Leadership Factors provided by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


Taken from John Maxwell – Leadership Bible  

The first eight verses of Isaiah 6 illustrate how God calls many leaders. After Isaiah captures a vision for God, the Lord lays out a need for someone to speak for Him. God has a message and is looking for a messenger. God issued a general call, for anyone, and Isaiah took it personally. He did so because of these factors that make up a divine call to lead: 

     1.     opportunity 

We see a specific place where we can make a difference. This has to do with timing (v1). 

     2.     ability 

We recognize that we have the God-given gifts to do something about the need. This has to do with competence (vv6,7). 

     3.     desire We want to step out and address the need; our hunger pushes us. This has to do with passion ( v8). Have you ever noticed that the experience of Isaiah parallels our own process of responding to a divine call to lead? Isaiah gets a vision of God ( Isaiah 6: 1-4), a vision of himself (6: 5-7) and a vision of ministry (6: 8). At least five stages in this process apply to us.  

stage one: revelation of god   Isaiah saw the Lord in a face-to-face encounter that changed him forever. 

stage two: the realization of god’s holiness  – ( vv3,4)   Isaiah experiences God as holy. Through this encounter, the Lord becomes more than an abstract idea. Isaiah learns of God’s awesome personality. 

stage three: the recognition of his own sinfulness –        (v5) Isaiah sees the vast distance between God and himself. He sees the infinite contrast and is broken of self. 

stage four the renewal of his perspective – (vv6, 7)   An angel touches the prophet, cleansing him and giving him a new outlook. He is ready to serve. 

stage five the response of his lifestyle – (v8)   When God calls, Isaiah eagerly steps forward. A call is marked by a fruitful life.  

In Hindsight subscribed by Rev. David Hind

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THE children  THING

By Rev. David Hind

 David is now the minister of Trinity Church Leicester and his articles have been greatly appreciated. 

During a conversation with his seven-year-old son, a friend of mine was explaining about the Roman occupation of Britain. He talked about their advancement into Wales and England, but explained that they didn’t advance fully into Scotland. The boy said, “Daddy, I know why that happened, it’s because of the bagpipes, they make such a dreadful noise.” The same family were visiting relatives in Germany and the son looked at his dad as they all sat down to dinner and asked, “Dad, what was it you said you didn’t like about the Germans?” lastly, and my favourite, he once asked his dad, “Have you ever been run over by a combine harvester?” 

I love children. We can learn so much from them – their innocence, their honesty and their willingness to ask.     

 Children are receivers    They know their need to receive. From a newborn baby crying for food, to a young child wanting to be hugged, they know they can’t do everything themselves.  

 Children see and believe   When teaching, Susan occasionally dresses up as different char­acters to help get a message across. One of her characters is Ettie Macechnie, a kindly old Scottish lady from a highland croft who owns a ‘wee farm in Scotland”. Many children (and some adults) are completely taken in. 

Children are playful   All the time, everywhere, all over the world, children play. I have seen children in Africa play with stones and a tin and still be completely involved. 

Children live for the moment   They live each day to the full. They get excited about simple things and become engrossed in getting the most out of everything. You only have to visit a playground to see children thoroughly committed to the moment.

Children look to their parents   Many of us have been to a school play or a children’s performance of some kind. Whatever their teachers have said beforehand, there are very few children who can resist scanning the audience for familiar faces and then waving enthusiastically. 

Children love learning… and they do it all the time. They have a natural genius and see life in a different way. Spend any amount of time with small children and you will begin to catch again the wonder of learning and looking at life differently.                   

Children face issues head of life  When I arrived at my Mum’s house recently my four-year-old nephew, Ben, who was visiting from Africa and just becoming accustomed to the death of his granddad, looked at me and said, “Grandad’s dead.”                        

Children are not self-conscious   They get engrossed in their play. They can be Spiderman or Cinderella, they can talk to their imaginary friend, they can dance or shout their way around the garden without caring what anyone else thinks. Jesus valued and accepted children. He wanted them to be with Him.

 More than that, Jesus said to us, …. change and become like little children” (Matthew 18:3).   So   ·    Be a receiver  ·    Stop doubting and believe   ·    Enjoy life  ·    Make the most of every day  ·    Keep your eyes on the Father  ·    Be a learner  ·    Live with openness and truth

Please the Lord   

Meet the Christian Ministers introduced by Rev. E. Anderson

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Evangelist Roy Todd

For over a decade, Evangelist Roy Todd has travelled all around the world leading hundreds of events at which he has spoken to many thousands of people.

 He passionately believes that every person matters, whether they’re prosperous or poor, successful or struggling, ambitious or ambiguous – and his message adds value to everyone, helping them experience wholeness, healing and hope. 

Originally from Ireland, Roy came to England in 1995 to study theology and it was during this time that he dedicated his life to communicating the relevance of Christianity, especially to those who are un-churched. He’s a highly inspirational speaker who, with his own inimitable mix of insight and humour, has the capacity to connect with people from all backgrounds and culture’s.

In a day of increasing hunger for authentic spirituality, many hearts and minds have been profoundly impacted as Roy has engaged them to consider what the message of Jesus means for life in the 21st century.

He’s a big believer that God’s message of healing is not only relevant for today – but important too. One of the results of this has been numerous stories that have emerged of people experiencing genuine healing, some of which have been featured in newspapers and on television.

Roy Todd’s world-wide travels have taken him to continents as diverse as America, Europe, Africa and Asia.  

 He’s certain that no-one is beyond God’s help, convinced that miracles still happen today and confident that people’s best days can still be ahead.For more information on the ministry of

Evangelist Roy Todd, click on www.roytodd.org            

Sermon Starters provided by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson

This is but a sermon starter to get you thinking and studying in relation to the text and theme. Trust it will be provocative and promotive. 


PSALM 103 

The psalmist, David, here just rejoices and revels in God’s grace as demonstrated in the many mercies extended towards him. He is utterly overwhelmed as he contemplates and meditates on the many things that the Lord has wrought within his life. He has a great deal to be thankful for. The Lord’s mercies stem from His grace and mercy stands for the steadfast, loving-kindness of the Lord. Grace is kind and expresses itself in doing good and choice things and this is so true with regard to the Lord. Grace flows with abundant mercies. The prophet, Jeremiah, exclaimed that on a daily basis and expression ‘the Lord’s mercies are new every morning” – Lamentations 3: 22, 23. Here David numbers some of those mercies but there are others besides. Mercies are seen as benefits – v2 and we are ‘crowned with them’. Elsewhere ‘loaded with them.’ 

1/.  THE BENEFIT OF FORGIVENESS – v3 What a graceful benefit ‘forgiveness’ is when once it is recognized what sin and iniquity really is! Sin is both vile and violent and is offensive to God and destructive to us but thankfully there is such a thing as divine forgiveness that flows from the God of grace.  One could be rightly sentenced and punished for sins committed but God has a basis on which He can freely, fully and frankly forgive and removed our offences out of sight -v12. Not some but ‘all our iniquities’ were laid on the sacrificial Sin-bearer – Isaiah 53: 6; John 1: 29.    2/.  THE BENEFIT OF HEALING -v3 Diseases that infect our spirit, soul and body can be readily and graciously dealt by the Lord through His healing power and grace. Healing life and ministry are His special works to those who live under His covenant and government of grace. The covenant Lord offers the promise of life and health and He is well able to live up to and keep His word in this – Exodus 15: 26.  3/.  THE BENEFIT OF RESTORATION – v4 This mercy seems to offer the premium of preservation and protection from the things that would come and suddenly destroy. Grace had preserved David from the lion, bear, Goliath etc. The Lord hath power to restore from the extreme circumstance when death looms large on the horizon – Psalm 107: 17-18; Acts 27.  4/.  THE BENEFIT OF SATISFACTION – v5 There was a time when David had it tough and rough but then he was so blessed he had the choicest of dainties. He lacked for nothing that brought immense pleasure to his taste buds. In Psalm 23 he speaks about a table being spread.  5/.  THE BENEFIT OF JUSTIFICATION – v6 The Lord had fought his battles and justified him on every front before all.  6/.  THE BENEFIT OF REVELATION AND POSITIVE ACTION – v7 Moses had known divine revelation, God’s ways being made known and the people had witnessed supreme intervention in so many things and all because of divine grace. This double benefit is now the lot of all those that are the Lord’s. CONCLUSION In the evidence of all that the Lord has done and is doing how can one forget His blessings and therefore a constant anthem of worship and praise should be rising from our hearts and lips.    

This is but a sermon starter to get you thinking and studying in relation to the text and theme. Trust it will be provocative and promotive. 

 THE MERCIES OF HIS GRACE PSALM 103 The psalmist, David, here just rejoices and revels in God’s grace as demonstrated in the many mercies extended towards him. He is utterly overwhelmed as he contemplates and meditates on the many things that the Lord has wrought within his life. He has a great deal to be thankful for. The Lord’s mercies stem from His grace and mercy stands for the steadfast, loving-kindness of the Lord. Grace is kind and expresses itself in doing good and choice things and this is so true with regard to the Lord. Grace flows with abundant mercies. The prophet, Jeremiah, exclaimed that on a daily basis and expression ‘the Lord’s mercies are new every morning” – Lamentations 3: 22, 23. Here David numbers some of those mercies but there are others besides. Mercies are seen as benefits – v2 and we are ‘crowned with them’. Elsewhere ‘loaded with them.’ 1/.  THE BENEFIT OF FORGIVENESS – v3 What a graceful benefit ‘forgiveness’ is when once it is recognized what sin and iniquity really is! Sin is both vile and violent and is offensive to God and destructive to us but thankfully there is such a thing as divine forgiveness that flows from the God of grace.  One could be rightly sentenced and punished for sins committed but God has a basis on which He can freely, fully and frankly forgive and removed our offences out of sight -v12. Not some but ‘all our iniquities’ were laid on the sacrificial Sin-bearer – Isaiah 53: 6; John 1: 29.  2/.  THE BENEFIT OF HEALING -v3 Diseases that infect our spirit, soul and body can be readily and graciously dealt by the Lord through His healing power and grace. Healing life and ministry are His special works to those who live under His covenant and government of grace. The covenant Lord offers the promise of life and health and He is well able to live up to and keep His word in this – Exodus 15: 26. 3/.  THE BENEFIT OF RESTORATION – v4 This mercy seems to offer the premium of preservation and protection from the things that would come and suddenly destroy. Grace had preserved David from the lion, bear, Goliath etc. The Lord hath power to restore from the extreme circumstance when death looms large on the horizon – Psalm 107: 17-18; Acts 27. 4/.  THE BENEFIT OF SATISFACTION – v5 There was a time when David had it tough and rough but then he was so blessed he had the choicest of dainties. He lacked for nothing that brought immense pleasure to his taste buds. In Psalm 23 he speaks about a table being spread. 5/.  THE BENEFIT OF JUSTIFICATION – v6 The Lord had fought his battles and justified him on every front before all.  6/.  THE BENEFIT OF REVELATION AND POSITIVE ACTION – v7 Moses had known divine revelation, God’s ways being made known and the people had witnessed supreme intervention in so many things and all because of divine grace. This double benefit is now the lot of all those that are the Lord’s.  CONCLUSION In the evidence of all that the Lord has done and is doing how can one forget His blessings and therefore a constant anthem of worship and praise should be rising from our hearts and lips.           

A Time to Laugh presented by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


Some fascinating things on old tombstones!

Harry Edsel Smith of Albany, New York :
Born 1903–Died 1942.
Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the
car was on the way down. It was.
In a Thurmont, Maryland , cemetery:
Here lies an Atheist, all dressed up and no
place to go.

On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in
East Dalhousie Cemetery , Nova Scotia :
Here lies Ezekial Aikle, Age 102. Only The
Good Die Young.

In a London , England cemetery:
Here lies Ann Mann, Who lived an old maid
but died an old Mann. Dec. 8, 1767

In a Ribbesford, England , cemetery:
Anna Wallace
The children of Israel wanted bread, And
the Lord sent them manna. Clark Wallace
wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna.

In a Ruidoso, New Mexico , cemetery:
Here lies Johnny Yeast… Pardon me
for not rising.

In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania , cemetery:
Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake.
Stepped on the gas instead of the brake.

In a Silver City, Nevada, cemetery:
Here lays The Kid.
We planted him raw.
He was quick on the trigger
But slow on the draw.

A lawyer’s epitaph in England :
Sir John Strange.
Here lies an honest lawyer,
and that is Strange.

John Penny’s epitaph in the Wimborne,
England , cemetery:
Reader, if cash thou art in want of any,
Dig 6 feet deep and thou wilt find a Penny.

In a cemetery in Hartscombe , England :
On the 22nd of June, Jonathan Fiddle went
out of tune.

Anna Hopewell’s grave in Enosburg Falls ,
Vermont :
Here lies the body of our Anna,
Done to death by a banana.
It wasn’t the fruit that laid her low,
But the skin of the thing that made her go.

In a cemetery in England:
Remember man, as you walk by,
As you are now, so once was I
As I am now, so shall you be.
Remember this and follow me.

To which someone replied by writing
on the tombstone:
To follow you I’ll not consent
Until I know which way you went

Knowing God serviced by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


Reading     Philippians 3 

Text           v10 


PAST HISTORY: The record has it in the Acts of a very religious, traditional Jew, by the name of Saul, who had an historic knowledge of God passed down to him but really didn’t know God in a personal capacity. He was imbued with a religious spirit and attitude and sought to completely eradicate Christ and Christendom – see Acts 9: 1, 2. From what he says in Philippians 3: 5, 6, he was a zealot for the Judaist faith but had no real, dynamic experience of God. In his testimony elsewhere he confesses this fact. DIVINE ENCOUNTER: But he has a dramatic and dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ that was to completely revolutionise his life and future – Acts 9: 3-9. He was never to be the same again having been apprehended by Christ. The chief antagonist becomes the most committed believer, follower, preacher and missionary. That initial knowledge brought an immediate awakening in his spirit toward God and was to impact him for the rest of his earthly career. PRESENT PASSION: Here in this letter to fellow believers and Christians at Philippi, he is affirming what his present passion and pursuit is. Having been converted to Christ he is now consumed with continual desire to know more and more about Christ. He had found that not only had Christ transformed and changed him into a new creation but it was in order that Christ might become fully known and expressed in and through Him. He uses a similar thought to the Galatian Christians. Note the sequence: Christ revealed to, in and then through me – Galatians 1: 13-16.  It is possible to discover from the context of his words where the knowledge needed to increase and intensify. 


He speaks first of all of knowing something of ‘the power of His resurrection’. There had come the special moment in his life that He knew Christ was raised from the dead and was an up-to-date reality because he had been confronted with Him on the Damascus road and now it was important and imperative for him to know that same kind of life in his own being and ministry. No longer was he to be self-driven, rather, the very life and nature of Christ must be his possession and inspiration – see Galatians 2: 20.       He taught that every Christian should walk in ‘newness of life’ thus signifying that they needed to draw upon the fresh power source in Jesus Christ – Romans 6: 4, 5. 

     2/.  In the knowledge of a close association with his sufferings – v10       

He knew from the onset becoming a disciple for Christ was not going to be an easy joy ride. Already he had witnessed what those first Christians had to face and what ordeals they had already been put through but had noted their spiritual and moral courage and commitment. There must have been the consciousness at the start that the future would entail a great deal of suffering but he would not run away from it. If the Christ could face it and win through, so could he. As he had seen Stephen confront it and win, so could he by Christ’s enabling. It would be made known to him the rough ride that would be his but he was up for it – Acts 9: 16. He did not nor would not seek an escape clause – see Acts 20: 22-24. 


As far as he was concerned he possessed a divine purpose and goal in his being which had been implanted by Christ and he would not let go until all was perfectly consummated. It was to be evolutionary as well as a revolutionary movement. Advancement and development had to take place on all fronts that was Christ inspired and produce a marked improvement in his knowledge of and relationship with Christ. It is an admission that there was still need for improvement that would lead on to the final revelation and fulfilment. In the immediate he must never lose the passion and drive to see the end result. 

     4/.   In the knowledge of the ultimate prize and possession – v14 

There is a choice optimism about his knowledge. He knows that he will reach and accomplish all that Christ has planned and destined. Whilst thankful for what has occurred and the stage now reached, he knows that he will finally come to that complete understanding of Christ that will be perfect, absolute and most satisfying. He knows what the ultimate is as revealed in Romans 8: 29 – ‘to be conformed to the image of His Son’. He could think of no better, greater aspiration and achievement. He knows what the final upgrade is! 

CONCLUSION         From his final testimony to Timothy it would appear that he has finally made it. He leaves behind a confident witness as to how matters stand at the termination of life and work on earth – 2 Timothy 4: 6-8.  One of his prayers for the saints focussed on this: ‘that they would come to know Christ better’ – Ephesians 1: 17. He wants them to improve their understanding of Him in understanding and experientially.        

Healing Testimonies selected by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


A man says a cancerous lump on his body has miraculously disappeared. 

Steve Smith, 40,-believes his faith in God has led to the miracle. He told New Life how his battle with testicular cancer was one of the toughest of his life. He said, ‘We had been going through hell. I was constantly asking God the question “Why?” and could not understand why all this was happening. ‘I always believed God could heal me, but it wasn’t easy going through the trial.  

I was facing surgery and that can really knock you off your feet. I  was so over­joyed when God performed a miracle.’ 

Steve, a pastor in Essex, revealed how he jumped off the doctor’s table when she told him the lump was no longer there He added I jumped off the doctor table thanked the doctor and gave all the glory to God for this healing.

The doctor was amazed and was looking at all previous scans. I couldn’t believe what I had heard. ‘My wife and I went for coffee and I rang the peo­ple who had been praying for me’. 

In the midst of the cancer crisis, Steve was also having trouble paying the bills at home. He was on the waiting list to find a new church, and had to settle for a job­ stacking shelves at a supermarket. Having pre­viously earned a large sum in the jewellery trade, this was a humbling experience. He said, ‘I thought God had told me I was going to be a pastor and here I was facing surgery and in unem­ployment. It didn’t make sense to my natural mind. I had to put the focus away from me and on to God. 

‘The doctor told me I had depression, but I knew it wasn’t that. ‘The Holy Spirit actually told me it was oppression. I was feeling so low and didn’t understand why this was happening to me Little did Steve know that another miracle was about to be performed in his life.  

Just weeks after receiv­ing the all clear from the doctor he was offered a job pastoring a church at Clacton-on-Sea Essex.  Before long, Steve, wife Elizabeth and their three children were on the move. ‘God has taken us from the depths of despair and doubt. He is al­ways sovereign and He always does what he wants to do. There will be troubles and trials but we must never forget that God is a God who delivers us, and if we are obedient to him he will be faithful to us’. 

The family now hopes to bring God’s healing power and love to the people of Clacton.  ‘Clacton is a church that has experienced difficulties, but God has told me that I must show His love and care to this congregation’.

Messages for the Moment presented by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson

by Jon Walker

Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. (2 Corinthians 3:4-5 NIV) 

Grace. If you carry away only one thing from these devotionals, my prayer is that it will be a mind-transforming, behavior-altering understanding of God’s infinite, indestructible, and immovable grace.

Not just a quick, yet correct sound-bite explanation – like the “unmerited favor of God” – but the deep, ancient meaning of grace that stretches across the depth and breadth and width and height of God’s character.

This is on my mind because these devotionals present some high standards for Christian discipleship. My hope is to press us both – myself as well as you – toward an honest assessment of our faith, a deeper commitment to our beliefs, and most importantly a sacrificial, wholly-abandoned love for our Lord.

The standard is high; in fact, it’s impossibly high. That’s why we need God’s grace. I can’t, but God can. My confidence is in the healing, cleansing power of Jesus Christ; my competence comes from God, and God alone. (2 Corinthians 3:4-5 NIV)

Although I strive for these standards in my own life, I repeatedly fail, but that doesn’t mean I should settle for a mediocre, warmed-over faith walk or stubbornly hide behind a devilish denial that I did and do fail. I cannot walk the walk without Jesus in me – but with Jesus, I can.

Knowing this, I can set my mind on the things above, not focusing on the things below, such as my failures, my strength, my weaknesses, and all the material, temporary matters that keep me focused only on the things in front of me.

Instead, I can get out of the way, inviting the Holy Spirit to work a transformation in my life. Whether I succeed or fail, I fall upon the grace of God. I remain immersed in his grace, knowing I cannot create myself holy, but the Spirit of God within me and the blood of Jesus Christ allow me to connect with, and be cleansed by, a holy God.

We are God’s workmanship, not creations of our own hand. (Ephesians 2:7-10

)If we don’t understand God’s grace, we stand in danger of growing weary in our walk with God, descending into a quiet resignation that the abundant life is just a notion to describe our “sweet by-and-by” future in heaven.

Or we’re in danger of descending into legalism, believing we can somehow reach God’s holy standard through our own efforts. In effect, we’re saying we can achieve godliness without God’s power! We behave as if we become one of God’s children by the things we do or the things we don’t do and not from the extraordinary grace of God.

As if.

We become like the foolish Galatians, who began their Christian walk with the Spirit, but then they began to behave as if godly goals could be reached by human effort. (Galatians 3:1-5 NIV) 

The apostle Paul, who struggled with legalism, taught the Galatians that the law was only put in charge to lead us to the grace of Christ. (Galatians 3:23-25) The Spirit of the living God transforms us by writing the law into our hearts rather than on simple stone tablets. (2 Corinthians 3:3) The godly standard is set within, where it cannot be lost, diminished, or forgotten, instead of on tablets of stone that can be broken, misplaced, or simply ignored.

So, you and I – my sister, my brother – we share in an inheritance from God, and that inheritance comes from grace. In fact, that inheritance is God’s grace.

What does this mean? 

        · You need not fear failure God’s grace allows you to live boldly. “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)

       · Your good works will be powered by God’s grace “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV)

      · Let your roots take hold in the soil of Christ – My friend, today “I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.” (Ephesians 3:16-17 NLT)

Top Ten provided by Rev. D. Gilpin


Rev. D. Gilpin

Senior Minister of Hope Church, Sheffield

Behind everything you see is something you don’t see. This book is designed to outline nuggets of wisdom that often remain invisible behind thriving churches and ministries. Mixed with a touch of humour. Top 10 of Everything looks into the Private Word and the Practical World, the Handy Hints World and the Wide World of Knowledge. It gives advice on many subjects that may prove invaluable to established and up-and-coming leaders. Read it all at once or read it one Top Ten at a time. This book can also provide new preachers with an opportunity to ‘borrow’ some of the Tom 10 outlines to create lively and dynamic sermons.



Here’s my chance to let off some steam. What gets leaders really mad is that they can’t often show it. People punch you and say all kinds of nasty things about you and the only thing you can do in return is smile. Leaders need to take care. It’s the retaliator not the initiator that gets the red card in football and it’s the same with leadership. It’s so unfair.


say that they’re right behind you then suddenly disappear. (You really want people right beside you, not right behind you.)


say that we need more prayer and then fail to turn up when you put on that extra prayer meeting.


say that we’ll need a bigger building soon, then slip out the back door when the fundraising begins.


think that they’ve got that extra edge in spiritual revelation


gather a little following and call it a ministry.

just sit there after the meeting is finished.

first letter to you is a letter of complaint, not a letter of praise.
always wear their heart on their sleeve.

everyone thinks are wonderful, but the leader knows the truth.
tell you that you’re looking tired and need a holiday, then do nothing to lighten the load (or sponsor a holiday!).

Children’s Page by Rev. E. Anderson



Text: ‘For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly’

Romans 5: 6.

How would you’ like to have a name like KALELUNGA or MUNGEDI???????~ You might if you lived in Central Africa, from which this Sunday’s story comes.

Kalelunga was a wonderful lancer and Mungedi was a very clever Drummer. They were great friends and lived in a village which belonged to Chief Kongolo.

One day there was to be a Big Dance in the Chief’s honour, and. his nephew, whom he really hated was to be the dancer and the nephew’s name was KALELUNGA.

Chief Kongolo made a wicked plan. While the entire village slept, he took two slaves and made them dig a big pit. Then he killed them and threw them in. Then he stuck spears, sharp and poisoned sticking up out of the bottom of the pit, so that anyone fell in would immediately be killed. Then he covered the pit with grass mats and went to his hut.

Mungedi the Drummer, couldn’t sleep that night and so he decided to have a Moonlight Walk and as he came into the centre of the Village he saw what the wicked Chief was doing.

Next day at the lance, Mungedi beat the drums very well and Kalelunga did his very cleverest dance to please his Uncle.

Now you know Congo natives can send out messages on their drums so every time KALELUNGA danced near the grass mats, MUNGEDI’S drum would say . . . . .’BE CAREFUL . . . .BE CAREFUL’.

This happened again and again until at last KALELUNGA realised the danger and springing over the. heads of the natives who sat watching, he fled to the forest for safety.

Then Chief Kongolo realised what had happened, he was so angry that he had Mungedi executed on the spot, but Kalelunga was saved. M UNGEDI HAD DIED TO SAVE HIS FRIEND

Do you know who died to save you?????

It was the Lord Jesus Christ. He saw you were in danger and conscience was like the Warning Drum, ‘BE CAREFUL . . . .BE CAREFUL’. He wanted to save you from your enemy whose name is Satan. So Jesus died on the Cross and with His blood will wash your sin away, if you ask Him.

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