Sermons of Note

Rev. E Anderson


Reading  Joshua 1

Text  Hebrews 13: 5


CLIMAX:  The writer seeks in the winding up of this
letter to impress the truth and fact of the abiding presence of the Lord. It is
an essential knowledge and revelation that must occupy the mind and heart of
the believer and dictate the procedure of life. This is in affinity and accord
with some of the final words of Christ to His disciples before His departure to
heaven – “ and, lo, I am with you
alway, even unto the end of the age.” (Matt. 28: 20).

EMPHASIS: In the text there is that which is emphatic
and intensive v5 – “for HE hath said.”
Amp.V. “for He Himself
hath said.” Notice has to be given as to the speaker and the definiteness with
which he speaks.  The Lord hath spoken on
this critical and all-important issue and it should not be questioned or
queried.  It is a permanent settled
matter. Christ has answered a great, fundamental need with regard to His own.
The writer seeks to underscore the fact that the Lord has uttered His mind,
will and intention on this and it can never be altered or gainsaid.

REPETITION:  It can be said that the matter stated here in
connection with the Lord is worthy of constant repetition. Not all things fall
into this category but this is worthy of repeat. It is a confession and
conviction that regularly appears throughout the experience of those who knew
God throughout the whole divine book – e.g. Deuteronomy 31: 6,8; Genesis 28:
15; Joshua 1: 5; 1 Chronicles 28: 2. The proneness of the believer to forget
and the kind of circumstances he discovers himself to be in at times warrant
the strong reminder and assurance. It is the truth in revelation and operation
that has safeguarded the lives and experiences of God’s people possibly above
all other considerations.

PROMISE:  The nature of these words come in the form of
divine promise and guarantee. They are intended to impart a glorious spirit of
assurance to the Lord’s people. The construction of v5 when fully understood
brings out the positive factor although there are a number of negatives within
the verse. According to Kenneth Wuest
the first part is preceded by two negatives in the Greek text, which in English
makes a positive, but which in Greek only serve to strengthen the negation. In
the second part there are three negatives before the word, forsake, making the
promise one of triple assurance. The text could be translated thus : “I will not, I
will not cease to sustain and uphold thee, I will not, I will not, I will not
let thee down, leave thee in the lurch, leave thee in straits and helpless,
abandon thee.”

What do these word in point of fact and experience hold out to
the child and servant of God ? to you ? to me ? What do these assured words
inspire you with ?


blessed state for any person is that of a restful mind and contented spirit v5. It is important, whatever life’s
lot, to be in a composed and assured condition of being. Such a state is
blessed and one to be highly rated, prized, coveted and known. It is imperative
that every believer enters into the delight of real rest, under all conditions
and circumstances. This is what the writer had been remarking about earlier –
(4: 3-9). A rest with regard to salvation, life and eternity.

abiding presence of the Lord is intended to communicate this sense of
wellbeing, that all is truly well because He is there.  There would be room to be upset, disturbed
and aggrieved if He were not present. The stabilizing fact is to know that He
is present and acting in the capacity of the vigilant and provident Overseer of
His people. This is illustrated in the matter of the pillar of cloud and
fire.   A permanent declaration that He
was in the camp. In that revelation was the blessed state. There is no need to
be up-tight as long as He is here and around (Ez..48: 35 – Jehovah Shammah).

Joshua, assuming leadership of Israel
after the majestic and dynamic presence of Moses, God could say to him, “I am
still here.” This was
intended to impart some sense of contentment to this new leader. He soon
discovered it to be actual – Joshua 5: 13-15. Israel may well lose Moses but they
couldn’t afford to lose the valuable presence of the Lord. The Eternal ‘I AM’
can always say, ‘I AM WITH YOU.’ There is comfort administered in the sheer
knowledge of the presence of another of special importance. The child senses and deeply knows this
comfort either by the nearness of father or mother. Comfort is found in them.
It can go to sleep confidently when such are present. Note the affirmation of
Moses – c.f. Exodus 33: 13-16.


is the guarantee within of the abiding presence to act, work and do on behalf
of God’s elect household. Trans. “I will not cease to sustain and
uphold thee……” The Lord is neither to be a passenger or a spectator in the
believer’s life and affairs. He is not simply overseeing and just watching
things as they go. He could be present but inactive. In the situation of the
believer’s need he is not indifferent, unmoved, but there in the capacity as

The child of God can with assurance and conviction make a bold declaration – v6.
Arising out of the knowledge and manifestation of the Lord’s presence is the
truth that He is around and about in order to perform. He is committed and
devoted to working with and for His own – c.f. Mark 16: 20. The faith and persuasion
has to get into the very nature and spirit of God’s children that they have a
Divine Helper who is always immediate and in the now. The affirmation has to be
quickened and birthed by His Spirit and Word into the being of God’s own.

eyes of the Christian believer are to be focussed in the right direction at all
times –c.f. Ps. 121. There is a hearing of His voice
and knowing of His word c.f. Isaiah 41: 10; there is the experiencing of the
great assistance of the Lord and a laying hold of His help – c.f. Psalm 89:19.
When all other sources of aid fail He is there to move in and show what He can
do with His word and arm of omnipotence – c.f. 2 Corintians 1: 8-10. The Lord
has no intention of deserting any of His people when a crisis is on – c.f. Acts
27: 23. The angel of God was with the people of old to work wondrously on each

is no need to be discontent or covetous when the Lord can lay on every
provision and protection for His people. The presence abides in
order to intervene and to work effectively in the interests of His Church –
c.f. Rev. 1: 13. He is ver active amidst all the churches.


divine utterance states “ I will not forsake or abandon thee.” This
gives the very strong witness that the believer is never, ever, really alone.
He cares enough to be always present so that there is no need to feel that one
is totally on their own. He does want any of His children falling to the spirit
and attitude of despair. It is an awful thing to be subjected to a feeling of
utter loneliness – c.f. Psalm 102: 6,7.

are occasions when all human friendship seem to desert for a while, when human
support is taken from us, and a sense of being forsaken invades the life. There
is an unseen providence and arrangement in this. It is in order to discover the
reliability of the Lord’s presence and to know its value; to come to highly
appreciate the invisible means of support in the loneliest of hours. It is a
great thing when a believer can say in truth as a result of experience – “the Lord stood by me.” – c.f. 2 Timothy 4:

inspiration of the Lord’s presence can counteract the loneliness that comes to
a person in their deepest need.This
soul-destroying evil can be dealt by the knowledge that He is with you to
administer His cheering presence – c.f. Genesis 28: 11-22.


This truth
must become a fixation within mind and heart.

God has no
intention of abandoning His own elect people and servants. He knows we need His
presence and His presence is ever available.

He is always at hand. He is all we need. There
is no need to fear because He is up to everyone / every situation.


















A Message from the late David Wilkerson

Rev. David Wilkerson


The Bible declares emphatically that not one tear of his
children falls to the ground. David said, “Put my tears into thy bottle: are
they not in thy book?” (Psalm 56:8). The tears of the godly are so precious to
him, he preserves them. If God preserves my tears, will he not preserve me?

It is almost too fantastic to take it all in. What strikes
me in such a word is that if he counts every tear of mine, then how precious is
my blood to him—my livelihood—my needs.

Until we are persuaded in our minds that God takes special
notice of each and every affliction which we endure, it is impossible we can
ever obtain such confidence so as to believe that he would put our tears into
his bottle. Can we believe that truth—that the God who numbers every hair on
our heads and bottles every tear—will he not then interpose on our behalf?

Hear this word in your spirit: Every tear you have shed over
past sins, every tear shed in times of afflictions and stress, every tear shed
over lost souls is written in his book.

You may say, “I don’t weep. I seldom shed tears.” I
believe in soul tears—only God sees them—inward, silent tears shed often in times
of trouble and need.

Not one of your tears has been wasted! Not one is in vain.
To believe in God is to believe this incredible truth.

Beginner’s Course

Rev. John Willoughby


(Unless otherwise stated,
the ‘New Living Translation’ is used.)


The penalty of our sins separate us
from God (Isa 59:2), make us feel guilty (Ps 38:4), allows Satan to accuse us
(Rev 12:10) and demands the death penalty (Rom 6:23).


The Bible says, “the life of any
creature is in its blood …. It is the blood, representing life, that brings you
atonement” (Lev 17:11) and “Without the shedding of blood there is no
forgiveness of sins” (Heb 9:22). Atonement means, ‘to be made at one with God’.
Jesus paid the penalty for us by dying in our place and shedding His blood, so
that we can ‘be made at one with God’. Paul wrote, “So now we can rejoice in
our wonderful new relationship with God – all because of what Jesus Christ has
done for us in making us friends of God” (Rom 5:11). By faith we accept that by
the shedding of His blood we are no longer His enemies but His friends, His
sons and daughters.


God told the children of Israel
to spread the blood of the lamb on the lintels of the doors and “when I see the
blood I will pass over you” (Ex 12:13). They escaped from the judgement of God,
which fell on the Egyptians. When John the Baptist saw Jesus he said, “Look!
There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29). We too
are released from the consequences of sin, as we receive the cleansing of His

The blood sanctifies us
. Heb 13:12. The Bible says, “the blood of
Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from every sin …. If we confess our sins to Him, He
is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong (I Jn
1:7, 9).

The blood brings us close to God
. Col 1:19-22. Paul wrote, “But now you belong to
Christ Jesus. Though once you were far away from God, now you have been brought
near to Him, because of the blood of Christ” (Eph 2:13).

The blood gives boldness to enter God’s pr
esence. Mt
We read
in Heb 10:19, “And so dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place,
because of the blood of Jesus”.

The blood gives us eternal life
. Jn 6:53-54. The Bible says, “For by that one
offering He perfected for ever all those whom He is making holy” (Heb 10:14).


Satan’s most strategic activity is
as ‘the accuser of the brethren’ (Rev 12:10) and it is this aspect which the
Lord confronts in His special ministry as High Priest.

The blood puts God on man’s side against the devil
. Heb 9:11-12. Paul wrote, “Who dare accuse us whom God has chosen for
His own? No! He is the One who has given us right standing with Himself” (Rom
8:33). The devil has no grounds for accusation against those who have received
cleansing through the shed blood of Jesus.

The blood destroys all Satan’s legal rights of ownership
. Col

Redemption means ‘to buy back’. Paul wrote, “You do not belong to yourself, for
God bought you with a high price” (I Cor 6:19-20). We are under new ownership
and the price that was paid for us was the shed blood of Jesus.


I now understand what the
shed blood of Jesus means. I will remind myself often of the covenant God has
with me, to forgive and to cleanse me from sin and to protect me from Satan’s harm.
I commit to share with others the truth concerning the blood of Christ.




Sermons of Note

Rev. E Anderson


Taken from Word for Today

Romans 8:14 NKIV

God will help you to be all you
can be, but He will never help you to be somebody else. When you try to be
somebody else, you lose yourself in the process. God wants us to fit into His
plan, not yield to pressure and try to fit into someone else’s. It’s all right
to be different; different is OK! Find out what you’re good at, throw yourself
into it wholeheartedly and you’ll start to experience true joy. Besides, when
you try to do what somebody else is good at, you generally fail, right? That’s
because God hasn’t assigned you to do what they are doing, or at least not in
the way they’re doing it. But that doesn’t mean you’re not good at anything.
Here’s an important key: focus: on your potential, not your limitations. We all
have limitations and we must accept them. That’s not a bad thing; it’s just a
fact of life.

it’s wonderful to be different without feeling like there’s something wrong
with you. Spiritually mature people know that God loves them as they are and
has a purpose for their life, they’re not threatened by the abilities and
accomplishments of others. They enjoy what other people do, because they enjoy
what they themselves do. Paul writes, ‘Let us not become.. . competitive…
envying and. .. jealous of one another – Galatians 5:26 AMP. In the end, what
matters most is being able to say as Jesus said, ‘I have brought you glory on
earth by completing the work you gave me to do’ – John 17:4 NIV. Any time you
can say that you did it right!