welcome to this christian website

August 31st – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


There are occasions when you do need to take a welcome break. Especially is this so when you have been very busy and committed to some justifiable enterprise and ministry. As Jesus said: “Come apart and rest awhile” otherwise you may really come apart and find it difficult to put and pull yourself together as one. Rest is a means of spiritual, mental and physical renewal that prepares you for something more of note and worth. As you take a rest, you do not rest from Him, your LORD. He is the real Life-giver and Sustainer and in His Presence you will discover your inward batteries being silently but effectively charged. Learn the lesson well and how greatly you will benefit!


In my Father’s house are many homes. If it weren’t so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you” – John 14: 2

This is part of Jesus’ last address to His disciples before He goes to the cross. It is interesting that Jesus actually assumes that the disciples already know that they have a place in His Father’s house because He says… “If it were not so, I would have told you”. The verse prior to this one, Jesus says to His disciples … “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. (NIV)

The very foundation of believing the promise that we have a place in our Father’s house is trust. Jesus’ heart’s cry is… trust in My Father and trust in me too! It is amazing to think that each one of us, who has called on the name of the Lord, has a place already prepared in heaven.

No matter how unstable this world system gets, we already have a home prepared for us and Jesus promises to one day receive us back unto Himself so that we can be with Him where He lives for all eternity (John 14:3). Where is this special room located in heaven? The KJV version of John 1:18 says that Jesus declared the Father right from His bosom. If we are to be where Jesus lives, I believe that each one of the rooms in our Father’s house is located in the center of His heart!

What a glorious promise! We will live forever with Jesus in the very bosom of the Father! May this promise bring comfort and hope to our hearts today no matter what trials we are facing.

Rev. Bob. Stevenson

If young toughs tell you, “Come and join us” turn your back on them! . . . . . Don’t do it son! Stay far away from men like that . . . . they trap themselves . . . . They will die a violent death”.

Read: Proverbs 1: 70- 19

People who live by violence and murder will eventually reap the fruit of such misdemeanours, either by the force of law or the very culture they advocate.

The term “MISDEMEANOUR” does just that, it demeans! It demeans you as a human being and reduces you to nothing more than an animal. It demeans your reputation as a person and robs you of that personhood which was rightfully intended to be yours by God Himself. It demeans your personal integrity so that nobody is able to trust anything you say or do ever again. It demeans your morality so that your conscience is numbed to a level of insensitivity that any perception of right or wrong is lost to you. It demeans your family connections so that the ones nearest and dearest to you become estranged through shame and ignominy. The list could go on.

When you are prepared to demean yourself and others to this degree, Solomon says, you are laying a trap for yourself, which you are incapable of seeing. Even birds of the air have greater sense says Solomon, because when they see someone laying a trap for them they do everything to avoid it! So don’t get sucked into a life of crime: – It only debases, degrades, humiliates and lowers your rightful human


A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.” Even as David thanked God for Jonathan and praised him in well-remembered lines, so have we abundant reasons to thank God today for friends and to resolve to keep these friendships in constant repair. – Edgar DeWitt Jones

True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice. – Jonson

Those are our best friends in whose presence we are able to be our best selves. – Kohler

Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you and you will be surprised what a happy life you will live. – Schwab


welcome to this christian website


August 30th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


The promise made to Joshua millenniums ago still holds good today for you – “I will not fail you” – Joshua 1: 5. He has never had a failure on His hands because it is impossible for Him to be subject to such. You can be greatly encouraged in this as you note how He stood with and behind all His servants in the past and saw them succeed and do an immense and fine work. So the days, tasks and people may be different and difficult before you, know that the LORD will be alongside to input and see you accomplish major undertakings. As He was with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Ruth, Esther, etc., so He will be by your side making certain that you deal with everyone and everything that comes across your pathway. He will cause you to have a good anmd great day, today!


”Nevertheless, don’t rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” – Luke 10: 20

In this Scripture passage, Jesus is telling His disciples not to rejoice because the demons submit to their authority, but rather rejoice because their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I believe the core of what Jesus is saying in this passage is simply this… relationship supercedes authority.

Though signs may follow us wherever we go on this side of heaven, the very reason for this demonstration of the authority that God has entrusted to us is because we belong to Him. The very fact that our names are written in heaven means that we will live with God Himself for all eternity and that is cause for lots of celebrating!

Though we may walk in the miraculous power of God, let us never forget the very essence of why God saved us. He didn’t save us to be good workers, He saved us to be His sons and daughters. In Matthew 7:22-24 Jesus warns there will be some people who have walked in miraculous signs and wonders but never knew Him. To ‘know’ Jesus is to be intimate with Him and that is the very reason why we were saved.

In John 17:3, Jesus prays to His Father these words… This is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you sent, Jesus Christ. (WEB) The very definition of eternal life is being intimate with both God the Father and God the Son.

So no matter what amazing works God has you do today, do not rejoice because of the works themselves, but because your name is written in the halls of heaven, where you will live with God forever!

Rev. Bob Stevenson

How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord! Only fools refuse to be taught. Listen to your father and mother. What learn from them will stand you in good stead; it gain you many honours

Read: Proverbs 1: 7-9

The Central Reference Library in St. Peters’ Square, Manchester, England has a central circular glass dome a bit like St. Paul’s cathedral in London. Hand painted in gold leaf letters, around the blue circular frieze at the base of the dome are the following words “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding.”
Here, right at the commencement of the book of Proverbs the writer begins a step-by-step outline of “How to become wise.”
The first step is to give number one priority to establishing a healthy respect for and an implicit trust in the God of heaven. Step two is to cultivate a teachable disposition irrespective of your liking or disliking of the advice being given. Above all, don’t be a fool and refuse to be taught either by your own or the experience others. Step three. Be sure to listen to what your mother and father have to say to you. They are probably the two best people in your life that have your best interest at heart, don’t neglect the advice they offer.

It sounds so simple doesn’t it? Three steps to become wise! But these could be the three most important steps you will ever take in your life, so be sure to start to take them today.


Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial had they not found a friend – Spurgeon

By friendship you mean the greatest love, the greatest usefulness, the most open communication, the noblest sufferings, the severest truth, the heartiest counsel, and the greatest union of minds of which brave men and women are capable – Jeremy Taylor

Some friendships are made by nature, some by contract, some by interest, and some by souls. – Taylor

Constantly look for a new friend, a truly first-class person, one who has the courage to criticize, to demand your best self, a person who has different interests and different beliefs from yours, a friend for whom you can render a constructive service. Devote energy toward making such friends. Retain them, never let them go, and continue making new friends until you die -Terhune

In the progress of personality, first comes a declaration of independence, then recognition of interdependence – Van Dyke


welcome to this christian website


August 29th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


The LORD’S desire for you is that you shall know and taste real happiness. His WORD makes known: “Happy is that people whose God is the LORD” – Psalm 144:15. He reveals that deep and abiding delight is found not in the possession and passing of things and natural experiences, but enjoying His presence, providences and power in life. So today, all you need is to come and taste of Him and see that He is good and you will be abundantly blessed and sense genuine joy and gladness. You are not to exist in misery, murmuring and complaining over life’s lot but thrill that He is now in your life to superintend and satisfy you completely. Open up on all fronts and let Him flood you with His grace and goodness and make this day one to be remembered in every way. The issue is in your hands: you can choose to be happy and blessed in and through Him. Take in Psalm 1 as your medicine!


“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over” – Psalm 23: 5

In today’s Scripture reference, King David declares that the Lord not only prepares a banquet for him in the presence of his enemies, but God also anoints his head with oil so his cup overflows. What a picture of abundance. Right in the midst of his enemies, David says that there are overflowing blessings.

I believe that the anointing that God wants to pour out over our lives today will cause us to live a life of fullness, where others will be able to benefit from the spill-over of the anointing of God in our lives. In many Christian circles, the focus is on what we can do for God. How hard we can work, how we can demonstrate our love for Him.

While all these things can be good in themselves, if we do them to somehow earn His love, we are missing the point. In 1 John 1:19, the Apostle Johns says, “We love because He first loved us”. God initiates, we receive. I believe that the key to living a life from a full cup is coming to the place where we learn to be good receivers from God.

The more love we can receive from Him, the more love will overflow in our lives. The more anointing that He pours in us; the more it can be spilled over to others. My prayer today is that we would all learn to become better receivers of the goodness and graciousness of our God and Father so that we might live our lives from a full cup that is continually overflowing.

Rev. Bob Stevenson

These are the proverbs of King Solomon of Israel, David’s son: He wrote them to teach his people how to live — how to act in every circumstance for he wanted them to be just and fair in everything they did . . . . . by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth.

Read: Proverbs 1: 1-6 What a wonderful legacy King Solomon not only provided for his subjects as their king, but every future generation who wanted to know how to live a purposeful fulfilling life in any give circumstances of that life.
Here are laid out, some of the basics for us live and act right.

Firstly there is ‘Understanding’ – That is the ability to perceive, comprehend, process or analyse what is being communicated. Then there is ‘Justice’ — The capacity to act impartially with complete equality towards everyone whether friend or foe. Thirdly, there was ‘Fair Mindedness’ — That is, a disposition that is openhearted and candid and as much as possible without bias, just and equitable.

With these three basics in place it was Solomon’s desire that all of his subjects, whether simple minded or intellectually sophisticated, would be able to take heed to the advice and warnings contained in these proverbs. So we will be able to become role models that others will be able to follow.

As you embark on this quest for wisdom and knowledge be sure to keep these three basics in place so as to gain the maximum benefit from your daily quota of God’s wisdom. A wisdom that really does work, if only we will let it!


“It brings comfort to have companions in whatever happens.” – Chrysostom

“The whole fruit of friendship is in the love itself, for it is not the advantage, procured through a friend, but his love itself that gives delight” – Cicero

“The only way to have a friend is to be one” – Emerson

“God evidently does not intend us all to be rich, or powerful or great, but He does intend us all to be friends.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“My friends have come unsought. The great God gave them to me”- Emerson


welcome to this christian website


August 28th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


Settle in your mind and heart the goals and objectives that God has set for you and go for them knowing that He will be with you all the way to see them fulfilled. As you spend time in true devotion with the LORD, He will reveal what are the vital things you must expend your time, thought and energies in. They will inspire you to become a person of great worth and cause you to serve in a greater capacity, more than you could think of. You do not have to wait until you arrive in heaven before you commence achieving objectives that will become highly rewarding and a benefit to the Christian community and world. Mark today as the resolving of the issues that you must go for, and in faith, without hesitation and fear go and attain the same by His incessant enabling.


”For you will bless the righteous. Yahweh, you will surround him with favour as with a shield”- Psalm 5:12

When someone has favour from the king, everyone in the kingdom knows it! Wherever they go, all of the royal subjects would recognize that this special person lives under the blessing of the king. What do you think it would feel like to be shielded with favor from a king?

The truth is that we already have that kind of favor on our lives right now! The King of kings is not only our king, but He is our elder brother too! We are part of His family and co-heirs with Him in His Father’s kingdom. We are called to live a life where we look to the unseen and the eternal, not the seen and the temporal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

If we could see into the reality of the kingdom, we would see the favor that God has already placed on us, a power that encompasses us wherever we go! According to the Scriptures, angels who are ministering servants to the heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14) go before us and behind us… Just because we are God’s kids and part of His amazing family.

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford

Say amen! 1 Corinthians 14:16

This Hebrew word, which has its origin in the concept of stability, is transliterated in many languages. “Amen!” is a universal term, a fragment of cosmic lingua franca. Heavenly worship is full of “Amens!”

Affirmation. When I say “Amen” to another’s prayer I not only express my agreement, I adopt the prayer as my own – “So be it” is my endorsement.
Acceptation. When I say “Amen!” to a preachers word, I express my conviction of its truth, and confirm its worthiness to be accepted.

Anticipation. This term, applied to the promises of God (2 Cor 1:20) implies our firm anticipation of their fulfilment. “It shall be done,” we affirm in faith. One of the last words in the Bible is “Amen (even so) come Lord Jesus” in response to the Saviour’s assurance of His return.

Jesus is called, “the Amen” in Revelation 3:14. His name is the divine signature to His cheque-book of promises. His name is the affirmation of all God’s precepts, His name is the assurance of destiny. He began the programme of salvation, He will finish it (Heb 12:2).


“Life is sweeter, stronger, fuller, more gracious thing for the friend’s existence, whether he be near or far. If the friend is close at hand, that is best; but if he is far away he is still there to think of, to wonder about, to hear from, to write to, to share life and experience with, to serve, to honour, to admire, to love” – Benson

“Friendship cannot be permanent unless it becomes spiritual. There must be fellowship in the deepest things of the soul, community in the highest thoughts, sympathy with the best endeavours” – Black

“Friends should be chosen by a higher principle of selection than any worldly one. They should be chosen for character, for goodness, for truth and trustworthiness, because they have sympathy with us in our best thoughts and holiest aspirations, because they have community of mind in the things of the soul” – Black

“Friendship is the positive and unalterable choice of a person whom we have singled out for qualities that we most admire” – Bonnard

“Friendship is in loving rather than in being loved”.


welcome to this christian website


August 27th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


As you reflect upon your life, service and ministry, you can consider the choice things that have already come to pass and are now an integral part of your testimony and walk with God. Take note, they are just part of a vital programme that has occurred thus far and are but preparation for much more. At the moment you may think you are at a standstill and nothing really is coming together, simply pray, trust and wait and there will come forth the breaking forth of a new day filled with blessed prospects. Do not e defeated in any way by pessimism or self negation. Recognise your true position in Christ, Know that He is in charge and He will bring you out and forth into that which will be most rewarding and God-glorifying.


”Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy\2 – \matt 5: 7

Even in secular surroundings, there is an often quoted verse from Jesus that we call the ‘golden rule’… Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. Even the world recognizes that this is a universal principle. Mercy works the same way.

There is a promise for mercy for those who are merciful to others. It is that simple. How much mercy do I need in my life? Do I need just a little, or a lot? And of course my answer is always… “I need as much mercy as I can get!”

The way that I can walk in mercy (for myself) every day is by simply extending mercy to those around me. The person who cuts me off when I am driving, the miserable store clerk, the friend who might have offended me in some way. If I forget that I need mercy myself, I may forget that I need to extend mercy to others.

Think of the areas that you need mercy in your own life. For your shortcomings, for your failures, etc. Do you want mercy to cover every area where you fall short? Then shower mercy on others on every occasion because mercy is receiving something we don’t deserve.

We know that God’s love for us is unconditional and we can’t do anything to earn or deserve it. However, there is a principle in God’s kingdom that is at work everytime we sow something…because what we sow, we will eventually reap. I know that I need mercy today, so I pray that I will have the wisdom to sow mercy wherever I go!

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford

Hebrew is a colourful language. its vivid terms often need paraphrase to bring the full meaning into our mother tongue. Take for instance the terms “a bountiful eye” (Prov 22:9) and “an evil eye” (Prov 23:6). The former is literally a gold eye; the latter a bad eye. Does this indicate an outlook on life?

The good eye – “giveth of his bread to the poor.” That is, it sees a need and seeks bountifully to meet it. The good eye is unselfish, nay more, liberal.
The bad eye – is niggardly. “Neither desire thou his dainty meals,” because though he may invite you to dinner to gain reputation for a quality he does not possess, he actually begrudges you every crumb you eat. He is selfish.

This aspect of “evil” as selfishness is developed by Dr Edwin Hatch in his “Essays in Biblical Greek”. He applies it to the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:11, “lf ye being evil and shows how our Lord understood the basic element of human nature — selfishness. This is original sin, in fact, the essence of all sin; putting self before God and men. This egoism, the enthronement of self, must be overcome if we are to enjoy life at its best. The prime purpose of “true religion” is to turn the ideas and ideals, the deeds and the doctrines from oneself. Ego must give way to Christ.


“Insomuch as any one pushes you nearer to God, he or she is your friend” -Anonymous

“The strength and sweetness of friendship depend on sincerity tempered by sympathy” – Anonymous

“Friendship is the great opportunity to demonstrate our capacity for lofty and ennobling relationships without the motive of selfishness” – Appleby


welcome to this christian website


August 26th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


Always make sure that you are going in the right direction and travel with the right and best company. The blessing of such is that you should safely arrive where you really need to be and will have enjoyed the trip with worthwhile friends. Of course, the best directions come from the LORD and He is the One you really must make sure that He is with you at all times. Although He has given His promise: “I will never leave you nor forsake you”, it is imperative that you ascertain the knowledge and experience of this continually. Always confess your need of Him and His input and He will be there to see you safely negotiate this day for good.


“We know that whoever is born of God doesn’t sin, but he who was born of God keeps himself, and the evil one doesn’t touch him” – 1 John 5:18

I really like the second part of the NIV Bible translation for this verse – the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him. The NLT translation says it this way – for God’s Son holds them securely, and the evil one cannot touch them.

When we are born of God, we are safe. We have no reason to fear because Jesus Himself is our protector. This Bible verse says that the evil one cannot touch us. What a promise! In the world we live in, there is much to be afraid of, so much uncertainty that can keep people living in a state of fear.

But we are not of this world, we are born of God. In John 3:9, the Apostle John says that God’s seed remains in us which is His very DNA. So be of good courage today because you have nothing to fear. For God has promised to keep you safe and secure in His loving embrace

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford

Archaeology, the study of beginnings, is a fascinating science. It digs into the geological past to discover relics of early life, often different, yet related to modern existence.

Someone, whether wiseacre or wag we cannot judge, has likened Church History as a similar pursuit – the unearthing from time the fossilised remains of ecclesiastical structures that once played a vital part in their contemporary scene, with relics of such forms existing today.

How true is this? And what effects do such survivals have on present church life. It is true that the present exists because of the past; but can former conventions be an impediment to present progress?

Let us note three things about fossils.

1. They are dead. Often beautiful, they show adaptation to their own time – but they are dead. Within the strata of their own time they reveal much — but they are dead.
2. They are dated. By various scientific considerations, the past is divided into “ages” with specific characteristics. But how much applies to our modern scenario?
3. There is the alarming suggestion that DNA – the life-pattern of such dead creatures may be revived, and these long defunct life-forms recovered.
Be this as it may. Applied to ecclesiology – can ancient forms be resuscitated to meet our modern needs. Some things will never die – like the scriptures – and when these form our lives, we, too live – cf Rev 21 :5.


“No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth” – Anonymous

“A friend is a present you give yourself” – Anonymous

“They who have loved together have been drawn close; they who have struggled together are forever linked; but they who have suffered together have known the most sacred bond of all” – Anonymous

“Insomuch as any one pushes you nearer to God, he or she is your friend” -Anonymous


welcome to this christian website

August 25th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


As you know and build a close relationship with your LORD in faith and discipleship, you will discover the reality of Himself and His words. His promises hold good and come to pass. He says for instance in Matthew 11: 29 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me: . . . . . For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. The most advantageous position in daily living is to be spiritually united with Christ. He knows where He is going and has the great strength to afford those who are truly partnered with Him. Your priority is make certain that you are bonded with Him and that the life flow is switched on so that you know the impartation of His love, wisdom, strength and energy to move into all of today’s demands. Together, you will accomplish beautiful things of great worth.


But don’t forget to be doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased” – Heb 13: 16

When our children were younger, it always grieved my heart when they didn’t get along. I didn’t like having to be a referee at the dinner table or to break up arguments in the backyard. As a father, I wanted my children to love each other, to live in harmony, share nicely and be kind to one another.

I really don’t think our Heavenly Father is any different. In this passage of Scripture, the writer of Hebrews reminds us not to forget to do good and share with others, because these are the things that make God happy.

In a world with many Christian denominations, I think God’s kids have a tendency to major on the minors in our Christian walk rather than focusing on the things that really touch His heart. The sacrifices in every day life that make Him smile are simply the good things we do for others.

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford

In a London Church I once attended was a clock which, instead of the usual figures one to twelve, had in their place the words GOD IS LOVE. This, with three large dots between the words, made up the twelve points of a normal clock face.

What a message! Each time we looked at the clock it spoke of God’s love, reminding us of the timeless and timely care of God for His people. Each hour, each minute is a fresh revelation of His mercy and grace. Think of it like this:-
“God is love at midnight chill When the world is dark and still; God is love through all the night Keeping saints within His sight. God is love at dawn’s first light, With the darkness put to flight. God is love at high mid-day, When we pause from work to pray; God is love through afternoon. Growing weary? None too soon Comes evening with its soft twilight, Then gently falls the shades of night – And ‘God is love’, still glad we say, Through the night and through the day. ”

The love of God preceded time for before the ages began to unfold He had planned their ultimately happy course. The love of God pervaded time, for, in spite of all that a sin-troubled world endures, the grace of God still conquers evil. The love of God will persist to and through eternity for He can never change. The great thing that makes Heaven so alluring and acceptable is the unchangeable fact that GOD IS LOVE.


“There is no father on earth who has as much love in his heart as God has for you. You may be sinful as hell; yet God stands ready and willing to receive you to His bosom and to forgive you freely” – D.L. Moody

“Doing an injury puts you below your enemy; revenging one, makes you even with him; forgiving it sets you above him.” – Nylic Review

“Little, vicious minds abound with anger and revenge, and are incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving their enemies” – Philip, Earl of Chesterfield

“It is only one step from toleration to forgiveness.” – Pinero


welcome to this christian website

August 24th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


Do not live in your yesterdays or yester years. Be glad and grateful for all the great and good things that have happened that have made you more loving, understanding and helpful, etc. But such is past. There is so much more to be wrought as you walk along within the LORD and engage in His enterprises for your life. The past is simply the past for the launching forth of your life and ministry in a much fuller and richer way so that many will benefit from your presence and input. Mark today as the introduction of moving into something fresh that will herald some outstanding things.


“For his anger is but for a moment. His favour is for a lifetime. Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” – Psalm 30:5

#In the book of Ecclesiastes, it says that there is a season for all things. There is a time to weep and there is a time to rejoice. There are times of intense hardship and there are times of rest and peace. Today’s promise from Psalm 30:5 is really speaking to those who are struggling right now. When I read this passage of Scripture, in my heart, I hear God saying “Don’t give up! Keep on going! Joy is coming soon!”

In the midst of any trials you may face today, be encouraged in knowing that they are only temporary. Joy is coming, so don’t lose heart! It is in these dark times that we learn just how close God really is to us. A good friend of mine once said that the Gardener (Father God) is never closer to the branch than when He is pruning it – John 15: -2.

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford

The writer of Hebrews stresses the need of a spiritual approach to our afflictions and distresses. These persecuted souls were exhorted to be “followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb 6:12). In other words “stick it out: the Lord is with you”. Here are two things to help us through such times.

First, we should believe our beliefs. Trials are a test of our faith. lt is not enough to have a creed, we must have a conviction. When trouble comes we are thrown back on the promises of God. Will they work? Faith says, “Yes!” and hold on until God gives deliverance. Times change, circumstances change, we change — but God never changes, His word cannot fail.

Secondly, we must learn to doubt our doubts. With the Psalmist we may be constrained to say “How long, O Lord,” or even to moan, “Hath God forgotten to be gracious” (Ps 77:9). To sink a little under our load is not sinful, it is natural, but to wallow in our woe is sinful. Have you doubts, face them with God’s faithful word, declare that irrationality, banish them with a determined effort of will and let there dawn a new day of faith. ln such a situation deadly doubt is dead.


“His heart was as great as the world, but there was no room in it to hold the memory of a wrong” – Emerson

“The noblest revenge is to forgive” – Fuller

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” -Gandhi

“He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for every one has need to be forgiven.” – Herbert

“In the sphere of forgiveness, too many hatchets are buried alive” – Hubbard


welcome to this christian website


August 23rd – 2015

Rev. E. Anderson


Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


The only way to finish right is to make sure you commence right and continue on the right course. The LORD is the finest example in this procedure and has never erred once and is to be emulated. He is the One that draws alongside and as He is given permission to come inside your life to live, He has to capacity of causing to continually instigate things good at the beginning and keep you on track so that you succeed in what you do and accomplish life’s journey well. You have choice and great things to see fulfilled and He is the best and most glorious inspiration to see such achieved. So, this is a new day with immense possibilities. With Him aboard and adding His weight and worth, you should see good factors initiated and brought to fullness of triumph. You will have every reason toi rejoice in mission accomplished to great satisfaction.


“As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted in Jerusalem”- Isaiah 66: 13

We all need comfort. There are times when we need a father’s reassurance and there are times when we need a mother’s comfort. When our children were little, if they got hurt playing in the backyard, they would look for their mother first before they would look for me. That is because there is something in a mother’s heart that provides a reassuring comfort that is quite different from a father. Fathers tend to try and fix the situation, where mothers bring comfort. In the same way that there are many Scriptures that compare God’s heart to the heart of a natural father (Psalm 103:13-14), there are also other verses that speak of a feminine expression of His love.

This is one of those passages of Scripture where God is speaking to His people and telling them of His mother’s heart for them.  While we know that God is our Father, we also know that He is the complete expression of love. He does not just express masculine love, but feminine love as well for He is the very essence of all love (1 John 4:16). There are times when we need the strength and exhortation that comes from a father, and there are other times when we need comfort that comes from a mother’s heart.  God’s love for you is so vast that it far surpasses every love that you have ever known. Mother. Father. Sister. Brother. Son. Daughter. Spouse. Friend. The next time that you need the comforting embrace of God, be encouraged to know that He has promised to comfort you just like a mother would… but only a millions time better!

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford


“Don’t tell anybody,” said Charles Lamb, clutching a friend’s arm as they walked down Fleet Street, “But I have been dead for years and nobody knows it”. But he himself did, and that proved he still had a modicum of real existence.

But there are those who are dead and don’t know it. Jesus told the church at Sardis, “Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Rev 3:1 ).’ Paul speaks of “dead-alive” women, who gratify the flesh but neglect the spirit (1 Tim 5:6).

It is good to build up a reputation for being spiritually alive: (“Thou hast a name that thou livest”). Provided our good name is grounded on solid achievement, we can exert- a benign influence on others.

But such a reputation must be sustained by living testimony. How we can deceive ourselves! Jesus told Sardis they were dead – but they failed to know it. Spiritual deadness is insensitivity to-our condition, living too much on the past, and satisfied complacency respecting our reputation.

Whatever whimsical Lamb meant, it is true that to confess our “deadness” can be a vital preliminary to our seeking new life in Christ.


“The discoverer of the role of forgiveness in the realm of human affairs was Jesus of Nazareth” – Hannah Arendt

“They, who forgive most, shall be most forgiven” – Baile

“I can forgive, but I cannot forget,” is only another way of saying, “I cannot forgive” – Beecher

“Life has taught me to forgive much, but to seek forgiveness still more” -Bismarck

“Good, to forget; Best to forgive” – Browning



welcome to this christian website


August 22nd – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 128,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of a Prophetic Word for Today, A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Just a Thought by Aaron Linford. Choice Quotations and something to Focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


Remind yourself of one of the titles of your LORD today, ‘He is the Beginning and the End” – Rev 1: 8. He was at the very commencement of Creation and will be there as it draws to its Conclusion. It is sure to say that He has watched over and ministered to it all the way through. But He is your Beginning and End and He is the One that superintends your days so there is no need to fear or be unduly alarmed. In His love, wisdom and grace He has taken care of today and all your tomorrows so that you may exist in peace, security, hope and blessing. When you draw close to your life’s consummation, be assured, it is all in His hands. Know that He has planned a brand new beginning for you in heaven. The beautiful thing about this is that there will be no end. He will never have to bring it to a conclusion. So rejoice not simply in His title but the reality of it to you!


“The Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is on me; because Yahweh has anointed me to preach good news to the humble. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to those who are bound; 2 to proclaim the year of Yahweh’s favour, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn2 – Isaiah 61: 1, 2

This is the Bible passage that Jesus read in the temple that affirmed His calling at the start of His public ministry in Luke 4:14-21. When you read the whole Isaiah 61 chapter in the context of Luke 4, we can read that it was actually God the Father who sent His own Son into the world to proclaim the good news of the kingdom.

The message of the kingdom is simply this… Good news for the poor. Healing for the broken hearted. Freedom for the captives. Wide open spaces to those imprisoned. Comfort for the grieving. And so much more. This is why Jesus came two thousand years ago and it is the same reason why the Holy Spirit is with us today.

If you are hurting, just open up your heart to the Holy Spirit and let the love of God bind up your broken heart. If you are grieving, let the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort bring His everlasting comfort in your time of mourning. If you are imprisoned, let the Lion of Judah set you free from all that keeps you in chains so that you can truly live a free life.

JUST A THOUGHT by Aaron Linford

Do you remember this popular radio programme of long ago? A select group of notables — Commander Campbell, Dr Huxley. and Professor C E M Goad — who commented on topical issues with entertaining openness?
Colourful figures all, especially Dr Joad with his philosophical approach to the subjects discussed. Here is one of his expressive statements: “If I were allowed to interview one famous personage and ask him one question only, l would choose Jesus Christ, and ask, ‘Did you, or did you not rise from the dead’?”’

But, Dr Joad, the answer was given long -before you asked the question. Jesus “showed himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3). He said to John of Patmos: “I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen!” (Rev 1:18).

We need not qualify for “A Brain’s Trust” to accept this answer, all we need to do is to believe this divine affirmation. Something will happen to us. We will feel the power of the Living Christ as He regenerates us. It is “heart-faith” that does it (Rom 10:9) not mere “head-faith”.


“He who forgives ends the quarrel” – African Proverb

“Every person should have a special cemetery lot in which to bury the faults of friends and loved ones” – Anonymous

“The best way to get even is to forget” – Anonymous

“The habit of judging and condemning others is usually a great deal more serious blemish than are the things we so glibly point out as flaws or faults.” – Anonymous


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