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Just for You Today – 30.04.20


The world of nations appears to be terribly afflicted with a state of unrest increased by the manifestation of the corona virus. People seem to be hanging on to straws in the hope it will mysteriously and mystically vanish and go away in the hope it will not return. When things of this nature express themselves the best anchorage for faith and peace is in the LORD. The Bible encourages to ‘Set one’s hope in GOD’. If you exclude Him and simply look to others and self, there will be real disappointment. The disciples and followers of Christ discovered that Jesus Christ was all He said He was and could do and so their lives and future was established. The same is open to you and you need to personally know him and His ability and let Him establish your life and eternal future.

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Just for You Today – 29.04.20 


Whilst being united with Christ is a blessed factor we must note His words on this. He said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light2 – Matthew 11:29. The indication and implication must be he takes the stress and strain. Being truly linked with Him is a distinct gain and advantage. After all, He knows in His over-all wisdom what is occurring and is to take place today and everyday in your life and affairs. Added to such is the awareness how to deal with such efficiently having all the answers. Partnership with Him is the best thing that could ever take place in your life. Whilst He makes life easier, life is not easy but is purposeful and rewarding. The song shows His capability – “He’s got the whole world in His hands”.

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Just for You Today – 28.04.20      


Though you live amidst a society that seems to be fast falling apart into many pieces, be sure that you do not fall foul of such. If you listen too much to what is happening around this can have a destructive impact and tear apart. Make sure you are spending more and much time with the Lord because He will speak peace into this scenario. His word now is: “My peace I give unto and leave with you.” When such invades your being and presides you will cease to be alarmed even amidst raging tempests and storms. The boat may rock exceedingly but you will be utterly calm knowing is can be weathered and conquered by His mastery, presence and authority. You will not be at the mercy of the storm but vice-versa: the storm will be at your mercy.

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Just for You Today – 27.04.20


Occasions there may well be when we are struggling, just like those shipwrecked folks in the Adriatic water holding on to some bit of plank in the hope of salvation. But they did make it! Never spend your life or today simply holding on but be amongst those who press through into the much better and greater. Do not waste all your years in the desert like Israel of old wandering and getting nowhere just making out a mere existence. They could have been in the Promised Land enjoying grapes, milk and honey instead of having gracious heavenly manna provided by the Jehovah. Learn to get hold of what the Lord has planned for you and see life in all of its fullness and radiance open out to you.

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             Just for You Today – 26.04.20


There are many things used by Satan the evil one in order to side-track and lead us into weakness and spiritual disaster. It is imperative to be ever wide awake and on our toes so that we are not deceived and misled. He has been at it for centuries and knows every wicked design and trick. Unfortunately many people have fallen foul of him and suffered and are not able to make amends. Live in constant touch and fellowship with your Lord so that He can acquaint you with his malicious operations and safeguard you now and eternally. The weakest and most ignorant believer can be made strong and wise to defeat him always through the input of the Lord.


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Just for You Today – 25.04.20
One can never place a limit on the LORD because He has three eternal qualities: omnipresent, He is everywhere and cannot be locked out of the universe He has created. He is omniscient: He knows all the there is know about everyone and everything, and that includes you. He is omnipotent: He can do anything and nothing is impossible to Him. How good to know His loving eye is ever on you, present to encourage in every choice way and to do those things for you that only He can perform. It is His design to have a very big people that truly believe this to be so. A community of folks that will also act and do incredible things. Do not live in smallness when the LORD has ordained you live in bigness and become a big person!

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Just for You Today – 24.04.20


The word for today comes from the opening verse of Psalm 68:1 – “Let God arise and all His enemies be scattered”. When He arises and commences action all enemies are put to flight and have no further spirit in them. None can stand against His authority and dynamic utterance. When He resides and presides in and over you He slays and subdues all those giants that would assail. You will begin to witness the tail end of them as you use what the Lord has gifted you with. Fear is not to be the governing principle in your life and living but faith. You are not to take flight but stand up and fight with your weaponry and see the demise of all your foes. The victor’s crown and throne IS YOURS!

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Just for You Today – 23.04.20


It is a very blessed experience to do good to someone not known or have sensed at a distance to express some unusual favour. Especially significant is this so when you really go out of your way to bestow some extraordinary blessing. King Solomon who appeared to have all that one could desire was taken aback when the Queen of Sheba arrived having travelled from afar loaded with gifts for him. It was an unexpected favour and must have warmed his heart and so truly had to express appreciation. Why not surprise someone unexpectedly today with a gracious and generous gift that switches them on in a good manner and measure? At a time when this corona virus is hurting so many why not choose to benefit someone in an excellent way today

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Just for You Today – 22.04.20


We were made to live by the breath of God not only naturally but spiritually, too. It has to be said that when God breathes into a person they become alive with the wonder of His person, with all of His potential and of His grace and power to achieve incredible things. He has the legitimacy and authority to communicate such to His creation and creatures. As it is affirmed, ‘in Him we live, move and have our being’. It is the breath of the Eternal and He breathes eternal and everlasting life in those who are Christ’s. So make certain you are in real union with Him and experience His life at work in and through you today.

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Just for You Today – 21.04.20


The breath of God is the most vital factor and feature of life. It is that which gives and provides dynamic to all. It is the very nature of the being of Jehovah. He exists independent of all and this has been so from the eternal past and stretches on into the eternal ages future wise. He needs nothing and no one to maintain His infinite person. He is the Author of all life and being and existence. In your coming into this world he gave you your first breath and ever does so until your final one on earth. So recognise Him as your Life-giver and draw from Him on His inspiration and you will truly live. Never forget He is your greatest asset!


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