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July 96h

Rev. E. Anderson


Note that there is the ‘go’ in GOD. HE is the being and person that possesses the infinite go and never loses it. He possesses all the wisdom, drive and will to accomplish what is best required or desired. The good thing is, He is willing to impart this quality go within those that know and love and relate to Him. With His drive they are able to achieve those things spiritually and naturally which appear to be impossible. For instance, He placed the go in Enoch and he was able to sustain an enduring walk with God for 300 years that ultimately landed him in heaven. Learn to look and rely on Him because you can obtain His dynamic to accomplish all things He places before you.


“Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it” – 1 Thessalonians 5:24. It is essential to know and be assured  of the reliability of God in relation to your life and ministry. His call, which is upon you, comes from Him who is never likely to fail. He stands with and by those who He has summoned to walk with and work for Him. He always is at hand and possesses  the wherewithal to sustain and succeed. 1/. Faithful to achieve great destiny – see Jospeh’s life. 2/. Faithful to enable great and lasting leadership – see Moses and his call fulfilled.   3/. Faithful to support in a difficult task and role – see Esther standing in the gap. 4/. Faithful to deliver a believing saint – see Daniel. 5/. Faithful to carrying out the Gospel Commission – Mark 16:15. He who has stood with others throughout the centuries is still around and will reveal a His faithfulness to you. Like Jeremiah you will be able to say and sing: ‘Great is Thy faithfulness’  – Lamentations 3: 23.”



“Hello, this is the police. How may Zi help you?”

“I’m calling to report my neighbour, Mark. He’s hiding drugs inside his firewood.””

“Thank you v dry much for the call, sir.”

The next day, the drug officers descended on Mark’s house. They searched the shed where the firewood was kept. Using axes, they busted open every piece of wood, but found no drug s. They. Swore at ark, he swear e at them, and then they left.

The next day, the phone rang at Mark’s house. “Hey, Mark! Did the police come to your house?”


“Did they chop. Your firewood?”


“Happy birthday, buddy!”


“If you are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown himself” – 2 Timothy 2:13



In Christianity there is the all important faith factor, which is imperative if there is to be any genuine experience with Christ and if God is to be truly known. The first thing is to come to faith in Christ in order to be saved and then faith from Christ so as to live out a dynamic Christian life. The statement is made in v17 that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”  The Scriptures are the means by which both kinds of faith are created and cultivated.  It is possible to know both through the inspired Word of God, which brings the revelation of Christ.

In Hebrews 12: 2 it is affirmed that Christ is ‘the Author and Finisher of our Faith.” It is essential to come to faith in Christ, both in His Person and Work. He is the Son of God, deity itself, and also the Saviour of the world. He is to be trusted without question and so is His death on the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins. This is saving faith that saves the soul from eternal judgment and makes a sinner into a child of God – John 1: 11,12. But through His resurrection life and indwelling He inspires His own faith to live by so that life is lived with divine confidence on a daily basis.

Every Christian is to be a real believer that knows the spiritual dynamic of faith governing both creed and conduct. Through the Scriptures, one is led to a certain and definite knowledge of Christ and into an intimate relationship with Him. As Christ is trusted alone He will not and cannot fail. Paul later stated that “the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God , who loved me, and gave Himself for me” – Galatians 2: 20. You, too, can have an ever-growing faith nurtured in and by Christ that leads into a life of glorious victory and accomplishment.