welcome to this Christian website

Sep 30th

Rev. E. Anderson


Looking back upon your life you have a great deal to be grateful and thankful for. The lines have fallen to you in the main in pleasant places. Even the tough and rough stages have been experiences that have led to the stretching of your gifts, graces and ministry. It is opportune to acknowledge the LORD in all. As you stand in the present pondering your future, there may be a little hesitancy and uncertainty. It is now time to love, believe and trust Him who has brought you thus far. He is ever in the business of opening life up on a greater scale. So for you, now, step out afresh with your LORD and taste much more of His fellowship, favour and fullness!


“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day, the night cometh, when no man can work” – John 9:4

You don’t have to stay awake nights to succeed – just stay awake days.

Ever keep abreast with God and He’ll keep you on your toes, showing and enabling you what to do on a daily basis and achieving the best.


“And now abideth faith, hope and love” – 1 Corinthians 13:13 – Where love abides so you will abide and so will all the other choice virtues, too. As the promise of His agape love exists in you, so you will reveal the beautiful qualities of the Christian life, the Life of Christ. His love will introduce and produce all the transformation essential to you being an individual that reflects all that is of a heavenly character. Without stress and strain and the employment of human will power, His dynamic indwelling holds the prospect of you bearing a powerful influence wherever you go and meet. Make sure you live in 1 Corinthians 13 and this chapter lives in you and you will radiate  all the loveliness of Christ.



As the parents went to dedicate their new-born son in the Temple they were to be pleasantly surprised as two special, aged people were to prophesy with regard to this child they had brought. The first one was Simeon, he was the priest who was to perform on their behalf. What a man he was and what choice things are said of him! He was righteous and devout, full of the Holy Spirit and divine expectation and in the place of revelation. As soon as he saw the baby he spoke the prophetic truth concerning Him. He saw the extraordinary history and destiny of this child.

An eighty-four year old woman was likewise inspired by God and gave added witness to the uniqueness of this little one. In seeing these parents and the offspring before her she also erupts in expressing her gratitude in being able to confirm the status of the babe. She began to speak about Him to others. It says: “She talked about Jesus to everyone who had been waiting for the promised King to come and deliver Jerusalem” – v38. Here is an octogenarian alive and aglow, glad that she has someone of note to speak about that all should hear and come to know.

How wonderful to observe that God does not by-pass age. These two elderly people, a man and woman, both devoted servants of the Lord, were to have such choice experiences at such a late time in their lives. Because they had lived near to God and trusted Him they were to have this unique thrill at beholding the Christ-child. As you grow older you need not be spiritually sterile or static because the Lord has still things to reveal to and through you that will bless others. As you keep a oneness and openness to Him He will surely bless and use you in later life.








welcome to this Christian website

Sep 29th

Rev. E. Anderson


You live in a very busy world in every way where demands are constantly made upon you from many people and quarters. Whilst it important to be busy, it is essential to determine what is vital and necessary and will produce what is good and profitable. This is where your constant contact with heaven is required so that you can see clearly what has its approval. To pray that God’s will be done on earth commences with you and each day should see you making progress on this front. The ultimate reward at the end of life and labour is to know that you have succeeded in achieving your Father’s plan. So do not rush into everything today but make certain that you are sensitive and obedient to direction from above.


“Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour for we are members one of another” – Ephesians 4:25

He who throws dirt loses ground. Build trust and confidence through truthfulness with all so that all may become reliable and genuine people to be trusted.


There is an assured promise given to the possession and experience of real peace. The prophet proclaimed; “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on YOU” – Isaiah 26:3. The great thing is, the LORD is able to give you His quality peace. It is a serenity and tranquillity that ever exists in Him from which He operates from. No one and nothing agitates Him or His throne. He has handled everyone and everything from eternity past and will do so in the future. In granting you this peace you are saved not only from being unduly alarmed and frustrate so you can calmly walk through each day and deal with it in calmness and composure that is always successful.


JOYFUL OCCASIONS – Luke 1: 57 – 2: 20

The time came when both these two unique babies were to be born and they were occasions of great joy. It was certainly so for Zachariah’s, the father of John the Baptist. He had been struck dumb because of his failure to believe the angel and his tongue was released at the advent of his new-born son. Everyone were thrilled for this old, godly pair as they celebrated his arrival and the father got particularly inspired by the Spirit of God as he celebrated his birth and the One yet to be born., the Christ. His son was going to fulfil an important role re-the Messiah and the nation’s future so he could truly rejoice with ecstatic joy.

Of course the advent of the Christ-child was a cause of immense pleasure in relation to the angels, shepherds and the parents. The sky itself was filled with rapture the night Jesus made His appearance. The angel of the Lord announced his message – “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone” – v10. This baby was to impact the world of mankind for all generations because of who He was and what He would do. This was none other than man’s Saviour and Lord, the One that would make it possible for men to be reconciled to God.

The birth of babies is usually a cause for immense delight. When once it is known that a child is on the way, the family is filled with a sense of expectancy and excitement with regard to the matter. The day of birth is a reason to rejoice when everything has gone alright. We all can rejoice in the birth of Christ because it has a definite relevance to our lives. He came for your present and eternal benefit, that you might be saved from sin and know His government within your life; so rejoice!

welcome to this Christian website

Sep 28th

Rev. E. Anderson


Look to be blessed by your LORD today and look to be a blessing. Let both aspects be much in your mind and heart and voice such to Him who is able to bring this about. Never forget that you are in good standing with the LORD, this being so, His favour and kindness is ever in your direction. Without ado He is ready to load your life with choice factors that will make you sense your lovely status with Him. As you share this quality status with others, there will stem into lives and situations such incredible things that will make them sense what a blessing you are to them. Don’t forget what the LORD said to Abraham: “In blessing I will bless you.” It will be the same for you for the LORD ever keeps up-dated with His people!


“A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow” – Proverbs 25:18

Pick your friends but not to pieces. Having made friends maintain such by refraining from all that is negative and destructive that would ruin your accord and blessing. Don’t spoil a good friendship by wrong testimony.


God gave a promise to Israel as a nation as a whole if they lived in complete faith and obedience to Him. He would be Jehovah Rophekah, the LORD their Healer. He would keep sickness from them and should they be overtaken by such, he would be amongst them to remove the cursed evil. He said: “I Am the LORD that healeth you” – Exodus 15:26. Be reminded of the truth and fact that He is ever the same and is healing power will be extended to you when required. Begin to sense and quote this affirmation today and prove that He is more than able to remove sickness, disease and pain from you now..



The opening account of Luke’s Gospel commences with the amazing recital of the birth of two important babies that were to impact the world in an amazing way. The conception of John the Baptist occurred at an unusual time in the life of his parents. Both of them were very old. It looked as if there would be no child to gladden their eyes or hearts. But then God stepped in and gave forecast of the coming of the child that would be the prophet that would precede Israel’s Messiah. He was the chosen one called to be the herald that would set up everything for the manifestation and ministry of Israel’s Saviour and King.

Christ was to come in a more unusual manner, through a virgin and without any human association. Instead of it being someone very old, this was someone very young, Mary, and it would be in an extraordinary fashion. She was rather taken back by the angelic announcement and questioned how it could be. The reply entertained no doubt: “For nothing is impossible with God” – v37. She was to experience by the power of the Holy Spirit a miraculous conception and become pregnant with the Son of God in her womb. Both these choice women knew what it was to have everything confirmed and so rejoiced in being God’s channels.

Christmas brings the great truth that God is able to perform amazing miracles at different stages of life: when very old or very young. He can cause things to be brought into being by extraordinary means and measures. As He caused these two womenfolk to be blessed in this unique manner so He still does the same today. Miracles are still within His programme and on His agenda. As you live in a wholesome relationship with Him, expect Him to move in and do the unique thing.










welcome to this Christian website

Sep 27th

Rev. E. Anderson


Seek above all things today to nurture a quiet confidence in your LORD because it will yield untold relief, refreshment and reward. There are many things that Satan, the world and others would endeavour to introduce to disturb your tranquillity but refuse anything and everyone that would do such. Trust the promises of your LORD for they are given to energise and sustain so that your inward condition is one of immense calm. Paul states that the peace of God that passeth all understanding shall garrison your mind and heart” – Philippians 4:7. They are ever on duty to preserve the well-being of the saints.


“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” – James 1:19

Ignorance is always swift to speak. Learning to keep your mouth shut and speaking at the right time is the great conquest of life. Our utterances betray what we are like in person and character.


“Know that that the LORD, He is God: it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves, we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture” – Psalm 100:3. Because you were made by Him and that you are one His sheep, as your Maker and Shepherd, He knows how to look after you. Rest today in His kindness and ability for He will more than meet your need. As He has cared for and catered for all who have preceded you, He is still up to fully providing for you. He takes full responsibility over you now and forever and simply desires your simple trust in Him and His workings. One things is for sure: He cannot and will not fail to fulfil His service.



These two things, thanksgiving and praise, are essential spiritual factors in pure and true worship of God. They constitute an important role in the person who is a real worshipper of the Lord. Both have to be conducted in a spirit of gladness and pleasure. Worship is a wholesome and happy expression of the soul in gratitude to God and in recognition of all that He is and does. At this particular season of the year, Christmas, there is every reason to lift up the heart through the delight of worship.

Giving thanks at the remembrance of all that He has given and outworked in life on the basis of His grace. Goodness incessantly streams from the heart and hand of God to His creatures and so it is right to offer Him continual thanks. He satisfies every need and shows His generosity in a regular manner and measure. Praise is also due to Him in the unique ways He performs. He is not tied to one procedure of acting on behalf of His people and creation. He can work surprisingly and suddenly to show the greatness of His power.

The invitation is given to all: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and enter into His courts with praise” – v4. In approaching the Lord then it has to be in this condition of being. Those who worship Him know the value of these two ingredients as they draw nigh to Him. Let this Christmas season be full of good will to the Lord and begin to thank Him more than ever that Christ came to be your Saviour and Lord. Praise Him for the way He wrought this for you by means of incarnation, death and resurrection. Make this a very happy Christmas to God by rendering to Him all the thanks and praise that is due Him. It is the best, blessed and right thing to do.





welcome to this Christian website

Sep 26th

Rev. E. Anderson


Every day does not commence with unclouded skies and beautiful sunshine. Often they appear dark and gloomy, seemingly full of foreboding. Learn at the onset to deal positively with such a scene. Recognise they are passing factors but the water that is spilled out leaves a blessing behind for vegetation and reveals a sweetness and freshness. You can discover the lasting benefits and qualities of such and instead of bemoaning matters be filled with praise and thankfulness that lifts into a greater manifestation of living. Learn to ride the clouds because they will take you on to worthwhile situations.


“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” – Ephesians 4:32

Every person should have a special cemetery lot in which to bury the faults of friends and loved ones. Do not carry grudges within your mind and heart because they become very weighty and distressing. It is better to off-load them on Christ at the Cross and move on in life with wholesome relationships.


The psalmist declared:”Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shall you dwell in the land, and verily you shall be fed” – Psalm 37:3. When you do what you are called to do you will discover the LORD will never fail to meet and minister to your whole situation? Let your performance rate to others increase and be at an all time high and discover that the LORD will give abundant returns. What you sow you actually reap because this is the rule that the LORD desires you adopt in your life. You will find that you will be blessed beyond measure and overtaken by glorious surprises and provision.



A revelation is given of the great situation of the Lord by the psalmist. He is stated to be King and is seated on His throne in two places, in heaven and on earth. He says in vv1, 2 “He seats on His throne between the cherubim and the Lord sits in majesty in Jerusalem.” He is seen to be Lord above and below, the supreme Sovereign in and over both realms. This knowledge is purposed to bring untold assurance and peace to those who trust in Him because it makes known the truth that He is in complete charge, especially of the welfare and destiny of His people.

Because of His unique and eternal rule and power, those who believe, trust and obey Him can turn to Him in their need and petition and ask for His assistance. Moses, Aaron and Samuel, men of God, (vv6-8) prayed to Him and found to their delight that He would exercise His omnipotence on their behalf and for the people of God. The One on the throne had the power to execute and perform greatly on their behalf in their day and generation. They discovered He was interested in them and their prayers and that He was the majestic King with all power.

This is to be an ongoing knowledge and revelation because it is an unchanging truth. Our God lives and reigns and is ever seated on His eternal throne serving His devoted subjects at all times. No one can ever unseat Him or rob Him of His sovereign power. This is an enormous consolation to all those who have made Him their King. He is exalted on high and all the saints must behold Him in that position and exalt His Godhead. You need to have this fixation of truth in your mind and heart and live constantly under His reign and government and all will be well.



welcome to this Christian website

Sep 25th

Rev. E. Anderson


Many voices call for your ear and your attention. The world is full of sounds of voices and you have to be careful that you are listening to the right one, especially the LORD. He always speaks the truth and words that are able to create peace of mind and a state of a confidence to choose the right course of action to take. He is in full comprehension of each day and its movements and is able, as you hearken to Him, to guide unerringly and successfully. Tune in at this moment and be as a Samuel who was taught: “Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.”


“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8

Jesus is a Friend who knows all our faults and still loves you anyway. No one else can exceed or excel the Love that Christ has for you. The best and wisest thing for you to do is to respond wholeheartedly to it.


The psalmist said: “When my spirit is overwhelmed within me, then you knew my path” – Psalm 142:3. It is encouraging for you to know that the LORD is absolutely aware of you in your rough and tough days. Not only does He know all there is to know, He is with you in sacred promise to assure you that He will be with you to answer every situation and emergency. Thankfully, He is more than a bystander: He is your immediate presence and help so that you can deal with every obstacle and opposition. Welcome the opportunity, therefore, of getting to know Him better and experience His goodness!



The invitation is given here to both sing and shout to the Lord and the reasons for doing so are also mentioned. There are so many causes for performing this choice action. The Lord is renowned for His wonderful and astounding deeds that He brings to pass in the experience of His chosen people. Not only is He ever victorious, He gives victories to those who act in accord with His purposes. He can be rejoiced in and made melody to because of His untold love and faithfulness. Al-though everyone else may fail, He never will.

All musical instruments can be enjoined in this act of praising. The Lord can be thoroughly delighted in with every kind of organ that can make a melodious sound. They can be orchestrated together along with the musicians and singers in acclaiming the greatness and worth of the Lord. It says in v6 “Make a joyful symphony before the Lord, the King!” He cannot be praised too much when He and all that He has performed is fully considered. All creation and all creatures need to join as one in making known the glory of the Lord in a most inspiring fashion.

This is to be the life and lot of the Christian believer: to become a spiritual songster. The best way for this to occur is to make sure that continually there is a daily filling with the Holy Spirit. He gives the capacity to make melody in the heart and on the lips to praise the Lord. Paul says: “Let the Spirit control you. Then you will sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, making music to the Lord in your hearts” – Ephesians 5: 18, 19. It is time for you to break out in song and even dare to shout your praises to the One who has done so much for you right now.


welcome to this Christian website

Sep 24th

Rev. E. Anderson


Step out today with your God into what He has ordained for you. Do not linger or lag behind in the backwoods, but come forth under His inspiration and direction and tread the course He has appointed. Always note: God is always going places of worth and significance and those who tap into Him receive the capacity to do likewise. Whilst rejoice and be thankful for the stage you have arrived, do not stop there. It is time and opportune that you see that there is so much more to be wrought. Even Moses discovered at 80 that the LORD had a tremendous agenda to fulfil and he made it! And so can you!!


“A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter” – Proverbs 11:13

Whoever gossips to you will gossip of you. The good person knows how to maintain a wise head and lips under watchful guard so that nothing of an unwholesome nature is expressed which cause regret and grief to anyone.


The proverb has it: “For there surely is end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off” – Proverbs 23:18. Conclusions do occur on a regular basis. How choice and wonderful when they end up in a glorious manner! It is important that one nurtures and nourishes blessed certainties that God births through the assurances of the Scriptures. He ever seeks to generate hope and anticipation on many fronts and works behinds the scenes to bring them to fulfilment. In late life he gave Abraham and Sarah had the prospect of having a child when all natural hopes were gone. He did not fail them as the witness of Israel as a nation proves. Be aware of the up-to-date promises He has given you and live pregnant in the knowledge that was has been assured arrives. Today could be the day of fulfillment!


A GODLY LIFE – Psalm 97

The latter verses spell out the blessing and advantage of a godly life. It is of importance and value that those who profess to truly love God take up a real stance against sin and wickedness. The directive is: “You who love the Lord, hate evil” – v10. When a person is in love with God then they love what God loves and hate what God hates, and He certainly loathes evil. One can understand His attitude when it is realised what it has done to His creation and creatures. It is a loathsome factor. To choose to be and live godly is desirable in His eyes and in the outworking proves to be most profitable to those who are exercised this way.

Reference is made as to what happens to the godly. They know the special protection of the Lord above all. He loves to throw a shield of defence around those who live so. More than that: light and joy becomes the lot of those who embrace this life-style. It is not a miserable existence and way of living but sunshine and gladness belong to the godly. The benediction of happiness is also enjoined to those who take this course – “May all who are godly be happy in the Lord” – v12. They will have every cause to praise the Lord because of this quality of being and life.

How necessary it is to have a proper view and evaluation of godliness. It is not something to switch a person off but on to a vital requisite for living. Certainly, it is God approved and therefore must be invaluable. To reject the path of evil is a wise course of action. But it is better to adopt a positive attitude to all that is good and right because of the divine returns. See that created and cultivated in you is this holy ambition to be godly and take definite steps to adopt all that is acceptable to God. The advantages are for this life as well as the glorious one to come.





welcome to this Christian website

Sep 23rd

Rev. E. Anderson


There are often formidable obstacles in your way that would seek to prevent your progress and progress. They are there to test your faith and metal, to discover to God and you whether you are ready to move into the scene of conquest. Warriors are made on the battle field where the fight and clash takes place. It is possible to run away but then you are possessed with fearful emotions that lead to your undoing. The call from heaven is to stand up and meet your foes head on and prove that the presence and sustaining power of God will more than fortify but grant the triumph you desire. You will be able to say with Paul: “Thanks be unto God who always causeth us to triumph”.


“If God be for us, who can b against us?” – Romans 8:£1

God plus one is always a majority!

It is imperative to make sure that you are on God’s side and He is on yours. The outcome is always guaranteed – victory!


The assurance of the psalmist holds good for you today – “He that keepeth you will not slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber or sleep” – Psalm 121: 4, 5. It matters not whether one or many, the LORD is well able to watch over and take care of all those who are His people and trust Him. He is never subject to shut-eye or off guard. Be convinced of this today, He whose eye is on the sparrow is also on you and as you keep your eye on and towards Him you have naught to fear. Rest assured His providing and protecting hand is ever faced in your direction so that you sing and safely say – ‘I am covered’.



Without ado and embarrassment the psalmist affirms the need for the entire world to know about the Lord his God. In v3 he says, “Tell everyone”, and in v10, “Tell all the nations.” This shows that all ought to hear and come to know about the Lord in every way. There is no tongue in cheek as he sings and speaks out with regard to the One that he had come to highly regard. No one is to be compared with Him and He is deserving of the total respect of all peoples’ from each nation.  He is the One that is supreme in the midst of all because He is the All in all.

One of the main things to be done in the proclamation is to declare His wondrous works. In v3 it states: “Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.”   The Lord possesses the ability to perform at every level and to the point of doing extraordinary deeds. There is no limit to His capabilities as the Bible unerringly sets forth. He not only made everything that the eye beholds but sustains by His all sufficiency. When crises of an impossible nature occur with regard to people, He is able to respond to such and work miracles for them and show His power.

It is right that all give the Lord His rightful place in life and honour Him at all times in the light of who He is and by reason of His sovereign works. The Lord does not have to prove anything because all stands as a witness to His greatness. How essential it is for each one, on the personal front, make certain that they attend to this! Today, you are to give the Lord the worship due to Him in a way that truly glorifies Him. Sing and speak His praise for all to hear. Do not be ashamed of Him who has done all things well for you and you shall yet see more amazing things.


welcome to this Christian website

Sep 18th

Rev. E. Anderson


There are many incidents and experiences that would seek to crush and make you sense an inadequacy to step out to perform as your LORD directs and wills. Having given faith and instructions, the Lord is aware of the fact that your inveterate foe, Satan, would do within his power to negate this positive condition. Your first task is to resist him and make him aware that you purpose to fulfil heaven’s designs. The assurance holds good: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Emulate your Master. Do not give him any room to operate so he has no ground whatsoever to work on. Instead of being crushed, crush your adversary so you are a real threat to him and you ascend into the choice work and service the LORD has ordained for you. The conflict becomes the stepping stones to immense victory.


“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He it is that doth go with you; He will not fail you nor forsake you” – Deut 31:6

Do the thing you fear and death of fear is certain. It is a paralysing force that seeks to make you impotent within. Through the omnipotence of God and His promises to you, this dictating power can be expelled and cease its rule.


The LORD affirms to you, “Behold I make all things new” and that includes you. Nothing gives Him more pleasure that transforming people into new creatures so that they are able to live, move perform to perfection and satisfaction. Paul said:”If any man be in Christ he is a new creation . . .” – 2 Cor 5:21, Fresh, heavenly and dynamic aspirations now exist and prevail with the possibilities of immense achievement for God and His kingdom. Instead of merely going through the motions, one is girded and galvanized with the wisdom and strength of the Lord to accomplish things that are of a permanent and eternal worth and order that will be duly awarded by Him. The inward drive takes you forward to succeed in the task that is appointed you from Him and concludes in conquest.



The psalm, in the main, is a wonderful song of worship to the Lord. He is filled with inward delight and exuberance as He contemplates the Lord in His supreme position and majesty. No one is His equal as He is the great God the great King above all gods – v3. Because He is the Maker of all He is the Owner of all. He has a right to be glorified in the light of His sovereignty and amazing works. The choice thing that is mentioned, however, is the fact that “He is our God. We are the people He watches over, the sheep under His care” – v7.

Israel had known what it was to have the God of the universe taking special notice of them and looking intently over their affairs. He had selected them as His own Flock and throughout their history had shown His kindness in ministering into all of their situations so they lacked nothing. His provision, protection and guidance had been manifested on a large scale. In Egypt, the wilderness and Canaan there had been a constant demonstration of His loving oversight. Living under His watchful eye and beneficent hand they had prospered and been richly blessed.

Those whom Christ has redeemed and renewed can equally know the watchfulness and concern of the Lord as the Shepherd not only of their souls but the One that is committed to ministering into all of all life’s circumstances. The Lord knows who His sheep are and has assured that He will ever be with them to see that they are catered for. Each sheep must reflect Him at all times and be a testimony to His love and ministry. Rejoice and sing today because He is your Shepherd-King.

Just to let you kow I am taking a break for a few days holiday!!!





welcome to this Christian website

Sep 17th

Rev. E. Anderson


One of the immense privileges and joys in life is that of being an encourager. There are those who served in this and did an excellent task in coming alongside others to be a friend, inspiration and aid them in their difficult situations. For instance, Joshua was a real quality person alongside Moses, Ruth with Naomi, Elisha and Elijah and Barnabas with Paul and so on. As you walk with the Lord and work for Him He will give you opportunity to draw near someone and become a real boost and strength in difficult situations. There is some sense of delight when you have been in right place at the right time standing with someone and performing a quiet, invaluable service. Do not let today go by without rendering this ministry.


“The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat” – Proverbs 13:4

A lazy disposition and life produces nothing and is a disgrace. It is worthless. The contrast is to be desired and aimed for. Be industrious and it will yield immense returns that will be satisfying and fulfilling.


“Blessed is the man whom you chasten, O LORD, and teachest him out of your Law” – Psalm 94:13. There is no better or greater disciplinarian than the LORD and there is np better means by which His instructs – the Book of the Law, the Scriptures. To have a life, character and work that is to prove commendable and profitable, one must be taught by the LORD and from His inspired Word. Your person and future is bound now and eternally in who and what you listen to. The LORD neither forces His attentions on any one nor does He impose His Word. Wise people make it their primary business to know Him and to learn all they can from Him and His Word so that they make the grade.



The God of the Bible is a God of justice. He is the true and absolute Judge that will mete out justice and judgment with regard to all men and all need to be aware of the fact and not be presumptuous of life.  It does look at times as if the wicked do get away with their evil as they arrogantly proceed in their deeds. They seemingly can do everything that is contrary to all that is good, true and right without any punishment. They even gloat over the fact and consider God as irrelevant. If He exists then He is not bothered about their sinful behaviour.

It is obvious that the psalmist has deep convictions on this issue and opens out: “O Lord, the God to whom vengeance belongs, O God of vengeance, let your glorious justice be seen!” – v1. He knows that in the long run those who go down the track of wickedness will meet their Judge and will be rewarded accordingly. The Lord does meet in righteousness those who seek to do what is right. He disciplines and corrects them in life so that they do not fall into the category of the wicked – vv12, 13. Better to live under the chastening hand of God and be straightened out in life now than to experience the full terror of His wrath in punishment at the end.

Things do not appear to have changed on the world scene as wicked people look to get away with their awful and obnoxious deeds. At times, it does not seem God nor divine justice exists. No one must be deceived with regard to this. In His timing and schedule God will bring the wicked to book and it will be a horrendous and sad moment for them. There will be no escape from Him who has observed them and their ways and has kept account. If you are being corrected by the Lord, rejoice and trust. Better to be and live right more than anything else before God.






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