Leadership Factors Adapted by Rev. E. Anderson


                                Rev. E. Anderson


Leaders Communicate Until They see Results

Taken from the John Maxwell Leadership Bible


Isaiah 55: 1-11


This chapter offers the words of a great communicator. In the passage God invites everyone to participate in His offer to quench their thirst. He tries to convince His hearers that He alone can fulfil their desires and permanently meet their needs. Then He beckons them to seek Him while he may be found.


Verses 10-12 contain a marvellous promise. God says that just as the rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return without watering the earth, so His Word will also accomplish the goals He sets for it. God’s Word will bear fruit. From these three simple verses, note how God evaluates good communication:


1.       His Word will get results – v10.


2.     His Word will furnish tools and resources – v10.


3.     His Word will meet needs – v10.


4.     His Word will perform His will – v11.


5.     His Word will satisfy the soul of the hearers – v12.


How about you? Can you, as a leader, makes those claims? How do you evaluate your communication? What fruit does your communication produce?



Christian Advancement collated by Rev. E. Anderson


                                         Rev. E. Anderson





A new book with a new look and with fresh developments that arise out of divine change that takes the people forward in great style. This is a great initiative that was to cause immense success in so many ways and bring to realization of divine destiny. The death of Moses and the arrival at Jordan meant a decisive alteration was to occur and all needed to be big enough to deal with it, and they were! And so there were exciting days ahead.! Thankfully, the Changeless One was in the midst creating the changes!




The Lord confirmed the appointment of the new leader and the people were ready to accept him as the one to administrate and direct future action and the Lord was to magnify him in their sight. Joshua was to be the new, unquestioned man at the helm. This trusty servant of Jehovah was ready to accept all the change that was to occur and give a lead in so many ways. One thing did remain the same, the knowledge of and commitment to the Book of the Divine Law. Joshua had to be in the position to accept the change to from follower to leader.




There had to be the negotiating of Jordan and this meant the facing of a new factor for him. It would be the entering into a new phase, the beginning of the extraordinary that would require utter abandonment and the manifestation of the miraculous in a great way. He had no difficulty in believing for it for he was a man of faith in God. There was not only to be Jordan but Jericho etc.




There was the renewal of circumcision at Gilgal and that became the place of ‘the rolling away of the reproach of Egypt’ and the keeping of the Feast of unleavened Bread. The latter spoke of their unique deliverance by the Lord.




What a startling and unique manifestation of the Lord to Joshua as Commander in Chief! He was to find out who was in charge and control and the success of the mission rested on His capable shoulders. He had the answers. Joshua could never be the same after this personal disclosure.




They were good changes that were readily accepted and paved the way for monumental progress and success. They were not to look back or go back to Egypt or to Wilderness Wanderings.


Word Studies provided by Rev. K. Munday


                                      Rev. K. Munday



Word Studies is presented by Rev. K. Munday, retired minister and former General Secretary of Assemblies of God for many years. He has served the body of Christ with grace and distinction, is an excellent, quality preacher and speaker, broadcaster, writer of books and still active in Christian service. His contributions here on Word Studies should prove a great means of blessing, inspiration and instruction.




Honour is “the esteem and respect paid to a worthy person’, and the list of people who achieve outstanding things is constantly being up-dated. We hear of new feats of endurance, new inventions and discoveries and heroic rescue dramas. The famous Guinness Book of Records lists many of them, particularly if new records have been obtained.


Such folk are the pioneers of society and are duly acknowledged for their efforts. Sometimes the reward is financial, or with an award or medal. Some are even ennobled in status so they can join the great and the good.


There is an interesting feature in one of the Cambridge College buildings – Gonville. The Campus is about 600 years old and it has three gates. The one at the entrance has engraved in the stone-work, the word HUMILITY. As you walk through the quadrangle, another gate bears the word VIRTUE, and then the exit gate is marked HONOUR. Obviously, the Founders of that establishment were men of principle and those three words symbolically indicate the hoped-for sequence of the students’ studies, with the results of their intellectual attainments being honoured.


You will know that members of the British Parliament are known as ‘Honourable members’. Whether or not they are all worthy of respect is a matter of opinion, but they enjoy that special status because the electorate has voted them in and the Queen as approved their appointment.


All these honours (if they are given to truly worthy people) remind us of the tremendous potential that is within human nature. Some believe that they are faint reflections of the ~ct that man was made in the image of God despite the misuse of those gifts at times.


The practice of honouring the worthy is endorsed in the Bible. In Romans 13:7 it states ‘1Render to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute, custom to whom custom and honour to whom honour”.


This brings us to the greatest form of honour, and that is Worship. If honour is paying respects to a worthy person, it touches its highest form when we worship the Almighty God, our Creator and Saviour, and it’s put into words in Revelation 5:12 “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, riches, wisdom and strength, honour glory and blessing! . .”



Powerful Quotes arranged by Rv.L Goodwin


                                         Rev. L. Goodwin



“Spiritual defection flourishes under loose leadership.”

Charles Swindoll



“A true & safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead, but is forced into a position of leadership by the inner pressure of the Holy Spirit & the press of the external situation. I believe it might be expected as a fairly reliable rule of thumb that the man who is ambitious to lead is disqualified as a leader.”

Dr. A. W. Tozer


“Leadership is the capacity & will to rally men & women to a common purpose, & the character which inspires confidence.” (Lord Montgomery)

Here are his 7 ingredients of leadership qualities: –

1. Should be able to sit back and not get embroiled in detail;

2. Shouldn’t be petty;

3. Shouldn’t be pompous;

4. Chooses personnel carefully;

5. Exhibits trust in those around and lets them get on with their job without interference;

6. Must have the power of clear decision;

7. Should inspire confidence.


“Leadership is influence, the ability of one person to influence others. One man can lead others only to the extent that he can influence them.”

Oswald Chambers


“A leader is a person with a magnet in his heart & a compass in his head.”

Vance Havner


“A leader is a person who has the ability to get others to do what they don’t want to do & like it.”

President Truman


“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way & shows the way. “

John Maxwell





Sermon Starters provided by Rev. E. Anderson


                                        Rev. E. Anderson



Ephesians 6: 10-20




There is a need to be strong in order to accomplish the divine things that God has in mind and work.


There is the need to be strong in order to take up and be clothed with the divine armour and engage in spiritual warfare.


There are times when God allows us to be utterly weakened so that we might discover His strength. Our impotence is to make way for His omnipotence. His strength made perfect in our weakness.  It is imperative to energised and fortified by Him and made adequate for anything and everything.


Why do we really require TO BE spiritually strong? In order




Paul makes it clear in his teaching that the Christian believer has immense spiritual opposition that is set to bring about his personal and spiritual destruction – Ephesians 6: 11-13. Satan, with the combined forces of wicked spirits are bent on bringing about ruin to the saint of God. Such can more than be overcome through divine strength, armoury and strategy.


As David took on Goliath and the whole force of the Philistines in the name and strength of the Lord, so the soldiers of Christ can effectually deal with all the opposing powers of darkness.




Prior to conversion, a person was victim to the strong law of evil within, held captive to a carnal and sinful nature Romans 7: 14-24. Man is unable to keep the force of evil in check and needed that to be broken.  As Christ Jesus is invited into the heart and life He breaks the rule and monopoly of sin through His salvation and indwelling – Romans 7: 25 – 8.  John also states: “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” – 1 John 4: 4. Christ is both the victor of sin and Satan and affords His strength to the believer to b also be an overcomer. The strength of sin is broken by the spiritual dynamic of Christ.




Trials are an inevitable part of the Christian life and they are of a different type and can assail the child of God. In order to not only endure and be victorious over them, quality courage and power are essential. Every one will be tested at some point in their walk with God and in their spiritual career. Human strength is inadequate to satisfactorily overcome and be in the driving seat. James affirms: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various temptations . . .trials” – 1: 2. There is no immunity or escape from such but there is divine strength to succour and sustain.


Joseph, Job, David etc., found a resource available from God that was more than sufficient to answer the variables in terms of trials, and so can you.




When we are made strong we are the able to be a means and source of strength to others. Note what Christ said to Peter when he was to discover how weak he was when he thought he was strong – Luke 22; 31-34. However, he would could through his test and be renewed by divine grace and strength and so be in a healthy spiritual condition whereby he would be a pillar of support to others. The directive given to him by Christ was: “and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren” –v32.


“Confirm them, warn them, encourage them. They are in continual danger, also, of sinning. Use your experience to warn them of their danger, and to comfort and sustain them in their temptations” – Barnes




There is no one that can fulfil a ministry for the Lord without the necessary divine strength.

One of the names for God is ‘EL’ which means ‘the Strong One’ and he possesses all the power and ability for every task and situation that he summons His servants to do. They must learn to derive their energy and motivation from Him. The name for the prophet Ezekiel is ‘God will strengthen,’ and he certainly required an enormous amount of strength from God to fully perform.


When God does this then the recipients know it and they believe whatever the demand they will be up to it. Paul made the affirmation: “I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me” – Philippians 4: 13.




It is possible to be strengthened by God on all fronts; even the weak and vulnerable areas can be fortified.


There is the strength of His grace, wisdom, anointing etc., etc.

The command to ‘be strong in the Lord’ must be realised

Wisdom’s Ways presented by the late Rev. A. Linford


Rev. A. Linford, before his decease, was recognized as a good, great and interesting Bible teacher in the Assemblies of God Fellowship for many years. He was a well-loved Bible College lecturer and writer that bequeathed a tremendous amount of Biblical material in his generation. What a legacy he has left to be researched and brought forth to refresh our day! We shall be using such on this site: His writings from the book of Proverbs and also his Editorials that he wrote for the Redemption Tidings when he was its editor. I trust you will enjoy and appreciate his inspired teaching.




“These . . . .things doth the Lord hate” – Prov 6:6-19


There are qualities that are repellent to a God who is holy and just and true, things from which he turns with repugnance. These are evils which all God-lovers will repudiate; these are evils which evoke the frown of God on all who are contaminated with them.


“A proud look”: Supercilious arrogance is the chief element in this list of infamy. Pride was the first sin – 1 Tim 3:6, pride is the worst sin. In fact, at the centre of all sin is pride – that is, the enthronement of self. Its evil is that it constitutes idolatry of the worst form, the setting up of self against God. No wonder “God resisteth the proud”!


“A lying tongue”: Falsehood is a great-evil, undermining the very fabric of society; for if no one can be believed or trusted, then a barrier exists between every human being. Lying violates faith, destroys hope and vitiates love. It is a deadly evil.


“Hands that shed innocent blood”: Murder is a vile offence. It destroys one who is made in the image of God, it terminates a life that cannot be restored, it robs society of a living member. It signifies a degradation, a dehumanisation, a destruction that calls for the severest penalty: “he that sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed”.


“An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations”:  The creative quality in man, his imagination, is a divine gift. Used for good it can enrich his life. Art, music, poetry – the very colour of life itself – depends on imagination. But turned to evil it can become a devisor of plots, a projection of malice, a deadly weapon of hatred.


“Feet that are swift in running to mischief”: The heart plans, the feet perform. Such feet run swiftly because the path is downward. They precipitate the soul to its own destruction. Those that are eager to do evil display malicious madness; the evil they plot destroys them.


“A false witness that speaketh lies”: Perjury is a great evil, it perverts the course of justice and condemns the innocent. It may at the time justify the wicked: but a higher justice will ultimately prevail.


“And he that soweth discord among brethren”: Brethren should live in unity and peace, but sowers of distrust imperil true brotherhood.



Help me always to do those things that delight thee, 0 Lord.

Prayer Dynamics furnished by Rev. E. Anderson


                                 Rev. E. Anderson



From the Prayers of Rev. Peter Marshall


FORGIVE us, Lord, that as we grow to maturity, our faith is blighted with doubts, withered with worry, tainted with sophistication. We pray that Thou wilt make us like children again in faith – not childish, but childlike in the simplicity of a faith that is willing to trust Thee even though we cannot see what tomorrow will bring.


We ask Thee to give to each of us that childlike faith, that simplicity of mind which is willing to lay aside all egotism and conceit, which recognises vanity for what it is – an empty show, which knows that we are incapable of thinking the thoughts of God, which is willing to be humble again.


Then may we feel once more as do our children who whisper their love to Thee, who trace with chubby little fingers the pictures of Jesus in a picture book – those pictures that por­tray Thee, Lord Jesus, with a hurt lamb in Thy arms or a child on Thy knee. Help us, even now, to feel again like that, that we may be as loving, as trusting, as innocent, as grateful, as affectionate.


And as we are willing to kneel again as children, then shall we discover for ourselves the glory Thou hast revealed, and find the wonder of it gripping our hearts and preparing them for Thy peace. So shall we, along with our children, enter into the Kingdom of God, and know it, and feel it, and rejoice in it. In Thy name, who didst dare to come to earth as a little child, we pray. Amen


Knowing God prepared by Rev. E. Anderson


                                        Rev. E. Anderson



Daniel 1




Study and observance of the life and work of Daniel makes one conscious of an individual who really knew God. An outstanding feature regarding him was his total commitment and reliance on Jehovah. It would seem that one of the main reasons why he came to understand and have a genuine and great experience of the Lord on such a tremendous scale was due to his unswerving love and devotion to Him. There is little wonder that the Lord was pleased to reveal himself to him and give an increased revelation of His person, with many other important factors that created a wholesome bond and relationship.


Trace this divine knowledge through total commitment:




        As a young man and Jew, when he suddenly finds himself a slave and victim of the Babylonian Empire, he is more impressed by the Lord than this powerful heathen nation with its idolatrous system. He is not prepared to fall foul of its manipulations but is prepared to stand loyal to Jehovah in spite of the hard situation he was placed in. Because he refused to bow and bend to the wishes and will of his captors, he discovers the pleasure and providence of the Lord. Not only is he made to look healthier, but increased wisdom is his lot and he stands out as a capable individual. His faith was duly rewarded by the Lord.




         He and his colleagues were place in difficult circumstances besides the so-called wise astrologers of Babylon because of Nebuchadnezzar’s whim. Their lives were under great threat but Daniel lived in the knowledge of God’s greatness. He was committed to seek Him for revelation and an answer to this tense situation. Along with his friends they obtained the essential knowledge from the Lord – vv19, 20.


        Later he is to discover through prayer the knowledge of the Lord’s sovereign ability to secure him from a den of lions – Daniel 6. From this incident mentioned is made of his prayer life and through this means he grew in understanding of the Lord – v10.




        He wielded more influence and power than the Babylonian despots. Both Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar were recipients of the divine word through him. He spoke clearly into their situations. Because he knew the Lord and was known of Him  he was able to point out their errors and follies. He rightly assumed the driving in a humble fashion and revealed who truly reigned. Daniel was secure in the knowledge of God and His position as head over all – 4: 25; 5: 22.




        There came the time when he sensed the need to seek the Lord with respect to his people and their future – 9: 2,3. The Lord obliges and shows much he loved His elect household, disclosing events in the centuries to come that will usher in her final blessedness, distinction and position. Daniel is to be an extraordinary prophet foreseeing and foretelling events to the end times. Because he sought the Lord he was not disappointed and so his personal knowledge of Him grew besides being made aware of His plans.




        He was favoured in knowing the Lord over many years, kings and kingdoms. He believed the Lord in his youth until later age. He was convinced of His kingdom and was pleased to live in it and allow the Lord to rule his life and years. The length of his days and his vital contribution underlines how much he was in intimacy with the Lord. It is reckoned he lived until he was at least 90 years old. He lived out his days to the maximum, not envying others but others envying him. His life and ministry touched nations and millenniums to come because he knew the Lord.




As those in Christ profess to know Him and express a total commitment to Him, so there will be the inevitable knowledge of Him not only flowing in of an extraordinary quality, it will also flow out to bless individuals, communities and nations.


Knowing the Truth compiled Rev. A. Hocking


                                       Rev. A. Hocking



I have some good news for you!  God loves you!


No matter who you are or what you have done, God loves you!


I have talked to people who thought they had committed the unpardonable sin.  People who felt that the weight of their wrong doing was weighing them down, so that they would never be able to hold up their heads again.   Maybe you feel like that?  Perhaps you are in the depths of despair.   Then to you, I still say, God loves you!


I’m not going to say forget what you have done, nor that you shouldn’t feel as guilty as you do.  You probably never will forget it, and if you have done something wrong, it is natural to feel guilty about it.  God has given us a conscience which ‘pricks’ us when we do something we shouldn’t.


But what I will say is that you can be forgiven.  The bible says, “if we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin”.  Now I’m not talking about confessing to a priest or some other person, no matter how worthy.  That may help some people, but God tells us we can confess straight to Him.  He will hear and He will forgive.


Jesus told the story of two men who went into the temple to pray. One told God what a sinner he was and asked for forgiveness.  The other told God how good he was.  The one who asked God to forgive him went home with a light heart and joy in his soul. The ‘righteous’ man got nothing.

God loves you and will forgive you if you come to Him in repentance and ask for His forgiveness.






Meet the Christian Ministers introduced by Rev. E. Anderson


                   REV. JIM AND VIVIAN MCGLADE


We have been in pastoral leadership for over 35 years.  Jim became a Christian at the age of 18 in Belfast and Vivian became a Christian as a teenager in Mow Cop.  We met at the AOG Bible College which at that time was in Kenley, Surrey and both felt a desire to work in Eire.  God opened the door for us to pastor a Church in Dublin for eight years where we witnessed many young people come to faith in Jesus.  Since then we have ministered in the Coventry area for approximately sixteen years, Fraserburgh in Scotland for seven years and for the last five & half years we have been ministering in Chesterfield. 


We have 3 children.  Our son Matthew is married to Pamela, lives in Northern Ireland and has recently started lecturing at the AOG Bible College in Dublin.  Our elder daughter, Rachel is married to James and they have two precious little boys, Josiah & Isaac.  Sarah is the youngest and is in her last year at University, studying music.  The greatest joy for us is to see all our kids following Jesus and serving Him in their churches. 


Over the past five years in Chesterfield we have experienced the favour of God in so many different ways.  We thank God for the great team working alongside us.  The church building has been modernised, new people are regularly coming to Church and starting a journey towards faith in Jesus.  We are now in a situation where we will either have to extend somehow or go to two services on Sunday mornings. The social arm of the Church, MAD (Making A Difference) is very effective in our community and we are working very closely with Social Services and other agencies in reaching the needs of our town.  This work is also being recognised by the County Council and Local Government.  As a result Jim and his assistant Pastor were invited to a reception at no.11 Downing Street recently to receive a certificate awarded to Zion Church from H.M .Government for the ‘outstanding contribution to the recovery of their Community from the summer floods of 2007’.  We obviously don’t look for such recognition, but it does place the Church in a position of influence in Chesterfield.   


Our greatest passion is to see Church growth – not just numerical growth, but unchurched people being transformed by God’s power and becoming strong and healthy in their faith.  Our church vision statement is “Mobilising Members towards Maturity, Ministry and Mission”.  Jim’s enjoys presenting the teaching of the Bible in a contemporary and relevant way without undermining its authority.  He also loves walking, movies and chocolate! Vivian enjoys teaching young Christians and counselling people from difficult backgrounds.  She also loves walking, music and family stuff! 


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