Sermon Starters

Rev. E. Anderson


Isaiah 61-65

This is a wonderful prophetic forecast with regard to those named and called to be God’s elect household. “Everyone will realize that they are a people the Lord has blessed” – Isaiah 61:9. This is a sure hope and prediction. Israel was to be a prince with God and know in a remarkable way the rich blessings of kingship through Jehovah. As a people they will stand out among the nations uniquely owned and enriched by the Lord. The blessing will be obvious because of its fulness – v7 “Instead of shame and dishonour, you will inherit a double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy.” Surely this will be the manifestation and token of divine ownership etc.


Formerly in a helpless and hopeless bondage but now divinely emancipated by a great Redeemer, the Sovereign Lord. They were in a broken and bruised state without a future or worthwhile destiny, but things are to undergo a dramatic, divine change because it is the time of the Lord’s favour.


What has been destroyed and seemingly beyond restoration will be transformed. Where no habitations or inhabitants exist, this will be supernaturally altered. Out of a heap of ruins a major re-building program will take place and the land will be full of dwellers.


Foreigners will serve and do all in their power to advance them in every way. They will actively engage in making them a satisfied and enriched people. God can makes others aid His own: like the Egyptians when Israel left the land or like a Job enriched by his those around. God’s people are to be known as ‘the priests of the Lord’. This speaks of a close connection with the Lord and with a unique ministry.


They had been previously attired in filthy rags due to sin but now adorned and robed by God and be-jewelled. The sight is of a special divine adornment that others will behold – 62:2. To become ‘a crown of glory.’


This is the ultimate for Israel but now it has its interpretation and application for the Church, and each believer. There is the blessing of being freed, now a sanctuary and city, enriched in many ways and divinely attired and bedecked.



Message of Note

Rev. Ian Williams


If your battery runs flat, your car won’t start. And the same is true in your spiritual life says Ian Williams

All of us are constantly giving our time and energy to others. On a daily basis we need to be connected to God – the great source of life and I energy – so that we can continue to give out.

We must recognise that there are times when there is a greater demand on our re- serves, and that this can leave us depleted These are the times when you need to recharge yourself and get back your energy and spiritual vitality.

In both life and ministry we need to take time out to get our perspective back and regain a faith-filled outlook. By refocusing and putting our priorities in order, we can recharge our energy and motivation. We need to be intentional and purposeful in finding ways to help recharge our batteries in the busyness of life.

Firstly we need to ask, what are we connected to? Whatever we connect to in life either provides energy or drains it – it will either empower you or deplete you. The RAC states that faulty batteries account for between 15 to 20 per cent of all their call outs. To recharge the flat battery, the mechanic will connect it to a larger source of power that is able to replenish its depleted charge.

In the same way, we also must take a step back before we break down. We can implement some practical safeguards that will enhance our spiritual battery life, and will prevent us experiencing sluggishness and non-starts!


Recharge your batteries by putting some distance between yourself and the source of stress. We all have a tendency to lose our perspective when we are too close to a situation. Stepping back allows you to see things with a new perspective and with a renewed energy and motivation.


Recharge yourself by making a plan to deal with negative situations in your life; procrastination is not a solution – it only enhances the flat battery syndrome. Taking charge of the situation will help recharge you. Remember, managing your energy is more important than time management.

Look after you

Recharge by looking for opportunities to do something good for yourself every day. We can become so involved in taking care an dlooking after everyone and everything else that we neglect ourselves and go flat. lf you are constantly giving out, you can arrive at the point where you have nothing left to give. Rediscover the things that will make you feel good, and plan them into you daily routine.


Negativity can multiply. Recharge yourself by connecting with good friends who are positive people. There are many types of people that we come into contact with – some that boost us, and others that drain the life out of us. Those we connect to in life will either make or break us!

The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus and prayed that they would be strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit in their inner being. Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received power to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. They were charged to go into the world and make disciples of all nations; they were entrusted with a task and given the responsibility of spreading the gospel. It is for this mission that we need to be full of life and energy.

It is our responsibility and opportunity to recharge, not with military might or with political power, but with the Holy Spirit who enables us to fulfil the greatest commission ever.



Wisdom’s Ways

Rev. Aaron Linford


“Heap coals of fire upon his head” – Proverbs 25:21,22

“Relating” is a modern term for an ancient concept. “Thine enemy” – speaks of broken relationships. Why should my neighbour hate me? Perhaps he envies my prosperity, or he disagrees with my opinions or he misunderstands my motives. And the fault may be mine. I can fail to acknowledge his presence, unsuspectingly trespass on his rights, or simply neglect my responsibilities to him. Be that as it may, it seems inevitable that “enemies” be formed and enmities established: but such is human nature, fickle, feeble and feckless.


When our enemies prosper they become independent of us, but when they are in need then comes our opportunity to bridge the friendship-gap. Paul takes up this theme in Romans 12:19,20, quoting and commenting upon this very passage: “If thine enemy hunger, feed him”. The only way to conquer evil is to do good. It is not wise to try and get our own back when we are wronged, revenge only extends evil. At its worst it develops into vicious vendetta. “Heap coals of fire on his head”, by gracious bounty. Adam Clarke, in his commentary, gives a vivid explanation of this term. He cites the ancient practice of smelting metals. A fire beneath was not always sufficient to melt the hard substances, so fire was heaped on top of the ore. Between two glowing furnace fires the stubborn metals broke down. So to return good for evil, especially when it is unmerited and unexpected, will break down enmity and produce a pact of peace. A good man remembers that although he is our enemy he is still our fellow-man. And such an attitude the Lord rewards.



Nothing mars relationships more than backbiting. But this ilk can be stopped. A slanderer can be checked if as soon as he begins his evil recital the hearer turns to him a frowning face. Just as a heavy wind blows dark clouds away, so to show a darkened countenance stops the shower of deadly comment that the backbiter would pour out. It takes the “bite” out of him. 


Make me a “bridger of gaps” today, O Lord!