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Just for You Today – 31/12/19


That is what the starter says when he is about to sound the gun that commences the race. The competitor must make sure he is prepared and vigilant, ready for the best of take offs. You want to be in and maintain the lead so that you might turn out to be a winner! It would wise of you during the last day of the old year to be in the best of moods and spirit as you face the next 12 months. With an in-word from the LORD and a prayerful spirit you can be encouraged to encounter all that is lined up to be dealt with an effective manner. There is no reason in Him why you cannot know increased blessing on your life and service and see a great fruitful period. It could be the year of Psalm 1 for you!

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Just for You Today – 30/12/19


In facing and entering into another phase of life it is helpful to do two things; namely to view the route you have come by the grace and goodness of God and then through prayer and waiting on Him to sense the direction He wills for you to take. Really, life is like a book with various chapters that note the important states. The LORD never intended that existence for you should be hum-drum, dead-pan, without sense or reason but one of unfolding purpose and accomplishment. No, you are not a robot under His dictatorship but a member of His Royal Household with true destiny here and the world to come. So make sure you adopt the right mind and heart set towards it!

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Just for You Today – 29/12/19


As you contemplate the future you may be wondering what lies ahead.

It is a sure thing, as it begins to be revealed and unfolded; there will be occasions when you have to step out in and with the LORD and take the initiative. Such requires faith and boldness that He will afford and so you will achieve much more than you have thus far attained. Jesus Christ not only called His disciples but provoked on a numerous occasions to move out of their littleness and become bigger people and to exert immense influence and to express their God-given abilities and faculties to the maximum. The challenges are on the way, so be ready to take the initiative.

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The LORD foreknows and will extend His presence, power and goodness in all of your tomorrows. You may be in ignorance of the same but He isn’t in any degree. Live in the faith, serenity and certainty with regard to all that is to unfold because He will be there in an active capacity to make sure all will work to your advantage and utmost gain. You do have to hope He will turn up because He is ever-present to make sure all is attended to. Commence the day with your mind and thoughts towards Him and you will soon discover you are always in His mind and workings. At the end of the day spend time reflecting on Him and His doings and give thanks.


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JUST FOR TODAY – 27/12/19


You are very close to commencing a New Year and it is a good moment for thanksgiving and earnest reflection. Before you embark by the Lord’s favour into a fresh period, consider where you are and have come from and to in Him. Having done that you need through Him to temper and tone the arrangements and movement ahead. He is always progressive and eager to go forward and the same is required of you. The Lord has taken all of His servants and sons into immense possibilities through love, faith and devotion and the same is to be for you. So take up a positive stance and let divine expectancy prevail in your mind and heart.

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JUST FOR TODAY – 26/12/19


This is what Queen Elizabeth affirmed in her annual Christmas speech. She highlighted how often ‘small steps, not large leaps’ bring about lasting change into the world. You must not be afraid to move ahead with your LORD for He knows all that is ahead and will guide perfectly. Those things that are complicated He will readily and easily sort out so that you will praise and thank Him for His wise direction and management. Keep steady, slow and sure and mistakes will be avoided and the journey and delightful.

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The night before the outstanding event: it was quite a demanding issue for Christ’s parents but providentially something turned up even though it was a stable! Who could imagine that God would stoop so low into a human body, a lowly maiden and manger, but that‘s the story! It certainly hits man’s pride. If it had been left to the natural and human the entrance would have been planned altogether different. After all, princes are born in palaces! Thank God we can rightly celebrate His coming but most of all into our own hearts and lives. What a difference He makes when He is allowed admission and rule into us personally. He becomes the real dynamic and reason for being here. The great joy, this is of eternal consequence!

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Whilst it is good and right to celebrate the advent of Jesus Christ into the world, the reason for His coming must be grasped and appreciated. He came with the specific purpose of coming into our hearts and to share His quality life with us. It must be understood that He waits outside the door of every life desirous of making entrance so a vibrant relationship is formed and daily known. Holman Hunt’s picture of Him standing outside the door knocking reveals there is no handle on the outside. This was pointed out as an omission but was rejected, the answer being, the handle is on the inside. Christ does not force entry but waits for you to invite Him in so that He can be your Saviour and LORD. Make sure that you have done this! He is the One that makes Christmas and Life.

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How refreshing and delightful it is to receive a warm, loving, bear hug just when you need one! There isn’t too much an expression of this around us so it would nice to initiate in this Christmas season with this blessed action. One hymn writer in a hymn speaks about ‘God kissing this guilty world in love’. He stooped down in Christ to give humanity the biggest hug imaginable thus shows His esteem and utmost affection for mankind. So many are starved of someone exhibiting this gesture so it would be good for all to bestir themselves and step out an graciously put one’s arms around them and affirm a true warmth. Christmas cards and greetings are okay but it would be great if the bigger and better action occurred. Let’s start a genuine trend!

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One of the worst images to witness is that of a flat tyre, be it on a bicycle, motor car, cycle, bus, lorry etc. A sight that has ever been in my mind for many, many years, was that of a loaded load of bags of coal with one back flat tyre! It looked a very sad sight and picture of depression. Possibly the worst scenario is seeing a human being or a team of people that have lost an important final that had great golden or silver silver-ware to be possessed. How necessary it is to a have pure, strong and resolute inspiration that maintains you as a winner! The Holy Spirit is God’s gift of a heavenly in flatus to indwell the Christian so enabling to keep on going and achieve the highest goals that have been set: hence the directive – ‘be filled with the Spirit’.

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