
Rev. E. Anderson


“I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done” – PSALM 143:5

If God really is CEO of our lives, with the directional authority and the right to dis­rupt our routines, then He is also in charge of our thinking. We must have surren­dered minds. It is not enough just to do the right thing; we must be the right things. This requires more than a passing action or quick regard for something. To be fully surrendered in mind means we are committed to the complete and total renewal of our minds. You cannot halfway renew something—it’s either renewed or it’s not.

So how can you renew your mind?

First, we must learn to think His thoughts. Thankfully, He has given us a book full of them. Do you love His Word? Not the ink on the paper—that is just a book. Do you love the Spirit, the Person Who embodied those words? You must develop a pas­sion for Scripture. It will change who you are and how you think.

Second, we must remember what He has done. Do you keep a journal? It is the best way to keep track of God’s hand in your life. We are all busy, but this is one investment of time that will pay dividends to you and your children and their chil­dren. Your words do not have to be formal or eloquent. Just capture briefly what He is doing—prayers answered, changes He has brought about in you and others, situations He has altered.

Third, we must consider Him. We need to give time and mental space to Him. The brain is basically a muscle, and we are either teaching it good habits or bad habits. Of course, God can supernaturally restore any damage or years of bad think­ing. But there will always be habit and thought patterns that need to be rerouted. Fixing your thoughts upon Him is the best way to do this. Consider Who He is and what He has done. You will be amazed by Him and the effect He has upon you.

If you have answered His call, then you have a new CEO. It is time to get to know the leadership a little better.


message from the late david wilkerson

Rev. David Wilkerson


The Bible tells us that when Christ ascended to heaven, He took up the ministry of High Priest to all who come to Him by faith. “This man [Jesus], because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood” (Hebrews 7:24).

Jesus is unchangeable — the same yesterday, today and forever. As long as you live, He will be your High Priest in heaven, interceding on your behalf, and He will remain your High Priest until you go home to be with Him.

Our High Priest is seated at the right hand of the Father, in the seat of authority: “We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty” (8:1). Our High Priest has all power and authority at His command.

Jesus is in the Father’s presence right now, interceding for us. He confronts our accuser and says, “I rebuke you, Satan. This one is mine because he is sprinkled in My blood. He is secure and his debt is fully paid!” Yet I believe there is even more for us to learn about our wonderful High Priest’s ministry on our behalf.

It was the duty and privilege of the Old Testament high priest to come forth from the Holy of Holies and bless the people. The Lord instructed Moses: “Speak unto Aaron and his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace” (Numbers 6:23-26). In other words, after the high priest takes the blood into the Holy of Holies, sprinkles it on the mercy seat and waves the incense, he is to come out, face the people and bless them.

This is the unchanging ministry of our High Priest. Jesus says, “I will cover you with My blood. I will intercede for you before the Father and I will come forth and bless you. ”

When the Old Testament priest spoke this blessing to the people, it was not just a wish for them. He did not say, “I wish you peace. I wish the Lord to shine His face upon you.” No, the blessing was backed by the full power of God (see Numbers 6:27).

Likewise, when Jesus our High Priest blesses, He does not just wish us good. He pronounces His blessing with authority — and it is done!

christian testimony

Eric Ochieng


BOXER Erick ‘The Eagle’ Ochieng prays for his opponents – then knocks them out!

The Kenyan-born star, who fought for the English light middleweight crown earlier tbiS year, believes it’s his ‘calling from God’ to “be a fighter.

The committed Christian said: “You can’t be a believer unless you’re disciplined – and so as a fighter you have to be disciplined.

“Boxing and my faith have helped me. And I pray for my opponent – I pray they don’t get injured.


“My aim is to become world champion – and it’s a platform. Jesus said, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel.’

“There’s a lot of world out there – the world of business, the world of entertainment and the world of sport. I use my job, and what God’s given me, to do it.”

Erick, 25, has won 55 fights with 23 knockouts.