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If there is something that inspires and adds to life and healthy relationships it is the blessing of a genuine smile. There are some people that are like the sun that radiates and lights up life in a quiet but dynamic fashion. The sun does not speak and say, ‘I am here’. No, it silently appears and sheds its glorious rays over all without ado. All we have to do is bask and enjoy its ministry. So today, whoever you meet, wherever you go add that fire and glow that switches people on to your true value. Meet and greet all with the joy of the Lord in your heart and His pure radiance on your countenance.

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Just for YOU Today – 30.01.20

Sometimes it takes a long time for a thing to come to pass. Because we live in a world of haste we reckon that everything should be instantly performed. It must take place immediately. This is not so. One of the major qualities to be possessed in order to live powerfully and providentially is the demand for patience. In a busy world where everyone appears to be in a hurry over nearly everything, many lose their calm and cool and so do not function at their best or attain better results. A close relationship with the LORD in prayer will aid in adjusting such and yield better results.

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Just for YOU  Today – 29.01.20


There are many things that happen to you in life that would beat you down to pulp or make you into dust and make you feel sick and worthless. When such falls across your path determine in your heart and mind through Christ and by the aid of the Holy Spirit you will not permit to have their say and sway. The LORD made you bigger than such in himself so that you will take full charge and control and answer the same in an incredible fashion. You are now in His kingdom with His kingdom life, power, promises and purposes galvanizing within so that you can stand up and reveal you were born to take on impossible factors.

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Just for YOU Today



These are three qualities that are required at times in life if real goals for the LORD are to be reached. The first has to do with holy desire that has to be generated in the heart God-ward and for the things of a heavenly nature and order. You were made for Him and for the things of a divine standard to be wrought whilst on earth.  The second really has to do with the ‘Breath of God’ that gives life, dynamic, thrust and the power to achieve His extraordinary designs for existence. It is important to draw  from the resource of His presence and life so that everything is upgraded and at its best. Sometimes in order to attain the first two the added moisture of the Holy Spirit that does not allow you to give in or fail. Possess all three and you will reach the goals!

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ust for YOU Today



Yet another LORD’S Day is before you where you can meet with Him and His people, hear His word into your ear and heart and receive a new charging of your being. As you open up to him He is waiting, ready and able to give you a real season of refreshing and renewal that will make you sufficient for the days ahead. The past is now a history and testimony; what is before can be the brand new experience of His greatness and goodness that will have a telling impact on you and others. So shake of dull sloth and put on the garments of praise and worship, be anointed afresh with the oil of gladness, so you will be in the best condition you have even been in and open to heaven’s best.

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Just for YOU Today



It is important to have a daily review of your life noting the wise and good things that have been wrought to gain. But there should be given due concern and thought to those issues where they could have been done better.  Because you are not perfect and have all ability there will be slip ups that cause regret. Do not stay for ever moaning or murmuring over them but take remedial action so that you can deal with things that cause you to occasionally stumble. The great thing is that the things dealt with well and can turn out to be greatest strengths and be used to help others. Peter failed but he did not stay amidst them but successfully answered the\m to immense profit.

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The LORD takes infinite thought with all that He has created and can never be charged with neglect. He possesses a pure and wholesome love and respect especially for His creatures and of note those who have been born into the Family of God. As the song truly records: He has not only got the whole world in His hands; ‘You and me’, are there, too! You can live without fear or threat in the knowledge your present and eternal welfare are all to be taken care of. It does not mean that you will not experience crisis or difficulty but that you will discover He is always there to more that answer such. Have a blessed day knowing He neither slumbers or sleeps and Hi eye is upon you!

Just for YOU Today

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JUST FOR TODAY – 23.01.20


There is much that could happen today intended to take the wind out of your sails and for life and work to be drag and drudgery. Reject the thought and possess an inward resolve to take all on in and through Christ and experience His renewing and strengthening each moment for all that comes your way. One thing that could be said about Joshua that made him a winner and inspired others to contest and conquest, he knew that with the LORD leading the way and supplying all requirements he and all in Israel’s ranks could become great possessors. So mark today as a further move forward with courage to do and be extraordinary!

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JUST FOR TODAY – 22.01.22


It simply means don’t put off until tomorrow what you should do today. There are some things that are secondary and can wait until the next day but there are issues that have to be sorted out and settled in the immediate ensuing hours. For instance, if you have not settled your eternal future as to where you are going, heaven or hell, such cannot be put on the back burner. The Bible teaches and underlines the fact that ‘today is the day of salvation’. The most vital issue is whether you have been born anew by Jesus Christ and are now a child of God and in His Family and now can call God your Father. Now is the moment to decide the matter and make absolutely certain of your eternal future.

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Just for you Today – 21.01.20

The psalmist expresses his great desire which has been laid hold of by many who have wanted to know the LORD in a greater way. He said in Psalm 27:8 ‘When you said, seek ye my face; my heart said, Thy face LORD will I seek’. He sensed an inward pressure and earnest longing to be in urgent pursuit of Him that mattered most in his life. There is no doubt about it, the greatest need of our our lives and experience is to possess a revelation of the LORD so that a meaningful daily oneness and partnership is established with Him. He wills to be all in all so that we shall have an answer to every current demand to great satisfaction. When He puts on His appearance all is sure to be well!

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