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Mon – The Attractiveness of Gentleness

Good morning! Today, realise the Christian Church must be filled with Gentlemen and Ladies. The incoming and indwelling of Christ by His Spirit is purposed to put this heavenly quality of gentleness in the believer so they become renowned for it. The gentle are not rough and brusque but tender, mild, kind, calm, soft and placid. Florence Nightingale gained notice without ado as a nurse as she saw the horrid state of the soldiers and in a most quiet and becoming manner addressed their urgent needs. She was lovingly switched on to the pressing demand and those she tended became switched on to her tender approach and ministry. Never forget who you represent and may this distinguished grace be birthed and cultivated in you by Christ. Be one of heaven’s gentleman or lady!


Learn to live and quote vocally and regularly the promises each day, remembering ‘Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’, and Jesus quotes these words – Matthew 4:4. A promise a day the Devil and everything at bay; Today’s assurance: “Casting all your care (not some) upon Him, for HE careth (always) about you” – 1 Peter 5:7


“Your true and best Friend is the LORD and it is to be of a personal nature and a dynamic fellowship known which shall be both pleasurable and profitable” – EA

Wisdom is choosing to do now what you will be satisfied with later.’ Nicky Gumble