welcome to this Christian website

Sep 9th

Rev. E. Anderson


The sun is not always shining, the skies are not forever blue, the gentle breeze is not always evident. These natural factors that grace creation and add lustre and blessing to our existence are not always to be seen. At times they disappear from view. It does not mean that they cease to exist. They are just temporarily out of view. They speak a message in their absence. We are not forever surrounded with beautiful things that light up life and make it pleasurable. There sometimes are seasons when it is dark, when there is a storm on and it is cold. It is at these times you need to bring good cheer and be sunshine and welcome climate into the seeming negative conditions. You can make a difference where you are by lighting up the day and community!


“He that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster” – Proverbs 18:9

Make sure that spend your time in industrious labour so you will have no room for regret or sorrow.


The psalmist said: “I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my prayer” – Psalm 40:1. The LORD is always worth waiting for. It may seem that sometimes there is delay but this is not so because all is perfectly timed by Him. He does not have to worry at any time or work Himself into a sweat but is fully aware of everyone and everything and possesses the wherewithal to answer all. Two things you require: ‘patience and expectation’; they are twin factors that predict the certainty of His interventions.



Highlighted in this chapter is the fact that Israel’s God is a strong Redeemer. It affirms: “the Lord of hosts is His Name” –v34. He is the One that espoused the despised and downtrodden estate of Israel by setting them free from the grip and domination of Babylon. For over 70 years this evil, tyrannical power had exercised control over God’s people but the time was to be when the tables would be truly turned. The prophetic word from on high proclaimed that their freedom was to be miraculously brought to pass by divine intervention.

This enemy that had been so powerful and dictatorial was to be subjected to a complete overthrow. Although it had been so outstanding in its rule it would be reduced to utter impotence. No longer would Babylon be master over the Lord’s inheritance, His elect household. Their strong Redeemer would break the bondage of His people and bring them back to Himself and to their own territory. The miracle would occur beyond all natural reasoning and expectation for His peoples’ delight.

This title of the Lord remains. He possesses the power to loose His people and this is manifest in the New Covenant He has made with all men. He has the power to free from every kind of bondage – sin, self, Satan, sickness and everything else that is detrimental to people. He can and does restore the lost favour and fortune that man has missed out on with God. He would deal with all your foes and fears and lead you back to enjoy the rights that are yours in and through Christ. Let Him be your Deliverer and bring the essential deliverances you need in your life. He wills to exercise His strength continually on your behalf.