welcome to this christian websiet

ernest kitchen

Nov 30th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“For our light affliction, which is for the moment, works for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory” – 2 Cor 4:17

I find it interesting that Paul refers to his own struggles as a ‘light affliction’. This is a man who was stoned, shipwrecked and beaten nearly to death on a number of occasions. Yet he had the ability to see his sufferings through an eternal perspective. Because God gave him the ability to see with the eyes of faith, he could endure the hardships of life knowing what was yet to come.

In the light of eternity, our lives will be a moment, a twinkling of an eye, so to speak. In James 4:4, our lives are described this way… Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (NIV)

No matter what you are struggling with today, be encouraged that the glory of God that will be revealed in you far outweighs your present circumstances. May our God and Father give you His peace so that you can take heart in this promise today as you continue to fix your eyes on Jesus… the author and perfecter of your faith.

ADVICE AND INSULTS – Rev. Bob Stevenson

”A fool thinks he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others. A fool is quick tempered; a wise man is cool when insulted. A good man is known for his untruthfulness; a false man by deceit and lies”.

Read: Proverbs 12: 15-7 7

We have all met those folks who are so cock-sure and self opinionated that you can’t tell them anything..

Of course there are two kinds of advice – good and bad, but at the very least it does no harm to give serious attention to the speaker or giver of that advice.

Our proverb today doesn’t say that a wise man accepts all the advice he is given, but he will at least listen to it. The difference between the fool and wise in respect to advice is the same as that regarding insults! It is how you respond that matters!

The very nature of an insult is intended to demean or pull down in some way. lt is a verbal strategy that is usually resorted to when you are not getting your own way with an opponent in an argument. Or maybe insults start to fly when your efforts to defend yourself don’t seem be working!
Wisdom does teach us, that any kind of impetuous behaviour usually gets us in trouble and probably more so when it comes to trading insults.

A cool head always wins out in the end. As my mother used to tell me, “Sticks and stones may breakmy bones but name calling or insults can never hurt me”.

John Locke

All mankind… being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.

The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.

The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.

Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and to trip.

CONFIRMATION – Genesis 26: 23-35

It is always a helpful thing in life when things of a good nature and order are confirmed to you both from the position of God and man, but especially from the former. Twice in this chapter God speaks into Isaac’s life to affirm His presence and blessing – vv2-5; 24, 25. At this point he needed some inspiration, direction and benediction from God and he received it. The Lord is still around to extend the grace of His presence and His goodwill right into the immediate circumstances and make aware that the future is bright with Him and His promises.

He gives every assurance and reason to believe and hope because He keeps a watchful eye on and a providential hand towards those that relate to His divine purposes. With His presence beside and His Word of promise inside as a sacred guarantee, now and all the tomorrows are safely assured. The divine confirmation puts all fear to rest and faith to be ever buoyant. There came the added human confirmation from Abimelech. He could see that the Lord was with him and so desired a worthy covenant of peace – vv26-33. Instead of strife there was to be constant harmony.

The Lord can cause us to be at peace with all those around. In the New Testament we are counselled to ‘be at peace with all men.’ The Lord desires that you have healthy relationships with all that are around you: in the home, at your place of work, in the assembly etc. It is a needful thing in life that you pursue – PEACE.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 29th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“There will be no night, and they need no lamp light; for the Lord God will illuminate them. They will reign forever and ever” – Rev 22:5

We live in a world that is full of darkness. Wars, rumors of wars, heartache and loss seem to abound all around us. If we focus on the darkness, we may get discouraged. However, the Bible says in Ephesians 5:8 that we do not live in darkness, but are called to live as children of light, living in the light of the Lord.

Today’s Scripture focuses on the promise of eternal life and that one day, all darkness will cease. My prayer is that we all would be strengthened and encouraged with this thought. Though we still need to grapple with injustice and darkness in this fallen world, there is a time coming when there will be no need of the light of a candle or the brightness of the sun to drive out the darkness.

Today’s promise tells us that God Himself will be the light in His everlasting Kingdom, and that we will rule and reign with Him in the brightness of His glory forever! May hope rise up in our hearts as we are reminded that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all! (1 John 1:5)

HONESTY – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“Crooks are jealous of each others loot, while good men long to help each other: Lies will get any man into trouble, but honesty is its own defence. Telling the truth gives a man great satisfaction and hard work returns many blessings to him”.

Read: Proverbs 12: 12-14

The longer I live the more I see how people in authority can be less than honest when comes to expressing what eventually turns out to be the truth of the matter. This is graphically illustrated in the political arena where truthfulness sometimes seems to be short supply. It isn’t so much that downright lies are spoken. More often than not it is significant pieces of information that get left that prevent the full truth of the matter being revealed.

Are you adversarial by nature or are you helpful and kind? If you are adversarial your driving force is conquest at any cost. If your political system is adversarial, in a parliament sense, then words are the weapons of your trade and the more adroit you are in their untruthful or partly truthful, the greater chance you have of conquest.

We need to carefully analyse what it is we are seeking to defend with our words — is our pride, our errors of judgment, or maybe our actions?

The Bible is right. Lies or even half truths will get us into trouble, but oh the freedom and satisfaction which comes to you, when truthfulness prevails in your heart of hearts — Yes! Honesty is its own defence.



If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire—then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer. ~Sigmund Wollman, quoted by Robert Fulghum, Uh-Oh, 1991

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. ~M. Kathleen Casey

If you’re going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill

We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, “Why did this happen to me?” unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. ~Author Unknown

RE-DIGGING THE WELLS – Genesis 26: 1-22

It is both encouraging and inspiring to read how God’s blessing rested upon Isaac the son of Abraham. What God had commenced He was able to continue to do. His father may have gone but the Lord remained on the scene and was able to enrich the progeny of His departed servant. There was confirmation in promise first of all – vv2-5 which became reality – vv12-15. Although Isaac was a different kind of man to his dad in temperament and personality, these did not prevent him from moving in to what God desired to do for him in terms of blessing in his lifetime.

He evidently had to face problems even in the period of blessing. The wells that his father had opened had been filled in and blocked up by the Philistines. It would seem that it had been a deliberate act on their part but Isaac showed courage and will to re-open them. He was not to be put off from opening up these sources of life for his family and stock even though contention was present. It was imperative that he put up a bold front on the matter. Eventually in v22 they open a new well that was free from division and so he gave it a divine name – Rehoboth – v22, that means, “the Lord hath made room for us.” This marked something different and indicated the Lord’s working and goodness on his behalf.

There are times when we need to persist in a programme and press through to a worthy goal like Isaac. He kept on re-digging and digging until the situation was answered. It was to be a worthy and fruitful exercise that was to lead to a real means of refreshing and the confirmation of the Lord. The Lord would develop this kind of mind set in you so that you may enter into something bigger and more rewarding. Do not give up on your present project but move on to its ultimate pleasure and profit.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 28th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“to appoint to those who mourn in Zion, to give to them a garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of Yahweh, that he may be glorified” – Isaiah 61;3

I love today’s promise. God promises to give us a crown of beauty to replace our ashes. The Amplified version of the Bible says the first part of Isaiah 61:3 this way… To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion–to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit- (AMP)

Isaiah 61 is the passage of Scripture that Jesus read in the synagogue to announce the launch of His public ministry. This is the very reason why Jesus came to earth! He came to proclaim the good news of God’s love, His desire for freedom and His promise of complete restoration to a fallen world!

No matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter how much your life feels like a heap of ashes, the promise of God is that He will replace the ashes of your life with a crown of beauty. While we will not see the complete fulfillment of this promise this side of heaven, we all can be assured that this is where we are all headed from an eternal perspective.

God’s heart for you is complete restoration. Beauty for ashes. The oil of gladness instead of mourning. A garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness. May Papa God give you eyes to see this amazing truth today in spite of the circumstances that you may be facing and may hope rise up in your heart!

RSPCA – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“A good man is concerned for the welfare of his animals, but even the kindness of godless men is cruel”. It was on the 11th June, 1824 that the Arthur Broom, Richard Martin and William Wilberforce called the first meeting of interest parties together, to establish what has co to be known as the Royal Society of Cruelty to Animals — RSPCA. As an outcome that inaugural meeting, the British House Commons passed an Act of Parliament on July 1835 which made it an offence to inflict cruelty on animals.

It is always offensive to the senses when you see the occasional reports on television highlighting the depths that humanity can go to in its cruelty to animals. Only recently I was confronted by images of brutality portrayed in a documentary on the Australian live sheep trade, which is a thriving industry amongst the Islamic nations because of their religious slaughtering requirements.

Although not an active animal rights person I cannot help but admire those who take the initiative to put procedures in place that can minimize any form of cruelty to animals. It is not surprising that it was godly people who took this initiative because of their concern for the welfare of animals. The godless have the propensity to show little concern for anything, be they animals or humans, and if left without restraint have the capacity for extreme cruelty.


“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” — Coco Chanel
Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.”
– John Wooden

“Courage is grace under pressure.” — Ernest Hemingway

AN INVALUABLE ASSET – Genesis 25: 19-34

To be the firstborn son in God’s elect household was a choice situation to be in. At the start of this new family that was truly joined to God’s great plans for mankind, twins were born and Esau had the privilege of being the firstborn with its rich entitlements. It carried spiritual and material considerations. From the spiritual angle, it meant being the spiritual head of the family through which the promises and prophecies of God would be fulfilled as made known to Abraham. There was also the material benefit of experiencing the double portion of the inheritance of father’s goods and properties. So it was an invaluable asset to be the firstborn.

Things looked good for him and yet we read of his reaction to his birthright in a bad light. He was prepared to sell it and let it go for a mere mess of pottage – vv29-34. When desperately hungry he was quick to get rid of it for a sudden meal. He struck a bad bargain! It is apparent that he lost something priceless for that which was worth next to nothing. Jacob gained that which was of immense value. Only when it was too late did Esau realize his loss and stupid action – Hebrews 12: 16, 17. In 2 Timothy 4: 10 we read of Demas forsaking Paul and the things of God for this present world; another poor bargain!

We must know what our real assets are in life and make sure we keep our real investments at all costs. Satan would rob us of our spiritual inheritance in Christ and take away our fortune for next to nothing. Being a son of God is a wonderful asset with tremendous prospects. Do not squander it for anything.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchenNov 27th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven” – Matthew 5:3

We live in an upside down Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 says that God has chosen the poor of this world to shame the rich, the weak to shame the strong, the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. I am thankful that God has chosen the poor, the weak and the foolish!

In today’s promise, we read that the Kingdom of God actually belongs to the poor in spirit. I believe that being poor in spirit is just acknowledging that we need God to do for us what we can’t do for ourselves. Being poor in spirit is to live a life of simple dependence on God’s love and His life. If we were rich (spiritually, not materially) we would not think that we had any needs at all!

Being poor in spirit keeps us dependent on the one and only true life source. Jesus speaks about such things in the book of Revelation in chapter 3:14-22 to the Laodicean church. When we think we are rich and in need of nothing, we tend to live independent, isolated and separated. God doesn’t want us separate, but very close to His heart.

So if you are feeling hungry today for His presence, dependent for God to be your very life source, you are in the best place that you could possibly be! For blessed are the poor in spirit, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these!

THE WORK ETHIC – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“Hard work means prosperity; only a fool idles away his time”.

Read: Proverbs 12: 1

I was interested last night to hear a debate between Private School youngsters and public (Government funded) School students, questioning the fairness of Government Funds being provided to the private education sector on a greater percentage basis than that of Public Schools.

The comment which really grabbed my attention was to hear the private school student declare that his father, who was a doctor, worked hard to provide the finance for him to get the best education possible, inferring that the public school girl whose father was a brick layer, didn’t work hard.

Understandably this caused the hackles to rise even on my neck not to mention those of the Public School Team. No! Hard work, in whatever field or branch of employment, whether of a manual or mental nature, will always bring its own measure of prosperity.

The fact is, that if you embrace the ethic that all effort gets rewarded in one way or another, you are bound to prosper. Any commitment that is made to look for an opportunity to effort, be it intellectual or physical, will stand you in good stead, not only in financial but in terms of your own personal development and attitudes to life.

Be sure to encourage all you can the pursuit of a positive work ethic, most of all in yourself!

Thomas Carlyle

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, which in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.

A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.

Egotism is the source and summary of all faults and miseries.

Every noble work is at first impossible.

A FULL LIFE – Genesis 25: 1-10; Psalm 92

The final words with respect to this godly patriarch could not be better as he comes to the conclusion of his life. The Lord not only gave him a long life, it was a full one, blessed in every possible way. The Newberry Bible aptly describes the phrase, ‘full of years’, in a word, ‘satisfied.’ What a beautiful expression on a life lived by faith in and unto God! To sum up life in this way reveals that life had attained its goals and reached a state of absolute fulfilment.

In what ways was he satisfied? It is a good question to ask. He was satisfied in the experience of coming to know God and of developing a dynamic accord with Him through faith. Further, he had been blessed by God in so many aspects. God had made promises to him and brought them about, answered his prayers, met all his needs and protected at various times etc., etc. Going with God had turned out to be adventurous, exciting and truly satisfying.

The God that gave this man such a rich time of it can do the same for you. Your days, and that means everyday, can be filled with God and His goodness so that life is possessed with a divine satisfaction. If you live each day fulfilled, you will die satisfied. Enjoy the best on the way to the best.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 26th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


”Let us acknowledge Yahweh. Let us press on to know Yahweh. As surely as the sun rises, Yahweh will appear. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain that waters the earth” – Hosea 6:3

God is faithful. He is always faithful and we can count on Him in every situation. We don’t have to give it a second thought. Today’s promise encourages us that our God and Father will come to us as certain as the sun will rise in the morning. Even on days where the clouds cover the earth, His sun is still shining in the heavens. And when rain is needed, He showers His blessing upon the dry ground.

If you feel discouraged or disheartened today, if your circumstances are shouting loud that God is no where to be found, be encouraged! He is closer to you than you could possibly imagine. I pray that you will know that He is faithful and He will come to you as certainly as the sun rises in the morning.

MANUAL LABOUR – Rev. Bob. Stevenson

“Everyone admires a man with good sense, but the man with a warped mind is despised. It is better to get your hands dirty – and eat, than to be proud to work and starve”. Read: Proverbs: 15:8-9 I started out my working life as an apprentice sign writer. Coming from a working class family my evident artistic skills were seen as a means whereby I could earn my living. l enjoyed my days in the sign business, which developed over the years into involvement in the whole gamut of skills in outdoor and indoor advertising.

Then the day came when God called me to serve Him in a full time capacity which meant leaving my chosen profession to engage in missionary service overseas. In those days there was no guarantee of any financial support but as l write this insight, nearly fifty years after that initial call, I am able to look back on a more than abundant provision of the Almighty for myself and my family.

However, at the outset of this call, l made a decision that if ever there was not enough income to service adequately all the needs of my family, l would simply pull out my sign writing toolbox and earn any income that was required.

In the scheme of things there have been occasions when both the call of God and secular employment have had to go hand in hand and l trust by the grace of God I will never be too proud to get my hands dirty!

Saint Augustine

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page

It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.

PERSONAL DISCOVERY – Genesis 25:11; Psalm 68

There are certain things that we have to discover and know for ourselves and that to a point is independent of others in relation to God. For over forty years Isaac had lived under the spiritual covering of a believing father, but things were to decidedly change. His dear dad would not be around forever. The phrase, “And it came to pass” does indicate things move on and there is more to be born and brought to pass. Isaac was to discover something fresh and more for his life. The death of father did not mean the end but the revelation of something special in relation to God and life. And the same can be for you!

The sure word says, “that God blessed his son Isaac.” It was now his time and turn to move into a brand new experience. A different course was now being marked out for him with the knowledge that God’s favour was to rest upon him in a personal capacity. He was to be his own person in God: to know God on the individual front and to enter into a real phase of divine blessedness. It must be noted that God is referred to as ‘the God of Isaac.’ We need to appreciate God likes the personal association and to grant blessing individually even as the psalmist underlines – “He daily loadeth me with benefits” – Psalm 68: 19. It is to be a personal encounter and experience for us all.

Mention is made of the fact that he had the good sense to dwell by a well so that he had a means of nourishment close at hand. There are spiritual wells that we need to be near so that we can draw upon them for our life sustenance. Your local church is to be such in your life so that you can live in a state of renewal and refreshing. Be sure you are present to give of blessing as well as to receive. Discover the advantage of having a well at hand.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 25th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“Before the mountains were brought forth, before you had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God” Psalm 90:2

As human beings, we are used to things having a beginning and an end. We are born, we grow up and then we die. While the human heart never really gets used to the idea of death (because we were created to live forever), we do know that there is a time to start things and a time to wrap them up. Our tiny minds are so finite that we cannot possibly comprehend things that are beyond our existing paradygms.

God on the other hand, has been around forever. There has never been a time where He didn’t exist. Before the mountains were created, before the earth spun on its axis, God was. He was not born and He will not die. He is the everlasting God. He lives forever. While this thought might have a tendency to short circuit the wiring in our brain, may we ask God by the power of His Holy Spirit to help us comprehend His everlasting nature.

I believe that the more we can meditate on the amazing vastness of our God and Father, we will begin to realize that He created us to experience this eternal life with Him! And the eternal life that He wants us to live is really not a time continuum or a destination, but a relationship. In Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17:3, He describes eternal life like this…Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. (NIV)

ALTERNATIVES – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“A good mans mind is filled with honest thoughts; an evil man s mind is crammed with lies. The wicked accuse; the godly defend. The wicked shall perish; the godly will stand”. Read: Proverbs 12:5-7
For every positive there is a negative and for every challenge that may come my way to act right and do right, I am always faced with alternatives.

Most of the issues that confront us we have already made our mind up about, because we have chosen to fill our minds with honest wholesome thoughts as opposed to letting our mind become the conduit for negative, and in some instances, evil insinuations.

As a small boy I must have been given lots of opportunity to choose what I wanted to do, even down to the point of whether l wanted jam or marmalade on my toast at breakfast. Sometimes my indecision would become frustrating to my parents and they would say something like, “Come on lad! Make your mind up”.

The choice is ours to ‘make our mind up’ about the disposition we adopt. Are we going to be truthful or liars? Are we going to accuse or defend? Are we going to stand for something or are we going to fall for anything. Come on folk – make your mind up!

What are some of the alternative choices that are going to face me today? More importantly, how am I going to respond?

John Quincy Adams

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.

A FULL LIFE – Genesis 25: 1-10; Psalm 92

The final words with respect to this godly patriarch could not be better as he comes to the conclusion of his life. The Lord not only gave him a long life, it was a full one, blessed in every possible way. The Newberry Bible aptly describes the phrase, ‘full of years’, in a word, ‘satisfied.’ What a beautiful expression on a life lived by faith in and unto God! To sum up life in this way reveals that life had attained its goals and reached a state of absolute fulfilment.

In what ways was he satisfied? It is a good question to ask. He was satisfied in the experience of coming to know God and of developing a dynamic accord with Him through faith. Further, he had been blessed by God in so many aspects. God had made promises to him and brought them about, answered his prayers, met all his needs and protected at various times etc., etc. Going with God had turned out to be adventurous, exciting and truly satisfying.

The God that gave this man such a rich time of it can do the same for you. Your days, and that means everyday, can be filled with God and His goodness so that life is possessed with a divine satisfaction. If you live each day fulfilled, you will die satisfied. Enjoy the best on the way to the best.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 24th – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that you, being rooted and grounded in love” – Eph 3: 17

1 John 4:16 says that God is love. The Triune God… Father, Son & Holy Spirit is the perfect expression of love and we are caught up in the very center of their love relationship. Paul the Apostle prays that because of the indwelling presence of Jesus in our hearts, we will be rooted and grounded in love.

The life of any plant or tree is the root system they have. If their roots are shallow or not well developed, they are at risk of being blown away or dried up. But the deeper the root system, the stronger the plant or tree is. It is amazing to see how some trees can withstand hurricane force winds just because they have a strong root system.

In the same way, the Spirit of the living God wants to root our hearts in the very depths of His love. The more that we become convinced of God’s love (Romans 8:37), the more we will know that nothing can ever separate us from His love. The more we become convinced, the deeper our root system goes.

Storms won’t be able to move us, trials won’t be able to cause us to question His love, nothing in all the world will be able to rock this revelation of love that is rooted deep into the heart of our Father. May today be a d

WIVES AND PARTNERS – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“A worthy wife is her husband’s joy and crown; the other kind corrodes his strength and tears down everything he does”.

Read: Proverbs 12:4.

The title of today’s insight could be interpreted as a comment on the woman you live with whether your wife or partner. In these days of moral liberalism, when it comes to the God ordained institution of marriage, with a lifelong commitment to one partner, you could be forgiven for assuming that both titles are synonymous.

No! The thought behind today’s proverb is the often sad fact, that you can have a wife, or a husband for that matter, who is not really in partnership with you.

And even worse than that, you can have a spouse who actually does everything possible to negate your best and most worthy efforts.

There is something very precious about a husband and wife team that radiates joy and honour. Not because they are perfect in all their inter-relational life style, but because they have learned to be as supportive as possible, in spite of any shortcomings there might be in both of their temperaments.
The kind of woman who wants to make her husband look good is a treasure indeed and blessed is the man who is crowned with such honour. The “other kind” our proverb says will only demoralize their spouse to nothingness and destroy their every attempt to build something. Whoever you are, be the right kind

Matthew Henry

Eve was not taken out of Adam’s head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.

The Scriptures were written, not to make us astronomers, but to make us saints.

Saying and doing are two things.

Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces


There was a real situation that required resolving with regard to Abraham’s son, Isaac. He needed the right wife and partner for life. The problem as v1 points out, ‘he was old, and well stricken in age.’ There was no way that he could take a long journey to get this pressing issue settled and dealt with. From the narrative it is apparent that he was prepared to trust the Lord to let Him act in the matter, and God was capable of performing on his behalf. He also was ready to look to his trusted servant to carry out his mind and will.

If ever he prayed it was concerning this matter, and whilst his servant was journeying he was asking the Lord for a successful trip. This evidently rubbed off on Eliezer because he asks God at a specific moment for guidance and assistance, which was immediately forthcoming – vv11-15. The Lord resolved it conclusively for both master and servant and prayer was answered. They could rejoice because had not failed in this difficult enterprise.

The Lord desires even today to step into your situation and affairs to prove that He both hears and answers prayer. He has His own unique ways of intervening and achieving the results that are essential for the progress of your life and loved ones. True praying is never wasted breath because it secures the attention and action of God. What a privilege to bring everything to God in prayer! He wills to work amidst all your needs and show His omniscience and omnipotence in all matters. There is no problem or prayer too big for God to answer so look to and ask Him to work the miracle for you.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 23rd – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith” – John 4:5

By simply believing that God is who He says He is, and we are who He says we are, we overcome the world! Who is God? He is the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Almighty God who happens to be our heavenly Dad. Who are we? We are His beloved children and joint heirs with our elder brother, Jesus Christ.

If we truly believe this simple truth, nothing in the world can ever overcome us! We belong to God and He belongs to us. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37) If God is for us, who can be against us! (Romans 8:31)

It is His strength and His power that has already secured our victory. We just simply need to believe it and through simple childlike trust, we will overcome the world.

Rev. Bob Stevenson

“The Lord blesses good men and condemns the wicked. Wickedness never brings real success; only the godly have that”.

Success has been defined as the accomplishment of a desired outcome, be it in a secular or spiritual context. According to this definition then, the World Champion 400 Metre freestyle swimmer, Ian Thorpe, could be described as a failure. Because of an accidental slip into the pool after coming under starters orders, he was disqualified from swimming that event at the Athens Olympics. This is Thorpe’s premier event at which he has won a gold metal at least twice before. He has the fastest recorded time above anyone else in the world! However, the rules say he has to be disqualified from competing because of this one and only false start in the whole of his illustrious swimming career. The admirable thing about this world champion is that he has accepted the ruling with grace dignity and is not expecting any different treatment, simply because he is the world In that one mistake he has according to our definition of success failed, but in actual fact as a person he has over- whelmingly succeeded.

To act in a godly way whether you are godly or not, will always bring success because there are principles of right doing which God will always delight to honour and everyone else will admire

Helen Keller

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE – Genesis 22: 15-19; Ps 23

Right from the call upon Abram’s life, the Lord made it clear that a supreme purpose existed with regard to his future, and it was that he would be richly blessed by God. There was a setting of the objective in thee surest terms so His servant should live in the conviction and assurance of this. He was to be in no
doubt that God was to bless him in an abundant manner. He had everything to
look forward to because the divine promise made to him. In no way will the Lord end up being rendered incapable of fulfilling it.

Abraham had been faithful to God in all the demands that had been placed upon him. The ground had been laid for the bringing to pass of what the Lord had said. The Lord had changed him and perfected his faith. God produced a man willing to love and obey him. Having expressed his utter devotion in the readiness to give of his best, the Lord responds in oath to the fulfillment of blessing – vv16-18. At no time is the Lord slack but is always on time and up-to-date with His words and workings as this patriarch proved throughout His journey with God.

The challenge comes down the line through the prophet Malachi. In his day God’s people were failing to give the Lord the best and so were missing out on the divine covenant of blessing. In chapter 3 he states and v10 is the directive from the Lord: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse . . . prove Me now . . . if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to contain it.” Today, if you would know the immeasurable blessing of God on your life, make sure you follow down the same track of divine love, faith and obedience. Always give Him the best. Tithing is a good way to start!IMG_2697

welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 22nd – 015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“It shall happen, if you shall listen diligently to my commandments which I command you this day, to love Yahweh your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, 14 that I will give the rain of your land in its season, the former rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, and your new wine, and your oil” – Deut 11:13-14

God’s desire for us is that we would love Him with all our heart and all our soul. Jesus reiterated this same verse in the New Testament in Matthew 22:36-38 … 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. (WEB)

God is after relationship with us. Period. He is not after our good works, our self effort or our good intentions. He is after our love. In today’s promise we read that if we fulfill His dream for us by loving Him back with the love that He first gave to us (1 John 4:19), then we will not have to worry about things like food, clothing and shelter.

In Matthew 6, Jesus encourages us to seek our Father’s kingdom first and everything that we need will be added unto us. It is that simple. If we love God with all our heart and keep our eyes on Him, He will look after the rest of the details in our life. May each one of us have a deeper revelation of God’s amazing love today and simply respond by loving Him back.

Rev. Bob Stevenson

“To learn you must want to,be taught. To refuse reproof is stupid”. Read: Proverbs 12:1 The teaching profession will tell you about the delights which come from having students who want to learn, compared to the drag of trying to communicate and impart to an unresponsive class.

‘Teachability’ is a wonderful attribute and anything we do to encourage this can only benefit the learning process in both young and old alike.

How crass and offensive is the ‘Know it all’ mentality, not only in it’s brazen manifestation of ignorance, but in the assertion that nobody can tell me anything. Such a mentality only has the effect of highlighting one’s stupidity.

Jesus said “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. See Mark 4:23. In other words, there is a choice you can make to learn from what I am about to say to you, and the only way you can gain benefit from the truth I am speaking, is to really want to learn.

This disposition of really wanting to learn, will bring advancement to every aspect of the educational process in your life; be it secular or sacred. May the Lord help us all to have “ears that will hear” and by His grace seek to maintain a teachable spirit.

Thomas Aquinas

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.

THE LORD WILL PROVIDE – Genesis 22: 12-14; Psalm 23

This man of faith was to discover that the Lord would graciously intervene and stay his hand from slaying his son and at the same time make provision for sacrifice. He had already affirmed his mind and heart on the matter in v8 after being questioned – “God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.” He was prepared to go all the way in fulfilling God’s command but also sensed that the Lord had a way of doing things. After sacrificing the ram the Lord had provided he gave the name a place – Jehovah Jireh = ‘the Lord will provide.’

This is one of the best known and loved of the Jehovah titles. We are to live conscious of the truth and fact that this is what He is to us in our experience. The divine name always speaks of the Lord being the ‘God of the Now.’ He is changeless in His nature, capacity and capability. So what He was to this fine believer He is to all who trust Him.

David found the Lord to be true to this name and so penned Psalm 23 that reflects His utter provision at all times for those who rely on Him. He is your total provider so that you will not lack. Someone has aptly remarked: He will supply your needs and not necessarily your wants. Paul later was absolutely certain in this matter by stating: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4: 19. Expect Him to perform in this regard but do not forget what your response should be to Him


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Nov 21st – 2015
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will in any way hurt you” – Luke 10:19

Jesus is our Lord, our Saviour and our Friend. He is also our big brother and our protector. In today’s promise, Jesus encourages us that He has given us power to trample on serpents and scorpions so that nothing will ever hurt us. I can remember when I was little, my big brother used to watch over me when we went to school to make sure no bullies would beat me up.

It was so reassuring for me to know that I was being watched over and protected by my brother. Not only does Jesus walk with us in every step we take, He lives in us and has empowered us to have victory over each onslaught from the enemy of our soul. 1 John 5:18 says… We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him. (NIV)

May each one of us be so aware of the protecting, brooding, surrounding love and power of God in us and around us that we will know that nothing will ever be able to really hurt us.


“The fool who provokes his family to anger and resentment will finally have nothing left. He shall be the servant of a wiser man. Godly men are growing a tree that bears life-giving fruit and all who win souls are wise… “. Read: Proverbs 11:29-31 In my time as a pastor I have come across some people who seem to delight in provoking unwholesome reactions in people. They call it just teasing, but they seem incapable of knowing when to stop or where to draw the line. Inevitably such teasing ends up in tears by the one being provoked and what starts out as supposed jest ends up in heartache and resentment.

On the other hand I have dealt with many folk who adopt the very opposite approach. Their goal in human relationships is to encourage, build up, and positively affirm. Even more so in the context of family life.

Our proverb today describes the obvious differences which emanate from these two opposing approaches. The positive approach is like growing a tree that brings fruit for all to benefit by. It is like a magnet which enables you to win the hearts and minds of those you come in contact with, and brings its own rewards right in the here and now.

The provocative approach does absolutely nothing for anybody, including the provocateur, who at the end of the day, has nothing worthwhile left for himself and certainly not for others!

Martin Luther King – Jr

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
GOD IMPRESSED – Genesis 22:-13

It is quite a thing to get the commendation of the Lord and to know that He has been greatly impressed in a noble significant manner. In this amazing and fantastic story we read of the tremendous demands that God was to make upon this patriarch, Abraham, and without ado, he demonstrates his love, faith and obedience in a wholesale manner. No wonder God was thrilled and had to say so in no uncertain terms in v16 – “because thou hast done this thing.” God’s request was that His beloved friend should offer up his son in sacrifice to Him. This was to be a real test for this choice of God’s servant. Had this boy become first place in his affections or did he love the Lord supremely? This great gift that God had given way since his arrival and now the Lord was asking him to make a sacrificial way since his arrival and now the Lord was asking him to make a sacrificial surrender! How would he respond?

The narrative reveals Abraham at his best in giving the best. There was to be no withholding from Him to whom he owed everything. So with swiftness, love and confidence he sets out on his historic action. He is not found wanting but is prepared to go all the way for God. There is no questioning of God as to why, only the readiness to submit to His command. Later on in human history, the demand would be on the Lord to take a similar route in sacrificing His Son and there was to be no holding back. How this must have inspired Him in His commitment!

The Lord does not come for the second best in our lives. It is always and ever the best. Because He is the best and the One to be wholly loved, it should not be difficult for us to always present Him the best. Rest assured, He knows what and how we give. Let us impress Him this day by responding to His requests and prove our love, faith and obedience.


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