Christian Conversions compiled by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson

Bringing Hope

        Living Hope


Jade Watson was just 15 when she was sexually abused. To numb the pain she started drinking heavily and entered a marriage which turned violent and ended in divorce. One Sunday, after years of unhappiness, Jade heard the message of Christ on a TV programme and made the instant decision to give her life to Christ.


TODAY Jade is a married mother of three, serving as a Church Army evangelist in Winchester Community Prison. She is passionate about proclaiming the Gospel through both words and actions to prisoners and ex-offenders, and longs for them to know true freedom in Christ.


‘They can relate to my broken background,’ says Jade. ‘By sharing my own story of being healed from alcohol addiction, they see that Jesus can change their lives. Most people regard them as worthless, but they are all made in the image of God-He loves and treasures them, and my job is to do the same, to make them feel valued and accepted. I encourage them to become ministers to others in similar situations’.


After a prophecy and having heard the testimony of an ex-offender, Jade went to the chaplain at Dover prison near her home and asked if she could help. She started visiting twice a week and ran two Alpha courses with 12 prisoners on each. All 24 prisoners either decided to follow Jesus or recommitted their lives to Him.  Glyn, an inmate at Dover prison was befriended by Jade and encouraged to follow Jesus. ‘He asked me how all the animals could fit in Noah’s ark,’ Jade recalls. ‘I told him such questions shouldn’t prevent him from coming to Jesus. That seemed to make sense him’.


He completed a correspondence course in theology and now is a parish priest. ‘I’ll never forget the day Jade first came to see me; says Glyn, ‘the warmth of her smile and the friendly way she shared her story with me when I was a very scared young offender. She encouraged me to come back to Jesus. I will always be grateful to her.’


Paul Fitzpatrck, a Church Army evangelist who came to faith whilst serving a prison sentence, puts it like this: ‘Prisoners don’t need to be told they are sinners-they know that already. They want to know if we have an answer, if we can offer them hope. They respond to Jade, not because she brings the hope of Jesus to them, but because she is living proof of that hope’.


Valley of Hope


‘What happens when people leave prison?’, asks Ralph Upton, a Church Army evangelist who set up the  Valley of Hope project for ex-offenders in the Welsh valleys. Their natural support networks are often non-existent, inadequate or criminal and private landlords are understandably reluctant to take them on. ‘How can we expect them to cope and to avoid re-offending?’ Ralph and his team provide tenancy support and practical guidance on aspects of daily living like managing finances and handling emotions. They bring hope through the love of Jesus Christ, and encourage local Christians and churches.





Rev. E.

Christian Conversions compiled by Rev. E. Anderson


Rev. E. Anderson

How a Diver Died – then met God


Ian Mcormack is an ordained minister from New Zealand who travels the world to tell his astounding story. He and his wife Jane have three children. This was his experience…


ONE night while diving on Mauritius I was stung by five box-jellyfish. One box-jellyfish can kill an adult in four minutes.


En route to hospital I began to see my life flash before me. At this point I was an atheist – but knew l was nearly dead and I didn’t know if there wAs life after death or just nothing. As I lay there dying, I saw my mother in a vision praying for me, encouraging me to cry out to God and he would hear me and forgive me. For the first time in my life I prayed from my heart and gave my life to the Lord.


The doctor tried to save my life but within a few minutes I seemed to slip away. (Apparently life ceased in my body for some 15 minutes)


During this time I found myself in a very place. I heard men’s voices screaming at me “that I deserved to be there”, “that I was in hell”. But as I stood there a radiant beam of light shone through the darkness and began to lift me upward Then I found myself in the presence of awesome light and power. God’s is light, I thought, am I standing m the presence of God?


I felt totally exposed but as I drew back towards the darkness a wave of light swept through me and pure unadulterated love flowed over me. I thought, how could God love me? I’ve taken His name in vain, I’ve slept  around I’m not a good man …… but no matter what I said, waves of unconditional love continued to flow over me. I found myself weeping uncontrollably. He had totally forgiven me and accepted me as I was. I could feel a healing presence touching my broken heart, deep inside where no one gets to see.


Suddenly in front of me I could see – his garments were shimmering white and his hands were outstretched to welcome me. I knew I was looking upon God. Behind him was a brand new world – fields with trees and flowers, a crystal dear stream, rolling green hills, mountains in the distance, blue skies

– perfect creation. And in my heart I knew I belonged here, that God had

created me to live here. I knew I was home.


I was just about to enter in and explore, when God asked me, “Do you wish to step in or return?” I looked back, and behind me in a vision was my mother. Would she know I made it or think I went to hell, because I had no faith? I realised it could break her heart and decided I wished to return. Looking back again I saw all my family, and thousands and thousands of other people. God said he loved those people and wanted them all to come to know him.


Then I was returned to my hospital bed. I prayed to God, and that night he completely healed me and enabled me to walk nut of the hospital the next day





Christian Testimony compiled by Rev. E. Anderson

Rev. E. Anderson



A Reformed addict once spent £400 a week on booze is seeing his dream of helping others come true.


Irishman Campbell Best started drinking when he was 14, and by 17 was a menace In Portadown, Northern Ireland, due to his drug-taking exploits.


But his life turned around in his 20s, when a Christian pal was diagnosed with cancer. His mate, Mark, told Campbell about God, and urged him to convert to Christianity


But Campbell admitted that he initially told Mark he found God simply to keep his dying friend happy.


Campbell eventually found faith In God for himself and has dreamed of helping others since then.


He said, ‘Mark had been one of the lads and he used to come drinking with us, but he returned to God before he died. He took me to a church meeting one day and I said I would be a Christian, but to be honest, I did it more for him rather than for God.


‘After his death, I felt like he had died with a lie in our relationship, as I’d had my “salvation experience” for him, rather than God. He was under the pretence that I was a genuine Christian, when in fact I’d only done it because I knew it would make him happy.


‘But God continued to work in my heart. Mark had left me some scriptures behind, and those words really encour­aged me to keep oh in my faith.


‘Mark’s testimony really changed my life and I eventually got the revelation that there was a hole in my life and that God would fill it.’  Ever since his real conver­sion, Campbell and wife Gail had a desire to help others, a dream that is now being fulfilled at Portadown Elim church, where the couple head up the Y-Zone project.


The scheme, launched in 2000, touches hundreds of teenagers each week through social clubs and Bible-based life courses.


And Campbell’s tough start in life will serve as a great reminder to the young people who go to the club, as he is able to give first-hand advice about the dangers of drinking and drugs.


Campbell 41, told New Life, ‘We had 25 kids stood outside on the first night and even though we only had a pool table, a second-hand TV, two old Play-stations and an old sofa, the kids loved it.’


As the numbers began to increase; Campbell and his volunteers knew that the Y-Zone had to expand They added pastoral care room and computer suite and have since built a 100-seater section alongside a multi-media room.


The club opens three times a week during the day, and on Friday and Satur­day evenings. Users include those age 12-25 from a variety of backgrounds and nationalities.


Campbell added, ‘The vast majority of the kids know nothing about Christ or church when they first come, but they soon hear about the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ


‘Coming from my background to do­ing work for the Lord is just amazing. I would have classed myself as a worthless individual. I dropped out of school and came out with no qualifications’.





Christian Conversion compiled by Rev. E.Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


It is encouraging to know that the One who is the Master-Creator is also the Master-Restorer. Things may have been formed in a beautiful fashion but because of certain intrusions have been corrupted and decayed and so have lost their glory and significance. This is particularly so with regard to people.  

There have been those folk who have been truly born again and renewed by God through Jesus Christ yet along the way have turned aside from closely following Him. They lose out on their relationship with him and become hard, indifferent and obstinate to God and His designs for their life. In observing them one wonders, ‘Is it possible for them to be restored?’ One thing is sure: God loves the backslider. This being so God never gives up on them. 

It was in 1973 that I was called to go and being the Senior Pastor of the Pentecostal Church in Doncaster. It was like my home church because I was brought up within its vicinity. In my early Christian experience I gained a great amount of help in attending meetings there, getting to know the folks and enjoying the wonderful ministry of God’s Word that was brought by numerous choice men of God. Whilst out visiting the membership of the church I came to the home of a woman by the name of Ethel Edwards, who was a retired school–teacher.  

Having arrived at her home I inquired as to her husband, David. He was the head porter at the Doncaster Royal Infirmary and was a backslider of many years. I was informed that because he knew I was visiting he would be out and thus avoid any contact with me. David had been an enormous blessing to my parents when they were first converted but now he was in this regrettable state  of seemingly rejecting the overtures of God’s grace. 

However, a few months went by when I received a telephone message early one Sunday morning from Ethel. She said that David was quite poorly in bed and sensed it was the right time to see him. She even went further, believing that this was the appropriate moment for his restoration to God. How right she was! I had the pleasure of not only praying for his physical recovery but for his spiritual restoration. He truly came back to God and for the next twelve months travelled around locally when I was on any speaking engagements. We had tremendous times of fellowship especially when we were travelling. 

I was again phoned by Ethel another Sunday morning to be told that during the night that David had passed away. He was suddenly called into the presence of his Lord, Redeemer and Restorer. Thank God that he had been made ready for the occasion. Ethel told me that it had been the best twelve months of her life. I was to be pleasantly surprise by the fact that David had bequeathed to me 200 pounds. It was a pleasant bestowment that was an apt reminder of God’s goodness to him. 

The gift was to have a knock-on impact. No sooner had I received the money when the Lord told me to give half of it away. In asking to whom, he showed me a family that had just returned from Australia and were in need. Quietly I saw to it that it was deposited in their letter-box without indication as to who it was from. Imagine my surprise and delight later when providentially worked something further out. My youngest son, Keith, was going through quite a torrid time in his late teens and we were looking to the Lord for an answer and it came in an unusual manner. A group of young people were due at our church on a Friday evening for a youth meeting and along them was a choice, spiritual young woman. My son took a real fancy to her and asked me if she could come and spend a week-end at our home. I replied in the affirmative. 

Helen came and as a result a loving bond was formed and she had a choice, spiritual impact upon him. From that moment he became matured, steady and committed to the Lord. Subsequently they married and have gifted us with two lovely grandsons. The amazing yet wonderful thing to me is that she is the daughter of the man that I gave the two hundred pounds. Little did I know that when I was placing the money through the letter-box I was placing the dowry down for a future daughter-in-law. 

So out of David’s restoration other things followed. Who knows when we sow what the harvest is going to be!

Christian Conversion compiled by Rev. E.Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


It is encouraging to know that the One who is the Master-Creator is also the Master-Restorer. Things may have been formed in a beautiful fashion but because of certain intrusions have been corrupted and decayed and so have lost their glory and significance. This is particularly so with regard to people.  

There have been those folk who have been truly born again and renewed by God through Jesus Christ yet along the way have turned aside from closely following Him. They lose out on their relationship with him and become hard, indifferent and obstinate to God and His designs for their life. In observing them one wonders, ‘Is it possible for them to be restored?’ One thing is sure: God loves the backslider. This being so God never gives up on them. 

It was in 1973 that I was called to go and being the Senior Pastor of the Pentecostal Church in Doncaster. It was like my home church because I was brought up within its vicinity. In my early Christian experience I gained a great amount of help in attending meetings there, getting to know the folks and enjoying the wonderful ministry of God’s Word that was brought by numerous choice men of God. Whilst out visiting the membership of the church I came to the home of a woman by the name of Ethel Edwards, who was a retired school–teacher.  

Having arrived at her home I inquired as to her husband, David. He was the head porter at the Doncaster Royal Infirmary and was a backslider of many years. I was informed that because he knew I was visiting he would be out and thus avoid any contact with me. David had been an enormous blessing to my parents when they were first converted but now he was in this regrettable state  of seemingly rejecting the overtures of God’s grace. 

However, a few months went by when I received a telephone message early one Sunday morning from Ethel. She said that David was quite poorly in bed and sensed it was the right time to see him. She even went further, believing that this was the appropriate moment for his restoration to God. How right she was! I had the pleasure of not only praying for his physical recovery but for his spiritual restoration. He truly came back to God and for the next twelve months travelled around locally when I was on any speaking engagements. We had tremendous times of fellowship especially when we were travelling. 

I was again phoned by Ethel another Sunday morning to be told that during the night that David had passed away. He was suddenly called into the presence of his Lord, Redeemer and Restorer. Thank God that he had been made ready for the occasion. Ethel told me that it had been the best twelve months of her life. I was to be pleasantly surprise by the fact that David had bequeathed to me 200 pounds. It was a pleasant bestowment that was an apt reminder of God’s goodness to him. 

The gift was to have a knock-on impact. No sooner had I received the money when the Lord told me to give half of it away. In asking to whom, he showed me a family that had just returned from Australia and were in need. Quietly I saw to it that it was deposited in their letter-box without indication as to who it was from. 

Imagine my surprise and delight later when providentially worked something further out. My youngest son, Keith, was going through quite a torrid time in his late teens and we were looking to the Lord for an answer and it came in an unusual manner. A group of young people were due at our church on a Friday evening for a youth meeting and along them was a choice, spiritual young woman. My son took a real fancy to her and asked me if she could come and spend a week-end at our home. I replied in the affirmative. 

Helen came and as a result a loving bond was formed and she had a choice, spiritual impact upon him. From that moment he became matured, steady and committed to the Lord. Subsequently they married and have gifted us with two lovely grandsons. The amazing yet wonderful thing to me is that she is the daughter of the man that I gave the two hundred pounds. Little did I know that when I was placing the money through the letter-box I was placing the dowry down for a future daughter-in-law. 

So out of David’s restoration other things followed. Who knows when we sow what the harvest is going to be!

Christian Conversion compiled by Rev. E.Anderson

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Testimonies of Peter and Cath Walley 

What would be the expectations of anyone who walked into a Pentecostal Church meeting for the very first time? Could you arrive with any idea of what you would find, or could any prior experience prepare you for what you were about to encounter? 

In the summer of 1989 as I was walking through Rotherham, South Yorkshire, I noticed a group of people stood outside of a coach which was parked in the town centre.  They were smiling politely at passers-by and chatting with those who took the time to stop.  As I drew closer it was obvious to me that this was a Christian group and I began to mentally formulate my excuse and escape route – polite smile, sorry I’m too busy and a quick cross over on to the other side of the road. 

However something strange began to happen, I felt almost compelled to go and talk to them but had no idea why and even more uncharacteristically accepted an invitation to attend a meeting that Sunday evening at Rotherham New Life Christian centre. As I travelled home I wondered what my wife would say when I told her that I was going to church that Sunday (we were both 29 years old and had never attended church before and usually found other things to do with our weekends)? Her answer was equally baffling to me, Good; I’ll come with you! T

hat first Sunday evening we found a church that was vibrant, warm and welcoming. We didn’t fully understand all that happened in an environment, which was totally new to us, and we probably didn’t even understand the language that we were hearing (where was Calvary and what did we need saving from?) but something (or someone!) had started to stir up our lives over the next week.  

The following Sunday evening found us both sat in the Gospel meeting and when the preacher (Pastor Ernest Anderson) told the Good News of Jesus Christ and asked with every head bowed and every eye closed, Will you accept him now as your Lord and Saviour? I knew with all my heart that the answer was yes.  Upon opening my eyes and to my continued surprise I found that my wife (Cath) had made the same decision at the same moment. What a wonderful Saviour we have in Jesus, his grace and mercy never fail and he allowed us to begin the greatest journey of all together with him. 

So what course did the journey take over the next eighteen years? Our early years saw us Baptised in water by total immersion, Born again by the Holy Spirit, children dedicated and eagerly desiring more of God.After just a few years however we found ourselves drifting and seemed to find more reasons not to attend church. 

Whilst visiting relatives in Australia we were invited to a church meeting and experienced first hand the God who desires that none shall be lost.  We received a message that confirmed God’s great love for us in an intimate and personal way.  Once again God demonstrated his love and mercy and once again he met us at the point of our need simultaneously. We began to again fellowship regularly and become part of two more church communities as we twice more moved house (Sheffield Christian Life Centre and Herringthorpe United Reformed Church).

We thank God for all those who have helped us so much along the way and in more recent years encouraged us to be involved with Alpha courses and preaching at churches in our surrounding area. 

The more involved we became in the things of God, the more we felt his call upon our lives and in the summer of 2006 we both left our jobs and I began full time study at Mattersey Hall Bible College.  We moved house again, this time to Retford to be nearer to the college and Cath found work at a local nursery where she has since introduced a Christian programme for the 2-5 years. 

Has the journey this far been all that we expected? No, it has been so much more. It has been surprising, challenging, rewarding, always exciting and never dull. But above all it has been a journey that declares our God’s faithfulness, his grace and mercy and his unfailing love! The intention of our hearts is to give him all the glory that he truly deserves in every aspect of our lives. We have a wonderful Saviour don’t we!

 Blessings Pete and Cath Walley 

Christian Conversions compiled by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson   

Lewis hamilton thanks After second victory 

F1 rookie Lewis Hamilton thanked God and his family after taking the chequered flag at the US Grand Prix. 

The 22 year old from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, emulated the achievements of countrymen and former F1 champions Damon Hill and Nigel Mansell by immediately following his maiden race victory in Montreal with another in Indianapolis. 

Hamilton, a Christian, believes his talent is from God. Hamilton pulled out the cross that had hung proudly around his neck during the race and declared, ‘He, (God) is always looking after me’. T

he new superstar also thanked his family for their support in the triumph, which he described as a ‘great leap’ in his career. He added, ‘I would have never thought in a million years that I would be sitting against these drivers here and finishing, winning both races in North America’. 

I’m thankful for my family and God and to the team.’                 

Christian Conversions presented by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson


The legend of George Best in our day will hardly be forgotten. He is well remembered at Manchester United, the illustrious football club. He was one of their former star players from Ireland and became renowned for his artistic football skills. He also obtained major limelight off the field because he became a tragic alcoholic. His death was premature. It is good to know prior to his decease he found Christ. The following is a tract written in reference to this written by Mrs. Carol Mcpherson.

The story of Naaman in the Bible is well known. You can read it in 2 Kings 5. Naaman was a great man; honourable and a mighty man of valour. But he was a leper.

George Best, the famous footballer had the world at his feet. He had looks, talent, fame and fortune. Be he was an alcoholic.

George’s WORST decision must have been to take his first drink. If only he had known and heeded the Scripture, ‘Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby, is not wise’ – Proverbs 20: 1. George’s lifestyle had caught up with him. He was very ill.

The day George was admitted to Cromwell Hospital 26th September 005, the Radio Class Bible Daily Bread reading was ‘Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap’ – Galatians 6: 7.

Both Naaman and George were given the opportunity to make life-changing decisions. God was worked in both of their lives. In Naaman’s home he had a little captive maid who told of the prophet Elisha in Samaria who would be able to help him. Naaman decided to seek the prophet and then following his instructions, he was healed of his leprosy.

In the hospital God had Joyce, a Christian nurse, who read the Bible and prayed with George at every opportunity. About three weeks before his death, George accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his own Saviour, making without doubt the BEST decision of his life. In the words of Joyce ‘he confessed with his mouth.’ God’s Word states: ‘If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved’ – Romans 10: 9, 10.

George enjoyed many privileges as a celebrity. His status meant he was treated like royalty on many occasions. However, his place in heaven was gained when he took his place as a sinner and not as George Best, world famous footballer.

All the family who had been at his bedside left for home on 26th November 2005, the day after George died. The Radio Bible Class reading for the day was: ‘The sting of death is sin….but thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ – 1 Corinthians 15: 56, 57.


Christian Conversions collated by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson 


 This is My Story

The testimony is by David Sansome, who together with his wife Dinah found the charity ‘Victory Outreach UK’ in 1984, run homes for young people with different needs, often from very difficult backgrounds, including people with offending behaviour, and those with drug and alcohol addictions.

‘Allow me to introduce myself! My name is David Sansome; ex-Redcoat from Butlins Holiday Camp Pwllheli from 1966 -1967. I am writing this thirty years on because I know it’s going to help many who take time to read it.

So what’s the big deal about me? No big deal concerning the 60’s redcoat – at the time, however, I though differently. I was a guitarist in a group that shared the stage with the names of the day. I travelled Europe as if the world was my oyster and at the holiday camp, I was in my element: booze, women, late parties, being in demand, in the limelight etc. Wow! What an ego trip! Yet behind the false smile were nagging doubts. I could not fool the real me and I knew I was not the ‘wonderful’ person that I thought the people saw me as.

One Day, who should arrive at the camp but a bunch of ‘Holy Joes’ – 5,000 people. A Christian group from somewhere or other and really the last thing I wanted at such an earlt time in the season. Still, there was something about this bunch, and they were really quite normal. I was keeping them at arm’s length, yet I found it rather disconcerting when they kept telling me that ‘Jesus loves me.’

I was drinking far too much and getting almost alcoholic. I shouted abuse to the Christians at one point declaring there was no God or devil and that they were responsible for wars and so on. When one young lady pressed her fingers to my chest saying tht I could well regret those words. I felt that somehow she had hit the mark. Later I turned up at one of their meetings and stayed at the back – the meeting exuded praise and joy and there was no foul language and filthy jokes. They had something we hadn’y and I was the red coat that provided the entertainment – I ran as far from the place as I could. This was my theatre, this was my turf – I couldn’t believe it. Someone or something else had come to the theatre that night.

For the rest of that season, I tried to get out of my mind, the words, ‘Jesus loves you.’ I drank more and my life got more and more sordid. Remarkably tough when I received an invitation to spend the week with the family of that young Christian lady; I ended up accepting.

On Sunday evening, I joined them as they went to their church. It was a strange experience for me yet they were so friendly and I heard again those ‘haunting’ words, ‘Jesus loves you.’ As the preacher got started, my whole life with its pride and sin panned before me. Jesus was indeed knocking on the door of my heart and I knew that this was my chance to surrender my life to the Lord. When the time came to accept Jesus into my heart and life, I went forward and prayed a pray that changed my life even to this day.

I say to you now, that if you want to turn your back upon your past life and come to Jesus, the One who died for you to cleanse you entirely and bring you into new life, then pray that same prayer with all your heart – the same as I did those years ago.

Christian Conversions compiled by Rev. E. Anderson

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Rev. E. Anderson

This is a testimony that has been forward by Barry Woodward an Assemblies of God evangelist who is seeing God at work in may lives and situations. He shares of a man who has been wonderfully converted to Christ. He is due to conduct a servive in one of our main prisons which is to be televised by Channel 4.


In March I held a three day mission at Bethel Evangelical Church in Preston. The nights were very well attended and there were many decisions made for Christ. On the second night a guy told his story of how he became a Christian after watching the DVD of my story. Here it is in his own words:
“…About 6 years ago I became involved with the National Front (The NF is a racist organization)…About the same time I was introduced to cocaine…Over the last year I became the regional organiser for the NF in the North East, which pretty much meant running the party along with the chairman…on the 10th November 2006 I’d gone to work the worst for wear…and fell out of a loft hatch tearing ligaments in my ankle and some severe bruising to my stomach… My sister rang me up on the Monday night to wish me a happy birthday and see how my ankle was…She’d left a DVD by Barry Woodward for me a couple of months earlier…The following night she persuaded me to watch the DVD…It all became apparent – the drink and drugs and the NF were all attempts to fill the gap…I ran a bath and whilst in it prayed the prayer that Barry had prayed at the end of the DVD and I thanked God for the gift of eternal life through his son Jesus. I lifted my head from the water and felt God’s Holy Spirit in me granting calmness and joy where previously there had been hatred and loathing for myself and others. Since then with God’s help I’ve almost got the drugs beaten and what I think is the most amazing thing is caused the collapse of the NF in the North East. After praying for guidance for 6 weeks I was shown how to get out of the NF by writing a letter…The chairman’s response was “no bother mate I understand”. Last Sunday he phoned me to say he has resigned and is winding up the North East branch…”
I remember him coming up to me before the meeting started. This big man with short hair and saying: “I’ve been dying to meet you” and then putting his arms around me. He then said “The last time I spoke was to 80 National Front members and tonight I’m going to be telling people of how God has changed my life”. WOW what a brilliant testimony! God is so good!

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