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Sun – Keeping Smart and Fit

Good morning! Today, consider the importance of these two factors, smartness and fitness. If you were applying for an important job with a notable firm and you were granted an interview, how would you dress and how would you seek to converse with very gifted people? You would seek to look your best and be at your best in communication. This should not, however, be a one off thing. Every day is important in life and whoever you are seen by and have dealings with should see the Christian deportment of your life. Your whole demeanour switches others on because they are charmed by your appearance and conduct. As an ambassador of and for Christ there should be real evidence of smartness and fitness. Such was revealed by the Master and the same goes for His followers.


Today’s assurance:

Sow and Reap Well

“Be not weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” – Galatians 6:9. This is a sound and encouraging assurance to do the right and best thing because it holds the prospect of incredible returns. Harvest is assured as long as there is diligence in the sowing the best kind of seed in the right ground. The opportunity this spiritual Spring-time is to make sure you plant and scatter well. You will be able to bring in a bumper crop because of it. The joy of harvest awaits!


‘I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come’ – Abraham Lincoln

‘When the foundation of your life is right then the edifice built upon it has possibilities that will attract attention and commendation by those around’ –EA

‘Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises’ – Demosthenes


That Should Help

George Bernard Shaw was having lunch in a London restaurant one day when an orchestra struck up a particularly noisy tune. Without any intermission, the musicians followed it with another. Shaw called the head waiter and asked, “Does the orchestra play requests?”

‘Yes, sir,’ the man replied. ‘Is there something you would like them to play?’

‘There is,’ replied Shaw. ‘Ask them to play dominoes until I have finished eating.’