Meet the Christian Ministers

                                ian hicks and wife

Rev. Ian and Lynwen Hicks – Profile


Ian was born in Kettering, Northamptonshire and moved to South Wales at the age of eleven. He was introduced to the Assemblies of God Church in Aberaman by a school friend, and it was there in his mid-teens that he received the Lord Jesus as Saviour and Lord. 

The call to serve God came at the age of eighteen. In September 1972, at the age of twenty-two, Ian entered the Assemblies of God Bible College in Kenley, Surrey, and graduated from Mattersey Hall Bible College in July 1974, the college having moved location.

In August 1974 he married Lynwen, and one week into their marriage, they took their first pastorate in Penywaun, South Wales. After five years of fruitful ministry there, they accepted the invitation to lead the Assemblies of God church in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, and moved there in September 1979. In 1968 the Lord had spoken clearly to Ian that he would return to the place of his birth to serve Him, and, in Wellingborough, they now found themselves just a few miles down the road from his birthplace and the place where he had spent his childhood.

Ian and Lynwen have led the Reachout Community Church in Wellingborough for thirty years. Over the last three decades they have experienced the blessing of God and have seen the work steadily grow. The Reachout Community church is now a thriving and contemporary church, reaching out and impacting the locality. Three churches have been planted in surrounding villages and a forty place Day Nursery and other community projects have been established in the town.

Apart from pastoral work in the local church, Ian has served on the board of AOG Property Trust for 10 years and as Regional Superintendent from 2000- 2004.

Lynwen is a school teacher and gifted musician, and she serves in the church as a leader in her own right and is the church worship leader. They have two daughters, Leanne and Rebecca, sons-in-law, Gareth and Michael, and five grandchildren. Gareth and Leanne lead the Every Day Champions church in Newark, Nottinghamshire; Michael and Rebecca serve in leadership in the Reachout Community Church at Wellingborough.

Ian and Lynwen count it a great privilege to serve God in these exciting days.


Messages of Note


                                         Dr. John Andrews


Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie and the Great Conzo are all names imprinted on my mind having grown up under the influence of Jim Henson’s The Muppet Show.  I used to look forward to the weekly instalment and to this day, still enjoy watching A Muppet’s Christmas Carol during the festive season.  I confess my favourite muppet was Animal.  Each week he would attempt to play calmly on the drums but I knew that sooner or later he would cast off all restraint and thrash the drums within an inch of their life!    As a child it was easy to believe that Kermit or Miss Piggy were actually talking to me, but as I grew older of course, I discovered that these muppets that seemed so real and engaging were in fact puppets operated or manipulated by somebody else.

I believe as leaders we face two subtle but dangerous challenges as we serve Jesus and His Church, the first is not to become a muppet and the second not to produce muppets. 


As leaders it is too easy to simply repeat what the expert says or copy the latest success story.  Too often we’re ready to sell the ranch on things we don’t even fully understand, and are willing to give away our journey for the latest show in town or a ‘can’t possibly fail to grow your church’ idea that everyone is talking about.  Of course as leaders we must be committed to learning, listening and changing, but any such change must take place on the basis of honest personal conviction, not just because someone else said it or does it.

Here is some muppet-proof advice:

·         If you don’t own it – don’t try and sell it

·         If you can’t see it – don’t say it

·         If you haven’t got it – don’t fake it


One of the things I love about Jesus was His ability to lead people without crushing their humanity, individuality or creativity.  Jesus gave strong leadership and yet at the same time made room for choice.  He was always asking questions of His would-be followers, not because He didn’t know the answers, but because He was probing for the truth in them, searching for the reality they lived in.  ‘Peter, everyone’s leaving, do you want to leave too?’ – Jn.6:66; ‘You’ve told Me who the people say I am, but what about you, who do you say I am?’ – Mt.16:13-15.  Jesus could have easily manipulated a group of young people into being muppets, but that would never have spread the Kingdom or helped Him build His Church.  Instead Jesus uncompromisingly pitched for followers.

How do we know if we’ve got muppets or followers? 

Here are a few clues that might help.

·       Muppets can only say what others think – followers learn to think for themselves

·       Muppets look good but lack substance – followers dig deep and build on rock

·       Muppets always live in the world of need – followers’ progress to maturity and interdependence

As a leader, have the courage to be yourself and make an honest journey, and have the courage to go for the freedom found in true follower-ship and not muppetry. 

I like the muppets – but I don’t want to be one!

                                      variety 041

Knowing the Truth


                                      Rev. A. Hocking


Someone said recently that living today is like living in a pressure cooker.  So many things crowd upon us that tensions mount and people are continually looking  for some way to ease off and restore peace and happiness to their lives.

I read about a driving instructor in France who advised her students to sing or hum quietly to themselves while they were behind the wheel.  The results apparently were amazing.  Those who tried it were more relaxed, and didn’t have a single accident over the past 10 years that she has been advocating it.

Now it may or may not help to hum or sing while you’re working or driving.  No doubt if the children are screaming, you’ve got a headache, your partner is in a bad temper, and on top of that you don’t know where the money is coming from to pay the gas bill, I doubt if you would feel very much like humming or singing!

However, one thing is certain.  When the Holy Spirit of God indwells our hearts and minds, we can sing and rejoice no matter what is happening around us.  God doesn’t remove us from the pressures of life but when we let Him have full control of our lives, He does give us a deep inner peace and assurance, so that we find we are acting more calmly to the tensions this day and age causes.

Being a Christian isn’t a pie in the sky sort of theory.  It is a way of life.  Jesus said, “I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly”.

Hand your life over to Him and see the difference!
