A Good Word for Today


It is often in times of difficulty that we put down deep roots. The psalmist uses the evocative ex ‘deep calls to deep’ (v.7). Anything that is not from the depth in us will not reach the depth in others’ – I can’t even remember his name and I didn’t think much of his talk. We were both eighteen years of age. He had just joined the army. As he stood up to give the talk he produced his army boots as a visual aid. He called one of the boots ‘trust’ and the other one ‘obey’. He described them as the left and right boot of the Christian life. He only spoke for seven minutes, but his illustration hit home and I have never forgotten it.

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Mon – The Supreme Being

Good morning! Today and through this week we will ponder and think about the LORD and His glorious nature with all of His outstanding characteristics which are numerous. One of the Old Testament affirmations is that there is “no one like Jehovah.” He stands alone and unique as GOD and is to be perfectly evaluated and appreciated by His people. He alone is God and is worthy of your thought, belief and obedience. Take time out right at the forepart of the few days ahead to meditate on Him by His Holy Spirit and the Scriptures, see who He really is and you will stand in awe of Him and recognise He must always have first consideration and your commitment will be fully appreciated by Him and be bountifully acknowledged and reward. By the end of the next few days your view of Him will be expanded and blessed.