Prayer Dynamics


                                     Rev. E. Anderson

by Rick Warren

“Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him” – Luke 22:39 (NIV)

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The location where you have your quiet time is also important. The Bible indicates that Abraham had a regular place where he met with God (Genesis 19:27). Jesus had a custom of praying in the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. “Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him” (Luke 22:39).

YOUR PLACE OUGHT TO BE A SECLUDED PLACE. This is a place where you can be alone, where it’s quiet, and where you will not be disturbed or interrupted. In today’s noisy Western World, this may take some ingenuity, but it is necessary. It ought to be a place –

  • where you can pray aloud without disturbing others;
  • where you have good lighting for reading (a desk, perhaps);
  • where you are comfortable. (WARNING: Do not have your quiet time in bed. That’s too comfortable!)

YOUR PLACE OUGHT TO BE A SPECIAL PLACE. Wherever you decide to meet with the Lord, make it a special place for you and him. As the days go by, that place will come to mean a lot to you because of the wonderful times you have there with Jesus Christ.

YOUR PLACE OUGHT TO BE A SACRED PLACE. This is where you meet with the living God. Where you meet the Lord can be just as holy as the place where Abraham met God. You don’t have to be in a church building. People have had their quiet times in their cars parked in a quiet place, in an empty closet at home, in their backyards, and even in a baseball dugout. Each of these places has become sacred to them.



Illustrious Men and Ministries


                                Dr. A. W. Tozer

We need to produce ‘better’ Christians, says AW Tozer 1897-1963

TO TALK OF ‘BETTER’ Christians is to use language foreign to many persons. To them all Christians are alike; all have been justified and forgiven and are the children of God, so make comparisons between them is to suggest division and bigotry and any number of horrible things.

What is forgotten is that a Christian is a born-one, an embodiment of growing life, and as such may be retarded, stunted, injured very much as any other organism. Favourable conditions will produce a healthier organism than will adverse conditions.

Lack of proper instructions, for in-stance will stunt Christian growth. A clear example of this is found in Acts 19, where an imperfect body of truth had produced a corresponding imperfect type of Christian.

It took Paul, with a fuller degree of truth, to bring these stunted disciples into a better and healthier spiritual state. Unfortunately it is possible for a whole generation of Christians to be victims of poor teaching, low moral standards and unscriptural doctrines, resulting in stunted growth and retarded development. It is little less than stark tragedy that an individual Christian may pass from youth to old age in a state of suspended growth and all his life be unaware of it. Those who would question the truth of this have only to read the First Epistle to the Corinthians and the Book of He-brews. And even a slight acquaintance with church history will add all the further proof that is needed.

Today there exists in the world certain Christian bodies whose histories date far back. These have perpetuated themselves after their kind for hundreds of years, but they have to produce nothing but weak, stunted Christians. Common charity forbids that we identify these by name, but any enlightened believer will under-stand. Evangelicalism as we know it today does produce some real Christians. We have no wish to question this; we desire to assert unequivocally. But the spiritual climate into which many modern Christians are born does not make for vigorous growth. Indeed, the whole evangelical world is to a large extent unfavourable to healthy Christianity. And I am not thinking of Modernism either. I mean rather the Bible-believing crowd that bears the name of Orthodoxy. We may as well face it: the whole level of spirituality among us is low. We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the things of the Spirit is all but gone.

Large and influential sections of the world of fundamental Christianity have gone overboard for practices altogether unjustifiable in the light of historic Christian truth and deeply damaging to the inner life of the individual Christian. They have imitated the world, sought popular favour, manufactured delights to substitute  for the joy of the Lord and produced a synthetic power to substitute for the power of the Holy Ghost. The glowworm has taken the place of the bush that burned and scintillating personalities now replace the fire that fell at Pentecost.

The fact is that we are not today producing saints. We are making converts to an effete type of Christianity that bears little resemblance to that of the New Testament. The average so-called Christian is but a wretched parody on sainthood. Yet we put millions of dollars behind movements to perpetuate this degenerate form of religion and attack the man who dares challenge the wisdom of it.

Clearly we must begin to produce better Christians. We must insist on New Testament sainthood for our converts, nothing less; and we must lead them into a state of heart purity, fiery love, separation from the world and poured-out devotion to the person of Christ. Only in this way can the low level of spirituality be raised again to where it should be in the light of the Scriptures and of eternal values.

                                           par hall 4


Prayer Dynamics

                           rick warren

                              Rev. Rick Warren

by Rick Warren

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” – Mark 1:35 (NIV)

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The specific time has to do with when you should have your quiet time and how long it should be. The general rule is this: The best time is when you are at your best! Give God the best part of your day, when you are the freshest and most alert. Don’t try to serve God with your leftover time. Remember, too, that your best time may be different from someone else’s.

For most of us, however, early in the morning seems to be the best time. It was Jesus’ own practice to rise early to pray and meet with the Father: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35).

In the Bible many godly men and women rose early to meet with God. Some of these were:

Abraham – Genesis 19:27
Moses – Exodus 34:4
Job – Job 1:5
Hannah and Elkanah – 1 Samuel 1:19
Jacob – Genesis 28:18
David – Psalms 5:3; 57:7,8
(See also Psalm 143:8; Isaiah 26:9; Ezekiel

You might even consider having two quiet times (morning and night). Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, used to have code letters for his night quiet time: HWLW. Whenever he was with a group of people at night or home with his wife and the conversation seemed to be ending, he would say, “All right, HWLW.” HWLW stood for “His Word the Last Word”; and he practiced that through the years as a way of ending a day with one’s thoughts fixed on the Lord (Betty Lee Skinner, Daws, Zondervan, 1974, p. 103).

Whatever time you set, be consistent in it. Schedule it on your calendar; make an appointment with God as you would with anyone else. Make a date with Jesus!

Then look forward to it and don’t stand him up. A stood-up date is not a pleasant experience for us, and Jesus does not like to be stood up either. So make a date with him and keep it at all costs.

The question is often asked, “How much time should I spend with the Lord?” If you’ve never had a consistent quiet time before, you may want to start with seven minutes (Robert D. Foster, Seven Minutes with God, NavPress, 1997) and let it grow naturally. You should aim to eventually spend not less than 15 minutes a day with the Lord.

                                         parc hall 13

Meet the Christian Ministers

                                leonard Ravenhill

                     Rev. Leonard Ravenhill


IN THE FINAL PART, Leobnard Ravenhill (1907-194) lectures on Revival

IF WE ARE REALLY GOING TO GET a concept of revival we have to get a vision of God’s sorrow over sin. We have to get a concept of how, day by day, we offend God.

As a nation we offend God in millions of ways. When I was praying in the Bahamas one day, I saw a great column of smoke, which happened to be coming from tires that were being burned. It was as black as could be, and over there I saw a wisp of smoke going up from the ground. I didn’t think much of it until about a year after, I was praying and the Lord said, ‘That volume of black, thick smoke is like the volume of sin that goes up every day’. All the blasphemy, all the unbelief all the dirty stories, all the lying, all the deception, all sex-perversion, all drunkenness – this tremendous column of iniquity goes up in the sight of God. And here have a a little wisp – of what’? This is the praise that God gets out of His people. If we are going to realise how much we need revival we need to recognise the dimension of sin. We must recognise that sin offends God.

The awesomeness of God’s presence; the awesomeness of God’s majesty; we’ve had meetings, in the last month particularly, where I would sit down at the end of the meeting. I didn’t know what to do with it, and the pastor said, ‘Well, I can’t handle a meeting like this, what do you do?

The invasion of God’s power was so awesome that there was no way that you could handle it, so you just let the meeting ride itself out. We were having meetings five hours long, beginning at seven at night and finishing at midnight. College students came, and university people, and business people. When God comes, our social and intellectual distinctions don’t matter.  There is an overwhelming sense that God is dealing not with my intellect, not with my body, not with my emotions so much as with my inner being; the inner temple which He wants to indwell.

What God wants is not to fill up empty pews. He is not concerned about filling empty churches, He is concerned about filling empty hearts and empty lives, and empty eyes that have no vision, empty hearts that have no passion and empty wills that have no purpose.

Think of the fact that 2,000 years have lapsed since Jesus came and did a full work of redemption… and the church is still dragging its feet today!

The human dilemma that we are in right now is that we have never been at a lower point. People say sometimes, ‘Don’t worry, we have got out of situations like this Oh, no! We haven’t. Don’t you fool yourself. We’ve never gotten out of situation like this. You know why? Because we have never been in a situation like this (in America).

We’ve never had difficulties like this. We’ve never had this plague of divorce. We’ve never had a million girls under 16 becoming pregnant. What did they say the night before last on the news? ‘Tonight 20,000 girls over the nation will get pregnant’.  Sex is a sport. Immorality is an accepted way of life. People say there are fewer divorces than last year. Well, how do you expect any more when they don’t get married? They did get married at one time and got divorced. They don’t even bother to get married now, just live together. Have a baby, so what? ‘We agree to part’, that’s it. So we are a broken nation. Never, never in our history did we need revival more than today.

Now again, the shadow of darkness and death is over this generation like nothing we’ve ever had before. And yet, the greatest tragedy of all is this: a sick church in a dying world. We have neither the vision nor the passion, nor at this moment the intention of setting our house in order to prepare the way of the Lord.

My hope is that as we go on here we are not just going to gather information and statistics about revival, but that we are going to individually seek personal revival.

                                  par hall 4

Word Studies


                                   Rev. K.W. Munday


Word Studies is presented by Rev. K. W. Munday, retired minister and former General Secretary of Assemblies of God for many years. He has served the body of Christ with grace and distinction, is an excellent, quality preacher and speaker, broadcaster, writer of books and still active in Christian service. His contributions here on Word Studies should prove a great means of blessing, inspiration and instruction.


It’s interesting how some word becomes Bipolar at certain times. A well- known person uses it and it catches on in later discussions and reports.

One of those words is Transparency, which means ‘can be seen through’ as opposed to opaque. ‘That which is clear, easily detected, obvious and frank’.

The word cropped up when the scandal regarding M.Ps’ expenses was exposed. Until then a lot of information concerning how they used (or misused) them was seemingly confidential. We couldn’t see through the details, and they put up barriers as long as they could to prevent us doing so, until The Daily Telegraph opened up the floodgates, then things were no longer opaque or private, we are beginning to see through them.

What causes this lack of transparency both in companies and individuals? We first recognise that there are some things that should not be transparent. Our personal privacy for a start and we’re talking about legitimate behaviour which includes marital and family relationships, finances and health matters. If, of course any of the above become illegitimate or criminal, well that’s another matter.

Another reason for the lack of transparency is where a revelation would endanger life or put people at risk. It means not hiding matters of truth to people who are entitled to know it. Transparency certainly does not mean opening every door, window, box or safe! Which brings us back to the present subject of ‘MPs’ expenses. Seeing that they are funded by the tax- payer, we are entitled to see the balance sheet! But before we throw the first stone, we would do well to consider the measure of our own honesty. Are our dealings with Inland revenue transparent? We can’t have dual standards or it smacks of hypocrisy.

At a garage near to my home, the attendant one night forgot to lock the pumps. Word quickly spread and the neighbourhood were soon filling up 9 gratis and for nothing. They didn’t notify the Police, they simply emptied the pumps! As far as I know there were no prosecutions, it was ‘more good for them’.

Transparency comes down to personal relationships. It is said that hundreds of lies are told every day over the telephone, and even in ordinary conversation we can say one thing when we mean something else.

Jesus took a poor view of this sort of thing and encouraged all conversation to be yes and no. In other words we should say what we mean and mean what we say, and there’ a timely reminder in the book of Hebrews tat everything is naked and open with Whom we have to do; so we’d better watch it.

                                    parc hall 5

Healing Testimonies

                              sheila jacobs

                                    Sheila Jacobs



While unemployed with long term illness, Sheila Jacobs was at her lowest. Waking her dog was the highlight of the day. Many of the people she met were the unemployed, sick or elderly. This situation was the unlikely inspiration for her fast-paced futuristic thriller Watchers set in a world where to be old or infirm means banishment from society, and its sequel Watchers 2: Renegade, which has just been published. 

‘The thing that surprised me most was that non-Christians really enjoyed the story,’ says Sheila. ‘Its action-centred, like a cross between 007, Blade Runner and Terminator. The watchers are a nightmare police force working for a corrupt government. Mike Merrick is the book’s anti-hero, the best Watcher there is’.

In Sheila’s ‘future’, Christianity is illegal an the faithful in hiding. Mike’s out to get them. But he’s injured in a fight, and is rescued by the very people he’s after. Can he complete his task to eliminate them? You’ll have to read the books to find out!

Sheila explains how the idea developed and how her faith has sustained her during challenging times.

‘I didn’t become a Christian until I was 25. A lot of bad stuff had happened in my life. My Granny came to stay and she was a ‘born-again’ Christian. All I could think at that time was “Oh no, here come Jesus!”

We went to a Christian book-shop and a book called ‘I Dared to call Him Father’ caught my eye.  I bought it and read it. I didn’t know you could know Jesus like that – as a real person. I said to Him, ‘If you’re really there, you handle my life because I can’t handle it anymore’.

I immediately felt a peace and sense of joy I hadn’t known before. Then, of course, I realised I’d have to go to church!

‘Up to that point I’d love writing although I’d never had any fiction published. I was working in a graphic design agency as a typesetter. I felt increasingly that god wanted me to do something in full-time service. I started studying with London Bible College by extension studies’.

Then Sheila was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, a debilitating disorder of the ear, which left her unable to work for about eight years.

‘My confidence went and I became severely agoraphobic.I couldn’t work; I couldn’t do anything at all. I remember saying to God at the time, “I just wanted to work for you”. I’d even given up long-term relationship because I felt God wanted me to be single. And God said to me quite clearly, “I don’t you to work for me. I want to do my work in and through you”.

‘The only thing I could do was saunter down to the river with my dog. My writing hd always been a bit of an idol. I’d always wanted to get a novel published but no one had been interested. So I said to God, ‘That’s it, I give it up. If you don’t want me to write, that’s fine”.

Within weeks Sheila had spotted an advert from a Christian publisher asking for new authors. She sent off some sample chapters – ‘the last time ever!’, she said to herself – and was stunned when they asked for and then published the full novel. Her second book, Rollercoaster Time, won an award.

Seven books later, with improved health, Sheila needed a job but found it hard to get one. After a Christian meeting, she realised she’d been robbing God of praise for years. I couldn’t stop praising God for a solid week. Days later she was offered freelance work editing Christian books. ‘From that time to this, eight years, God has supplied me with enough work to be able to edit full time. I’m totally dependent on God, and He hasn’t.

                                    parc hall 13

News and Views

                                    Rev. Jon and Dee Cook

                             Rev. Jon and Dee Cooke


It all started in a city centre Starbucks for New Life Christian centre, but the church is now growing.

NEWCASTLE CHRISTIAN LIFE Centre has come a long way from its formation three-and-a-half years ago, when it was made up of nine people who met in their local Starbucks.

Now, with around 450 people, the church is thriving and has three meetings every Sunday to host its growing congregation.

I was in 2004 that the pastor, Jon Cook, 42, felt God put it on his heart to plant a church in the north-eastern city. So the following year, the father-of-two and his wife Dee, 35, stepped out in faith and left behind their lives in London to move north.

‘We’d been on the leadership team in Hillsong in London since 2000 and had come back up to the North East to visit family in 2004 remembers Jon.

‘I met up with old Christian friends and some were saying they weren’t going to church and some were saying that they were, but just because they thought it was the right thing to do. There was no passion about God’s house – no excitement or vision. I got really frustrated and shared with Dee that maybe we should come back and plant a church. Dee’s love of our church and off London gave her reservations but we talked and prayed about it together.

‘In August 2005, we moved up here with no home and no job but we knew we needed to do something’.

Jon spent the next few months thinking about how to go about setting up the church plant until God led him to an unconventional home.

‘I was wandering around the city thinking about where we were going to start a church, and then I walked past Starbucks,’ says Jon. ‘I realised this was it, so I decided to get some mates together’.

After gaining permission from the manager, Jon, began to hold his ‘services’ in the city centre branch of Starbucks. ‘It was like a home group. I spoke but we didn’t do music at first,’ says Jon. ‘From the start   we put a strong emphasis on salvation. I did an altar call in the initial service at Starbucks. I wanted to set a precedent in place from the beginning’.

And Jon’s back-to-basics brought people back to God.

‘It just grew through word of mouth,’ says Jon. ‘Within three weeks we had outgrown Starbucks and started to meet in a bigger building’.

The church meets in the middle of the city centre and Jon sees a strong sense of community as vital to his church growth.

‘One of the things we did was build a community that really takes care of each other,’ he says. ‘We also put a high priority on welcoming people and helping them get connected. They are met by Christians who aren’t just friendly, but want to be friends.

‘We wanted to grow a church that people can be passionate about. I wanted to bring the type of passion that you see on the football terraces into the church’.

But Jon is realistic when it comes to the issues of church growth.

There are now 450 people in our church. It may seem a lot of growth but I wouldn’t use the word revival. It works out as around two people a week,’ he says. ‘When you read Acts 2, there were 3,000 people who got saved that day. Many churches see that type of revival as their objective and focus on it, thereby missing the value of the one or two that come to know God each week. It is these who God adds daily to his church, and they need to be nurtured’.

                                       Growing Newcastle Congregation

                             Growing Newcastle Congregation


Just a Thought by the late Rev. A. Linford


                                      Rev. A. Linford


“The fear of the wicked … the desire of the righteous” – Proverbs 10: 24

Modern psychology teaches that the unconscious mind, “the mind behind the mind”, plays a vital role in our experience of life. Hidden motives, suppressed emotions, complexes and basic instincts all affect our behaviour, often with emotional disturbance and mental turbulence. The Bible also makes clear that ”the hidden man of the heart” – 1 Peter 3:4, our deep inner nature, our human spirit, performs an important part in our moral and spiritual make-up. It is from these depths that spring directive motives, chaste behaviour and positive decisions. Our emotional life, our thought life, our physical activities are all regulated from this deep well of personality.

Wicked fears: Sin tends to be its own executioner. Behind all the bravado and defiance of authority there is often a feeling that justice will overtake the violator of decency and honour. The worst of men still harbours a conscience that becomes both accuser and judge – Romans 2:15. The disease of sin produces many phobias and complexes from anxiety to guilt, from self-pity to self-contempt. Such fears have a three-fold effect. First, they fill the mind with a nameless torment which is often beyond the reach of psychiatry to help. Secondly, such fears break down the natural resistance and resilience of the personality, and make more likely the very things that are feared. Thirdly, such fears are destructive of true personality, fracturing the integration of healthy outlook and distracting the mind with ”the cares of this life” – Luke 8:14 that choke all spiritual good.

Righteous desires: The good man not only has good desires and praiseworthy but also provides by his godly attitude and activities the atmosphere in which such desires can live and breathe. His mind sows the seed, his life is the soil: under the heavenly blessings of sunshine and rain – God’s smile and refreshing grace – the noble plant fructifies and flourishes. A good man may have fears, but they are driven away, as clouds before the wind, by a lively faith in the providence of a gracious God.


May my desires be ever to do Your will, O Lord.

                                           scar 9

Great Stories


                                        Rev. E. Anderson


When I was a senior in college, I came home for Christmas vacation and anticipated a fun-filled night with my two brothers. We were so excited to be together, we volunteered the store so that my mother and father could take their first day off for years. The day before my parents went to Boston, my father took be quietly side to the little den behind the store. The room was so small that it held only piano and a hide-a-bed couch. In fact when you pulled the bed out it filled the room and you could sit on the foot of it and play the piano. Father reached behind the old upright and pulled out a cigar box. He opened it and showed me a little pile of newspaper articles. I had read so many Nancy Drew detective stories that I was excited and wide-eyed over the hidden box of clippings.

“What are they?” I asked.

Father replied seriously, “These are articles I’ve written and some letters to the editor that have been published”.

As I began to read, I saw the at the bottom of each neatly clipped article the name Walter Chapman Esq. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d done this?” I asked.

“Because I didn’t want your mother to know. She has always told me since I didn’t have much of an education, I shouldn’t try to write. I wanted to run for some political office also, but she told me I shouldn’t try. I guess she was afraid she’d be embarrassed if I lost. I just wanted to try for the fun of it. I figured I could write without her knowing it, and so I did. When each item would be printed, I’d cut it out and hide it in this box. I knew someday I’d show the box to someone, and it’s you”.

“Did you write something else?”

“Yes, I sent some suggestions in to our denominational magazine on how the national nominating committee could be select ed more fairly. It’s been three months since I sent it in. I guess I tried something too big”.

This was a new side to my fun-loving father that I didn’t quite know what to say, so I tried, “Maybe it’ll still come”.

“Maybe, but don’t hold your breath”. Father gave me a little smile and a wink and then closed the cigar box and tucked it into the space behind the piano.

The next morning our parents left on the bus to the Haverhill Depot where they took the train to Boston. Jim, Ron and I ran the store and I thought about the box. I’d never known my father liked to write. I didn’t tell my brothers; it was a secret between father and me. The Mystery of the Hidden Box.

Early that evening I looked out of the store window and saw my mother get off the bus – alone. She crossed the square and walked briskly through the store.

“Where’s dad?” we asked together.

“Your father’s dead,” she said without a tear.

In disbelief we followed her into the kitchen where she told us

They had been walking through the Park Street Subway Station in the midst of crowds of people when father had fallen to the floor. A nurse bent overt him and looked up to my mother and said simply, “He’s dead”.

Mother had stood by him stunned, not knowing what to do as people tripped over him in their rush through the subway. A priest said, “I’ll call the police,” and disappeared. Mother straddled dad’s body for about an hour, Finally an ambulance came and took them both to the only morgue where mother had to go through his pockets and remove his watch. She’d come back on the train alone and then home on the local bus. Mother told us the shocking tale without shedding a tear. Not showing emotion had always been a matter of discipline and pride for her. We didn’t cry either and we took turns waiting on customers.

One steady patron asked, “Where’s the old man tonight?”

“He’s dead,” I replied.

“Oh, too bad,” and he left.

I’d not thought of him as the old man, and I was made at the question, but he was 70 and mother was only 60. He’d always been healthy and happy and he’d cared for frail mother without complaining and now he was gone. No more whistling, no more singing hymns while stocking shelves. The “old man” was gone.

On the morning of the funeral, I sat at the table opening sympathy cards and pasting them in a scrap book when I noticed the church magazine in the pile. Normally I would never have opened what I viewed as a dull religious publication, but just maybe that sacred article might be there – and it was.

I took the magazine to the little den, shut the door, and burst into tears. I’d been brave, but seeing dad’s bold recommendations to the national convention in print was more than I could bear. I read and cried and then I read again. I pulled out the box from behind the piano and under the clipping I found a two-page letter to my father from Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr., thanking him for his campaign suggestions.

I didn’t tell anyone about my box. It remained a secret.

Florence Littauer

                                    par hall 4

Points to Ponder


                                      Rev. E. Anderson


1.  Try everything twice.

On one woman’s tombstone she said she wanted this epitaph: 

“Tried everything twice. Loved it both times!”  

2.  Keep only cheerful friends. 

The grouches pull you down. 

(Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!) 

3. Keep learning: 

Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever.. 

Never let the brain get idle.  ‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.’ 

And the devil’s name is Alzheimer’s! 

4. Enjoy the simple things. 

5. Laugh often, long and loud. 

Laugh until you gasp for breath.

And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER. 

 6. The tears happen: 

Endure, grieve, and move on.

The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive. 

7. Surround yourself with what you love: 

Whether it’s family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. 

Your home is your refuge. 

8. Cherish your health: 

If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 

9. Don’t take guilt trips.

Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is. 

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

I love you, my special friend. 

11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second

chance. Remember! Lost time can never be found. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

                                          parc hall 5


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