Powerful Quotes

Rev. L. Goodwin


“Prosperity is not without many fears & distastes; & adversity is not without comforts & hopes.”  Also “Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue” Francis Bacon

“Have you ever visited a piece of coastline where there is a sheltered bay? The pebbles on that protected beach are rough & jagged, not smooth & polished. But out on the open shore where fierce breakers batter against the rocks, the pebbles are smooth & round. So it is with the trials that we as Christians face. They are designed not to be punitive but productive in giving us a well rounded mature Christ-like character” Psa.119: 71

An evangelist told the following story in one of his campaigns: – “I have a friend who during the depression lost a job, a fortune, a wife, & a home but tenaciously held to his faith – the only thing he had left. One day he stopped to watch some men building a stone church. One of them was chiselling a triangular piece of rock. `What are you going to do with that?’ asked my
friend. The workman said `Do you see that little opening way up there by the spire? Well, I’m shaping this down here so that it will fit in up there.’ Tears filled the eyes of the heartbroken man as he walked away. It seemed that God had spoken through the workman to explain the ordeal through which he was passing.

“Nowhere does the Bible promise the Christian smooth sailing; but it does promise the believer a happy landing” – James Brown – AOG graduate school

“Two jars side by side stood on a shelf with contents that looked the same but actually were different. The first jar when tipped out had vinegar; the second jar had honey. It was only when the jars were knocked over was their true contents revealed.” – Robert J. Little

“God is more concerned with what happens in you rather than to you”Robert L. Moeller

“Never invite trouble – it always accepts.”

“The story is told of an only survivor of a shipwreck who is washed up on an uninhabited island. After a while he managed to build a crude hut out of the few items he salvaged from the ship. One day upon returning from a hunt from food, he was horrified to find his hut in flames. All that he had was gone. To the man’s limited vision it was the worst thing that could happen
& he cursed God. Yet the very next day a ship arrived. `We saw your smoke signal’ the captain said.

“No adversity is beyond God’s Sovereignty.”

Nothing but sunshine a desert makes.”

“It is not what happens to you that matters but your reaction to adversity.”

Time for a Laugh

Rev. E. Anderson


A Sunday school teacher asked her class of 5 and 6 year old students the following questions: “lf I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would l get in to heaven? ”

All the children answered, “NO!”

“If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get in to heaven?”

Again their response was ”NO!”

She then continued, then how can l get to heaven?”

A five-year-old boy shouted, “I know, I know. You gotta be dead!”


Two children ordered their mother to stay in bed one Mother’s Day morning. As she lay there looking forward to breakfast in bed, the smell of bacon floated up from the kitchen

But after a good long wait she finally went downstairs to investigate. She found them both sitting at the table eating bacon and eggs.

“It’s a surprise for Mother’s Day,” one explained, “we decided to cook our own breakfast.”


The computer swallowed my nanna. Yes, honestly its true!

She pressed ‘control and ‘enter’  And disappeared from view.

It devoured her completely,   The thought just makes me squirm.

She must have caught a virus Or been eaten by a worm.

I’ve searched through the recycle bin  And files of every kind;

I’ve even used the Internet,  But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Jeeves  My searches to refine.

The reply from him was negative, Not a thing was found ‘online.’

So, if inside your ‘Inbox,’ My Nanna you should see Please
‘Copy, Scan’ and ‘Paste’ her And send her back to me.


The new librarian decided that instead of checking out children’s books by writing the names of borrowers on the book cards herself, she would have the youngsters sign their own names.  She would then tell them they were signing a ‘contract’ for returning the books on time.

Her first customer was a 2nd grader, who looked surprised to see a new librarian. He brought four books to the desk and shoved them across to the librarian, giving her his name as was the custom..  The new librarian pushed the books back, smiled, and told him to sign them out himself. The boy carefully printed his name on each book card and then handed them to her with a
look of utter disgust.

Before the librarian could even start her speech he said, scornfully, “At least that other librarian we had could write.”

Leadership Factors

Rev. John Maxwell



Genesis 37:5-36; 39:1 – 41: 16

Problems never paralyze leaders; they know that solutions usually exist. The scripture shows that Joseph
accomplished much because he enjoyed:

1/. A SIGNIFICANT VISION FROM GOD – 37:5, 6, 9-11. As a youth, Joseph knew God had something special in mind for him.

2/. A VITAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD – 39:2, 21, 23. Scripture says that “the Lord was with” Joseph.

3/. A STRONG CHARACTER DEVELOPED THROUGH DIFFICULTIES – 39: 7, 8. With each new trial, Joseph grew stronger

4/. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE GAINED THROUGH LIFE – 19: 22. Joseph grew in ability and experience when he took charge of the prison.

5/. A SPECIAL GIFTEDNESS FROM GOD – 41:15, 10. Josephus ability to interpret dreams enabled him to make a difference in many lives.

6/. A UNIQUE BLESSING FROM GOD – 39:3-5. Four times the Bible expresses God’s blessing of Joseph with some
version of, “whatever he did, the LORD made it prosper” Genesis 39:2,


Christian Testimony

Paul Gbegbaje


A PIANIST WHO WOWED Britain’s Got Talent judges has revealed how he read the Bible instead of Playboy at school.

Paul Gbegbaje, 19, finally got one over on bullies who mocked him for reading his Bible and called him ‘Jesus Freak’ at school.

Paul, of Dagenham, East London, managed to get into the live final of the TV show last month, still has strong faith and he even proved back stage before his performance.

He said: “I knew God was with me.  He really came through for me”.

All three judges voted Paul through  to the next round when he revealed how he taught himself by drawing a keyboard on a piece of paper because he didn’t have a piano to practice on at home.

Paul told TV Biz: “I was different because of what I believed in. In year eight I will bring my Bible for reading time and they
would bring Playboy and stuff like that. They would call me “Jesus Freak”.

“I didn’t swear, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink and didn’t bunk. They were listening to things in the charts, whereas I was listening to the piano”.

But now some  of his tormentors have been in touch to wish him well.

Paul said: “Some of them even e-mail me on Facebook saying “Well done” I feel like I have some form of victory. I had the last laugh.


Rev. E. Anderson


“If they forsake my law and do not follow
my statutes, if they violate my decrees and fail to keep my commands, I will
punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with flogging; but I will not
take my love from him, nor will I ever betray my faithfulness” – Psalm 89:30-33

If you’ve ever taken care of children – either yours or someone else’s – you know that kids will do things
which they need to be punished. It’s just part of life, part of the pattern began when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

As God’s children, it’s also inevitable that we also do will do things for which we need to be punished. As we see from this passage. God’s discipline isn’t especially comfortable – there’s nothing particularly nice about flogging. But God is in the business of providing individualized instruction and discipline that i8s designed to help us to return to Him as quickly as possible. In other words, even when it hurts, God’s discipline really is for our own good.

In a way, it’s like getting a performance review at work. If the boss truly has our best interests at heart, he or she will give negative feedback as well as the positive; otherwise, we would never improve. A poor manager never bothers to correct his employees, while a manager who gives feedback that is honest yet gentle is an excellent boss indeed.

The good news, spiritually speaking, is found in Psalm 89: 33: No matter how hard the discipline, God will never – under any circumstance, conceivable or otherwise – take His love from us or be unfaithful to us. As Romans 8:38 says, “I am convinced that neither death or life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor height depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is Christ Jesus our Lord”.

As a result, even when discipline is particularly painful, we truly are able to smile through our tears.



Message by Rick Warren

Rev. Rick Warren


Buddy Owens

“As she stood behind Jesus at his feet weeping, she
began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed
them and poured perfume on them.”
Luke 7:38 (NIV)

You don’t have to clean up your act before you can worship God. Just worship himand he’ll clean up your act. You don’t repent and confess in order to earn forgiveness. You change your ways because you’ve been forgiven.

There are some powerful lessons about worship and about the transformation that happens in the life of a worshiper in Luke 7. The sinful woman in this story exhibited four traits we need to take note of:

  1. She worshiped boldly. This woman took a risk coming to the Pharisee’s house. She could have been thrown
    out or stoned, but she came boldly. She marched right into the house, into the dining room, into Jesus’ presence. Why would she do that? She was looking for forgiveness. She was looking for hope and acceptance. She was looking for some
    kind of change in her life. She was not there just to pay homage to some holy guy.
  2. She worshiped humbly. She wept in Jesus’ presence, wetting his feet with her tears. Then, in her deep sorrow, she got down on her knees, showing her submission to God, and dried his feet with her hair.
  3. She worshiped honestly. Many biblical scholars believe the sinful woman must have been a prostitute because she brought an expensive jar of perfume with her. This jarof perfume had significance – it represented her life; it background; it was one of the tools of the trade. When she came to Jesus withthat jar and poured it on his feet, it was her confession. She was honestly telling Jesus who she was.
  4. She worship by using a jar of perfume that probably cost her an entire year’s wages. And she didn’t just dab on a couple of drops. Luke 7:38 says she poured the perfume on his feet. Why? This was her opportunity to come clean, to meet
    God, worship him and be transformed. It was her chance to start over.

You don’t have to clean up your act before you can worship God. Worship him and he’ll clean up your act. You don’t repent and confess in order to earn forgiveness. You change your ways because you’ve been forgiven.

Romans 12 says that we offer ourselves to the Lord in worship so that he can transform us. It’s the worship that comes first. That’s what we see in this woman’s life.

Sermons of Note

Rev. E. Anderson


Reading     John 15: 11-17

Text           Proverbs 18: 24 “there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother”.


FRIENDSHIP INVALUABLE: Arguably, it can be truly stated and affirmed that ‘friendship’ is one of the choicest gifts and experiences of life. To be blessed with a friend who shows true, loving and faithful friendship exceeds anything of a material and monetary order. A worthy ‘friend’ exceeds their weight in gold or silver. Friendship is something that you can purchase, it is something that is beautifully and lovingly created and supersedes most things. Anyone who possesses a real friend is truly rich and such should not be sold or lost at any cost.

“What is a friend?  A single soul dwelling in two bodies” – Aristotle

“Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods”– Aristotle

FRIENDSHIP OF CHRIST: Jesus Christ on a specific errand and mission and that create and establish a unique and wonderful friendship between God and man. His task was to win man over to God and make man see that in point of fact, God is man’s best and greatest Friend. Throughout His life and ministry He sought to bring about this accord and He declared and demonstrated ‘friendship’ in the truest sense. The very fact that He chose to be a man and drawn near to man as the Son of God and Man indicates how intent and intense He is in achieving this great end. He could say to those disciples that were close to Him – “I have called you friends” – John 15: 15. There was a warmth and intimacy made known in this admission. They were more than disciples and servants: they were His ‘friends’.

FRIENDSHIP EXPRESSED: In considering the friendship of Christ it is seen to be positive undeniable. If ever an individual or person gave note and emphasis to ‘friendship’ it was Christ and His friendship was and still expressed in choice and bountiful ways. It is there for all to see, to think about and to experience in a very meaningful way. The truth needs to spelled out for all to view and ponder upon and choose to enter into.

“Friendship is the positive and unalterable choice of a person whom we have singled out for qualities that we most admire” – Bonnard


Christ laid the principle down on which real friendship is portrayed and known – “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” – John 15: 13. he sets clearly down the sure knowledge by which genuine friendship can be detected. A friend is prepared to sacrifice not only their goods but themselves in declaring their undying love. It is illustrated in kind in the experience of David and Jonathan who became bosom pals and friends and asserted their kindred feeling and commitment – “the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” – 1 Samuel 18: 1.

“Some friendships are made by nature, some by contract, some by interest, and some by souls”– Taylor

Christ did not simply state a principle and rule, He fully demonstrated it by in the surrendering and sacrificing His life on the Cross to exhibit His love for all men and to establish it in everyone who would receive Him and what he had done by His death. Lasting witness and testimony was to be irrevocably given in the yielding up of His life unto death in order to save all men. His Cross blazes out the truth how God the Father and He loves all mankind. It is through His death that enemies are made into friends. Paul could say: “Who loved me and gave himself for me” – Galatians 2: 20.

C. T. Studd “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice is too great for me to make for Him”.


Faithfulness, loyalty and fidelity are the hallmarks of true friendship. Wise saying “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” – Proverbs 17: 17. Some speak about ‘fair-weather friends’, those who are only around when everything is going well and they can enjoy the benefits that are on offer. But the best and greatest friendship is to be noted when the conditions are horrendous and off-putting.

“It brings comfort to have companions in whatever happens”– Chrysostom

Christ has no equal when it comes to consistency and faithfulness in every respect and to all those who have pinned their trust and hope in Him. At no time will He ever desert or leave those who believe in Him to their circumstances etc. He gives the assured promise of His companionship at all times. See Matthew 28: 20 “and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world”. He possesses the power and ability to every one of His people at the same time and to be ever present and to maintain communications. Paul knew that if everyone else failed the Lord could be relied on. When he is on trial he could say: “At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me . . . Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me” – 2 Timothy 4: 16, 17. see also Hebrews 13: 5,6.


In His friendship there is both communion and communication. He comes alongside to talk and speak those words and messages that display His friendship. He is more than a silent listener. He has things to utter which are essential to the strengthening of the ties of divine friendship. In no way is mute but has the apt ability to speak what is essential at all times. He has wonderful ways of turning up and speaking the right inspired words into life in all situations.

Illustration:The two on the Emmaus Road – Luke 2    John on the isle of Patmos



A friend is purposed to be a counsellor, advisor and guidance given the vital knowledge and information that will cause life to be fruitful. He is present to give the knowledge that in-builds vital safeguards into life, warning when such is necessary, encouraging when things of a depressing and discouraging nature. Christ is never over-bearing but is quietly present to give all the necessary advice that leads to the promotion and preservation of life. 

He is ever-present to open up the life so that is fulfils it great potentiality, revealing the gifts and abilities and encouraging the believer to use them to their maximum because He knows that such bonds the fellowship and friendship. He seeks to make equal to everyone and everything that has to be confronted.

Illustration: Paul- the Lord’s word to Ananias“He is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear my Name before Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great he must suffer for my Name’s sake” – Acts 9: 15, 16.


He is not present to do nothing but present to render all that is necessary to make the friendship more effectual. At His disposal is His all sufficiency to minister to what is required to meet every current situation. He is alongside to cover everything that is necessary so that all is answered. There is power and strength afforded so that the Christian can more than cope with every demand. He has the power to turn up and switch on great performances to assist His friends. He comes on to the scene and acts for the benefit and blessedness of His friends.

Illustration:   Daniel in the den of lions – Daniel 6

                 Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail – Acts 6


The friendship Christ is not to be limited to this life. It has to be understood it is not of a fleeting and temporary kind. Christ has not come to set something up that is short-lived and will eventually cease to be. One of the best and greatest and best things about His friendship, it is purposed to be everlasting. He does think or contemplate a conclusion to this choice blessing.

He is to be present at one’s death and departure. There is no termination when death and departure occurs. David the psalmist got it altogether when he said: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me” – Psalm 23: 4. He plans and purposes to keep company as they pass through this experience. The One who has been present in life will surely be there at death.

“We picture death as coming to destroy; let us rather picture Christ as coming to save.  We think of death as ending; let us rather think of life as beginning and that more abundantly.  We think of losing; let us think of gaining.  We think of parting, let us think of meeting.  We think of going away; let us think of arriving. And as the voice of death whispers “You must go from earth,” let us hear the voice of Christ saying, “You are but coming to Me!”-Macleod

“We are but tenants and . . . shortly the great Landlord will give us notice that our lease has expired”– Jefferson

He plans to be an eternal friend in an eternal world filled with incredible factors. As principal Friend he makes it known why he has gone to heaven. He is going to make known what this friendship leads to – heaven, with all of its surprises – 1 Corinthians 2: 9,10 “Eye hath not seen . . . .”. His is a never ending friendship. It will never come to a conclusion and the saying “The best is yet to be” will surely be in eternal evidence.


Now is the opportunity for this divine friendship to be the experience and entirely evidence. To those who have not yet made the discovery, the time is opportune to make Christ your best Friend.

“True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice. -Jonson

To those who have, now it privilege and favour to establish the divine friendship in meaningful ways.


God’s Kingdom

Rev. John Willoughby


(All scriptures in ‘New King James Version’, unless otherwise stated.)


Mk 13:24-27. As one dispensation (the church age) slips into the next (the Millennium Age), so there is an overlapping or transitional period which (as part of this dispensation) is called, “the ends of the ages” (I Cor 10:11). Great changes lie ahead, as we come to and move through this transition period.


Phil 2:9-11. One day He will rule over all the nations. As we pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6:10), so our prayers are not only for now, but also for the future. At present His rulership is hidden, but on His return His reign and His Kingdom will become visible for all to see. Christ will then be King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all nations will submit to Him. The Second Coming of Christ is the greatest event ahead and will be the precise time when the rule of God will be on all the earth for all to see. There may be different interpretations, concerning the many Scriptures relating to this subject, but there are some major points on which we are all agreed:

a) Jesus will return first for His bride and secondly to rule. Rev 22:7. There will be two physical appearings. Firstly for His bride in the air, which is often referred to as the ‘rapture of the church’. Secondly (sometime after) to theMount of Olives, which is sometimes referred to as the ‘glorious appearing’. He will then reign from the city ofJerusalem for 1,000 years. The following are some of the differences:

Rapture. Glorious appearing.

* Christ comes at an unexpected time. Christ comes at an expected time.

(Mt 24:36, 42. Lk 21:34-36.) (Dan 9:24-27. 12:10-11. Rev 13:5.)

* He comes for His own. He comes with His own.

(Jn 14:3. I Thess 4:16-17.) (Jude 14. Rev 1:7.)

* He comes with a reward. He comes with vengeance.

(Rev 22:12. Isa 40:10.) (Jude 15. Rev 19:11-16.)

* He comes in the air. He comes to the earth.

(I Thess 4:17.) (Zech 14:3-5, 16. Acts 1:10-11.)

* He comes to claim His bride. He returns with His bride.

(Mt 25:1-13. Heb 9:28.) (Rev 19:6-14.)

* Only His own see Him. Every eye shall see Him.

(I Cor 15:51-52.) (Rev 1:7. Mt 24:30.)

b) Jesus will return first for an expectant and active people. Lk 19:12-26. For Christians, anticipating the return of the Lord keeps us spiritually alert. We need to be prepared and in a constant state of readiness, whether He returns before the Tribulation, in the middle or towards the end (Mt 25:1-13). How important it is to be actively involved in His work, “redeeming the time” (Col 4:5) and to use the gifts He has given us (Mt 25:14-30), especially the greatest of all – our salvation (the “mina” – Lk 19:12-26).


Mt 24:9-14, 24-25. The Bible says, “We must through many tribulations enter theKingdomofGod” (Acts 14:22). This statement is consistent throughout Scripture. The word in Greek for ‘tribulation’ is ‘thlipsis’, which is most frequently translated as ‘testing’, ‘trial’ or ‘tribulation’. We should not imagine that we shall escape all the effects of the coming shaking of the world systems – including earthquakes, changing weather patterns, wars, political changes and economic upheavals. Also it is a time when Satan is extremely active for, “he knows his time is short” (NIV. Rev 12:12). His main attack will continue to centre on God’s true people. This will be a time of trial:

a) For God’s people. I Pt 4:16-19. Tribulation reveals how we really respond to Him by faith in difficult times. It tests our motives and purifies our hearts, refining us as pure gold, as we choose to seek Him more diligently:

* As individual Christians. I Cor 3:10-13. We will be effected by all going on around us, for we are living in the world, but our foundations are built on the solid rock of Christ. We shall continue to receive His grace and protection and He has promised that He will be with us right to the end (Mt 28:20). It will seem that everything in life is being shaken and tested – our faith and trust in God, our understanding of the church, our true commitment to Him, our belief system and even some of the doctrines we hold so dear. As we put Him first and make the right decisions – through testing our faith will be strengthened, we can come closer to God and be changed more into His likeness.

* As His Church. Rev 19:1-2. Jesus warns us in Mt 24:24, “For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible even the elect”. As we draw near His return, so a false church will arise, which will grow stronger as time passes. It will be led towards the end by an international religious figure, which the Bible calls the false prophet (Rev 13:11-14, 19:20). This church (at least at the beginning) looks very similar to the real church, but is very different, being called the ‘harlot church’ in Scripture (Rev 17:5). The leaders and members of His church need great spiritual discernment and wisdom to know the difference between the true and the false.

b) For the world. Rom 8:19-22. The whole of creation is experiencing birth pains, prior to the birthing of theKingdom ofGod in glory. This humanistic world is heading for disintegration and destruction. The world wide problems of political unrest, wars, economic turmoil, international terrorism, plagues and starvation will never be solved by politics, religion or diplomacy – only by the intervention of God Himself (Haggai 2:6-7). The following will happen:

* A great shaking. Heb 12:25-29. God predicts that a time is coming, when He will shake the world so violently that every man made thing will be smashed. There will be wars, economic turmoil, natural disasters and the earth itself will be shaken with earthquakes, increasing in violence and quantity as we come nearer to His return (Mt 24:7). Earthly kings, dictators, rulers, governments and presidents will be brought to the ground (Isa 24:1-20). Law and order will disintegrate and anarchy will prevail. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what is coming upon the earth (Isa 2:19-21). The only thing which will remain after this time will be that which has been established by the Lord. From the smouldering ruins of humanism theKingdom ofGod will arise with great authority and glory.

* A great revival. Rev 7:9-14. God would like people to enter His Kingdom in the easy way, but the sinful human nature usually refuses this option and chooses instead to enter the hard way. In His love he may allow tribulation in our lives to mould us into the likeness of Christ, at such times we can either respond in rebellion or in repentance. Many people at the end of this age will eventually respond in repentance and will decide to enter His Kingdom the hard way – through tribulation.

* A great falling away. Mt 24:12-13. Paul writing of that day warns of a great “falling away” from the faith (II Thess 2:3). How we need to be disciplined in our Christian walk at such times of testing. In each of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation (Chs 2 and 3), the overcomers receive great blessings, no matter whether they were part of the persecutedchurchofSmyrna(2:8-11), or the lukewarm church at Laodecia (3:14-22).


Rev 12:7-11. What we see happening on earth (now and in the future) is only a reflection of what is happening in the heavenlies (Eph 6:12). The conflict is not between one tribe and another tribe, Islam versus Christianity, creation versus evolution or the rich versus the poor, it is rather between God and the devil, the angels of light and the angels of darkness. The last great conflict of the ages is now upon us, Satan is making his last bid to thwart the purposes of God and to control the world, but God is about to overthrow him and to establish His Government on earth. Even though the battle may be fierce, He is still in control and He has promised that, “he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Mt 24:13).


Mal 3:16. In Rev 22:12 we read, “Behold, I am coming quickly and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work”. Rewards for the faithful of the Kingdom are mentioned much in Scripture. Some are:

* Different mansions. Jn 14:2-3. Heaven will be so big (Rev 21:16). What a joy it will be one day to enter these wonderful dwellings, which He has prepared individually for each one of us.

* Different brightness of our new resurrection bodies. I Cor 15:41-44. Daniel prophesied, “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars for ever and ever” (Dan 12:3).

* Different crowns. I Cor 9:25. There will be crowns:- “Of righteousness” – for those who long for Christ and His return (II Tim 4:8). “Of life” – for those who persevere in their faith through great testings (Rev 2:10. Jms 1:12). “Of glory” – for faithful pastors (I Pet 5:2-4). “Of rejoicing” – for those who lead many to the Lord (I Thess 2:19-20). However, Jesus did give us a warning, “Behold I come quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” (Rev 3:11).

* Different responsibilities in the coming ages. Mt 25:21. How important it is that we use all our gifts for His glory, but especially the greatest of all – our salvation (Lk 19:12-19).

* Different treasures. Lk 12:33-35. The riches we accumulate here will be left behind, but what we invest in the Kingdom of God will be with us for eternity. Jesus said to the rich young ruler, “Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow Me” (Lk 18:22).


Rev 19:7-9. In this passage we see that the bride has a responsibility to prepare herself and in Eph 5:25-26 we read that she is also being prepared. The upward call of God could happen at any time, thus His bride needs always to be ready and expectant.

In Heb 9:28 we read, “To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin for salvation.” There is a warning given by Jesus concerning the lukewarm, “I do not know you” (Mt 25:12). We read in the Song of Solomon, “Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vine, for our vines have tender grapes” (2:15). Let not small things stop us doing that which is far more important – having a deep relationship with Jesus, which results in an eager expectancy in our hearts for His return. When we look back in millions of years time and eternity has only just started, we shall see that a heavenly vision is far more important than an earthly vision, for all that is not of Christ will be burnt up as wood hay and stubble, but that which is of Him will remain.

Let us make Him the priority of our life. “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come’! And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires, let him take of the water of life freely” (Rev 22:17). In the Bible the last words of Jesus are, “Surely I am coming quickly”, and the last words of the bride are, “Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22:20).


Message from the late David Wilkerson

Rev. David Wilkerson


I believe Jesus is coming very soon. We see the Lord gathering the nations together againstIsrael. Events are moving rapidly toward Armageddon.

“When you see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors” (Matthew 24:33).

“Of the day and hour knoweth no man, no, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (v. 36).

All signs point to a Mideast war againstIsrael. Out of the turmoil in Arab nations will come a united call to destroyIsrael. We are beholding the fulfillment of prophecies we have preached about for many years.

Those who know the Scriptures have a Holy Ghost inner sense of the Lord’s return. We hear the call of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, crying, “Even so, Lord Jesus, come.” Jesus said, “Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord will come” (v. 42).

“Be ready, for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh” (v. 44).

“Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when he comes, shall find so doing” (v. 46).

Beloved, do you feel—do you sense—that these are the last of the last days? Do you share the longing for his appearance?

Look up; our redemption is drawing near!



News and Views

Rev. E. Anderson



Pastor in move to take the gospel to Moscow.

Evangelical Christianity is booming inRussia, a pastor claims.

It is said that a new generation of evangelical Christians are spreading the gospel in radical ways.

Spearheading the movement in the Russian capital city is the Moscow Good News Church (MGN),which has a congregation of more than 3500 people.

Pastor Rick Renner and his wife Denise moved to former Soviet Unionin 1991, and nine years later started down MGN.

While the goal is to reach a broad section of those living inMoscowmetropolis, the church puts a special emphasis on reaching the rich. “Specifically, a part of our vision is to reach a higher class of people”, Renner said. “That’s because they need God too, and there aren’t many churches that they can actually feel comfortable in.”

What’s happening at MGN flies in the face of what is happening in the rest ofRussia, where most people belong to the Orthodox Church. Evangelical churches are gaining more prominence after decades of persecution under the Soviet system.


Pastor Renner said those from an orthodox background find the evangelical church community a whole new experience.

Along with the preaching of the gospel, the worship style of music is a big draw. In addition to the main service, MGN has an active children’s ministry that puts on regular drama performances about the life of Jesus. They also have an entire church dedicated to reaching the elderly.

Now a new generation of young Russian is emerging with their own views on evangelical Christianity. “Capitalism has come. Many people are successful. Many people have made money.” Renner said.

“Many people have huge amounts of money, and they’ve found out for themselves, it isnot the answer to all the problems.

“And so there’s a new wave of interest in spiritual things”.






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