prayer dynamics

ernest reading pose

Rev. E. Anderson


Taken from All About Prayer

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers” (Psalm 1:3).

My child, you hold the thoughts and the intents of My heart. I made you a vessel in My own image for the very purpose of containing My very essence. I have called you like a tree planted by the streams of water, ready to bring forth fruit in its season. Your leaf shall not wither nor fade, and everything you do shall prosper. This is your heritage as you ponder Me day and night, delighting in My word.

Being that I have called you My tree, why do I find you walking around listening to the crackle of dead leaves under your feet, leaves of past struggles and remnants of dead things? The noise is distracting you from the fact that I did not call you to walk around under the tree, focusing on things long gone (Philippians 3:12). The enemy desires to convince you to give up your position in Me, your heritage. He tells you your branches are bare, and if he can convince you, then he perpetrates his final assault — drawing you into a place of unworthiness.

In this place, heritage and position are relinquished. Take wrong thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). Make no way for them. There are many seasons in your life; all are important.

My precious child, fall is over and spring has come (Song of Solomon 2:10-12). The only value dead leaves hold is the remembrances of My salvation in them and the lessons you learned. Discard the rest. The only power they have to overshadow your life is the power you give them. As a tree of righteousness, you eclipse them. I want to readjust your focus, thereby, lifting your eyes to see with a proper perspective. I say, “Quit looking down now. Quit looking back; LOOK UP.” You are springing forth with life. I am sending My wind to blow away all leftovers. Therefore, don’t let the enemy rattle leaves like a sabre, drawing your attention away from Me. Ultimately, he wants you to distrust Me.

The wind is stirring, swirling around your feet; the leaves are blowing away. The birds are singing songs of forthcoming abundance. The thoughts and intents of the enemy, lies and dead leaves, are gone, leaving behind only one thing: a beautiful, budding tree of righteousness. Going from budding to blooming is not a long process, but a necessary one, full of life and purpose. I have fruit for you to bear, and it can’t be found among dead things. No longer will you focus on the thoughts and intents of the enemy for you hold the thoughts and intents of My heart.


I acknowledge today that I have and hold the intents of Your heart. You created me in Your image, and Your very essence dwells in me. Thank You for showing me my distraction. I refuse to relinquish anything to the enemy of my soul. I embrace You and the lessons I have learned. You are faithful and good to me each and every day. I lift up my head and focus on You. Let the Wind of Your Spirit blow through my life this very moment. The rattling of the enemy grows fainter and fainter as I speak the precious name, “Jesus.” Your Spirit, Your Word, and Your Truth surge through me, bringing the necessary nutrients for this season of my life. I am a tree planted deep in You. Help me to appropriate the grace available to walk out the thoughts and intents of Your heart. Open the eyes of my heart to Your perspective. As I love You with a passionate heart, my fruit grows in abundance. You are the love of my life and the delight of my soul. Keep me ever in Your presence. Amen.

Reflect and Journal

  • What things from the past have you been thinking on?
  • How are they robbing hope from the future?
  • What does being “An Oak of Righteousness” mean to you.
  • bird 5

points to ponder

ernest kitchen

Rev. E. Anderson


Doris Stickney

Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond.

They did notice that every once in a while one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about with his friends. Clinging to the stem of a pond lily, he gradually moved out of sight and was seen no more.

“Look!” said one of the water bugs to another. “One of our colony is climbing up the lily stalk. Where do you suppose he is going?”

Up, up, up he went slowly. Even as they watched him, the water bug disappeared from sight. His friends waited and waited but he didn’t return.

“That’s funny!” said one water bug to another.

“Wasn’t he happy here?” asked a second water bug.

“Where do you suppose he went?” wondered a third.

No one had a answer. They were greatly puzzled.

Finally one of the water bugs, a leader in the colony, gathered his friends ogether. “I have an idea. The next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk nust promise to come back and tell us where he went and why.”

“We promise,” they said solemnly.

One spring day, not long after, the very water bug who had suggested the dan found himself climbing up the lily stalk. Up, up, up he went. Before he new what was happening, he had broken through the surface of the water, nd fallen onto the broad, green lily pad above.

When he awoke, he looked about with surprise. He couldn’t believe what he saw. A startling change had come to his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail. Even as he struggled, he felt an impulse i move his wings. The warmth of the sun dried the moisture from the new body. He moved his wings again and suddenly found himself up above water. He had become a dragonfly.

Swooping and dipping in great curves, he flew through the air. He felt exhilarated in the new atmosphere. By and by, he lighted happily on a pad to rest. Then it was that he chanced to look below to the bottom of i pond. Why, he was right above his old friends, the water bugs! There were, scurrying about, just as he had been doing some time before.

Then he remembered the promise: “The next one of us who climbs up i lily stalk will come back and tell where he went and why.”

Without thinking, he darted down. Suddenly he hit the surface of the water.

“I can’t return!” he said in dismay. “At least I tried, but I can’t keep i promise. Even if I could go back, not one of the water bugs would knov in my new body. I guess I’ll just have to wait until they become dragon too. Then they’ll understand what happened to me, and where I went.”

And the dragonfly winged off happily into his wonderful new world of sun and air.

bird 2