend of mind was its minister, the Lord blessed in a beautiful manner. It was good to see people saved, healed and blessed. In his office afterwards he said that they had an American brother attending the fellowship and he believed God wanted him to bless me financially and he waved this envelope before my gaze. On leaving the office it was given and he said it contained 3,000$ equivalent to over £1,700 at that time.


We were due to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary in a few months time and so my wife and I were able to make a trip and holiday to Israel, a place where she had always wanted to go. We are sure of the words of Paul: “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4: 19






Word for the week compiled by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson



This is a word that is frequently used in life in many ways. One of the main meanings in the word is that of being invited to take part in some kind of contest that is usually rather demanding and requires quite a number of factors usually to respond. It consists of a major test that will prove your mind, metal and a great deal of strategy to successfully deal with it. Usually they represented an enormous obstacle that must be overcome and come in the way of people, situations and experiences.


One of the phrases used in this connection is that of a ‘David and Goliath’ scenario. That Biblical historical event is often quoted with regard to confrontation of some big thing. There are times when the little has to face the large and it would appear that it would be utterly swamped by the large. But surprising enough the term ‘giant-killers’ exist  and this means that the little has taken on the challenge of the large and come out on top as winner. The seeming insignificant has not been intimidated by that which appears astronomical but has moved in to claim an astonishing triumph


If you are going to accept the challenges that life is going to throw at you, then basic qualities are essential. Certainly there will be the need for physical strength at times, but much more is demanded.


Some wisdom, that is, the know how to take on confrontation and conflict.

In taking up a real contest that is to really prove your capability then there is definitely a need for some sensible strategy which can be implemented to achieve success. For instance, as David went into the fight with Goliath he was not without some understanding of how he was to meet his opponent. Whilst he had a good faith in his God he also was aware of how he was to bring the giant down. It was going to be by a simple manoeuvre that would be most effective.


He would not take on the giant in Saul’s armour, strong and good as it appeared to be. It had not been made for him and he was not used to dealing with challenges in this way. For a number of years he had practised with a stone and sling and had become quite an expert. He sensed within his being that this was the best and right method on this occasion and with the help of the Lord would succeed.


God gives wisdom in taking on the varied challenges that come your way and He prepares you for it and will provide the stratagem and line of attack.


Moral and spiritual fortitude and courage are basic essentials.

The fear factor is always a problem that has to be dealt with and has to be mastered. David knew his God and so faith ruled his spirit and so he did not look at the size of his opponent. He was a bigger man than Goliath on the inside because he possessed a spirit of audacity that had been generated by God.


God is able to impart this quality to all who engage with Him and are ready to take on immense challenges. See His word to Joshua – 1:


Humility is also a needed quality that is of infinite worth.

Humility recognises your true estate and does live in human boastfulness. Pride does not have any look in at all and challenges are faced with a calm reliance on God. Many people lose even though they have all the seeming energy and expertise because of vanity. They swagger and feel they will crush their opponents without any sweat.


Those who trust in God get away from self-reliance and egotism and lean heavily on God and are not disappointed. They find His resources and reserves are always up to any challenge that may have to be dealt with.

The early Church did not back off in its infancy because of the challenges that came its way. In humility they turned to God and found in that simple dependence He answered and they were more than a match for their opponents.


It may well be that you are facing great challenges at this time or that there are some in the pipeline waiting to picked up and dealt with. Know that God has prepared and made you ready for such.


Promise: ‘Have not I commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither by dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wheresoever you go’ – Joshua 1: 9



Lord, help me to face up to every new challenge with your wisdom, courage and humility, knowing that I will be a winner on all occasions



Christian Prime Timers supplied by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson



Reading    Genesis 37



YOUNG PRIME TIMER: Looking at the life of Joseph right from the outset it is possible to conclude that here was a young person who was divinely primed and timed to succeed. There was an evident plan with respect to his existence and this knowledge and conviction inspired and directed his thinking, believing and procedures, and it was present so early in him. None are too young to be primed and timed by God, in fact, He loves it that way. EVIDENT DIVINE TOKENS: It is possible to discern and trace evidences of this priming and timing and know that these factors can be reproduced again in others. He is but a pattern set up by God of what can actually occur again and again as his life is viewed, valued and the things that were birthed and developed in him be further generated in those who desire the same. One of the great reason for the record and signs of this special feature is that it will promote even more being primed and timed people by God. GREAT QUALITY THROUGHOUT: Joseph was not a five minute wonder. He did not simply burn and shine for a short while, but consistently through his career on earth in his relationship with God and his life and work, he demonstrated immense graces, virtues and gifts that are most noticeable. As each stage and phase is negotiated he expresses tremendous qualities that pleased heaven and made him a worthy and noble person to be commended to all.


Here are some of the things to be observed that serve as a present inspiration.




From a very early age he would be conscious of the fact and reality that he was special and unique. The reason for this would be the knowledge of his ancestry and pedigree. He had a father, grandfather and great-grandfather who had known unusual and extraordinary experiences with God and that his family had been singled out as chosen by God to fulfil an exceptional destiny, and he was an essential part of it. It had all started with Abraham – Genesis 12: 1-4.


Those who have been divinely born again are divinely chosen and are a new race of people chosen to succeed and achieve divine expectations – see Ephesians 1: 4. Christians are not low but high-born to rise to eternal prominence and presidency!




            One of the great blessings and advantages that was his lot in earliest days was to have a good, godly father. Jacob had not been the best of men but he had always entertained a deep desire for God and en route in his life God had been shaping him up in many ways. He had a great story to tell of God’s goodness, faithfulness and promises and in Joseph he found a good listener and learner. With tender, generous and spiritual care he invested into this son that he believed was different and was destined for significant things. Joseph was prepared to be mentored and this was a means of priming and timing by God.


            It goes without saying that every Christian has a great loving Father that wills to share things of enormous value and benefit. We must possess the aptitude to listen and learn and so be primed and timed in and according to His will.




This youth was not lacking in desires of a God-ward nature and it seems apparent that he was reaching out for the deeper and greater considerations of life. He did not want to exist in a vacuum but longed for real purpose to enter into his being and procedure. It is evident that he had moral and spiritual principles operative in his living which God must have been pleased with. There was no coarseness, vulgarity or unbecoming mannerisms only the will to be a quality young man. At this time God must have been pleased by giving him some unusual dreams that evidently had some immense significance with respect to the future – Genesis 37: 5-10.


It is vital that at the earliest stage possible we make known our affection for God and aspirations for spiritual realities and blessing.




He is one of the characters of the Bible that we know knew how to deal with major, personal problems and afflictions. His brothers were not very pleased with him and revealed their evil attitudes. Being sold into slavery and sold as a slave was not a very nice thing to happen but he managed it with grace and dignity. Being made a prisoner was also a galling experience but somehow he holds his head high and maintains his faith. In such, he was divinely primed, time and sustained – see Psalm 105: 17-19.


No Christian believer is immune from adversity and trial and must see such as part of God’s training and timing for greater status. They are part of the divine deal in coming to effectual leadership and ministry. Within those experiences a proper spiritual attitude must be birthed and developed – see James 1: 2-4.




Opportunity readily presented itself to sin but he reacted rightly against it through the wisdom and grace of God. It was quite a thing to be desired by the mistress of the house and she could put on the charm and make things seductive. But he was primed and timed by God to reject this trap and safeguard God’s Name and his own integrity and spirituality – Genesis 39: 8-10. His name has gone down historically as one person who knew how to confront temptation and overcome.


The Christian is assured that temptation will come to try but that there is a way of escape if it is divinely sought – 1 Corinthians 10: 13. Your reaction to this sort of thing will reveal whether you are primed and timed by God.




He did possess unique skills and abilities that marked him out as a person who possessed wisdom and strategy to direct things in a successful manner. As he was primed and timed by God he was graced with practical as well as spiritual powers that enabled him to give leadership. In a humble but dynamic manner he was able to use his God-given talents and potential for good, in Potiphar’s home, the prison and later in a national way. He would be the first to recognise that God had equipped him with such aptitudes.


As life is lived for God, it is within His sovereign power to bestow and bless people with certain capacities that cause them to be fruitful and stand out in ministry. He can take ordinary people, prime and time them for exceptional service – e.g. Peter, from fisherman to apostle etc. 




The time came when he had to evidence a terrific attitude towards his brothers that had greatly grieved, wounded and offended him. But he knew that God had primed and timed him in order to demonstrate this spiritual grace and he made this obvious – Genesis 45; 1—8. It says that ‘Joseph could not refrain himself from all that stood by’ – v1. This was the crucial moment when love, grace and forgiveness had to break out in an incredible manner. He had been made ready for this display by God and he was not lacking in this grace.


It is possible to discover and know how good and great people are when this comes into view. Joseph had not become hardened by all that had gone wrong but softened by God to give an example of unreserved mercy, forgiveness and absolution. God is glorified when this is in full view.




   The same God that was with Joseph and in his generation is still existent and operates in similar manner. None are too young or old to be primed and timed by and for Him for major significant roles.


   There are stages and experiences to be successfully negotiated by His help and input and when is all worked out, the person is in a place to live and serve the Lord to the maximum.






A Time to Laugh served by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson

Humorous Factors


A man was talking to God and he asks God, “God, since you made everything, what is money to you?” God answered, “Well, one million dollars to you would be one penny to me.” The man thinks and asks, “God, since you have been around forever, what is time to you?” God replies, “Well my son, one second to me would be one million years to you.” The man thinks some more and asks, “God, can I have a penny?” God replies, “In a second.”


Which Bible character had no parents? Joshua, the son of Nun.


There was a tradesman, a painter called Jacque who was very interested in making a penny where he could, so he often would thin down paint to make it go a little bit further. As it happened, he got away with this for some time, but eventually a diocese decided to do a big restoration job on the painting of one of their biggest churches. Jacque put in a bid and, because his price was so low, he got the job. And so he set to erecting the trestles and setting up the planks, and buying the paint and, yes, I am sorry to say, thinning it down with the turpentine. Well, Jacque was up on the scaffolding, painting away. The job was nearly completed when, suddenly, there was a horrendous clap of thunder. The sky seemed to open and the rain poured down, washing the thinned paint from all over the church. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck and knocked Jacque for a loop. He flew from the scaffold landing, landing on the lawn, amongst the gravestones, surrounded by telltale puddles of the thinned and useless paint. Jacque was no fool. He knew this was a judgment from the Almighty, so he got down on his knees and cried: “O God! Forgive me for all the wrong I have done! What should I do?” And from the thunder, a mighty voice spoke…. “Repaint! And thin no more!”


A guy breaks into a house and is creeping across the pitch black living room when he hears a voice, “WATCH OUT, Jesus is behind you!” Startled he flicks on his flashlight and breathes a sigh of relief to see a parrot in front of him. Again the parrot says “Watch Out Jesus is behind you.” The robber says to the parrot, “What’s your name then?” and the parrot replies “Moses.” The robber laughs and says, “Who on earth would call a parrot Moses?!” and the parrot says, “the same one that would call a rottweiler Jesus!”


One day a group of scientists got together and decided that humans had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and tell God so. The scientist walked up to God and said, “God, we’ve decided that we no longer need you; We’re to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don’t You just go on and get lost.” God listened very patiently and kindly to the man. After the scientist was done talking, God said, “Very well, how about this? Let’s say we have a man-making contest.” To which the scientist replied, “Okay,great!” “But,” God added, “we’re going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam.” The scientist said, “Sure, no problem” bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt. God looked at him and said, “No, no, no. You go get your own dirt.”


A lady was asking God how long she had to live one day. “40 more years,” said God. The lady was so happy, she went out and had plastic surgery done to her face. On the way home, she got hit by a bus. “You said I had 40 more years,” she complained. “Sorry,” said God, “but since you had plastic surgery, I didn’t reconize you!”


A rich, Christian man was talking to God, “Can’t I take it with me when I go?” God always answered the same way, “NO!” Finally one day the man talked God into it and God said, “Okay you can take two suitcases full of anything you want.” The man filled up two suitcases full of gold. When the rich man reached the pearly gates St. Peter asked the rich man why he had two suitcases. The rich man said, “It’s okay I’ve already cleared it with God.” St. Peter asked him to open the suitcases, when the rich man opened the suitcase, St. Peter said, “Why’d you bring paving?”


One Sunday, a pastor exhorted about I Corinthians 13. The congregation loved it so much because everyone can easily relate to the topic. The pastor said, “Next Sunday I will preach about lying, and I want you to read the seventeenth chapter of Mark.” The other Sunday, the pastor asked the congregation, “Who among you read Mark chapter 17? Half of the congregation raised their hands. Others said “AMEN!” The pastor paused then remarked, “Now I will begin my teaching about lying, Mark has only 16 chapters.”



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