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Tues – the Dynamic of Faithfulness

Good morning! Today, on the list is the quality of faithfulness. Those who possess faith relate it to faithfulness. Those who truly believe express a genuine fidelity in every way that is most rewarding to all. Faithfulness to God, His Word and His directions are an imperative in life.. This inward grace and drive produces soundness, reliability, trustworthiness. The faithful are those who are loyal to God in everything. The constancy to commitment to all that is good and loyalty to friend and foe alike is of a commendable nature. In the parable Christ told about service, it is the ‘faithful servant’ that will be justly rewarded by God at the Bema Seat of Christ. So keep on pursuing what is good and right before God for the advantage of others!


Learn to live and quote vocally and regularly the promises each day, remembering ‘Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’, and Jesus quotes these words – Matthew 4:4. A promise a day the Devil and everything at bay; Today’s assurance:

“In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and he will direct and make straight and plain your paths” – Proverbs 3:5 Amp. Ver. The LORD will save you from a complicated and ruinous existence!


“True humility is not thinking less of yourself it is thinking of yourself less” – C S Lewis

‘When God measures a man< he puts the tape around the heart instead of the head’ – “the LORD seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart” – 1 Samuel 16:7 EA


A Mr. Sutcliffe tells how for long it was a source of irritation to him that his wife always had the last word in every argument about his shortcomings. On one such occasion he thought he had triumphed when he said: “ Look here, I would remind you that you took me for better or for worse.” “I know I did”, she replied. “But you are worse than I took you for.”