welcome to this Christian website

Sep 15th

Rev. E. Anderson


There is ever a need for you to keep your antenna up so that you can receive from the LORD the apt word and directive that will answer every situation and circumstance you have to confront. There is no need for you to be in difficulty or disarray because whatever the next situation you are called to face, whatever hurdle to surmount. He will provide both the wisdom and strength to navigate successfully. Be encouraged by the fact that He has successfully the mission and ministries those who have proceed you and you will not be a failure in His hands. The course is upward and forward and will bring the results that will gladden glorify Him and afford delight to you of a permanent character.


“Do all things without murmurings and disputing” – Philippians 2:14.

A drowning man does not complain about the size of a life preserver. He is both glad and grateful whatever the means by which he is rescued from a threatened situation.


“I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be perfect” – Genesis 17:1. As Abraham lived out his life before the LORD, he would discover that he had alongside him one that could and would do anything for Him. In His submission, faith and obedience he could happily live and make progress each day in all of his doings. It was an immense advantage to have the backing and blessing of the Most High. He would never be in difficulty because the One superintending His affairs was never be in a situation he could not positively respond. As you simply seek to live and please the Lord at all times and in all things, there is no need to fear the future in any way.


THE LOSS OF GLORY – Lamentations 4

Possibly the worst scenario for Jeremiah to gaze upon was not the Holy City and the demolition of the Temple, bad as that was; rather, it was seeing the dreadful state of the people. Much of what he had to record here denotes their shocking condition. He describes it in powerful terms. In v1 he gives quite a vision and insight and shows how they had changed from a state of glory and preciousness into a one of humiliation and a cheapened condition – “How the gold has lost its lustre! Even the finest gold has become dull. The sacred gemstones lie scattered in the street!”

For him, there was nothing worse that seeing his people losing their God given distinctiveness. They should have been a holy, separated people with all the tokens of God’s grace and glory expressed in their faith, lives and situations. All of them should have expressed the quality of their God in their creed and conduct but sadly there was nothing to distinguish them from other nations. They were an utter disgrace and the divine judgment that followed reflected their disgraced situation. Losing the glory of God they had lost their true glory.

There should be something different in those who profess to belong to God and have been born again of His Spirit. The more they associate with the Lord the more of His distinct grace and majesty should be displayed thus manifesting their virtue and value. All have been called in Christ to bear and reflect His glorious likeness and image thus depicting His worth. You have been called to be the Lord’s representative on earth wherever you are and go, His quality nature must shine through. Be His gold and precious gemstone in society showing His glory.