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Ernest Anderson  


The psalmist affirms beyond doubt of the LORD, ‘He will fulfil the desire of those that fear Him – Psalm 145:19. A true reverence and respect finds an immediate and pleasant re-action with Him. He wills to work wonders for you in your life so that you really come to know Him, His care and infinite ability. As He acts supremely in your life and its affairs He would leave testimony to His daily kindness and power. Make sure that He has first place in your being and faith and result will be you figure greatly in His glorious capability in your circumstance. Elsewhere it state: ‘there is no want to them that fear Him’ – Psalm 34:9. He wants you to enjoy today to the full!

It’s good to leave an inheritance, but the most valuable thing you can leave on this earth is a legacy of faith.

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Ernest Anderson  


Sometimes it is a most difficult thing to do when so much is occurring that irritates, agitates and annoys. When people are proving difficult and circumstances are very disturbing it is so easy to become upset and allow the temper to get out of control. It is hard on occasions to be master of the unspoken word and to keep feelings subdued and under rule. After all, explosions tend to cause a lot of damage! Through the grace and love of God prevailing within you are divinely enabled to be charge of your inward state. Instead of boiling with anger which is a bad negative, be full of blessing so that oozing without is all that is good and blessed. Remember the wise saying: ‘He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and He that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city’ – Prov 16:32

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Ernest Anderson  


Whilst you are on planet earth, one of the chief things to learn is to be wise. Of course there are other qualities to be rated in the top-bracket such as love, truth, humility etc, but wisdom enables you to identify these vital requirements and promotes their possession. It discloses through a good understanding what is valuable, essential and possible if believed and continually pursued. You will you be saved from making mistakes that could prove disastrous. As you look to the Fount and Source of highest wisdom, the LORD, He will enable you to be a wise person capable of making the best and right decisions at all times. You can be saved through Him from blunders and acts ever to the greatest good.

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Ernest Anderson  


In the midst of life there is often the demand for a real anchorage where one can know true stability and security. Instead of groping and grasping at straws in the wind, one has an anchor that is greatly moored and immovable. God wills that when these times come your way you know to whom and where to resort. As you are related and fixed to Christ, He is to be your anchor and the promises of the Scriptures are for your digestion and direction and will create a firm bond with Him who brings them to pass. No matter how fierce, gigantic and lasting the fstorm, you will survive because He will hold you firm and fast.

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Ernest Anderson  


  is so easy to be a liability than an asset. There are occasions when we are dependent on the good-will and generosity of others, but we must never allow ourselves to only live live on their benefits. The great joy of life is to be not only givers but sacrificial givers like our Master who gave Himself wholly on the Cross for our good and eternal future. Make it your aim to be a real asset to your family, friends, others and to the LORD! too. Whilst you are on this planet, like any fruit tree, you are to yield an abundance of fruit to enrich mankind. As you are rightly planted here and produce and give so much, you will be assured of a good setting and yield in the eternal world.

welcome to this Christian website


Ernest Anderson


In this life people are called to face many things. Trials and hurts are their experience and so the need for some consolation that administers relief and strength. Israel had to encounter much suffering due to their indifference to God and it took a great out of them. God was wise and knew when to give some relief and hope. Through the prophet Isaiah comes the message: ‘Comfort my my people . . .’ – 40:1. How best could this be done? By giving a clear revelation of Himself of His love, purpose and commitment to them. By bestowing a fresh, stimulating vision and imparting new and greater hopes. And He will do the same for you! So brush away the tears, be renewed in faith and expectation, allow Him to raise you up to a bigger and better level.


welcome to this Christian website


Ernest Anderson  


One of the great acquisitions of life is being in a state of peace. To be at peace with God, with others, your circumstances, and yes, even with yourself. When peace is in its place and properly functioning then you will never be in pieces but in sublime charge. The promise of God assures: ‘You (the LORD) will keep him in perfect peace He hose mind ins stayed on THEE’ ?- Isaiah 26:3. May you know that peace today!

welcome to this Christian website


Ernest Anderson


A repeated emphasis in the New Testament is the need to possess and develop patience. It has to be said, so often impatience spoils a person’s qualities and their accomplishments. If only they had been less hurried and eager and much more relaxed and steady, things would have gone better and much speedier and successful. The old adage certainly is true: ’more haste, less speed.’ So whatever lies before you this day, be wise, careful and calm in your thought, speech, attitude and action. The consequences of such will prove both profitable and pleasurable. Especially, do not get agitated with people, those in your family, friends, those who you worship and work with. As you sow tolerance so you will reap the blessing of others being patient with you. Peace, tranquility and good will dominate and things will prove more productive in every way. So let patience possess your souls.

welcome to this Christian website


Ernest Anderson


This was commanded by Christ to the first Christian apostles and disciples. His directive was very clear in Luke 24:49; Acts 1:3,4. They were not to leave Jerusalem until this had occurred. Paul also reveals this should be maintained and intensified in his teaching – “Be being filled with the Spirit . . .’ – Ephesians 5:18. Christendom and each Christian is weak and inadequate to love and serve God without the constant experience of the dynamic and drive of the Holy Spirit. The Godhead has put the Holy Spirit in charge and control of the body of Christ. It is imperative that both leadership and membership live under the life, inspiration and authority of the Spirit of God kept daily to be if it is to achieve God’s purpose. You must find time daily to be filled, topped up and over-flowing with His presence and power if you are to win heaven’s approval and blessing. Do not make any excuse for not knowing this. Today is the day when you can alter the course of your life, faith and experience.



welcome to this Christian website


Ernest Anderson


To be able to get the best and most out of anyone or anything one has to learn how to co-ordinate, that is the ability to synchronise, the bringing of many parts together to make the whole  function   properly, and to a premium, from which effective living and service results. The Holy Spirit seeks to bring together, to unite as one the Christian community to make it a dynamic force in the world. It exists for its good and eternal blessedness. You have been brought into the Church to be united with others who, as one, make known the reality of Christ to those without Him so that they too may be co-ordinated into His kingdom of life and purpose. Jesus Christ, in selecting 12 men as His disciples  had this object in view, that they become an organised and ordained body to reflect Him as one body,  in every way at all times. You are not to be a loner but to become one with Christ and other Christians in the presentation of a harmonious society so that unbelievers want to be part of it!

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