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‘With long life will satisfy him and show him my salvation’ – Psalm 91: 16. There is no doubt about it, the LORD gives life to start with and is able to lengthen one’s years. Those that honour Him can know and enjoy a long pilgrimage on earth. It is good to place yourself daily into His hands and let Him work out your future and fortunes. When Konrad Adenauer, the first chancellor of the Federal Republic was in his late eighties and still chancellor, he caught a heavy cold. His doctor, unable to be of much help, had to put up with Adenauer’s impatience. ‘I’m not a magician’, he said. ‘I cannot make you young again.’ ‘I don’t want you to’, retorted the chancellor. ‘All I want is to go on getting older.’ As you live to the LORD He will add both days and years that will be well spent and blessed.


It is not only a good word, it is a choice delightful and experience. To live with a continual sense of peace and well-being is most fulfilling. Where is this quality factor to be discovered? A good question to ask. Well, He who is the Creator and Sustainer of all being and life is eternally contented, and He desires to share it with His creatures. He has a way of living inside and alongside of you and inspires with His assurances that He will wholly provide for your days ahead so you need not worry. Do not live a life of fretfulness when you can know His faithfulness to be with and secure all that is best for you. Let today be one of glorious contentment!


A young man was asked what books had most influenced his life, suggested two.’My mother’s cook book and my father’s cheque book.’


How to live – ‘You come into the world crying while all around you are smiling. Live your life so that you leave it smiling while all around you are crying.

My brother Joe had just remarked in a Sunday evening service that he was looking forward to going to heaven as his wife had gone before. He then sang a song ‘There is singing up in heaven . . .’ And he sung it with great gusto and pleasure. All applauded. He sat down and a moment or two later there was a crash on the back row. He had a massive heart attack and that was it. I sought to pray for him and I sensed the LORD saying, ‘Quit your praying, it is his home-call.’ On arrival at the hospital the doctor and staff sought to resuscitate but to avail. A lovely lady nurse said to my brother and I that she had not seen anything like it. My brother had such an attractive and magnetic smile on his face. When we saw him later, we, too, were arrested by it. A few hours later his son and daughter in law couldn’t believe it when they looked on their dead father. When they got into the car they laughed and said: ‘Well, Dad got just what he wanted.’ So when you leave this life, leave an unforgettable smile on your countenance!