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Fri – Take No one and Nothing for Granted!

Good morning! Today make sure that you do not take people or situations for granted. Because you are human you are capable of being deceived and make mistakes. Some can prove very costly, even though you have addressed and dealt with such successfully before. There could be some slight or great changes that have occurred which have somewhat altered things. Wisdom and good sense makes the point that what ensues in life must be respected at the time and truly judged in an up-to-date manner. By following this rule benefit will result and peace will govern mind, emotions and will. Know that the LORD is with you always to aid in whosoever and whatever you confront!


Today’s assurance:

“Come unto me all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” – Matthew 11:28. It is possible to carry needless burdens which should be handed to Christ who will deal with them wisely and well at the right time. There are other factors that must be accepted and discharged of in an effective manner through the able assistance of the LORD. Such aid us in our gifting and growth and make us an advantage to many in this life besides preparing us for something bigger in heaven. Instead of being weakened and falling apart through undue weight and stress, allow Him to fulfil His role in your life. He makes existence a great deal easier!


The Beatitudes as we would have written them:

Happy are the ‘pushers’ for they get on in the world.

Happy are the hard-boiled for they never let life hurt them.

Happy are they who complain: for they get their way in the end.

Happy are the blasé: for they never worry over their sins.

Happy are the slave-drivers: for they get results.

Happy are the knowledgeable men of this world:  for they know their way around.

Happy are the trouble-makers: for they make people take notice of them.



Something Wrong

A woman on holiday sent post cards to her friends each day. To her psychiatrist, she wrote: ‘ Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here to tell me what’s wrong’.

No Danger

Bill: ‘On the right of me was a lion. On the lefty a tiger, and in front of me and in back of me were wild elephants.’

Bob: ‘What happened?’

Bill: ‘The merry-go-round stopped.’