welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Feb 29th – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself” – Acts 2:39

In Acts 1:4-5, Jesus told His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit that His Father has promised to pour out on all flesh. In Acts 2:39, after the group of 120 were baptized in the Holy Spirit, Peter gets up and tells the people listening that this same promise of life is for all that are near and all that are far and for their entire families.

The Amplified Bible says Acts 2:39 this way… For the promise [of the Holy Spirit] is to and for you and your children, and to and for all that are far away, [even] to and for as many as the Lord our God invites and bids to come to Himself. (AMP)

God’s heart is not only to pour out His precious Spirit on us, but on our children as well. If you have family members who are not yet experiencing the reality of this promise in their lives, don’t give up! Keep praying! Keep believing for their salvation. Our God and Father’s desire is that not one person would miss out on the glorious benefits of His promised Holy Spirit.

A BLIND EYE AND A DEAF EAR – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“It doesn’t seem right for a fool to succeed or for a slave to rule over princes! A wise man restrains anger and overlooks insults. This is to his credit. The kings anger is as dangerous as a lion is. But his approval is as refreshing as the dew on grass” – Read: Proverbs 19:10-12 .

The nineteenth century preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, founder of the famous Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, would always give a Friday lecture to the students in his Bible College.
These lectures were not part of the regular curriculum but covered subjects that would be beneficial to the student body when they eventually launched out into the real world of hands on ministry and pastoral care.

These lectures are contained in his book entitled, “Lectures to my Students”. One such lecture carries the same title as our reading for today.

The gist of his talk was to the effect that as ministers you will get all kinds of things said about you which might not be all that complimentary. You might also see certain things that it might be better not to have seen. His counsel was simply to develop a blind eye and a deaf ear to such scenarios and to let ignorance be your bliss.

To start foraging about with your Sherlock Holmes detective magnifying glass might very well do more harm than good. After all, some things are better left to die a natural death than to be uncovered and brought into the light. It might be better to let God take care of some things because He knows the full story.


When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things – Joe Namath

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit – Harry S.Truman

The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself – Anna Quindlen

Isn’t it amazing that we are all made in God’s image, and yet there is so much diversity among his people? – Desmond Tutu


As Joshua moved on his relationship with the Lord and his leadership, he became more and more believing and diligent. There was no slackening off in any way as he served the Lord and the people in his commanding role. He had learned from his failures and made sure that there was a strict adherence to what the Lord had to say and command. He was fully aware of all that the Lord had spoken to Moses and he had it in his heart and on his agenda to make sure he carried out the divine orders in detail. In v15 we observe the sequence – “As the Lord commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Joshua; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses.”

From this we can rightly assume and assert that Joshua had become a diligent student and servant of Moses and the Lord. Strict attention and obedience had been born and developed in him so that he would secure all the Lord intended for His people. He set up a fine example for the people to follow in the conquest. This godly man was committed always to doing what was acceptable to the Lord.

It is essential that we be completely aware of what God has designed for us and that we make certain that all is fulfilled. When Christ came to His final words on the Cross He could state – “It is finished” and earlier He could affirm, “I have finished the work that you gave Me to do” – John 19: 30; 17: 4. Let us make sure that we achieve the Lord’s requirements above everything else for our lives and especially in our conquest over our mutual enemy.


welcome to this christian website

ernest (2)

Feb 28th – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“He who overcomes, I will give to him to sit down with me on my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father on his throne” – Rev 3:21.

The atonement that we have in Christ is absolutely amazing! When Jesus died on the cross, He exchanged His life for our life, so that His Father could become our Father (John 20:17). In today’s promise, we read that Jesus tells the church at Laodicea… That those who overcome will sit with Him on His throne just as He sits with Father on His Father’s throne.

In Ephesians 2:6, the Amplified Bible actually tells us that our God and Father has given us joint seating with Jesus… And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One). (AMP)

May the Holy Spirit give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying in today’s promise. May we know the height and depth of our glorious inheritance in Jesus Christ and the many promises that are ours because of His sacrifice for us. One day, we will sit with Jesus on His throne. Hallelujah! What a day that will be!

OUT OF SIGHT – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“Many beg favours from man who is generous; everyone is his friend! A poor mans own brothers run away from him in embarrassment; how much more his friends! He calls after them, but they are gone”.  Read: Proverbs 19:6-7

It is a sad commentary on human behaviour, but nevertheless true, that when everything is going well for you it is amazing how many people want to jump on your bandwagon.

It is also a fact, that in the highest levels of government, people are employed solely to put out press releases designed to put the best possible ‘spin’ on anything that might create an adverse response from the opposition. Is it any wonder they are called ‘Spin Doctors’!

On an individual level, we may not be able to hide or cover up difficult or adverse circumstances that may come our way. We also stand the risk of losing the support of those who were happy to stand with us when things were going well for us.

Unfortunately there will always be the performance driven crowd ready to jump ship when a change of circumstances are not able to bring the returns they expect, not to mention the potential embarrassment we might bring to them.

Forget going to these characters for any help or financial assistance when you are in difficult circumstances. As far as they are concerned it’s “Out of sight, out of mind”.


Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company – George Washington

Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for – Dag Hammarskjold

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much – Helen Keller

TAKING TERRITORY – Joshua 11: 10-23

From this overwhelming experience of victory Joshua moves on to a mighty offensive that sees Israel in a victorious role. Seven major cities and all the localities are taken in a swift swoop and onslaught. Nothing and no one could deter their progress as they marched relentlessly forward with their God. There was a powerful inspiration present that imbued them with a faith and conviction that the land was there for the taking. So with real courage and vigour they were to see their enemies defeated in a rapid way. What had seemed gigantic and problematic before was faced. It was their time to succeed and become possessors.

In the taking of such a vast territory we are informed as to the true reason for the conquest in v42 – “And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel.” Herein is the secret for the great conquest. The answer to why they made tremendous inroads and toppled the opposition was due to this one fact – the Lord was with them and directing operations. When David confronted Goliath, he declared that the issue was beyond doubt because he came against him “in the Name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” – 1 Samuel 17: 45.

We are in the Kingdom of Christ and this being so, we have to wage war and take territory in and through His wisdom, strength and power. Ours is a spiritual warfare against the powers of evil and darkness and they hold territory in peoples lives. It is our calling to take this people for Christ and see them coming under His rule and government. As we are indwelt and inspired by Him so it will come to pass.


welcome to this christian website

Feb 27th – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“For we know that if the earthly house of our tent is dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens” – 2 Corinthians 5:1

In 1 Corinthians 13:13, the Apostle Paul tells us that faith, hope and love remain. In the last few devotionals, I have been talking a lot about love and faith. Today I want to talk about hope. If we have what we hope for, we no longer need to hope for it. There are some promises that God has made to us that we have not yet seen the fulfilment of. This is one of the those promises.

It is comforting to know that one day, when our body fails, we will have an eternal house in heaven that will last forever. This is a promise that we can hold onto with all our hearts. The eternal home that is waiting for us will not be built with human hands, but will be built by God Himself…and we will be a pillar in His house.

On that day, we will no longer experience suffering or loss. Pain or disease will be gone, for we will be with God and He will be with us. May today’s promise bring great comfort to us when we think of those in the faith who have gone before us. May we also be filled with hope ourselves knowing that we have an eternal home waiting for us too!

FRIENDS OR FRIENDS! – Rev. Bob Stevenson

”The poor man pleads, and the rich man answers with insults. There are “friends” who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”. Read: Proverbs 18:23~24 :

There are friendships that you forge throughout a lifetime that last for years and years irrespective of circumstance or distance. I had no problem whatsoever recalling who my friend of all friends is, and even to this day l know our mutual friendship is something that is really special. Now that’s not to say that the other friendships are of no consequence in my life, but to me Laurie Bradley is the one who is really special. There have been various people who have come across my path who I thought were going to turn out real friends but alas as time passed by their enthusiasm to keep in touch waned and if I am strictly honest maybe my interest was lacking also.

The third category of friends l have noticed are those whose friendships have had an ulterior motivation. In some cases a friendship was established with the intention of gaining some advantage out of our association or gaining some personal mileage out of this so called friendship. No! Real friendship is never based on anything like this, and if it is, it is doomed to failure. Real friendship is forged when the relationship is as strong, or even stronger than those of family.

What a friend we have in Jesus! Hallelujah! He will always stick close by!


Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. – Mark Twain

Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order – John Adams

The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything – Oscar Wilde

Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read – Francis Bacon


The victory that had just been known was the setting for the establishing for an added spirit of faith, courage and expectation. The five kings that had been the assailants were locked up in a cave whilst the conflict persisted and eventually won. Once it was over, Joshua was to give a vital lead to those engaged in the matter of warfare as to what they would do with regard to every prospective adversary. He brings out the kings from the cave, these human authorities and dignitaries, and calls upon his captains to put their feet upon their necks – v24.

The act was symbolic and was a message to them that this was to occur with all that stood in their way during the immediate future. They needed to imbibe the spirit and atmosphere of being conquerors. No longer were they to sense intimidation and fear no matter who the opposition represented. It was time to express an attitude of divine supremacy.

Paul captures this mind and mood in Romans 8: 37 when he states with regard to the Christian life and experience in relation to all things – “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Defeat was not in his philosophy or vocabulary and neither should it be in ours. He found himself to be in the place where he welcomed the opportunity of proving the sufficiency of Christ in all challenging situations. There was no way that he was going to wilt and wither under any pressure because he knew how to tread on the neck of his enemies and circumstances. We were born to be winners and not losers.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Feb 26th – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.

FINDING A WIFE – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“The man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord”. Read: Proverbs 18:22

Having had exposure to other cultures through out my life I have come to see the value of having an arranged marriage. When I say ‘arranged’ I don’t mean that the parties concerned have no say in who they eventually marry, but there is something to be said for a system that allows parents to act as a go between in the introducing of a man and woman to each other. I am sure there are failed marriages in this system of parental involvement, but it certainly has its benefits, especially if the parties concerned have the right to veto even the most well meaning of intentions of their parents.

Whatever approach you adopt, the main thing about finding a wife, or a husband, who will be a blessing from the Lord, is to at least have time to assess if you have the four ‘R’ questions adequately answered. First there has to be some physical attraction which we could call the Romantic question.

Then there is the question of Respect. Do you honour the personhood of the one you will spend the rest of your life with? Then how about Relationship? Do you truly relate to each other conversationally, educationally, temperamentally. Lastly, how about the question of religion? Are such convictions comfortable?

Whatever your system for finding a wife is be sure you get these four questions answered well. At least you stand a better chance of obtaining favour from the Lord!


Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life – Confucius

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work – Thomas A. Edison

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today – Elbert Hubbard

Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work – Booker T. Washington


The Lord used the recent failure to mount a tremendous success in battle. The Gibeonites in their treaty with Israel enraged the other cities and nations by their deed and so a concerted effort was put forward by five kings to devastate, ruin and humiliate the Gibeonites. The help of Joshua and his forces were sought in the crisis against a formidable, united foe. It was not to be an easy assignment but God’s people arose to the summons to take on a major conflict. This was to be another great step forward in the contest for the Promised Land.

It was to prove to be an extraordinary occasion in the matter of battles because the Lord really became involved in the contest. He intervened by hurling down great hailstones on the enemy so that more were slain by Him and this method than by the forces of Israel – vv10, 11. He also responded to the prayer of Joshua and worked a miracle for him in the order of creation by causing the sun and moon to stand still so that they could complete the task – vv12-14. They were able to go ahead in finishing the battle and seeing the enemy completely crushed. It was a memorable day as the Scripture records – v14 “And there was no day like unto that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of man: for the Lord fought for Israel.”

The Lord desires we should move on into overwhelming victories. It is not a case of a few skirmishes and small triumphs but a matter of magnificent conquest that should be ours. He wants to be with us in our contests and the greater the battles the greater His presence, interventions and success. Let us rise to whatever faces us and prove the power of God anew and have some extraordinary days on earth.


welcome to this christian website

ernest (2)

Feb 25th – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to him, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him” – Hebrews 11: 6

The very foundation of our relationship to God is our faith in Him. If we don’t believe that He exists, it will be difficult for us to cultivate a living, loving relationship with Him. Our very salvation comes through our faith as Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8-9… 8 for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, that no one would boast. (WEB)

God loves it when we choose to have faith in Him despite what our outward circumstances might be saying. In Hebrews 11, we read many accounts of the heros of faith who believed God against all odds. My encouragement to you today is to declare God’s goodness and His love over your life whether you feel like it or not. Our feelings are not always accurate. They can deceive us at times.

So stand firm today my friend. Choose to believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Your faith and trust will move the heart of our God and Father like nothing else.

PASS IT ON – Rev. Bob Stevenson

”Ability to give good advice satisfies like a good meal. Those who love to talk will suffer the consequences. Men have died‘ for saying the wrong thing”. Read: Proverbs: 18:20-21

If you have already got to this point in reading your daily portion of God’s wisdom you have already covered a multitude of issues, about which you will have formed an opinion one way or another.

Then there is all your own personal experience from which you have learned the many lessons of life. So you are more than qualified to share that wisdom and insight and pass on such good advice to those who may come across your path.

You see the wisdom that resides within you has been as much caught as well as taught. You can be sure that those you rub shoulders with day by day, are going to catch for themselves some of the advice you have caught and will be able to pass it on to others.

I have a young man in his early twenties who regularly meets up with me and inevitably will come out with the comment at some time in our conversation, “Now then Pastor Bob. Do you have any words of advice for a young buck like me today?” Of course l always try to have something for him to take away and think about and also try to be relevant to his present circumstances.

I must admit to getting a real buzz out of passing on my words of advice. Our proverb is right, it’s like enjoying a good meal; you get an appetite for more.


Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness – Oprah Winfrey

A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water – Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are made to be loved, not understood – Oscar Wilde

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman –
Margaret Thatcher


It is rather remarkable to read of Joshua and the leadership making a mistake of this nature after the recent event at Ai. One would have thought they would have been on their guard after such a disastrous experience. Surely the lesson should have been driven home that they needed to be wide awake to every fresh development and to find out what the Lord had to say in given situations. The arrival of these men from Gibeon with such a story ought to have made them suspicious and sagacious, that is wise in the circumstances.

There is a telling phrase in v14 – “And the men took of their victuals, and asked not counsel of the Lord.” They swallowed the story immediately and failed to resort to the One who would have unveiled the truth. He was the One amongst them that would have safeguarded and saved them from embarrassment. It must have been a very hard lesson for Joshua to learn as well as the leaders. It was imperative in the days ahead that they assumed nothing but submitted everything to the Lord for His judgement.

We can also gather from this incident in the outworking of our lives that we must take nothing for granted on the surface. Appearances can be very deceitful. When things look right they can be utterly wrong once the truth is known. There is the demand that we learn to submit all to the Lord for the input of His wisdom and direction.


welcome to this christian website


ernestandersonTHE ANSWERING LORD – 1 KINGS 18

HUMAN REQUIREMENT: Because of the extreme situations that man finds in at times there is the demand for help and intervention of an immense kind. He is reduced to circumstances where he cannot deal with the issue himself neither can others around bring the required solution. He is both powerless and helpless before the thing. Thankfully there is someone called the Lord who is the Lord that can be called upon to render His loving and mighty assistance.

DIVINE RESPONSE: There is the promise given through Jeremiah on this line: “Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and shew you great and mighty things which you know not” – 33:3. Even answer gives an assuring word from the Lord by stating: “And it shall come to pass, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” – 565:24.Such are a tremendous encouragement to faith and prayer and to expectation.

IMPOSSIBILITIES; The Lord not only specializes in answering prayer but in performing in impossible circumstances of a human order. Many instances are made known in the Bible through different people in different generations who discovered that He listened and responded in magnificent style. He works and does things in His own way and time and proves that He has an ear to hear, a heart that care and an arm that is not shortened. We are led to believe He can do the same today.


Abraham was duly concerned about the welfare of Lot and his family in Sodom. This had ever been a factor in his life and now the impending divine judgement upon the wicked place made him more concerned then ever and so he pleaded and bargained with the Lord . He certainly had the ear and attention of the Lord and ultimately saw his petition answered in a remarkable way. The angels did not find it an easy matter but succeeded in their mission.


The Lord stated to Moses that He had the ‘cry of His people’ and it was time to do something. The Israelites were under a tyrant domination and were serving under great servitude. It had gone on for a very long time so that the mental and spiritual state of His people had been utterly weakened. They just regarded themselves as serfs. But their praying had not gone unattended but was to be answered in an outstanding and unforgettable manner – see Exodus 3- 14.


A woman is in terrible and awful dilemma and distress because she is unable to have any children. The statement has it: “the Lord had shut up her womb” –v5. There was no way that she could produce unless the Lord heard her prayer and answered. She knew this was the route and so was relentless in her seeking Him to turn this captivity and she was not to be disappointed. She not only got a Samuel, she got more beside – 1 Samuel 2:20,21. See the difference in 4: 19-22, Phinehas’s wife.


David is reduced to a condition of utter embarrassment when he returns to Ziklag. Not only so, he appears to be out of favour with the people who had been loyal to him. Only the grace and protection of the Lord preserved him from fatal consequences. He needed an answer from the Lord and so he prayed and subsequent events proved that he had the ear and arm of the Lord. He was saved and spared from his embarrassment as a result of the Lord’s presence and providence.


The prophet had been very jealous for the honour of the Lord and was desirous it should be established once and for all, was and is God. The opportunity came so that he could present a challenge as to who could send fire upon a prepared sacrifice. Having set the thing up he mad his prayer that reveals the whole purpose of this arrangement – vv30-37. The Lord not only sent fire but rain also!


It looked certain from the human standpoint that Peter would be Herod’s next victim. But he reckoned without God and the prayers of God’s people – v5. They prayed with great entreaty and intensity and the night prior to his planned execution there is remarkable deliverance. It is Herod who is the next victim!


A blind man in such desperate need calls out to the Lord as He passes by and discovered that He hears His call above the crowd and is ready to move to perform a miracle on his behalf – v49. It looked as he would be condemned to a life of blindness but in an extraordinary fashion he is given his sight. His first sight of Christ and he never wanted to let Jesus out of his sights because it says – “and followed Jesus in the way.”

It is good to recognize that is ours to pray and for Him to answer in the way He chooses best. Prayer is intended to be a simple matter of calling and placing matters in His hands and allowing Him to deal with them in His time and in His own way. The answers He gives reveal His grace, power, love and signature.


welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen

Feb 24th – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


This is the boldness which we have toward him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he listens to us” – 1 John 5:14

In today’s promise, the Apostle John encourages us to be confident in our prayer life. When we ask God for anything that is in accordance with His will, He hears us. Our Father is a good father who delights in giving His kids good gifts (James 1:17) and He is listening when we cry out to Him. I think we would be surprised at how attentive God really is to our prayers.

If our view of God is that He is harsh and a taskmaster, then we will probably feel like we could never do enough to get His attention. However, this is not the picture of God that Jesus painted while He was on earth. Everything that Jesus did was an exact representation of His Father (John 14:8-10).

Jesus even told us that His Dad took the time to number every one of the hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30) because of our great value to Him. So continue to ask, seek and knock. Remember, what Jesus told us in Matthew 7:7-11…

OFFENCES – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“It is harder to win back the friendship of an offended brother than -to capture a fortified city. His anger shuts you out like iron bars”. Read: Proverbs 18: 19

Offences take on many guises and can manifest themselves in various ways. It could be just some word spoken or an action taken. On other occasions, whether words or actions, such offences can be given even when the offender is completely oblivious of such offences.

James had it right when he wrote in his New Testament epistle, in many things we all offend and if we imagine that we could never offend anyone, then we can count ourselves as perfect. (See James 2:10) Things do become more serious though, when we give offence to somebody we have a good relationship with. It can often be assumed that a healthy relationship will always be strong enough to overcome any misunderstandings. We imagine the other person will always see our good intentions before they take offence at anything we may have done or said. Unfortunately this is not always the case and experience will teach us otherwise.

Be prepared for offences to arise in the most secure of friendships. Also be prepared for the possibility of some reactions to be so severe that no matter what you try to say to put things right, your efforts could be even more misinterpreted.

The best thing to do with unresolved offences is to let things cool down and try again later.


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment – Jim Rohn

If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it – Michael Jordan

It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen – John Wooden


The action to be taken against Ai was to be of a different order. The possible problem before their going into conflict was that they had not asked the Lord for directions. Because it was not like Jericho they may have thought it an easy proposition and there was no need to refer it to the Lord. If they had sought Him they may well have been saved from the previous mess. Here the Lord gives both directions and assurance now they were back on track. It was now possible to get aligned for further advancement through divine revelation.

The Lord gives them a good strategy – v2 “Lay an ambush for the city behind it.” He had perfect insight as to what would occur and could so direct in the perfect course of action that would end in conquest. Joshua was quick to respond positively to the counsel offered and saw the great consequence of following higher orders. It was beginning to register with Joshua that it was better to fall in with the Lord’s plans than pursue his own ideas no matter how good they appeared to be. Lessons were still being learned that would mean much more being wrought to the advantage of all. They would discover that His strategy always succeeded.

The Lord is never without a plan to deal with what lies across our pathway that needs to be mastered. More than ever we need to hear from Him and to allow Him to command and control the operations if we would be successful. One of the secrets that the early Church discovered was to accept the direct lead of the Holy Spirit. He ensured the success of the whole enterprise at the outset and throughout. And what a great job they made of it! And we can too! We have been entrusted with these end times and the Lord wants to see His Church in a victorious state and achieving His purposes in spite of all the problematic conditions.


welcome to this christian website

ernest (2)

Feb 23rd – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


God sets the lonely in families. He brings out the prisoners with singing, but the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land” – Psalm 68: 6

God is a family man. His whole life is about family. In Ephesians 3:14-15 Paul the Apostle says… 14For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, (ESV). God understands that we were created to be in families, so in today’s promise, we read how God puts people who are lonely in families.

I believe His heart is that we would experience family life on earth through brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God as well as family life in heaven. In John 8:35, Jesus tells us… Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. (NIV) Whether we have had a good family system on earth or not, we have a permanent place in the family of God where we will belong forever.

If you are struggling fitting into your natural family, be encouraged to know that you belong to an amazing supernatural family where we can call each other brothers and sisters because we have the same Heavenly Father. God places the lonely in families. That is good news for each and every one of us!

TWO SIDES OF A COIN – Rev. Bob Stevenson

”A gift does wonders; it will bring you before men of importance. Any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight. A coin toss ends arguments and settles disputes between powerful opponents. Read; Proverbs 18:16-18

I long ago realised there are always two sides to every story. In fact there are probably three sides. One side is seen from one persons angle, the other side from the others perspective and the third side is somewhere in the middle where the truth probably lies. How often I have heard a heart wrenching account of some inter-personal problem shared by one of the parties in a conflict. Even before the details have been spelled out for me, I have been certain who is the one at fault, only to find after interviewing the other half of the problem, that things were not as clear cut as I have imagined.

I have come to the conclusion that there are certain situations only God has the capacity to resolve. After all, He is the only One who has the true and balanced view of all that may have taken place. Even as l have been writing these words I have had to acknowledge that very seldom is anything ever really as black and white as it might appear.

The whole business of relationships is intertwined with a host of impressions and feelings that paint a picture for one person in a totally different light to that of another. Alas! There will always be a heads and tails to every story, so make sure you hear both sides!


Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom – Thomas Jefferson

If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything – Mark Twain

It is always the best policy to speak the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar – Jerome K. Jerome

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts – Abraham Lincoln

FAILURE – Joshua 7

No one would have thought that there would have been a miserable defeat after such a victory. They were on a real high after the devastation of Jericho but sunk to a real low at the defeat at Ai. To be humiliated in such a way brought about depression in the ranks and Joshua could not understand why such should occur. Why should there be failure after such a resounding victory? There must be some reason for this turn of events and so Joshua turns to God in prayer – v6. He had to humble himself before God in order to get to know how to rectify the situation and bring things back into line for further advancement. It was necessary to find out quickly the cause of this sudden disaster.

The Lord was not to leave him in the dark as to the abject defeat. There had been a failure to honour a previous command with regard to Jericho. Just one man had failed and was responsible for the situation, Achan. It had to be sorted out before they could make headway and the sin be removed from the camp. The price paid was enormous for this man and his family but as it was atoned for things were put right ready for further conquest.

At times we do not make the sort of spiritual progress we should be making at a personal and collective level. Instead of seeking to rush ahead, we need to take real spiritual stock to make sure that nothing is hindering or halting success. Wisdom calls us to stop. Pray, seek God’s mind and remove everything that will cause failure. Nothing should be taken for granted at anytime because of the possibility of things going wrong. It is imperative to apply the rule of faith and conduct that leads to triumph. God wants us to be successful.


welcome to this christian website


Feb 22nd – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


“Those who know your name will put their trust in you, for you, Yahweh, have not forsaken those who seek you” – Psalm 9:10

When we know who God is, it is easy to trust in Him. When we are convinced that He is loving and kind and gentle, we will be able to risk again and entrust our hearts fully to Him. If we are not yet convinced of His goodness, we will struggle to trust Him.

I believe that giving our Father the gift of our trust is the greatest gift that we can give Him. When we trust Him, we lower our defenses and open our hearts fully to Him. When we trust Him, we will not lean to our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6) but completely yield to His leading in our life. I believe when we begin to trust God in a simple childlike way, it moves His heart like nothing else that we can do.

In today’s promise, we read that our God and Father will never, ever forsake those who trust in Him. He is unwavering in His commitment to us. He will never leave us or forsake us. For those of us who struggle with the fear of being abandoned, I pray that the reality of our Papa’s goodness and closeness would drive all fear out of our hearts (1 John 4:18) so that we can fully trust Him.

ADRENALIN RUSH – Rev. Bob Stevenson

“A man’s courage can sustain his broken body, but when courage dies, what hope is left? The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks formthem”. Read: Proverbs 18: 14-15

We have all heard stories of exceptional feats of strength and courage, when the human frame has been pushed into overcoming really difficult circumstances, which in the natural would seem impossible to handle. Anecdotes abound in the annals of military conflict when men who have been severely wounded have somehow still managed to survive and display incredible courage.

Our hearts are always touched when we see on our Current Affairs programs some little child coming out of hospital having overcome some horrific injury. Although impaired by the loss of a limb or some other injury, we are shown footage of their triumphs over these impairments, and see the incredible courage they manifest in overcoming all these disadvantages. Then there is the multitude of instances that we never get to hear about of ordinary folk who have to cope with untold difficulties of many kinds. Yet amazingly they soldier on and display amazing courage, apart from which, it would be impossible to do what they do.

Courage is a marvellous stimulus, far greater than a mere adrenalin rush and anything that we can do to keep this courage alive, in those less fortunate than ourselves, must surely be a priority.


Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none – William Shakespeare

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships – Stephen Covey

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth – Bo Bennett


The Lord was to give a unique way of victory at the first obstacle that confronted His people after negotiating Jordan. The city before them was a major hurdle to progress and revealed enormous difficulty. The city was strongly fortified with both an inner and outer wall thus presenting a massive problem for conquest. It states in v1 “Now Jericho was straitly shut up.” Joshua realised he needed the divine wisdom and strategy if there was to be success, and he received it.

The way to conquest revealed was rather strange. All that God’s people had to do was to quietly walk behind the ark being carried by the priests with the blasting of seven trumpets. The enemy would be viewing over the walls and wondered at this weird operation. It looked like an act of madness from one angle but it was learned previously that the crossing of Jordan was by a simple yet strange formula. The moment came when the walls fell flat and the city was taken and this became an assurance as to the possessing of the whole territory.

We are to be emboldened in our faith toward God. He wants to make known how to make progress and break forth into supreme conquest. The time has come for us to witness what He will do as we look to Him in establishing His gospel in our locality. We need to see our area really seeing God at work in supernatural power. There could be a situation that is completely closed up and there appears to be no way round or through, be assured, God possesses the capacity to miraculously alter in a moment. He has the perfect strategy in all impossible conditions.



welcome to this christian website

ernest kitchen
Feb 21st – 2016
Rev. E. Anderson

Welcome to this Christian Website which has now been going for a number of years. Over 130,000 people have visited it since 2006. On the left hand side of the introductory page is a host of subjects and material that have been placed during this time and is there for your interest, study and perusal.

I feel it is time and right to change the format and to present day by day something a little simpler and trust will benefit and bless those who visit it. It will consist of A Golden Promise from the Scriptures, Wisdom that Works by Bob Stevenson, Choice Quotations and daily Meditations, working through the whole Bible. something to focus your mind on are included that can be developed more fully by you. I trust you will find such refreshing and helpful.


We know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him” – 1 John 4:16

There have been many times in my own life where I have struggled with circumstances and have not had any pat answers or quick solutions to my problems. In the midst of these seasons in my life, 1 John 4:16 has become really meaningful to me.

When all else fails, love will never fail. As the Apostle John tells us in today’s promise… And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. (NIV)

Whatever challenge you are facing in your life today, you can know and depend on the love that God has for you. His love will comfort you, His love will sustain you, His love will carry you through any situation. May each one of us run into the arms of our God and Father today knowing that we can depend on His love to be enough for us no matter how difficult our journey.

God is love. He not only loves, but the very core of His being is unconditional, everlasting love for you and I. May the reality of this promise go deep into our hearts today so that we would learn to make our home living in the love that God has for us.

MINDS MADE UP – Rev. Bob. Stevenson

”What a shame – yes how stupid! – to decide before knowing the facts”. Read: Proverbs 18: 13

I know it was the Scottish poet Robbie Burns who observed the futility of trying o reason with somebody who already have their minds made up. He is credited with the following saying, “To convince a man against his will, takes much more wisdom than I can tell!” When spoken with Scottish accent it sounds much more authentic! How hard it is to discuss anything in an objective way when there is a rigidity of opinion irrespective of the facts! There are so many factors that come into play in the business of making a right decision, or a measured judgment about something, and unfortunately, the facts of the matter are sometimes the last things to be considered.

We all have a personal bias about a whole host of scenarios that we would rather believe to be the facts than the facts themselves. Then there are our personal likes and dislikes, which have the capacity to cloud our judgment. Then what about our fear of the opinions that others might have of us if we do come down on the side of the facts?

Whatever may be the reasoning behind our unwillingness to budge, if we choose to ignore the reality of fact, it will eventually turn to our shame, not to mention put a dent in our credibility.


Better three hours too soon than a minute too late – William Shakespeare

We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right – Nelson Mandela

Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present – Bill Keane

Tough times never last, but tough people do – Robert H. Schuller

A CHALLENGING ENCOUNTER – Joshua 5: 13-15; Acts 9: 1-6

The Lord does have some surprises up His sleeve and this is one in point. Joshua goes out to have a strategic look over Jericho to see how this stronghold could truly be conquered. He must have thought in his mind as he beheld it that this well fortified place could not be taken without some extraordinary strategy and help. He must have felt powerless in one sense at the very sight of it. Into this set of circumstances he has a dramatic experience – a meeting with the Lord and sees Him in a new light – v13 “behold there stood a man over against him with a drawn sword.”

He was quick on the uptake and wanted to immediately know his identity and credentials. He was to discover straight away that it was the Lord and that he was on holy ground. There was the quick submission of this godly man and leader to Him and a readiness to hand over the whole project of possession into His hands. The sight of Him with drawn sword indicated that He was ready to lead and to battle and Joshua had no problems with that. He would be conscious of the fact that whatever was ahead, no matter how difficult, would be answered by Him.

How essential it is to live in the revelation of the Lord in these days! Great stress is to be made in the Christian community that Jesus is the resurrected Christ and is alive for evermore to be in charge and control of His Church. He leads every Christian and local church community into battle and victory. He possesses all the answers for conquest. Submission to Him and His authority is sure to produce domination and triumph. Let us make sure we have encountered Him and live in the knowledge of His command.

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