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Mon – Rejoice Evermore

Good morning! Today take note of the kind and notable exhortation of Paul to the fellowships in Thessalonica and Philippi. He wrote to them and said: ‘Rejoice evermore’ – 1 Thess 5:16 and to the saints at Philippi, ‘Rejoice in the LORD, always, an again I say rejoice’ – Phil 4:4. The Christian life, faith and experience were by no means a miserable affair and experience. Christ had introduced him into a life that was rapturous and overflowed with delight. There was the extreme pleasure of knowing Christ and enjoying all the blessings he was pouring into him: forgiveness, fellowship, favour and the prospect of a fantastic eternal future. There was to be no limit to his ecstasy and elation. May you be a joyful representation of Christ, TODAY!


Today’s assurance: “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” – Isaiah 40:31. What a promise to start you off on this work day of a new week! You are not to be at the mercy of anything or anyone as your relationship with Him is intact. The progress you make will be quite remarkable as he makes you sufficient for all the demands. Prove this word to be true today and for the rest of the week.


‘We are not citizens of this world trying to make our way to heaven; we are citizens of heaven try to make our way through this world.’

“First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, ‘ I believe’.’ Norman Vincent Peal

We should add; I believe in God my Father, I believe he in Christ my Saviour and Lord, I believe in the holy Spirt in his presence, power and plans, I believe in God’s Word . .