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April 30th 


Rev. E. Anderson



Do not rest on your laurels good, great and outstanding as they have been. They are but the platform for something bigger and better. As you maintain a state of faith and humility you will move on and see something more beneficial born and developed that will advance the blessedness of others. Your growth and accomplishments are in order to stir and stimulate others, to cause nthem to see that they can follow your inspiring example.


“In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct and crown your efforts with success” – Proverbs 3: 6 Living Bible



Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week. A good word in Christian thought and experience is ‘possibility’ and this refers primarily to the knowledge and understanding that God seeks to impart to those who have a daily dynamic accord with Him. Those who really know and relate to God believe in His supreme power, that He can do anything. God the Father desires that His offspring through Christ will know how to perform in similar fashion.

The fundamental faith and knowledge that is to possess those who truly know God is that with Him “all things are possible”. Christ always spoke the truth and this is one thing He really affirmed – Mark 11:27. Within His life, ministry and vocabulary He permitted no doubt on this issue. It was a settled conviction and a truth that had to be made known to all men so that likewise they would be not only persuaded of the fact but know and live in the experience of it.

The Bible opens on this theme and revelation that God is omnipotent as seen in the creation of the world. Mankind is left in no doubt at the outset that He Master-minded and outworked the beginning of all things in relation to the material worlds and to man himself Genesis 1-3. He required no outside from anyone or anything but by His omnipotent, all-powerful word spoke all into being. Man himself, an intricate creation, came from the hands of the all creative genius and architect, God. Man himself is a walking wonder and a living revelation as to what God can do.


As you consider your own being and make-up, sense that you exist, formed by a skilled hand and mind and that He wills to work His wonders in and through you. The reason Christ has come into your life is in order that you might taste and see the extraordinary goodness and greatness of God. In union and communion with God your Father, there is no reason why your faith and expectation level cannot increase and be fulfilled. Big things are to happen in and through His sons. At this season of life, He that created and re-creates you in Christ is in order that you might enjoy the impossible occurring in your affairs, now.


A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul –  Minna Antrim



The subject matter of these verses focus attention on the fulness of God’s blessing. It gives indication and assurance of the heart and mind of God in seeking to truly enhance the lives of all. Commencing with His elect people Israel, He states that as they act in righteousness to Him and each other then they will know in a marked manner and measure His wonderful blessings. He really wanted them to experience His goodness in every way and on every hand. It was up to them if it was to be.

The Lord even goes further and makes known that His thoughts were not just on the Chosen Race: it embraced the Gentiles, too.  It is obvious from v3 – “And my blessings are for Gentiles, too.” From this it is appreciated that the Lord always has had in mind and intention to bless the world of nations. There is, of course, a condition – “when they commit themselves to the Lord.” They were not to think that they were outside a possible dynamic relationship with Him and of enjoying His blessing. It is important to know, the heart of God that is not restrained in His love for all.

The wonderful purpose of bringing people into a close relationship with Him as Father through Christ is in order to inaugurate manifold blessings. He is the blessed Father that seeks to bless His new household of faith. In Ephesians 1: 3 the word affirms – “who has blessed us with every blessing in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ.” This applies to Jew and Gentile as Paul makes clear. The Lord wants you to thrive under His care and benediction. In your earthly journey He would crown you and every day with His boundless grace and favour. Expect His best always.




welcome to this christian website

April 299h  


Rev. E. Anderson



Disappointments are bound to come your way but you must learn to deal with them in an effective manner and make them serve you. You can turn them on their head by make them into God’s appointments in that they are a challenge toi faith and ability in God to deal and dispense them with authority and accomplishment. Regard them as stepping stones not stumbling-blocks. See them as a royal staircase to choice achievements. Never forget: you were born to win! Joseph was enabled to deal with his and see where it brought him!!


Never forget to be truthful and kind .Hold these virtues tightly. Write them deep within your heart. If you want favour with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. Proverbs 3: 3,4,5 Living Bible


REVELATION ON THE FUTURE LIFE IN HEAVEN – John 14: 1-3; 1 Cor 2: 9:10; Phil 1:23

The Scriptures do make known the fact that there is an after life and that people will find themselves in one of two places, heaven or hell. There is revelation on both. There is an unfolding of heaven in promises by Christ when he said he was going there and in heaven were many abiding places – John 14;1-3. The assurance is that He would return and take His people back to this eternal dwelling place. The disciples had seen Him make a glorious exit to heaven but it will be whole Church Family that will welcome His second advent and their own supernatural exodus to heaven.

Paul gives added information and states in 1 Cor 2:9,10 that “ Eye hath not see nor ear heard what God has prepared for those that love Him . . . .”.  This present life with all of its pleasantries and delights are but a shadow of what is to be known on a bigger and grander scale in that new realm. Our heavenly Father has been planning and preparing something absolutely staggering for His New Family. The best will only be good enough as far as He is concerned. Heaven itself will be a mind-blowing experience for the child of God.

No wonder Paul the apostle had this desire and conviction when he was on the border of leaving this world. He said in Phil 1: 23 “to depart with Christ is far better”. What was ahead for him superseded anything this immediate world could offer. The present was and is a fading factor and will disappear when the more wondrous comes into view and realisation. Get a clear conviction in your heart re –heaven and make sure you are ready when it suddenly appears! Your new home and destiny is soon to be!



Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference – Winston Churchill



The Lord seeks to lift His people’s considerations on to a much higher level in terms of thinking and procedures. They had known only small concepts and conduct on a low human and natural plane. It was now time for them to have their minds thinking dramatically transformed and for them to start seeing things from a divine angle. It would be far better. Having promised them completely pardon and forgiveness it was imperative to strike out on a greater accord and for them to have a completely new perspective on life altogether. No longer were they to think as the other nations thought and acted.

The contrast is shown in v9 “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” They were to be initiated into the extraordinary and know the tremendous ideas and dreams that God had in mind for them and the route by which they would be accomplished. They were not simply idealistic and unrealistic but were capable of being brought to pass. Being joined with God in His understanding and planning was much better than settling for their own worthless considerations.

A promise is given similarly to all those who have been born again and are in the kingdom of God and know the presence and presidency of the Holy Spirit. Paul quotes an Old Testament promise and expresses its relevance to every son of God in 1 Corinthians 2: 9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by His Spirit, and His Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God’s deep secrets.” He has much to make known to you of His mind and plans as you walk with Him.




welcome to this christian website

April 28th  


Rev. E. Anderson



The Lord has been very gracious to you in order that He might favour you more and more and pour out His grace and favour to others through you. You have been birthed into His royal household that He might demonstrate now His kingly blessing not simply upon you and yours, but such should be extended immensely to all around both in the Church family and beyond. So do not stagnate but proliferate His goodness far and wide, today. Amen!


Life to the Full –  Follow the steps of the godly, stay on the right path, for only good men enjoy life to the full – Proverbs 2: 20 Living Bible  See also John 10:10                  



Paul, a man who once was a violent opponent of Christ and Christianity became a Christian when he had his own personal encounter with Christ – Acts 9. He had done everything in his power to oppose and uproot it from its beginning but he had a personal meeting with the resurrected Christ. Immediately he was converted and became a most ardent and consistent disciple of Christ. There were no half- measures with Him. Christ became everything to Him, Saviour Lord and master. He was able to propagate and lead countless others into an encounter with Christ.

The reason why he became a pattern on how a Christian should live is given in one of his letters. He wrote to a group of Christian believers and told them: “I live, yet not I , but Christ liveth in me: and the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” – Galatians 2: 20.  Only as Christ indwells and is allowed to be who He is to you and allowed to give dynamic and direction to you can you live His kind of life. It takes Christ within to live the life without. He must have major say and sway at all times.

When he is manifest in a person life is changed and the person is different and makes a different. Instead of being governed by the philosophies of men and by worldly attractions and systems, Christ is the promoter and power of daily believing and behaving. And it works! He reveals himself and reveals how life should be lived. In partnership with Him you cannot fail!


Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life. Joel Osteen



It seemed impossible but it was to happen. The assurance is given here in boundless terms that Israel is to be so blessed by the Lord that the increase will be absolutely fabulous. Where she has been bereaved and disgraced, this is to be no more, because all is to be changed. She is to break out and burst forth with unbelievable enlargement. Instead of languishing in defeat and despair she will be able to greatly delight at the swift change of fortunes. The Lord is taking her back to Himself and is to manifest all the goodness of His husbandry.

The city is to be rebuilt in a beautiful and majestic manner. He will be the great Instructor amongst them guiding and governing them in a positive fashion. Prosperity will be very much manifested and peace will prevail. No enemy will be able to take any advantage over them ever. Whatever the past has been in tokens of untold growth and preservation will be overtaken with a new covenant of blessing from the Lord. He will be there to see it initiated and fulfilled. What a great deal of pleasure it will give both to Him and them!

In no way does the Lord seek to put up blockades and barriers for His sons and daughters in His beloved Son, the Head of His kingdom. Having secured them from a life of sin and misery He now desires to enrich in every way, spiritually and naturally. The promise is made in Romans 8: 32 “Since God did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, won’t God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else!” It is to be realized that He does desire to bless the believer in all things in this life.



welcome to this christian website

April 27th  


Rev. E. Anderson



The desire is that you will be rich in the things that will enrich your character and enable Him to use you in incredible ways. You can be loaded with faith as you relate to Him and His Word by the Holy Spirit. The impossible will be possible and things that cannot be normally and naturally achieved will come through your life and ministry of a heavenly order. There will be a giving to those around the riches of heaven that will make them and their lives different and a praise to God.


The Lord grants good sense to the godly – His saints. He is their shield, protecting them and guarding their pathway. He shows how to distinguish right from wrong , how to find the right decision every time” – Living Bible Proverbs 2:7,8


Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week A good word in Christian thought and experience is ‘revelation’ and this refers primarily to the knowledge and understanding seeks to impart to those who have a daily dynamic accord with Him. He wills to give tue guidance to the believer and to open life up in a positive and rewarding way. He desires that you experience His daily unfolding to your mind and heart is given so you can proceed with certainty and fulfilment.


Quite a lot of the Old Testament is of a prophetic nature. There is actually a section known as the Major and Minor Prophets from Isaiah to Malachi. These men with the ministry from God were enabled to speak into the future in a remarkable manner. They discerned the past and present and were able to foresee and forecast the years ahead especially for Israel and the appearance of the Messiah, Jesus, Christ, and what he would accomplish. Events have proved how rightly inspired they were as history confirms. Isaiah 53 is an example of the predicted death of the Christ  and the New Testament Gospels reveal actual fulfilment.

But God has desired that in the New Testament Church there should be the ministry of the prophets fulfilling a major role directing and safeguarding the Christian Church. In the church at Antioch there were these people and there ministries – see Acts 13:1, 2. Paul in his teaching to the Corinthian church reveals there is a simple, inspiring mode of prophecy to be used in the local church gatherings by the saints. By the Holy Spirit individuals are capable of receiving words of a spiritual inspiring character that bring uplift to the people and are relevant to the saints. They may contain at times the prophetic which will be received and fulfilled.

Be open to the Lord to gift you so that you can contribute to the blessing of the local fellowship. There are many spiritual gifts to be received and used that will be to the advantage of the believers and gird and guide them in their faith and conduct. The local church should be a place where divine revelation flows, where saint and sinner alike can hear and have a message from heaven that will motivate faith and life in a profitable manner.


Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson


A PREVIEW OF CHRIST’S CROSS – Isaiah 52: 13 – 53: 1-12

Within the prophet’s words there is given quite a detailed description in prophetic utterance of the Cross of Christ with its suffering and shame. Centuries prior to the event he foresees the experience that Israel’s and the World’s Messiah would have to pass through in affliction and death. Christ knew what it was to suffer in life. As He lived, walked and served humanity He felt deeply the pain and anguish it was enduring.  It affirms He was “a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief — yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed Him down” vv3, 4.

Many fail to note that He was deeply grieved and pained within His being as He ministered to people. But He was brutally and cruelly treated prior to His crucifixion and on the Cross had to endure untold anguish. The account declares “many were amazed when they saw Him – beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know He was a person” – 52: 14. No one is to be left in any doubt as to the enormity of affliction He had to pass through to bring about man’s salvation. It was a horrible thing indeed for the whole weight of human sin and transgression to be loaded on Him. Sin was something that He truly loathed. But He bore all graciously, gloriously and triumphantly.

Let your mind and heart go over this portion of Scripture today and deeply muse on all that Christ went through to obtain the right of your salvation. Let your eyes be opened to take in the wonder of Christ and His agonies so that He could truly save you from sin and its consequences. The prophecy became a literal experience in the life of Christ: the most important in order to deliver every man from the evil of sin. Today you need to take time out to meditate on what it cost Christ to effect your salvation. As a result, you cannot help but love and believe in Him and worship.

welcome to this christian website

April 26th  


Rev. E. Anderson



Always be on the look-out for people that the Lord will send across your pathway that He wills you form a healthy, spiritual relationship which will profit both. In the interchange, God can use both of you to benefit to the release of your faith, life and service and advance His Name, Cause and Glory. Keep such within His framework and oversight and all will work to and end in maximum good.


“If you want better insight and discernment, and are searching for them as you would search for lost money or hidden treasure, then shall wisdom will be given you, and knowledge of God himself; you will soon learn the importance of reverence for the Lord and of trusting Him” – Liv. Bible Proverbs 2:3-5.            


Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week A good word in Christian thought and experience is ‘revelation’ and this refers primarily to the knowledge and understanding seeks to impart to those who have a daily dynamic accord with Him. He wills to give tue guidance to the believer and to open life up in a positive and rewarding way. He desires that you experience His daily unfolding to your mind and heart is given so you can proceed with certainty and fulfilment.


At a low point in Elijah’s life and ministry the Lord gave him an encouraging directive that would affect his life and future. He was called to appoint a young man who would be and work alongside him and be a loving and loyal servant and would bring inspiration into his being and experience. The Lord pointed him out, Elisha. When he first met and spoke to him he responded immediately and expressed his will to be with him. In a quiet and unassuming manner this choice person entered into a beautiful subservient role with the great prophet which must have been a source of inspiration.

Elijah was to have under his wing and care a young man that had spiritual desire, was ready to learn and when time was ripe, ready to move into the prophet’s role. The old prophet instead of dying was to see his successor and to aid him to occupy his place when removed from the scenes of time. They made an excellent pair and managed to form a wholesome relationship that would bless and benefit Israel and glorify Jehovah.

It is well for you to know who the Lord would put across your pathway to assist in the developments of their lives and gifts so at the right time will come forth to serve their day and generation. Her and know what the Lord is saying and directing you into in the forming of some healthy, spiritual bond that will impact the future in a dynamic fashion. Life is not to be wasted in God but used to utmost worth.


If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Maya Angelou


A WAKE UP CALL – Isaiah 52; 1-12

The prophet shouts at the outset – “Wake up, wake up, O Zion!” – v1. The time for slumbering and sleeping is over. A new day has dawned. Now is the time for a fresh movement of God amongst them in releasing them from captivity and the abject state of bondage they have been in. No longer are they to think and believe that they are to stay forever subject to being foreigners and exiles for it is the hour to return to their homeland for a great beginning with their God. The important thing was that they should become wide awake to the factor and commence to act.

God wants them out of this wicked place and to see them as His separated and sanctified people again. The call is- “Put Babylon behind you, with everything it represents for it is unclean to you. You are the Lord’s holy people. Purify yourselves, you who carry home the vessels of the Lord” – v11. It was an opportune moment to be divinely cleansed and to be on track with the Lord again. In consequence, they would behold a rich display of the Lord in His personal and powerful providence meeting their every need. He would be there to lead, provide and protect in an omnipotent fashion – v10.

How necessary it is to hear the wake up call of God! There is always the grave danger of going to sleep spiritually and so be unaware of what should be done. The apostle cried out: “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light” – Ephesians 5: 14. This indicates that the Christian believer needs to be alive and alert to Christ and His person and purposes. Make sure today that you have heard the wake up call and are responding to Christ’s direction for life at this vital time.



welcome to this christian website

April 25th  


Rev. E. Anderson



Live in the constant freshness of your faith and love of and for God and you will advance far into what he has planned from eternity passed. God is always at work to bring into being greater factors and this is so with regard to you. Never forget that you have been in His mind and heart from the ages gone and will continue to be so forever. Neither He nor you are simply a flash in pan!


“Only fools refuse to be taught. Listen to your father and mother. What you learn from them will stand you in good stead; it will gain you many others” –Proverbs 1: 8. There is wisdom usually found in age and in those who have been down the track!


Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week A good word in Christian thought and experience is ‘revelation’ and this refers primarily to the knowledge and understanding seeks to impart to those who have a daily dynamic accord with Him. He wills to give tue guidance to the believer and to open life up in a positive and rewarding way. He desires that you experience His daily unfolding to your mind and heart is given so you can proceed with certainty and fulfilment.


Jacob must have thought that has he was fleeing from the ugly threat of his brother Esau that he hadn’t much in the way of prospects in life. Even when in Laban’s household he must have felt his future grim. But the Lord visited him that night whilst fleeing and gave him a marvellous dream. Unexpectedly, God met him in a way-out place and gave him a glorious sight of access to heaven by means of a ladder. Revelation was given that he was under the watchful gaze of the God of his fathers.

Then his prospects were then assured by a sacred and sure promise. The Lord said: “Behold, I am with you, and will keep you in all places whither you go, and will bring you again into this land; for I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken to you of”- v15. Without, doubt, the Lord could and would bring this about and all that was required of Jacob was to trust the Almighty to achieve it. And He did!


The times you live in are uncertain and traumatic but know the Almighty is still around and in control to bring about the things predestined for His own, yes you. Your prospects could not be greater in and through Christ both now and in the world to come. There may be things of an an extraordinary nature to face and combat, nevertheless, He will surely do what he has avowed.


Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one – Hans Selve



There are times and circumstances when it is right to recall and think about the past.  Here the Lord tells Israel to do just that in the opening remarks: “Listen to Me, all who hope in the Lord! Consider the quarry from whence you were mined, the rock from which you were cut” – v1.  It is obvious that the divine demand was that they should look at and consider their beginnings in order to ascertain their true position. In reviewing their origin through Him they would get a proper evaluation of Him and themselves. At that point in time their immediate situation was not too good or pleasing but the past had something to say and impact.

Their beginnings had been small and seemingly insignificant. When God commenced His work in creating their nation He started with one man, Abraham, and from him birthed them and His tremendous plans for them. Great promises had been made to him and his progeny from God with regard to their destiny and He had brought such to pass. From being nothing He had established them as a people of note and significance. He would do it again because He had not finished with them. Their destiny was in His creative and restorative hands and plans.

It is always heartening to know that all things originate in and through God and this applies especially to those in the Christian Church. Every believer has been personally quarried from the rock and has been placed in His kingdom to become a glory to Him. All in Christendom were non-entities when Christ saw and saved and gave them existence, beauty and worth. Today you are an integral, precious, living stone being shaped and formed by Him to possess an eternal destiny. Your past was nothing but through Christ’s intervention your present and future is great.




Zechariah 4

Through this revelation the Lord was to show and teach the real inspiration behind accomplishing the seeming impossible. The challenge presented by God is to achieve what appears to be impracticable and beyond one’s capabilities. Looking at the job to be undertaken and then at one’s own power and ability there is a sense of weakness known and the idea and conviction prevalent is, it cannot be done.  Here the Lord is making known the real secret behind the things hat he desires and demands. He plainly and clearly expresses the truth and fact that it is not up to man on his own – v6. Whilst faith is a divine requisite – Hebrews 11: 6, there must also be the presence, influence and exercise of the Spirit of God.

The Lord was summoning Zerubbabel to lead the people in building the Holy Sanctuary. It was quite a sizeable undertaking. If they were to do it God’s way and be successful then the need for the inspiration of God’s Spirit. The revelation is that of a golden lamp stand but the emphasis is upon the existence and flow of oil to the lamps to give light and oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.


Source is where things begin and have their origin. The olive trees are vehicles from which the oil is produced to supply the lamp stand. Without the oil in the olive trees the lamp stand would be an ornament and utterly useless. It would have no real purpose for existence without the all-important substance. Although it was hidden within the trees and pipes it was the vital element required to bring the fulfilment of the lamp stand’s presence. So the source of what is to be done is the Holy Spirit as seen in Genesis 1.


There is to be no lack of oil because the olive trees exist to produce this continual ingredient. The light will not fail because there is a fulness and adequacy of supply. The Lord is assuring that there is no need to worry or be anxious because a provision has been made whereby there is an unceasing means and measure of that which will keep the light burning. The Holy Spirit can always be relied upon to provide what is essential to achieve.


It is pointed out that the two olive trees are representative of two anointed ones who assist the Lord of all the earth – v14. They are servants divinely appointed to be the channels through which things are wrought and in this case represent Zerubbabel and Joshua the leadership for the situation. These men were to be the ones to bring the vital inspiration to God’s people so that Israel would become a light to the nations. Building the sanctuary for God and His coming and dwelling within the sanctuary would mean the knowledge of God would light not only the nation up, it would bring light to all by the Holy Spirit.

welcome to this christian website

April 24th  


Rev. E. Anderson



As you spend some time today in thoughtful meditation and prayer with the Lord, so he will furnish you with all that you need to know at the moment to give guidance, assurance and a sense that all will work so well to your blessedness and usefulness. Without that communion and contact you will be simply left to your own devices and resources which are inadequate to answer your situations. In quietness converse with Him is great hopes for your progress and success at all times and in all things.


It could not be plainer or simpler and it is open to you. “How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord” – Proverbs 1: 7 Liv. Bible           


Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week A good word in Christian thought and experience is ‘revelation’ and this refers primarily to the knowledge and understanding seeks to impart to those who have a daily dynamic accord with Him. He wills to give true guidance to the believer and to open life up in a positive and rewarding way. He desires that you experience His daily unfolding to your mind and heart is given so you can proceed with certainty and fulfilment.


It would appear that one man got it absolutely right inn the earliest of times on how to live and conduct his way through life to great advantage. Whilst others lived a long time and missed it, Enoch somehow got things into true perspective. If he was to handle life in all aspects to great gain then he must know and build a relationship with his Creator. It was seemingly a bit late at 65 years of age but in a beautiful manner he must have come into a vibrant oneness with the Lord. He was not going to be the same, nor life, too!

It lasted 300 years and how it brought pleasure and profit to the Lord and him. Nothing could be better or greater for him than to knowing a greater intimacy and agreement with the One who knew and could do anything. Whilst those around were earthbound and could only interpret and work out life and living on a natural and carnal basis, Enoch was inspired by heavenly thought, aspirations and dynamism.

So let you walk with God be similar: dynamic, continuous and very fruitful. Being at one with Him and living in faith and obedience will bring about a transformed character that pleases your Lord and is effective in its testimony and ministry


A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. Wade Boggs



This is rather a beautiful insight prophetically of how Christ conducted His daily life and serves both as an example and inspiration to all His followers. It makes known the secret of His successful life. In verses 4 and 5 it affirms: “The Sovereign Lord has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all those weary ones. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will . . . .” There is evident in this revelation that Christ was always wide awake and alert to what His task was for each day and He lived to fulfil it. He kept in constant tune with His Father.

In performing His ministry He knew what to say to those who required answers in their problematic situations of need. As He faced people daily He was confronted with a whole gamut of human demands but He perfectly supplied the solutions. Numberless people were blessed as He spoke to them and dealt with the things that troubled and wearied them. Because He had correctly heard from above He could answer all below and see folks wonderfully relieved. The output was according to the wonderful divine input that was regular every day.

In meditating on this, it is obvious that Christ is our pattern and mentor. It is imperative to have daily devotions with the Lord in prayer and with His Word so that there is a spiritual condition set up for the dealing with the day’s demands. Time spent with God on this basis is sure to yield a life and work that will be most fruitful and rewarding. Besides building an intimate relationship with God, it issues in Him furnishing the life with wisdom and strength in order to achieve an effectual service to others all around. As He ministers to you so you will minister to others.

welcome to this christian website

April 23rd  


Rev. E. Anderson



You have been twice born to enjoy two spheres of birth, the natural and spiritual. The second birth, which is spiritual, is capable of aiding you to enjoy the natural and keep it in its proper place and functioning well. The spiritual opens you up to God, to His daily infusion and diffusion, affording wisdom, love, grace and dynamic to achieve that which is good and best in both realms. Let such control and you are sure to know that you are capable of enjoying what is spiritual and natural now on a regular basis.


Cease from your struggling, wrestling and striving and learn to rest in the Lord and in His grace and power to both sort you and all your problems and situations out. There is no-one and nothing you cannot effectively deal with to pleasure and profit as you effectually partner together and let Him have His say and sway.              


Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week A good word in Christian thought and experience is ‘revelation’ and this refers primarily to the knowledge and understanding seeks to impart to those who have a daily dynamic accord with Him. He wills to give tue guidance to the believer and to open life up in a positive and rewarding way. He desires that you experience His daily unfolding to your mind and heart is given so you can proceed with certainty and fulfilment.


God came down at the outset on a daily basis to commune with Adam and Eve to give revelation for the day ahead so that the hours would be profitable and pleasurable. It was, of course, to experience fellowship of the highest kind, ‘God and man in oneness blending’, but then it must have been instructional. God given wise counsel on how to spend the forthcoming hours together it immense gain. It was necessary for them to know why they existed and how to handle everything to their good and gain and His glory.

Unfortunately they listened and hearkened to the evil one with his suggestions and ideas and so fell out of favour with God. Instead of being able to know and enter into God’s supreme revelation they were left with their own low and evil considerations injected by Satan, the evil one. They moved out of pure revelation of God’s mind and will that embraced their promotion and blessedness and were now subject to a low level of human and demonic thinking and considerations.

Thankfully, Jesus Christ came to amend the situation. Besides procuring forgiveness and reconciliation for all men to God by His death on the Cross, He also provides not only access to God the Father, He makes it possible for life to be guided by heavenly revelation once again. You need not exist in the dark and be in ignorance. You can receive continually the light of life upon your earthly pathway and pilgrimmage. With God as your Father, Christ as Lord and Master and the Holy Spirit as your Guide, you are in the best company and possibilities.


I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors. Joel Osteen


NEVER FORGOTTEN – Isaiah 49: 8-26

The Lord’s people had been made to tread a very treacherous and difficult path because of their shameful conduct. Instead of being the most outstanding nation blessed beyond measure by the Lord, they are in awful captivity, despised, downtrodden and rejected. It appeared that no one was concerned about their welfare and future. All the pointers would suggest that even the Lord had rejected them and were now completely out of His loving thoughts and plans. It was not a healthy state of mind and feeling to be in.

There is a rebuttal of this idea and consideration by the Lord through the prophetic word. He tells them quite plainly that this is not the case and the future as it unfolds will prove His unquenchable love and commitment. He uses an analogy to press home the point – “Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand” – vv15, 16. In reading the context it is possible to note that He is to secure their future in every way. There will be a releasing them from bondage and a bringing of them into great blessing.

There are occasions when it would seem that His children are in such vulnerable positions that it looks as if they are being neglected or rejected by the Lord. When things are not going so well, it is easy to get the impression that the Lord no longer cares and has no interest in His offspring. Of course, the wicked one has a hey-day in troubling the mind and disturbing the heart and so lends weight to this false idea making it a seeming reality. Be assured child of God today: He will not forsake, fail or abandon you as He has eternally vowed to be ever with you.


welcome to this christian website

April 22nd


Rev. E. Anderson



You cannot have a testimony concerning the Lord regarding His promises and purposes without the tests. If you desire to be a h great witness for your lord with regard to His greatness and goodness you will have to face immense challenges that will be the means of stretching you to receive such from Him on a greater scale. Your life’s story is to be filled with Him and His doings that will cause you to burn and shine because you have passed your tests with honour. You will not fail because he will not fail!


The Lord said to Abraham in Genesis 12 “you shall be blessed and made a blessing”. There has got be both an inflow and overflow that becomes a great outflow to others in terms of enrichment and enlargement in the way of blessing. He is the Blessed God that blesses His servants in an incredible manner and measure to reach countless others with the blessing of Himself and His gifts. So fulfil His will in thi     



Mary and Martha were somewhat disturbed and distress when Jesus did not come immediately to deal with the problem of their extremely sick brother, Lazarus. They had difficulty in coming to terms with the fact that He delayed in turning up to bring a healing cure. It is evident that He definitely refrained from moving quickly into this distressing situation. The fact that they sisters said to Him: “If you had responded immediately our brother would stioll be around”. They had difficulty in handling this sort of the# thing!

The Lord, however, was not perturbed. He had much patience with them and the awkward crisis. He never lost His cool or calmness in such a threatening circumstance and took charge without ado. In a very understanding and capable fashiomn he dealt with all the issues and manifests incredible poise and power perofroms the major miracle. People had never seen anything like this and it was because of Christ’s patience and faith it all happened all in readiness for His own supernatural resurrection.

There is the great need to have this kind of patience and faith to be developed  now so that the greater works of God will be manifest. Because He heard from his Father and was not in the dark, this mighty miracle occurred. There is a call for such leaders and believers today to be in touch with heaven so that things o this order are once again wrought in and through the Christian Church.


The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. Harriet Ann Jacobs



The prophet of the Lord sees himself through divine revelation as a man who was divinely foreordained to fulfil a special role to God’s people. The Lord had been ac- quainted with him prior to his entrance into the world and had marked him out as one that would serve him in a significant manner. He foreknew his name and the task that he would be summoned to accomplish on His behalf.  His advent and service was not some chance occurrence but was specifically determined by God for the benefit of His people. This made him and his ministry of major note and worth.

Throughout his earthly career there had been the preparing of this individual for a sacred ministry. In the private years of his life God had taken an interest in and been highly involved in making sure that he would be at a premium when the time came for spiritual duty. He likens himself to that of an arrow that had become a polished shaft and made into a instrument that would eventually hit the divinely appointed target. Having gotten him ready he is placed in the quiver to be brought forth at the apt moment to fulfil an important role in Israel.

It is true to say that all whom the Lord selects to use in His kingdom have been foreknown and appointed by Him to achieve His plan and will. His servants are known and prepared beforehand by Him in readiness for major enterprises on earth that serve to advance His Name and cause. Paul said: “It pleased God in His kindness to choose me and call me, even before I was born!” – Galatians 1: 15. The same applies to you because God always works by this principle and procedure.

welcome to this christian website

April 21st


Rev. E. Anderson



As you face each new day not knowing its contents, know this, the Lord in whose hands you are, does, and is capable of strengthening, guiding you and providing all that is essential to make it remarkable, providential and beneficial. At its conclusion, note His input and give Him thanksgiving, so you will set yourself up for something bigger the next day with Him.


Learn to listen well from others as to what they are saying and not to be persistent in your own talking and speech making.  Remember God gave you two ears and one mouth!  As you adopt this attitude you will gain friends and also have a more captive audience when you share your mind and heart. It will be to the mutual benefit of all.                   


Thought for the Day follows an instructive theme for everyday of the Week. In the next few days we will be considering ‘patience” If there is one thing that history and present day living teaches us, it is this: we live in a world of where there is a demand for a great deal of patience. It is that superb quality that brings calm, composure and balance and enables a person to wait and plan for the outworking of factors to highest good. The sin of impatience often ruins things and the person concerned. So it is a factor that such figure high in our thoughts and creation.


It was quite a thing when Christ called two brothers to be His disciples and future apostles can called them ‘sons of thunder’ – Mark 3: 17. One cannot think it being a complimentary term. James and John it would appear were rather o0f an explosive nature and at times could show it. They were evidently soon annoyed and angry and could explode in words that wer not too good. Christ is on His way to Jerusalem and passing the way of the Samaritans they were not too friendly -Luke 9: 53. They were switched off and did not desire anything to do with professed Messiah.

These brothers were immediate and ready that judgment should immediately poured out from above – v54. They did not have any good feelings for this seeming low-born race and was quick to will their demise. The Lord taught them much in this showing their wrong and making clear he was into something bigger and better than reproach and revenge. This attitude would make these called men to see how bad there attitude was and the need for change in them. The grace of God did work and as a consequence the venom went out of them and they became men and ministers of grace and good will.

The epistles of John underline the outstanding change that took place in him to write such inspiring, promotional words of love. He had been transformed to see people from a different angle and to address them in a kind and loving fashion. What an example he turned out to be! So the grace of God can work in you so that bad feelings and temper is effectively dealt with. Being sions of god there is the need to reflect the disposition of Christ by being more than people who really test your patience.


Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. John Ruskin


UNDER DIVINE TUITION – Isaiah 48: 12-22

This is evidently a very important word that the divine messenger had to pass on to His people. He utters, “And now the Sovereign LORD and His Spirit have sent me with this message” – v16. Besides affirming His supreme rule over them He indicates that He is to be their Teacher showing them what is good and to guide them in the right ways. They had to begin to realize that it was important for them to take on board the fact they could have no better Leader and Counsellor in charge of their lives and affairs. He is making a real plea that they will really begin to take notice v18.

He acquaints them with the news that He not only will free them but also make sure that they will be wholly taken care of as they make their journey back home from Babylon. He who had safely secured the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land in earlier times would do the same again. But, as then, they must come under His tuition at all times. Their future lay in His hands and in His wise government. Therefore it was imperative that they live listening and learning from Him. He was not a slave-driver, rather, a caring Father and Educator that planned their blessedness.

The purpose of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is to come under His loving and wise tutelage. Not only does He will to save from the past legacy of sin and evil, He also desires to instruct us in the ways that will release from the power of evil and lead into a life of dynamic righteousness and goodness. As you daily submit to Him, His Spirit and Word, so you will be in His College of divine further education that will cause your present living to be positive and productive.




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